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Extended Family (2023–2024)
How did this get ordered?
8 February 2024
I've worked in television. There are so many amazing pilots that don't get picked up. I wasn't able to finish the first episode & made me wonder, is this really what Americans call entertainment? From the boring, sophomoric "comedy" to the unbelievable reality this beautiful woman would be with either of these guys to check diversity boxes in their cast, it's all around unwatchable and have no idea who the target audience is meant to be. I cannot believe this review requires this many characters to publish because the only thing worse than watching this show is having to come up with so many words to say how awful it is.
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Before We Die: Episode #2.4 (2023)
Season 2, Episode 4
Lazy writing
10 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode starts promising after an elaborate scheme to get Christian safely back in the UK, having faith in police competence and Christins' new found capabilities to think and react accordingly. Then you can see it coming clear as day, the safe house has lost all meaning as does Billy's declaration of "not his first rodeo." Apparently all rational thought is lost on the supposed smart ones who wouldn't make use of the garage or bulletproof vests after leaving an attempted kidnapping.

We can only assume this lazy storyline can only lead to a foreseeable outcome which has turned an exciting show to a predictable waste of time.
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Doc Martin: Blood Is Thicker (2005)
Season 2, Episode 3
This Episode Seals the Deal for Me
31 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Pickens are slim in a small village, especially one with a collective sophomoric sense of humor, but why does the only other supposed intellectual turn out to be just as petty, and obnoxiously clueless have to be the teacher and the object of Doc Martin's affection?

With all of Doc's idiosyncrasies, he's clearly on the spectrum, which Louisa fails to ascertain despite all the telltale signs. She constantly takes his blunt observations, & lack of emotions, personally. When he has patients she seems to think that's the perfect time for a discussion. If she's present while he's treating someone, she questions his actions, yet in this episode, I personally feel she's well beneath him.

Last season the town finds out his aversion to blood & relentlessly teases him, but he conquers his fears by performing a surgery on the way to the hospital, holding an organ due to a clamp breaking, covered in blood, never getting sick, then Louisa has the audacity to gossip with the witch doctor about his queasiness, forgetting her witnessing his ability to overcome his anxiety. Of course Doc overhears, yet this doesn't repel his feelings.

In further episodes she fails to question her architect friend's sanding the floor without a mask, and when Doc saves his life by creating airflow to his lung, she almost protests his method.

I suppose the lack of options and clearly sophistication from the women would lead him to take interest with her, but I find it incredibly hard to believe & this episode has sealed the deal for me that the JV team of lazy, man child writers have succeeded in creating a series that's great for mindless noise in the background while doing chores or even work without having to expound on the current storyline.

It's shocking to read the high marks & praises for this show as the only things interesting is Doc's truthfulness and the beautiful countryside.
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Will & Grace (1998–2020)
I remember liking it better than I do now
12 September 2023
When this show first came out, I believe we all appreciated gay lead characters and wished it success. Few shows even acknowledged the gay community, so the novelty made it likable.

I remember thinking Jack & Karen were hilarious, the show overly displaying every stereotype, but had funny one liners.

I recently revisited the show and I'm surprised how much I can't stand Grace. She's such a selfish moron, how could Leo ever want to marry her? Everything about her & all the characters really, but it's expected from Jack & Karen, are so superficial, if I met them at a party, I would politely excuse myself & never return.

I do applaud the attempt to bring gay characters into the mainstream, but should that negate how terrible these people are and how it took forever to acknowledge gay couples weren't treated as equals at the time?

I definitely have a different perspective after watching again in 2023, & rather than enjoying this go round, I wondered how dense I must have been back then.
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America has a stupid problem
24 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Every country has mental illness.

Most mass murderers have families who missed every single red flag and claim what could we have done differently.

If your kids poison people and draw the storyboards of killing others, the problem starts with a failure to grasp reality. Healthy kids draw things that make them happy, not nooses and knives.

No one wants to believe a loved one will do harm, but if they're showing you who they are, believe them.

Any idiot can procreate, at the very least hold seminars at school for warning signs. Robbie lashed out as a child, there's a correlation between an abuser and the abused. Kindercare has been in the news for child abuse, no one thought to look into why he lashed out against his peers? Maybe he was being abused and he held that shame bouncing around in foster care and group homes? His mom left. Most kids without that security of a mom's love grow to lack empathy.

This episode is the epitome of parental & systemic failures. Not one person took his acting out as a child into possible danger to himself.

I'm appalled no one saw obvious signs that could have prevented this horrific tragedy & what a waste of this doc to not interview doctors to analyze what led this kid there.

My guess is he was abused & his idiotic parents couldn't connect two dots, let alone a documentarian who failed to show the entire picture.
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The Blacklist: Mr. Solomon (No. 32) (2016)
Season 3, Episode 17
26 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It only took three and a half seasons to realize no matter how interesting the storyline, and the strength of other actors, everything about Agent Liz Keen brings down this entire show. I couldn't watch while this first came on as her character was the opposite of what a star agent would encompass, now that it's on Netflix, I tried it again unable to watch whole episodes, FF anytime Liz was on, and thank goodness they let go of her character, in the worst episode thus far. The show was becoming less & less interesting, but throwing in a shotgun wedding, shootout, then random running around to revisit the mobile ER set, reuse same ole Redding stay away was a desperate grasp at something... thank goodness we don't have to question another groomer's disastrous choice & the writers can quit hating on women with her terrible lines & shooting skills.

Hoping the show gets better now!
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The Blacklist: Arioch Cain (No. 50) (2015)
Season 3, Episode 5
Writers are Awful
26 April 2023
It's difficult to decide if the writers are that terrible or if Keen is meant to be the stupidest person, much less FBI agent on the planet. With a 700k bounty on her head, the writers thought after bleaching her hair, then being filmed with ethat hair, it makes perfect sense for her to walk through town no hats, no sunglasses, no CCTV worries! Agent Keen of course still knows more than anyone, despite the absurdity this. Makes one feel joining the FBI is not only attainable by any high school graduate but is also worrisome if this is how utterly foolish those who make it through Quantico are.
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The Blacklist (2013–2023)
James Spader to the Rescue
21 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Hothead, rookie FBI agent Keen shatters all stereotypes for women in places of power, as emotional, erratic & ignorant. Painting the FBI as incompetent imbeciles who couldn't solve a case without the help of a disgraced ex military, thank goodness Spader is a bad ass to help move along from the disheveled, ever changing hairstyles of Keen, her character's complete lack of awareness of her husband's duplicity, and the absence of marksmanship from agents.

If you can make it to the end of season one overlooking the questions, how did she survive Quantico, will her stylist find a hairstyle that suits her, did it really take her 20 episodes to work with Redding instead of wasting his time, is the name Keen meant to be an oxymoron? Then you too can enjoy this clever storyline albeit mostly unbelievable.
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Death in Paradise (2011– )
11 March 2023
As an American, it's refreshing to watch a show about cops who successfully apprehend subjects without guns!

Yes, it's a bit quirky, but living in our reality and entertainment having a constant barrage of violence, it's nice to take a break and see crime fighting done so without.

I do enjoy hearing subtle differences in our speech, the bin man instead of garbage man, up my street instead of up my alley, did a reccie (sp? For recognizance) instead of a scout/investigation, and the recoiling of sunshine is just like my cousins in Yorkshire when I try to get them to visit me in California.

Is also a nice reminder of having different perspectives, a gorgeous paradise for most, yet some locals yearn to get off the island.

Makes me want a simpler life!

Enjoying every season, like some of the inspectors more than others.

I recommend!
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La Brea (2021–2024)
3 stars for effort of actors with terrible script
2 November 2022
First episode is intriguing, then it steadily declines with each plot twist & the script makes you feel sorry for the actors. I hoped at some point I would be surprised and we would learn more about a goal, but it became something I had on TV while I did chores around the house, knowing I really wouldn't miss anything.

In a world of prehistoric predators, one would think at some point anyone from this group would glean from the other ppl how to make a bow & arrow, how to plant crops, any sort of survival skills to stretch out to another season, but alas, the writers want you to believe these bumbling idiots can live on a table of food the wolves don't eat or that they only hunt once a season. 🙄 Of course this is fantasy, but it's fantastically lacking in basic entertainment value.
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Old Enough! (1990– )
American parents could learn from this!
1 May 2022
It's fascinating how shortsighted Americans are judging Japanese parents or this show.

I was born & raised as a young child in Tokyo then moved to the States. My mom said my first errand was around 3 years old, and this is a very common thing. I love how the kids want to prove to themselves and their parents they are capable and responsible.

Tokyo is the safest city in the world and the Japanese culture is very much "it takes a village to raise a child" mentality where complete strangers do look out/are helpful to children and each other.

The haters likely don't understand the vast cultural differences outside of the US, so I'd like to point out how honor, respect, and independence is stressed at a very early age in Japan, and how that carries over to society at large. The US is behind in education, health, safety (quality of life) compared to most developed nations, so best not question the judgement of these parents.

Great job little ones! Can't wait for more episodes.
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Tokyo Vice (2022– )
Awesome insight for those who don't understand Japan
8 April 2022
I'm half Japanese & British American. My dad spoke perfect Japanese, went to Sophia University & was the president of the Foreign Correspondent Club in Japan back in the day. I am ALL IN!

For those who don't understand Japan/Japanese culture, the men speak to him in English because of snobbery and don't consider him an equal, much like Americans and other countries towards immigrants. Most Japanese do study English in school because it's almost universal and no other country speaks Japanese, if you want to do business internationally, you obviously need to be able to communicate. The Japanese culture is steeped in honor, respect, loyalty... and if you can't follow those virtues, you bring dishonor & shame. This show is truly insightful of an outsider's perspective living and working in Tokyo.
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Uh what?
3 December 2021
I was excited to see this amazing cast, but the film starts slow, and never picks up. There's no connection to any of the characters good or bad, they actually traumatize a horse for no reason, the script is terrible, I'm more surprised/confused the praise of the film. The only feeling I'm left with is what a waste of time.
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Bling Empire (2021–2022)
Terrible Representation of Asians
1 December 2021
Anna is the only one with a modicum of class.

I don't know if it's she's the only Japanese, or if the others were just raised by wolves, but what a disgusting display of snobbery and pettiness. Most of the cast spends half the time talking about how much things cost and are such bores.

Complete waste of time and an embarrassment to the oldest, respectful cultures in the world.

Or maybe LA/reality tv brings out the worst.

Whatever the trophy wife of the supposed royalty name is deplorable and the model is the poster boy of be seen and not heard.
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The White Lotus (2021–2025)
Utter waste of time
16 August 2021
The defense of its a satire and everyone hating doesn't understand ... there are plenty of good ones, this ain't one of them.

Stellar cast, that's about the only positive.

I kept hoping after each episode there was something.

Nope. I honestly don't understand why anyone read this and thought I'll do this, apart from shooting in Hawaii during a global pandemic.
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What's the point?
8 February 2021
I thought with such an amazing cast it would be great, but it was confusing throughout from costume to script to is anyone really wasting resources for a film about an unremarkable person who failed at being an outlaw. At least Butch Cassidy & Jesse James succeeded in criminal activities and were killed before capture.
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The Vow (2020–2022)
Sad, in so many ways
28 September 2020
Of course it's a travesty when anyone is abused, physically, mentally, at all.

It's sad when you see this or any cult type scenario and wonder how insecure does one have to be to fall for this.

It's telling when you have a bunch of want to be actors claiming to want to tell their stories, at the same time put their toddlers on air for their 15 min of fame, or not think twice when someone says I have a proposition for you to be my slave, give me your deepest secrets to hold over your head- collateral. Actual words which led to another branding them, in the 21st century.

This is a terribly sad story of the dumbing down of America and how easily someone with a voice and friends with money thrive on power and will dupe your children if you don't raise them with enough sensibilities & integrity.
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Jojo Rabbit (2019)
Best Movie!
30 August 2020
I didn't know what to expect after seeing the trailers, but it went beyond expectations. I was blown away with the dynamic of such a serious topic, interlaced with comedy, incredible script, perfect casting, view from a child's perspective that sums up the worst and best of humanity.
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The Morning Show (I) (2019– )
Love this show!
5 July 2020
The perfect cast to tell the story of women in entertainment and the sexism they endure.
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Dynasty (2017–2022)
Cheap imitation of the Original
22 March 2020
I couldn't go back to edit the title- but that's my review in a nutshell.

Cheap in every way...
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Chicago P.D. (2014– )
Good to binge watch
21 March 2020
I started watching this because of L&O SVU, and kinda like the idea they do crossovers. PD has slightly better acting, and you can get into the character's stories. The only thing that drives me nuts, they always lose someone when they jump in a car and never shoot out the tires, miss every one when they're on the run, but when they don't have to shoot someone within 10 ft, always shoot for the heart...
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Billions (2016–2023)
18 March 2019
What a disappointment. Did the writers, DP, anyone with a clue have nothing better to do? I've been hooked, LOVE PG, def fell in love with you w the other characters, but did we really wait for the first 5 minutes of this?

Yikes again. PG, move on buddy, you're way better
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Girls (2012–2017)
didn't love it...
30 April 2012
I don't think this idea is anything new. Unless you make a few changes of realistic apartments/wardrobe/and looks from SATC, it's the same premise, same conversations, you have two characters who basically have the same job paths, writers and an art gallery, and a third friend who's sleeping around...

Maybe it's good for girls who weren't born when SATC was on, and they need a way to make sense of things they themselves are going through, but seriously, same show with less glitz.

Let's not pretend this is some kind of new approach to reaching 20 something girls. At least the sex scenes in SATC were easier to watch with great looking talent- guys and girls.
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The Help (2011)
Mixed feelings
10 August 2011
I went with my Mother who hasn't read the book, and she thought it was great. I thought it was great as far as casting and acting. Love those women, can't go wrong with any of them, and they nailed it as far as portraying women from the South. Some of the characters hit a little too close to home, having grown up there.

Unfortunately for me, and always the case, the book for me is infinitely better. I found myself crying and laughing so much more when reading. I just felt the film didn't build the characters as well, and the few changes made for the film, I didn't understand the purpose.

So anyone who has read the book, may be a little let down, but over all pleased, however if you haven't read, I'm sure you'll enjoy immensely, thank goodness a film that isn't another remake!
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