
11 Reviews
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Watch it with your family, for sure.
12 February 2012
It was not just an amazing movie to watch, it actually is a depiction of our human life as such. The visuals of the movie are breath-taking. I just felt that, i should settle in Hawaii after watching this movie. For a moment, i couldn't find a reason why this movie should be rated less than a perfect ten.

The story starts with Matt King juggling a personal trauma of about to lose his wife in a couple of weeks alongside trying to settle a family fortune of inheriting an island in Hawaii with his cousins. Also, Matt needs to pay attention to his two estranged daughters, whom he hasn't met for months due to his indulgence with work. Just when he tries to be a good husband, he realizes that his wife has been cheating with him.

Now, will he be able to bring his family together and become the father of his kids and fill in the shoes of their mother, will he able to forgive his wife and above all, will he able to realize his real fortune in life?. To know more, Watch it with your family, for sure.

It is a simple story told in a very heart-warming way. Hats off to Alexander Payne. George Clooney deserves all the accolades for his stupendous performance. It is to be seen, whether he takes home the Oscar for Best Actor or not.
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War Horse (2011)
A Classic Spielberg Movie
20 January 2012
I haven't watched neither the Black Beauty nor the Spirit(Stallion of the Cimarron). I bet, this one is nothing less than a great movie.

The movie starts with a little boy's(Albie) enchantment for a new born horse. This horse(Joey) later comes to an auction, in which his poor farmer father out-bids his land-lord for the custody of the horse to plow his field. Albie is delighted to own Joey and they both become joined at the hip. Though the fancy horse is able to plow the land, destiny had the horse to be sold to the British army.

Here starts the journey of the horse all through the World War I, across the Europe. The journey is a roller-coaster emotional ride cutting across the enemy lines. Finally, whether the horse and Albie survive the war or not, whether they re-unite or not forms the crux of the movie.

It was undoubtedly one of the best dramas which i have seen off-late. A Classic Spielberg movie.
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The most dark movie you will ever see
31 December 2011
If there has to be a darkest movie which i have ever seen in my life, it has to be this. Hard to believe, that someone could come up with such an amazingly dark story and such a great direction. A great performance by the lead actors too.

The story begins with two brothers in need of money to shore up their respective lives. The elder brother, Andy hatches a devious but yet a simple burglarry. He convinces his brother Hank to come on-board to pull of this who in-turn takes the help of a side-kick. Now, the side-kick messes up the whole affair and what they have in hand, is a shattering truth which they can't live with. You better watch it from here, to realize it yourself. It will never get worse than this in anyone's life like it does in the movie.

In the past, i never knew about this great director Sidney Lumet. He is certainly a classic director and this movie was another classic from his stable. We miss you and your great movies, SIDNEY LUMET. RIP.
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Not a Spielberg Movie
13 November 2011
I couldn't believe myself, that this a movie directed by Steven Spielberg. Got a chance to watch this movie in 3D and had to shell out a good amount of money for this. I am compelled to write this review as i was completely disappointed.

The movie starts on an interesting note with TinTin in a market place buying a souvenir of Unicorn and a host of characters warning about the consequences of having the Unicorn and asking him to return it. However, as soon as the other characters get introduced, the first half completely wanes out and becomes completely predictable. By the end of the first half, i felt like walking out.Instead, stayed back to watch the second half as i had to justify the money spent on the ticket.

In the second half, though the movie seems to be picking up some pace, again the movie becomes a drag and predictable making your visit to the theater a customary one.

The characters of Thompson brothers is just there for the sake of it. Captain Haddock seen in his drunken antiques doesn't arise any interest apart from a few scenes. The scenes of TinTin and the Captain fail to create any magic and look too Obvious and dumb. The character of Sakharine was the only character which was interesting.

If you had watched the classic TinTin series, which you would have certainly if you are reading this review, then please stay away from this. The screen adaptation is a complete drag. Neither the Story nor the screenplay could do no justice to the classic animation character. It is better, to watch the classic animation series of TinTin then this forgettable master-piece from Spielberg.

In my opinion, this movie doesn't deserve any stars. I had to give Four, only for the effort which was put to bring the animation to life which was so clear and vivid.

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A Deserving Oscar Film
5 July 2010
The movie is the story of an Argentinian detective who pursues a case of a woman who was raped and murdered twenty five years back and how his life has become inter wined with it and how he redeems his lost case. It is quite an intense film but yet it has its lighter moments and passionate moments as well.

The film truly deserves an Oscar. There isn't any thing which is missing in the movie. It has a fateful love story, mystery , redemption and drama inter-wined. The director has done a great job in adapting the novel and has obtained great performances from all his lead characters.

Though the story is simple, it will make you feel about the kind of life we live and the choices we make to live with it.

It is quite a serious film with a simple criminal plot, no high tech criminal investigation or action but great enough to engage the audience till the climax. The film is a testimony for great screenplay and direction and makes Hollywood movies look trivial before it. Watch it!
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Precious (II) (2009)
Good depiction of struggles in life
27 June 2010
I was attracted to this movie by the rave reviews and Oscar nominations it has got. A true touching story of a section of society in America which is realizing its potential.

The movie starts with Claireece "Precious" Jones the lead character, in the school where she has been suspended as she is pregnant with her second child at the age of 16. Precious lives in a world of her own though she is living in a dreadful condition. She forgets her misery by disguising it with her dreams of having a charming boyfriend and living a celebrity life. The movie depicts her struggle to deliver the second child, the realization of the purpose of life and living it on her own terms.

The summary of the movie is "Life is what we define it to be and not what we are made to live".
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Mindless movie - Waste of time
27 October 2009
I was following the reviews of the movie and was tracking it on the IMDb movie chart. When i checked the countdown this week, the movie is the top grossing movie of the week. I was under the impression that it will be a great thriller so watched it just to realize that it was an utter waste of time and money. This movie doesn't even deserve a rating of '1'

Request all of you reading these comments, please don't watch the movie. It has nothing to offer and is just a movie built on cheap thrills. I still don't understand how this movie is raking millions. Who are those watching the movie and promoting this movie?

It has no story, no characterization, no purpose, just a mindless movie. There are hardly any freaky moments and the ones which are there are when the main characters shout suddenly. I forced myself to watch this movie till the end trying to realize what was all the hoopla about.

It has been a long time that i had written comments but was again forced to write it. Try save your time and money for better things. If you would really like to watch a scary movie, watch "REC", "ORPHANAGE" or "THE RING".
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Defiance (I) (2008)
A powerful movie with hope and faith
27 July 2009
The movie starts with the murder of jews in World War II in Germany. The family of Bielski brothers is murdered and they run into the nearby woods to save them-selves. They soon realize that there are many a Jewish families who have been wandering in the woods just like them. Tuvia Bielski becomes the savior of the jews and struggles to save the jews with the help of his brothers not just from the Nazis but also from hunger, cold and in-fighting among his fellow jews with the fragile support from the Red army.

It is one of those rare action movies with a great depiction of history and human faith. The movie is a salute to the Bielski brothers who saved the lives of nearly 1200 jews without expecting anything in return.

Even though it sounds to be yet another world war movie but really stands out in its own way. It is a must watch for history enthusiasts and people looking out for a good action movie with a good dose drama.
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The Circle (2000)
An Intense drama about social inequalities
25 July 2009
Yet another classic Persian movie with intense drama and each story depicted in the movie is intense and holds the audience's attention. It is a movie with multiple stories unfolding one after the other.

The movie starts and ends in a jail in Iran. And, the lives of all the Iranian women in the movie is circumscribed with over-hauling shadows of the men either a father, brother or husband in their life. It was very hard to believe about the plight of the women in the movie and can't help but empathize with them. Sometimes you would feel like stepping in the scene and help the struggling women.

The film seems to have captured the lives of each and every woman in the society in one way or the other. It wonderfully intertwines each story with another and finally ends where it all began. It reminds of the phrase "Life has come a full circle". And, the same happens to each character in the movie.

It is a must watch and if you happen to like the movie, which you would be, then don't miss to watch Jafar Panahi's another classic "The Mirror" as well.
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Atonement (2007)
A tale of love lost and never found
24 July 2009
A good adaptation of a British novel. The movie is for people who are looking for some intense drama and a touching romantic film.

The movie starts through the eyes of a girl aged 13 of the affair between her elder sister and her lover. And, her misinterpretation of a series of events which changes the course of all three of their lives. The visuals of the movie depicting the country-side are very pleasing. At the same time, it also depicts the suffering of the British soldiers during the World War II in a heart wrenching way.

The movie in some frames moves back and forth and some frames move pretty fast. So, watch out for it. The highlight of the movie is its last thirty-forty minutes. At the end of the movie you would say, "We simply don't have any control of most of the things in our lives and there is no atonement for some mistakes".
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A heart-touching story of children during a war
14 July 2009
This is for the first time that i have rated a movie and what a movie to start with.

It is a must watch for people who like drama and appreciate Persian movies. The acting of the children in the movie is top class.

The movie is a simple story of three children who are held together by an arm-less brother who fore-sees future and what happens in the Iraq war but cannot control what happens to him and his family.

The movie moves on with a very good pace with ample light-hearted moments. But,as the story unfolds, the audience is glued to the movie and leaves a lasting impression in the hearts of the audience. We feel help-less at the end of the movie over the predicament of the children.
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