
9 Reviews
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Pandorum (2009)
22 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Earth is dead. The survivors of the human race travel in to space to set up home on a new planet. Astronauts Lieutenant Payton (Dennis Quaid) and Corporal Bower (Ben Foster) wake up from cyro –sleep to find that their 60,000-strong passenger ship is deserted and in a bad state of repair. They do not know who they are or what their mission is. They cannot contact any other crew members. They are alone. Payton stays in the control room while Bower traverses the ship to repair the reactor. They talk about Pandorum, a condition caused by cyro-sleep which results in delusions, hallucinations and paranoia. On his travels he encounters strange mutant cannibals who have taken over the ship. This is a dull movie. It never really gets going and there is not much to keep you interested.
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Very creepy!
22 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This has to be the most bone-chilling film I have ever seen. Written and directed by Oren Peli, we are transported to the home of Katie (Katie Featherston) and Micah (Micah Sloat), who have been hearing strange noises overnight, so they set up a camcorder to record any strange goings-on. They document each day and leave the camcorder set up overnight up in the bedroom to record what happens when they sleep. Each night it gets worse! Shot in the same vein as Cloverfield, Blair Witch and Rec, the entire film is camcorder footage, hence the $15,000 budget. It took seven days to film. When night comes you feel yourself getting tense, looking everywhere for anything that might be out of place. It is all about how scary you make it for yourself. A lot is left to your own imagination. We never see what causes the disturbances, which makes it all the more frightening! Very creepy!
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The Soloist (2009)
Stand-out performances from Foxx and Downey Jr.
13 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Brought to us by the director of "Adaptation,""The Soloist" tells the true story of an unlikely friendship that grows between homeless Nathaniel Ayers and LA Times columnist Steve Lopez. Lopez is looking for a story, and after a cycling accident, comes across Ayers, a Julliard dropout and cello prodigy, now suffering from schizophrenia, living on the streets, and resorting to playing a two- stringed violin. The attraction of this film is certainly improved the fact that this is a true story, so to see what Ayers actually has gone through in his life is heart-rendering stuff. It is great to see the social improvements he makes as the film progresses, from moving into an apartment to developing a friendship with Lopez and playing the cello again. The excellent performances from Foxx and Downey Jr only add to this film's appeal.
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Mamma Mia! (2008)
The feel-good film of the year!
13 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
With the great casting and stunning location, this musical love story has to be the feel-good film of the year. In fact, it is up there with the feel-good films of all time! Sophie (Amanda Seyfried) invites 3 men (Pierce Bronson, Colin Firth, and Stellan Skarsgard) to her wedding, one of whom is her father, only she is not sure which one. When Donna (Meryl Streep),her mother finds out, comedy, romance and music ensues. Abba's greatest hits were perfectly synchronised into the script. It gave a natural flow to the story. Performances from Donna's old partners in crime (Julie Walters and Christine Baranski) provide the most fun. Julie Walters is particularly good casting. Highlights include Streep's emotional rendition of "The Winner Takes It All" and the female cast members singing and dancing along to "Dancing Queen." And don't forget to watch the credits for a great performance, especially from the male stars. This is a great, fun, light-hearted film which will have you smiling from ear to ear.
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Gamer (2009)
First person shooter gaming environment using real people!
28 November 2009
Set in the future, convicts on Death Row get the chance to play for their lives by winning 30 battles in a real-life violent action gaming environment called "Slayers," but they are controlled by other humans via a mental link. Gerard Butler plays Kable, one of the convicts fighting for his life. It is good to see him back in an action role. This gaming world has been created by Ken Castle, played very well by Michael C Hall, from "Dexter" fame. Written and directed by the guys who brought us "Crank,"(Brian Taylor and Mark Neveldine), "Gamer" is in the same vein as films such as "Running Man" and "Death Race", so the concept is not a new one, but there are some flashes of brilliance, such as Hall miming along to Sammy Davis Jr while his soldiers fight Butler in a well choreographed fight scene. This is a visually attractive film, particularly the in-game sequences where you see what Butler is doing from the eyes of his player. The action scenes are fairly impressive, which. makes up for average scriptwriting and acting. Definitely worth a look for a good action film!
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Tarantino back to his best!
24 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Written and directed in his usual excellent style, this is Quentin Tarantino back to his best. You get the same dry humour, the clever direction and arty feel, and the typical soundtrack, in that you can tell from the first few bars of every song that this is a Tarantino film. Set in 1944, in Nazi-occupied France, a group of Jewish soldiers with the aim of killing as many Nazis as possible, and in the most gruesome ways, scalping them all, travel around France, creating a disturbing reputation so the Germans come to fear them. The Allies hear of Lt Aldo Raine and the Basterds and recruit them to help in the assassination of high-ranking German officials, including Hitler, at a movie premiere in Paris. Performances are fantastic all round, in particular from Christophe Waltz, playing "The Jew Hunter," Col. Hans Landa. He is extremely menacing and charming all at once. Pitt, Kruger and Laurent also play their parts with gusto. The unusual casting of Mike Myers as General Ed Fenech left me a little flummoxed. It was difficult to detach him from his comedy roles and see him playing a serious, if somewhat camp, role. It had a silly feel to it – is that what Tarantino intended? I expect so! This is a must-see and it is great to see Tarantino producing another piece of cinema history.
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Bronson (2008)
An excellent portrayal of Britain's most notorious prisoner.
15 November 2009
This is a fantastic depiction of Charles Bronson, born Michael Peterson, Britain's most infamous and notorious prisoner. Director Nicholas Winding Refn invites us into Bronson's imagination, with parts of the film shot from the perspective of him being on stage in front of an adoring audience. The rest of the film is a dramatization of Bronson's life and times in prison.

Bronson was initially incarcerated for seven years for the robbery of a post office where he stole £26.18. However he has spent 34 years in prison and psychiatric wards so far, and is still there, spending 30 of them in solitary confinement. He has been involved in fighting, brawls and hostage taking which led to his increased sentence, and he seems to enjoy it. No lives have been lost.

This is an excellent performance from Tom Hardy –funny, thoroughly engaging and intense. He physically transformed himself for this role and obviously studied Bronson vigorously to accurately portray his mannerisms.

A thoroughly compelling film. A must see!
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Zombieland (2009)
A great zombiefest!
8 November 2009
You know the drill. A virus sweeps through the human population, wiping most of it out, but leaving a few select survivors. Zombieland is no exception to this zombie-flick rule. However, this is one of the best in this genre I have seen. Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg) provides a great voice-over, with rules for surviving in Zombieland. On his travels he meets Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson). This is a great pairing. They have a good comedy partnership and there are a lot of laughs. They meet Wichita (Emma Stone) and Little Rock (Abigail Breslin), and the four of them make their way to LA, killing countless zombies on the way. There is a great cameo appearance, totally unexpected, which adds so much comedy to the overall movie. This is a visually attractive movie, funny, and very well directed. If you like Shaun Of The Dead, you'll love this. Miss it, and miss out.
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Surrogates (2009)
Set in the near future, the majority of the human race has chosen to enjoy a risk-free life from the safety of their own homes, living life via robotic surrogates.
29 October 2009
Surrogates (2009) 12A

Following on in the trend of comic-books-to- movies, Robert Venditti's "The Surrogates" has made the leap to the silver screen.

Set in the near future, the majority of the human race has chosen to enjoy a risk-free life from the safety of their own homes, living life via robotic surrogates. Utopia has been created and crime is a thing of the past - that is until someone starts murdering these avatars.

In steps Bruce Willis as Agent Greer, in his usual save-the-world mode. However, a combination of a lack lustre performance from Willis, and a below-average script, leaves the viewer disappointed with Surrogates. It is difficult to feel any real emotional attachment to the main characters and just does not have the impact of other similar films, like I, Robot.

This sci-fi thriller has a great premise behind it, and it really does make you think, but it could have been so much more.
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