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Scream VI (2023)
Just. Make. It. Stop.
22 December 2023
Another year, another Scream sequel that should have never been made, which earned a lot of money despite being utterly horrible and ensures it will go on for another movie or 2.

I was eager to watch it because it had good ratings, but then the first 10 mins happened and I knew how it would end. After 20 mins I knew who the murderers were and each new scene aggravated me and showed how little the makers care about the audience and respect our intelligence.

This is a badly written movie with decent visuals and ok acting. It offers nothing new, more of the same, heavily relies on legacy and has dumbed down its writing for a new audience that really doesn't care about quality. Just make it stop already. Give a new franchise a chance.
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Asinine Nonsense Supported by Zero Evidence
8 October 2023
I used to follow Graham Hancock almost 10 years ago. I was fascinated by his stories about Gobeklitepe. He came off as someone who follows evidence and doesn't make up things.

And then I watched this show. It's basically a man's wishful thinking supported by a streaming service with too much money and no desire for quality. Graham Hancock is a sociologist disparaging the proof & research of actual scientists because it doesn't conform with his beliefs, but with actual reality.

Hancock is yet another Joe Rogan alumn who got famous for getting a platform on a show that thrives on unsubstantiated claims & inane stories. It's yet another grift.
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Alija (2018)
Awful Propaganda, Awful Acting, Awful All Around
5 September 2022
If you have spent most of your life living in Bosnia & Herzegovina, you know a lot more about the war & Alija than the producers & writers of this terrible piece of propaganda.

The truth is somewhere, but nowhere in this tv show. It depicts the Bosnian Serbs as comical villains, not genocidal maniacs that had a plan and no mercy. It shows Alija is wise statesman, philosopher & poet, none of which he ever was. He was a small man with big dreams of having his own country, and in the process was ready to sacrifice everyone but his family.

His son was never close to any battlefield, his daughter wasn't at his side, and the rest of his family & friends is made up of criminals & thieves. He sacrifced Srebrenica & 9,000 people so he could have Sarajevo. His pride & greed cost him 50% of the country that went to the Serbs. He is responsible for so much death. He is a war criminal. Not a hero.
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Scream (I) (2022)
Don't trust any review above 5.7
23 May 2022
I've never been much of a 'Scream' fan. I appreciate it for it's clever & original first entry, but it's far from the kind of horror I enjoy. Despite reading plenty of negative reviews, warning not to waste my time, I wanted to check it out, if nothing because I like Jack Quaid. But also because I wanted to see if I could guess who the killers are.

I was totally off with my guess, which made it at least a bit interesting. These re/se/quels are getting less & less engaging and the characters/actors are becoming too old. You can see the uncanniness in Cox's plastic face, she looks tired & stretched thin. The gore & kills are not very imaginative, except one.

If you like horror movies, skip this one. It will leave a sour taste in your mouth, especially with how they are retconning some things. But if you wanna get blazed and have a laugh at a "so bad, it's good" movie, this is it. Torrent it tho. Don't give any more money to this or they will never stop.
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Superstore: Blizzard (2019)
Season 4, Episode 12
Ahead of its time... again
20 February 2022
Once again, this show predicts the future, or at least how badly corporations treat their workers. Not letting your workers go home early during a blizzard, or hurricane... reminds me of a huge company that has the same name as the South American rain forest.
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Range 15 (2016)
I'd Give It 10 Just For Being So Desperate
19 February 2022
This movie basically comes down to a bunch of sociopaths "acting" out their fantasies of killing people (most of the killed are NOT zombies, but civilians) and behaving like rowdy boys when mommy and daddy aren't home. It was done by former military operators for... whoever this may appeal to. Doesn't seem like it would to anyone other than drunk military rejects & wannabees that like to compensate for their lack of manhood with bad jokes and misogyny.

Getting a bunch of actor and MMA fighter has-beens to give your movie legitimacy says enough about the quality and the makers' confidence in it. This is what passes for conservative comedy, and it's hilarious how bad and unfunny it is. But if you're an insecure man-child that dreams about the end of the world, killing people without remorse and violating and killing women, this is for you.
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The Reliant (2019)
If Conservatives Did A Remake of 'The Road'...
19 February 2022
... it would blow like nothing else before. This movie doesn't know if it's coming or going. Terribly written, badly acted, subpar cinematography and abysmal direction. The production value comes down to whatever they had access to, like an ugly suburban house and the woods behind it

The political & tribal messages are hilariously cheesy, and it comes off as desperate. A child could have come up with a more coherent story, but I guess adult brains are scarce among the people who make and watch schlock like this. In the immortal words of Hercules: "DISAPPOINTED!"
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It's a great movie... if you love unintentional comedies
26 January 2022
One can easily guess that if a movie has a relatively medium to high rating despite only 50 ratings and barely 5 reviews, it's a pile of trash most people don't even care enough to rate/review it.

One could also guess that it's a cheaply made piece of corporate conservative propaganda simply judging from the very, very cheap production value, if there even was any, and not another case of "this is what we had access to." It's obvious just from the many scenes shot on remote grass fields and during the day.

Another apparent thing is that, despite claiming to be all about the Constitution and Bill of Rights, the makers and actors know very little of either and only talk vaguely about what applies to them directly. Same as people who take the Bible literally. There's a Venn diagramm of these 2 groups overlapping because it's basically the same group of bigots.

The only good thing about this movie is that it's not free, so if anyone wants to poison their minds with revisionist history and enjoys half and quarter truths, you have to pay for a lesson in brain damage.
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The Most Meta Matrix
2 January 2022
I applaud Lana Wachowski for doing what she wanted and for literally & figuratively giving EVERYONE the middle finger with a movie that makes fun of itself & the audience, but still wants to tell a story. Yeah, it's an obvious cash grab, but Lana knew what she wanted and it's very satisfying to see her do her way. It's neither great nor bad, didn't love or hate it, it's entertaining and funny at times.
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Wow, just wow!
20 November 2021
Before seeing this movie, I had zero expectations, went in blind, and it became one of the best Marvel movies I've seen in a long time. It's very well written, which is uncommon in Disney/Marvel movies; it's well directed and the actors all did a fantastic job. Every single actor was good, and none made me cringe, as plenty of MCU characters usually do because they're written by bad writers.

I'm not a fan of Awkwafina, but she was wonderful, and I actually felt emotional connections to characters. The runtime was ideal, and the entire production design was incredible, as was the CGI, which made this into an epic martial arts experience. I enjoyed this movie from start to finish because it's not a regular Marvel/superhero flick, it's a real adventure. One of the few MCU movies I might rewatch once or twice.

Very recommendable.
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A Very Mediocre Place
25 July 2021
Except for 2 good fake scares, a few moments of suspense and action, and maybe 2 laughs, this movie was just too uneventful and too full of plotholes to be enjoyable at all. You can't simply shut off your brain when the movie mistakes keep stabbing you in the eye and then coming up with new asinine ideas.

Add to that the terrible sound design, which simply tuned down everything except the awful score, and idiotic characters, and you got yourself a boring "horror" movie. Nothing makes much sense except this was a cash grab. This movie proves Krasinski is an uninteresting and mediocre screenwriter, as well as a unimpressive director.
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A Boring, Cheap Knock Off of 'Die Hard'
10 March 2021
What to say about a movie that rips off the greatest action movie of all time - DIE HARD - except the writing is mind numbingly dumb, the premise is hilariously cheesy, the acting is pure cringe, and the overall movie is forgettable, unless you enjoy "so bad, it's good" movies, although this is not even entertainingly bad. It's simply dull at best, done-to-death trash at worst.

I get that Ben "Failed Hollywood Screenwriter" Shapiro fans need to simp for their overlord and give this 9s anf 10s, since they have been indoctrinated into following orders. I did not expect them to understand Metacritic does not review movies either, they are a review aggregate site, but what else to expect from brainwashed pawns?! They just parrot what they hear.

I am glad they wasted their time and money on a boring flick that is free to watch on Youtube. Shapiro bought a movie nobody else wanted because it's boring schlock, and now his dingleberry fans need to appease their master by shilling for bad movies no one else cares about. At least they should learn how sites like Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic work. Barely 9 critics reviewed this. Nobody cares about this failure, except failures that follow the Daily Wire.
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Fantastic First Feature
26 January 2021
This is one of the best movies in 2020/2021. Everything from direction, writing, acting, music, editing was almost perfect. Everything felt real, every sentence was authentic, as if taken from someone's experience. I laughed, I teared up a bit, there was a bit of horror & thriller, and it results in a complete work. Hope Emerald Fennell has plenty of success in the future.
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Dumb Movie By Dumb Entitled People
30 December 2020
This movie was lame, too long, childish and intellectually aggravating. Patty Jenkins has no business writing, but after 'WW84', she should also stick to directing commercials because the whole effort was 💩.

imdb, shame on you for deleting my previous review just because I claim Jenkins h Co. set back feminism to 1884. I was wrong, it set humanity back to the Dark Ages. Save your money, don't watch this dreck, buy a book instead.
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Travelers: Naomi (2018)
Season 3, Episode 5
Grace is a gift from 'God'
14 November 2020
Every episode Grace is a part of always turns into a laugh factory. So happy the creators/producers kept her in the show.
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Insidious (I) (2010)
Better Than I Expected, But Not As Scary As Many Claim It to Be
28 October 2020
I'm usually not a fan of movies that are full of fake scares, annoyingly predictable musical cues and loud noises, but I was pleasantly surprised by 'Insidious'. And although I don't understand how some think it's the "scariest movie ever" or even terribly frightening, I was engaged throughout most of it and never bored. Maybe I'm not scared by loud noises that anticipate scares like I am by atmosphere, but to each their own.

I like Whannell's writing and acting, and the ending was well executed and gripping compared to most modern mainstream horror movies. James Wan did a great job directing and making the most out of the small budget, showing how to use practical effects & makeup to create an atmosphere of anxiety towards the end. I wasn't scared so much but the movie was good at what it promises. Way better than 'The Conjuring' & 'Annabelle' movies.
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Lazy & Boring, But Mostly Lazy
25 October 2020
From the CGI instead of practical SFX, to the dumb plot - this is not a horror, it's barely a movie. Skip and just rewatch Wrong Turn 2 🤘
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Travelers: Jenny (2017)
Season 2, Episode 5
2 years before COVID-19 - Isn't it ironic?
20 October 2020
A show about the future foresaw the real future. It's funny and ironic. And nobody who watched this thought to be better prepared?
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Good Low Budget Zombie Horror
19 October 2020
Don't trust the negative reviews. This is a well written, nicely shot and well directed indie horror movie. It has an engaging story ("It's about family, and that's what's important."), it doesn't waste time on unnecessary events or dialogue. The fat has been trimmed and it's a slick zombie flick.

The only reason it's not as famous as Pedo-Wood's big budget flicks is that the entire budget was used to make it look good and not on advertising. It's also a lot smarter than most US horror flicks. And if you watch this in 2020, you will laugh at all the coincidences and the pure irony because it's almost prophetic.
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Extremely Dumb Movie For Extremely Dumb People
3 October 2020
I have seen all of the extended Conjuring universe movies (Devil knows why though), and I have yet to come across an interesting story or at least a scary scene. 'Annabelle Comes Home' is just another cheap cash grab that relies heavily on the idiocy of the target audience and loud jumpscares. If we don't expect or demand better from horror movies, we ain't getting anything worthwhile.

The acting is decent, the actors do their best with the dumb story and inane dialogue they got. I laughed some and yelled a lot at the movie, so it wasn't as bad and boring as 'Annabelle'. The cinematography and set design is the only thing I actually liked, but it's not enough. I hope one day this trend will end, and horror directors will care about creating good movies instead of single-serving shlock.
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Dumb Movie 4 Dumb People
23 September 2020
There are parts of this movie that really stick out, like the suicide montage and... and that's it. The rest is either an exact retread of the first one, or a total dumbing down of the story. The jokes are terrible, the love story is non-existent and forced. The stakes are laughable. Everything feels forced because the writers had nothing else but more of the same.

Our protagonist whined the entire 1st movie about her dead mother, and after finding out she could be with her again, she decides to ditch her because her mom likes cinnamon rolls? Because of a guy? That's Hollywood pandering to braindead consumers. I had actually hoped for a 3rd movie, but after rewatching the sequel I doubt they could come up with anything worth my time and money.
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Good & Inventive Low Budget Horror
13 September 2020
I enjoy a variety of horror movies, and I'm always pleasantly surprised when I find a movie that makes great use of suspense & cosmic horror themes. Worth a watch.
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Excellent, Wholesome Entertainment 🤘
1 September 2020
If you're a fan of Bill & Ted, you will enjoy this; if not, it's a bummer and your loss. This movie is not meant to be perfect, just wholesome and enjoyable fun for the entire family with a great message - be excellent to each other. It's cheesy, but it's true 🤘
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Westworld (2016–2022)
Like Crashing a Maserati into a Septic Tank
25 August 2020
Whoever decided to let Westworld go from a slick-looking, thought provoking show to a raging dumpster fire must love to see things burn and chaos reign. Season 2 was moderately good, it told a decent story, but Season 3 seems like a #metoo reckoning; each episode is full of phrases that suggest somebody raped someone and needs to pay for it with their lives. The writing got worse with each episode, while the story got more messy than a Jackson Pollock painting. It used to be a pleasure to watch each minute of this show, but pleasure has turned into pain. I hope the show ends and we can forget that it ever jumped the shark faster than 'Game of Thrones'. Go woke - go broke.
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Nekrotronic (2018)
Just Go For It!
19 August 2020
If you've watched 'Wyrmwood', you know this director is all about fast-paced action, comedy and engaging stories. 'Nekrotronic' is a blend of sci-fi action and fantasy, spiced up with the always wonderful and mesmerizing Monica Bellucci, and great performances by a lesser known actors, all of whom bring to life a well-done movie that is full of color, fun and adventure. Make sure not to miss out on this gem!
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