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It's a trap!
18 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't expect too much from this chapter, since Disney has acquired Star Wars franchise I wasn't happy about new direction the company has chosen. Don't get me wrong I like Disney, however Disney is good with their own products, but Lucas Arts production definitely isn't what they can neither improve, nor make at least comparable quality.

What I saw couple of days ago made my mind explode, the movie that unfolds before your eyes makes you think that it is advertising of some narcotic drug, no seriously I don't know what kind of dope smoked the script writers. First it's the plot, everyone knows that Star Wars has always been full of plotholes and inconsistences and we somewhat got used to it. Last Jedi has no plotholes, because the entire storyline there is a single big hole. The whole movie you do not understand anything, you do not understand why there are so few rebellions and so massive forces of the First Order, where is the victory of the Episode VI? You do not understand who is Snoke and where did he learn his powers; you do not understand why this protagonist girl (I don't even remember her name) has force powers.

With age comes wisdom? Well it's not about Luke Skywalker who instead became a ravaging hermit. He doesn't resemble real Skywalker whatsoever. Rather than wise Jedi knight with experience under his belt like Obi-Wan or Yoda for instance, he looks like a little coward and mad psychopath who needs immediate treatment. And this is a hero that used to be a model for many people in the past. Yoda's cameo was incredibly stupid and dull I have nothing more to add, when you see it yourself you will understand why I say that. Princess Lea now doesn't require any oxygen and can fly in space like Mary Poppins, seriously Disney? There are a lot of poor jokes which do not make you even smile; instead they make you think that it's not a Star Wars movie but some parody.

Another thing that is worth to mention here is the attempt of creators to make unordinary plot twists. They are ridiculously absurd one of the weirdest one is death of Snoke who couldn't notice how Ben Solo used the force to make a laser sword next to the throne to cut him in a half. It is noticeable that creators tried to make something unordinary at any cost entirely neglecting common sense. I have much better idea for them, in the beginning of the movie Snoke could accidently fall down in a shower banging his head and die, that would definitely be very odd but to put the directors logic it would be a great plot twist indeed!!! And the movie is full of such idiotic «twists», you do not expect them not because they are so unusual, but simply because they are incredibly dumb and you can't imagine something like that stupid happen in the next moment.

Not to mention violating even the most primitive laws of physics, like a rebellion who dropped bombs on the starfighter in space and they were falling down like there was a gravity, or how some rebellions could easily survive depressurization in space. There are also plenty of simply stupid moments for instance when the entire First Order fleet chases one rebel ship and can't get it for hours, or how a pilot who was recently demoted for insubordination demands an explanation from the admiral.

Any positive moments in the movie? Only Benicio del Toro and Mark Hamill play (he had really stupid character but he played him well). The rest actors didn't show anything impressive. Stunning visual effects. So what? Come on, how can you surprise anyone with visuals in 2017? Technologies today allow making pretty good visuals even in low budget mediocre movies, so this is no longer a distinguishing feature of any sci-fi film.

I feel sorry for the franchise, but unfortunately for me it's dead, my only hope now is for good spin-off movies since Rogue One was pretty good. Perhaps Disney producers do not intervene too much in production when it comes to spin-offs, or maybe it's easier to write a decent script for spin-off I have no idea, but whatever the reason is I will wait for a new spin-off and won't go to the cinema for Episode IX that's for sure.
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Nowhere Boy (2009)
Not extraordinary but pretty neat work
16 June 2010
An interestingly interpreted story of John Lenon's adolescence. Basically "Nowhere Boy" is about complicated and entangled faith of him and his family therefore we just witnessing a lot of emotional scenes which have strong predominance here. Of course the creators were not exempted from other aspects of Lenon's life but it was just an additional to not bore people by showing only family clashes. No I don't wanna say emotional scenes are boring, no, not at all it's just about variety of the film. Despite John Lenon is undoubtedly one of the symbol of his and further generations, I reckoned to see something more, and I suppose I've seen it.

What I really liked in this film were obviously the soundtrack and authentic mood of early 60s, nicely done costumes, haircuts and other things is really a feast for the eyes. Though actors showed rather decent performance, I doubt that Aaron Johnson is the best choice for young John Lenon's role. However being far from adoration and idolatry his acting I was satisfied. During my stay in the cinema theater I couldn't avoid comparison with an other good recent British biographic movie "Control", which is about Joy Division band and their front-man Ian Curtis. And in my opinion Joy Division's story was made more elaborately maybe because of the more tragical faith of Ian I dunno. But still, I liked present film as well.

Nowhere boy is not really a masterpiece or cinematography gem, but it's very good movie, not elongated, very sincere, enchanting that inspires observer to discover something more about John Lenon's life and listen more attentively his creation work in The Beatles. Highly recommend especially for Beatles fans.
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The Road (I) (2009)
Road to the void
4 June 2010
Pretty extraordinary post-apocalyptic vein, all the main peculiar features were dropped away from the film. Talking about peculiar features, I mean action of course, most of the post-apocalyptic styled movies always have plenty of entertaining action. In «The Road» it is opposite; here we got kind of art-house, where particular attention focused on relationships, humankind nature and animal instincts of desperately trying to survive people.

Above all, it's a movie about instincts, for instance, against the all odds, father tries to protect his only one sun, disregarding that the mankind already doomed. Other types of the instincts implemented here in the way of the animal cruelty such as cannibalism, murders, inflexibility etc, etc. In a hope to survive in this ruined and sinister world the main heroes are wandering and searching around all that might be useful for sustainable life, escaping from cannibals, rogues and thieves. During their journey and discovering travels in this desolated world, we see a lot of landscapes and views of the devastated towns and villages which is looks really staggering and stunning especially when you watch it in the movie theater. «The Road» imbued by the menacing cruelty of people yet it omits all appalling and disgusting scenes, creating just an atmosphere without a total immersion of the spectator into all bloody details.

Viggo Mortenson played rather good, but I noticed that sometimes he and other actors overacted too much. I love touching scenes, but I believe less of them would made the film not so boring in some cases. Regardless to this disadvantage «The Road» looks almost perfect, I'd say perfect in the art-house frameworks, don't expect here spectacular action which you could see in one's sleep. «The Road» created for comprehensive viewers with a flexible mind who are not estimate cinema only as a relaxation and fun. I won't exaggerate if I'd say that it's one of the best post- apocalyptic movies. Sincere, heartfelt and touching picture which gradually shows the sense to the spectators and opens real things that we neglecting frequently but at the same time we mainly should appreciate them in our none-endless life.
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Kick-Ass (2010)
Do ya still wanna become a superhero?
9 April 2010
I've been lucky to see that movie yesterday on the special showing at the biggest Moscow theater before the official Russian release date. Though I'm not a real admirer of the films based on comic books due to it's tend to be boring and silly, there are some good pictures in that vein which I find rather good. For instance ''Iron Man'' or ''Dark Knight''. This time my scrupulous attention was attracted by the matter of fact that it's a kinda parody movie. I'm saying ''kinda'' because ''Kick Ass'' is also based on the comic book, but this book in comparing with others is fairly untypical mainly for the specific approaching to superhero idea and a comedy script. Seen references in press and comments of other people were quite good therefore I couldn't avoid the opportunity to see it.

Have you ever dreamed to become a superhero in your childhood? I guess you did. But now try to remember what had always stopped you? Yes right! Even in our childhood we had a perception that in real life we will definitely be beaten, that somebody will obviously kick our ass. Dave Lizewski is the same guy with the same dreams, but the difference is that he attempted to make his dream come true. He bought a superhero costume in the internet shop and went out on the streets to struggle against a crime and establish the justice. Of course No wonder he's got clobbered twice, but despite of it he has rapidly become a famous star. Just because of his non-careless attitude.

''I don't wanna be involved'', ''Why should I help someone?'', ''It's not my problem'' that's what constantly people thinking while somebody's in danger. And when they are eventually finding themselves in a tight corner, they start to complain of no one didn't try to help them. It's a deep and serious society problem, nobody cares 'bout each other issues, usually people even afraid to call the police. And even though this is a comedy ''Kick Ass'' tries to awake feeling that you always have a capacity to help, that you shouldn't keep yourself aloof from the real problems.

But it was a lyrical digression. Of course this movie should be considered as funny comedy which parodies comic movies. Matthew Vaughn had satisfied almost all spectators' demands. Perpetual jokes permanently fuels during entire film, I was literally writhing in hysterics while watching it. Clumsy hero in stupid hydro costume, idiotic tandem of Nicholas Cage (who parodied the Batman) and his little daughter, stupid mafia made me laughing all the time. Definitely this is the funniest film of this year. Elaborately madden action scenes delighting eyes, since ''Kill Bill'' I don't remember so brutal, cruel with lotta blood and violence film. Another one good side is that ''Kick Ass'' ain't overextended like the most of such movies, it isn't become annoying in the middle.

No doubt this is amazing stuff to spend vacations or after working evening greatly. The only one minus is that for obvious reasons you cannot take your children (if you have them) on this film. Rest of all is great, if you have an opportunity to see it, don't hesitate!
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Moon (2009)
One of the best sci-fi ever
5 April 2010
Contrary to popular belief that it's impossible to make a good sci-fi movie without good cash aid, Duncan Jones creates his extraordinary story having only 5 million in his pocket. While Hollywood tries to show something technically advanced to surprise people, Duncan Jones just made a true masterpiece, without any reinvent the wheel, by using tricks that peculiar to the real masters of movie creating. Tactically omitted attempts to impress spectator by dint of bright and expensive special effects, creators switched on the viewer on the other significant aspects of that film, such as an atmosphere and the script.

First and foremost I'd like to take a glance at the script. The plot has been madden looking over Stanislav Lem's (famouse Polish sci-fi writer) shoulder. If you ever red The Star Diaries and Memoirs of a Space Traveller, you'll certainly like the script in the ''Moon''. The story is about lonely miner Sam who has got a three year business contract on Moon. Towards the end of the contract, strange things start to occur on the station, and only elaborate Sam's investigation may shed the light on the truth. After figuring out of the situating Sam faced a conspiracy. What kind of conspiracy he deals with I won't tell just to not ruin your impressions about the plot.

Now let's talk about atmosphere. A lot of small diversions showing Sam's way of life, greatly detailed and neat mining station, beautifully illustrated Moon landscapes and competently chosen music in the post-rock genre, creates an accurate picture which is ideally fits to the spectator's stare. Absence of other people except Sam makes to feel lonely too, and plot tensions in the second half permanently sustain deep empathy feeling for the main character. Though in the middle of the film I already had couple of assumptions about the plot clue, I didn't know exactly what the punch line till the end is. That's what I just call amazing.

In additional I should notice eccentric acting of Sam Rockwell, he's one of my favorite actor cos of his person's variety. He's capable to play almost everyone, remember ''The Choke'', ''The Green Mile'', ''The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy'' and dozens more works! Every role he had is completely opposite to each other. Pity that this actor and his potential seriously underestimated by Hollywood. And he quite rarely gets the main roles in outstanding movies.

The result obtained here was great, I have no doubt that director reached desirable goal. And the only one reason I'm claiming that because of perfect combination of every element in the film. I just don't know what could be added here more. I hope further Duncan Jones's works will have the same charm. Highly recommended.
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Green Zone (2010)
Fake truth or?
13 March 2010
Paul Greengrass's political thriller tells us an alternative story about war in Iraq. Frankly speaking I didn't catch the idea. Apparently thread theme of the Vietnam War has been already exhausted, but Hollywood still needs patriotic films about conflicts where US involved. Presumably creators think that somebody still believe that US sincerely looked for WMD there and tried to help ''poor'' Iraqi people to build democracy. So after WMD haven't been found, the film tries to justify US government anyway and of course without saying such words as ''oil'', ''recourses'' or ''black gold''.

So what it's all supposed to mean? That US authority is innocent and everything is about conspiracy inside of special services? George Bush was on the light side with master Yoda and master Vindu? Ha-ha-ha, very funny, thank you Mr. Greengrass you have a great sense of humor. Next time probably you'll tell us about the conspiracy in Russian or Chinese governments? Obviously they were in charge for war in Iraq and Afghanistan indeed. Otherwise I'll be offended that you didn't even try to accuse other countries in this war.

Another one thing that I laughed a lot was speaking of Iraq guy who cooperated with Matt Daymon's hero. Main idea you obtain from his phrases is that Iraqi people wanted democracy more than Americans! And moreover, Iraqi people want democracy more than peace in their country. Ha-ha-ha, thank you again Mr. Greengrass! I'm laughing out loud already. In Greengrass opinion, everybody on this planet wants only democracy even if you have war and poverty in your country. Obviously free elections are much more important than personal life.

Unless, it's very entertaining movie with good actors. I was surprised, but Matt Damon talks here so much, normally pictures with him have less dialogs and more action. Also I've noticed here trembling camera that was quite good move to imbue the movie with documentary mood. Of course Green Zone doesn't pretending to be realistic but anyway looks quite naturally. It's absolutely non-prolonged and don't put you into a boring sense after 1 hour. Seven points will be OK for it, but only for action part, never perceive it as true story about war.
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Well performed noir film
9 March 2010
As a matter of fact, it's a typical specimen of comic noir style, mixing traditional elements of ''Sin City'' and ''Dick Tracy'' films it portrays black & sharp humored, seamless, vivacious and agile detective story. In one breath, ''Give 'em Hell, Malone'' rapidly and aesthetically carries spectator through the subtle nuances of swirling plot, leaving pleasant impressions from what you've seen. Love, sharp humor, betrayal, cruelty, selfishness. Everything presents here in good supply.

Perfectly balanced characters like rollicking main hero Malone who's got two favorite things: drink and shoot. Sexy beauty Evelyn who trying' to avenge her killed brother. Big guy Boulder whose feelings wave between good and bad side. Charismatic evildoers such as Graceful Asian girl called Mauler who likes to play with sharp toys and Matchstick who always utters reckless wised expressions and crazy philosophy resembled Heath Ledger's character Joker from the Dark Knight movie.

Wonderfully made operator's work constantly absorbs attention. For only 15 000 000$ creators made a beautiful action that can compete to the dozens of high budgetary blockbusters. Astonishing result indeed. Yes, here we can find a lot of bugs and disadvantages in the script but it's not really a drawback of the film, there is no emphasis on a deep plot, everything is simple and ingenious, to keep you relaxing and funning. It's just a crazy and well stylized mess nothing more.

Even if you ain't got much grasp of noir, ''Give 'em Hell, Malone'' is a great movie for spending free time and taking some rest.
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Alice in Wonderland (I) (2010)
Hope always springs eternal
4 March 2010
Precisely twenty years ago, Tim Burton and Johnny Depp had their first cooperative experience in cinema, the result of this team work was the pretty uncommon and extraordinary fairytale ''Edward Scissorhands''. After they made a lot of successful movies together, they decided to turn the clock back and make another mind-blowing fairytale. This time in their field sights was Lewis Carol's story ''Alice in Wonderland'', if you have ever pondered about the candidate for directing such a movie I think the answer would be obvious - Tim Burton! Apparently nobody else could re-create the same atmosphere on screen that was created by Lewis Carol in his legendary book. Evidently, his old friend and vivid actor Johnny Depp always imbued his films with bright colours and inimitable style. Finally, after many thrilling months, we got opportunity to see their version of ''Alice in Wonderland''.

At first view everything seems to be great. There are terrific visual effects, an exceptionally detailed world and plenty of unique characters that we all loved while reading the Lewis Carol book. We can see the amusing twins Tweedledum and Tweedledee, the kind White Rabbit, bombed grub Caterpillar, the evildoers Red Queen and Knave of Hearts, bloodthirsty Jabberwock, the mysterious Cheshire Cat and a remarkably well performed Mad Tea-Party with Doormouse, March Hare and Mad Hatter.

But Tim Burton's picture has a strong lack of insanity and lack of a firmly funkadelic environment intrinsic to the overblown Lewis Carol's world. His Gothic, grotesque and black humour disappeared also. This was the main disadvantage of the film, many thought it resembled ''Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'' rather then the ''Edward Scissorhands'' calibre, though it was expected due to obvious reasons. The primary reason being the unwanted influence of Disney which always restricts a wide spectrum of Tim Burton's ideas. Its no wonder that we got what we got. Tim Burton can't be blamed for an incomplete job, taking into account his dependence on Disney we can assume he gave it all he could.

The acting was decent but not awesome. It's hard to acknowledge but Johny Depp is getting older and his acting skill rapidly running low. His acting wasn't as innovative as it used to be. Instead of a true Mad Hatter he just showed Jack Sparrow in a red wig and made-up face. Mia Wasikowska also wasn't the best choice for the Alice role. Her acting style just doesn't fit with the real Alice character and besides, she hasn't got enough acting experience to play the part effectively. The only one really stunning bit of acting was demonstrated by Helena Bonham Carter who played Red Queen. As for the rest, acting didn't impress me at all.

Unfortunately, I should admit that this work isn't as great as was expected. We had already got used to the fact that Tim Burton was a reliable director who never failed his fans, but this time he just made a normal picture for a single viewing. This would be a good result for any typical and ordinary director but a serious misfortune for a high level master like Tim Burton. He definitely should stop tangling with such companies as Disney otherwise he seriously risks to become a simple commercial director without his own vein.
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A Serious Man (2009)
I live at the Jolly Roger
27 February 2010
Another screen depicted by Coen brothers portrays their perfectly balanced and traditional noir vein. On this occasion they put the spectators into tangled cobwebs of the Jewish community and complicated private life of Larry Gopnik who feels ''a serious crisis'' on his own back. Plugged into the hilarious and grubby style Coen set the tone of disorderly Homeric laughing. No it's not a hysterical laugh Coen are never ignite the viewers but if u seen Big Lebowski or Burn After Reading you'll understand what's their secret.

A Serious Man is more perplexing and knotty than other Coen's movies and so for those who never seen Coen's movies, such sequence in the action and the punch line may be literally confused and deluded. Therefore A Serious Man not the best movie to begin acquaintance with Coen's art because they rapidly growing in incoherent behavior, training fans for a years. Hence it's time to present a picture for serious people, serious in the proper sense of this word. Yes, it's not a joke; you need to be seriously serious to watch this distillation of emphatic, subtle, sloppy and inane sarcasm. You'll probably ask me: ''Be serious to be able to laugh? Hey man whatta hell are u talking about?!'' Here's the answer, laugh isn't enough to be pleased by A Serious Man, you may laugh for all the time, but if you don't understand such vein of directing you won't enjoy it, moreover this movie will be boring for you.

It's a sort of sarcastic philosophy, questions without answers. Wonderfully expressed world's refinement of cruelty constantly putting you into a dilemma, whether you want to be like Larry Gopnik honest, kindhearted but weak or like other characters here strong but slippery, showing to everybody spurious respect? That's rhetorical question isn't it? Probably you don't want to take up both attitudes but how to be honest and strong? That's a question that left without any answer here; here we just provided by opposite kinds of personality nothing more, Coen do not trying to influence on spectators, they suggest to make our own conclusions and decisions. ''Watch & decide'' is a latent motto here.

Regarding to the Jews community, well I can't say anything about it because I'm not a Jew and I never lived in theirs communities. Probably it contains something that I didn't notice due to the cultural and mentality differences. However I find it as light banter, not offending, Coen cannot make movie to insult Jews because actually their parents were Jews. And I suppose Jews community taken here because of bible popularity, A Serious Man basically presents some kind of non-restrictive modern bible universe.

So this time Coen brothers put extra efforts, took all advantages of their previous works and made masterful work. Yes, they remained to live at the Jolly Roger's hilarious world, add to this, odd and intimate elements and you'll get A Serious Stunning Masterpiece.
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A Single Man (2009)
Cafe of broken dreams
24 February 2010
Based on novel written by Christopher Isherwood, A Single Man presents at first view ordinary story about man who irretrievably lost his love. But it's not just a film about unmarried person; inherently it's an allegory of lonely human, who has got ennui, nobody can understand him and his snarled feelings even his close friend Charley though she has the similar problem. Mercilessly life doesn't give him any chance to survive and brings only perpetual suffering. Colin Firth who took a main role here shows us terrific and masterful acting, observing his emotional experience I abruptly began to understand that it's not a tragedy of only one man, this character reflects metaphor, and everyone could be in the same situation, but in spite of it nobody understand him, even after his speech on his lecture, only one student perceived him correctly. This young student was the only person who effectively grasped his emotions and he summoned signs of consciousness in his soul. Their dialogs about past, future and present are amazing. Sometimes they are a little bit trivial but so sincere, sensible, truly and precise.

This is frightening picture of broken life and it scares higher then every thriller. Despair and devastation are the only two things that you'll meet here. No hope, no light at the end of the tunnel. Nothing… A Single Man also contains an advanced retro atmosphere; here we can see splendidly detailed town with Great Spirit of 60s. People's outfit, cars, buildings, every trinket on his right place. Can't add anymore words, I'd just say this movie is fantastic masterpiece. I was astonished that it's the first film of Tom Ford. I could never imagine that it's possible to make such work, this movie deserves a lot of award nominations and Tom Ford personally should be rewarded as best debut of the year.
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Expressive but weird movie
16 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I seriously relied on Tres días, but it left me blank, completely blank… Well on the one hand, the idea is great. Three days before apocalypse left and it's very curious to see how people from small town spend their last days considering that they know about oncoming end. On another hand, this great idea wasn't implemented exactly like I expected. Undoubtedly it doesn't mean that if something didn't justify my hopes its bad thing. But in this case we got really weird picture. Weird due to the strange thriller elements, they were quite superfluous I think. And the punch line was entirely unrelated with idea of apocalypse.

I've no clue what creators tried to tell by this picture it looks like they tried to pursue two aims simultaneously but didn't reached any of them. Both parts of the film (sci-fi and thriller) are washed-up; everything seems to be so confused that it's almost impossible to understand what this movie is about. I don't understand what's the point to make revenge or try to escape when u know that only 3 days left! Probably it tries to show us that it's very important how to die? Well, theoretically it's possible but I cannot get a necessity of revealing such concept by that way, particularly when u know that in real situation nobody won't care about revenge.

Rest of all is OK, amazing operator's work, good actor performance, great landscapes, tricky suspense moves, but as I mentioned before, no clue in the plot. The psychological behavior of people on the threshold of apocalypse is much more significant stuff in such movies in my opinion. And the script doesn't provide it. It doesn't have what it takes. This film should offer much more then just contradictory story without any meaning.
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Up in the Air (I) (2009)
Subjective reality
13 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Up In the Air takes us to the story about Ryan Bingham, respective man who flitting from city to city to sack employees, yes it's his job. I've never heard about such job so to my utterly astonishment I knew that some bosses are to gutless to do this themselves, so they hire such guys as Ryan Binghanm to do it. Ryan Bingham is a perfect guy, charming, seductive, smart, well-groomed and real gentleman. He's into juice when it's necessary, likes to talk in sarcastic and trenchant tone, has cynic attitude to almost every things in that life especially love and family. No doubt a lot of men dreaming about such life as he has.

Jason Reitman (the director of Up In the Air) tries to show that it's not right to be such kind of person. Because family and love are obviously the most important things (in his opinion of course). That's the main thing that disappointed me in Up In the Air. I had always assumed that no one knows what's the most relevant thing for every people in this world. If somebody wants to make family, OK no problem! Go on! If you want to be single, OK, go on! And nobody can blame anyone in wrong life attitude, cos it's impossible to prove which attitude is the most correct. Everybody choose his own way and it's his choice. Besides real life already proved that in most cases truly happy family it's a utopia and there is nothing to do with it.

So why Jason Reitman persistently tries to prove that's the only one way is right? Why? Why he shows us that we shouldn't neglect family and love? I don't understand it. If he thinks that everybody who hasn't got family is miserable I'd say he's seriously mistakes. He can't decide for over the 6 billiards of people. Everyone have his own view on happiness. And badly that such idea in dozens of movies brainwash the public and make them to do what they don't want in fact. I'm happy that at least George Clooney's hero eventually remained single and proceeded his travel around US. Surely such move deserves accolade because it's quite uncommon element of Hollywood movies when love story line ends tragically. No expected happy-end, that's the only one reason I loved the film.

Clooney's elegant veneer great as always but it hasn't satiric reflection, his jokes, are quite amusing and make you chuckle occasionally, but nothing special. Comedy is not the strongest side of this work. Anyway it's a good movie to ponder about life in a deep sense of it, but at my point spectator shouldn't instantly take a side of the director here, spectator just need to realize that our life has different ways and nobody can blame if you choose another one instead of typical family path.
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Twitchy heat
31 January 2010
Every film about a war is very tricky thing, there are always a lot of subtexts and provoking moments, when the director of the movie is originally from one of the country which engaging in war it's always difficult for him to stay neutral due to patriotic feelings. Director who makes film about war should aware that he takes enormous responsibility for what he creates especially when the main aim consists from showing senseless of the war in general.

So let's talk about what we got in ''The Hurt Locker'', well if u seen Bosnian movie of Danis Tanovic ''No Man's Land'' u certainly beheld that every things related with EOD showing heresy of the war more detailed, because you can create a lot of moments where people still alive but it's already impossible to save their lives, they are just walking corpses. Same idea was implemented in Hurt Locker for only one exception, Tanovic reached his ultimate objection to stay neutral and show conflict from both sides, Kathryn Bigelow despite here hard endeavors didn't reach this goal, Americans showed here like a good guys with holy mission and Iraq people just a bunch of barbarians without any possibility to survive without outside aid. Only small boy who peddled movies had something humane in his behavior. Yet I admire the way Bigelow imaged soldiers, no cheap patriotic phrases, completely apolitical attitude just simple people who already got used to war without opinion that they fight for something important for their country.Main character cannot live without a war and fatalistic horror already, he struts through the war and always plays Russian roulette but at least aware that it's all ridiculous stuff.

The only one big disadvantage of the story is literally eloquent dialogs of the soldiers, I expected more slang, swearing and harsh phrases like all military people always use, I don't want to say that it's really necessary but it adds mood and atmosphere. I guess all vets will behold a lot of inaccurate moments in every war movie and I also beheld many unrealistic things here. But I'm not a military servant, I'm civilian like most of viewers and we don't need exact elements of all military equipment. No matter what uniform using in fact, it's a trivial in such case and no need to store on them. General flash must be focused on human being of people who involved in the war. The Hurt Locker doesn't reflect allegory of irrelevance of the war yet it has humanity agenda which would catch your mind and makes you ponder about cruelty without any sense.
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Mind-blowing adventure with realistic reflection
30 January 2010
Well today I've seen Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus; I would say it's great! Terry Gilliam made another masterful work in his traditional vein of early works. Undoubtedly it could be better, but considering complicated circumstances under which were whole creation of the movie this is not just concocted story, it's elaborately tailored picture with heart and deep sense.

Looks a little bit patchy at first view, I suppose it's related with the death of Heath Ledger who didn't end his performance nevertheless Johnny Depp, Jude Law and Colin Farrell imbue the movie with new shapes and different atmosphere. They not worse they just different, somebody may deny such substitution but they need to think at first. What choice Gilliam had? These tree actors are probably the best that cinema industry has for this role. Without them, this film won't even exist.

This film is not for everyone, there are lacks of hints to get accurate picture and you'll need to face a lot of puzzles within it. But obviously when you begin to peer into the deepest niceties you start to understand all charming aspects and the main idea. This entire story filled with dozens of perplexing moments due to the abstract reality mood yet it's all looks really stunning and amazing especially perfectly contrived mysterious clouds around Heath Ledger's character Tony. His enigmatic origin has specific magnetism, it takes spectator's mind and don't give him any chance to digress from twists and turns of the plot and constantly keeps him on tenterhooks. No doubt this work deserves the highest mark, Gilliam made a great job and I believe his efforts and efforts of all who were involved in the creation of this masterpiece won't escape from clever viewers.

Pity that it is the last movie of Heath Ledger, because in fact it's not a film about his character, it is basically about Doctor Parnassus. But still I'm happy that last film of Ledger was so terrific and magnificent. Ledger left us beautifully like such outstanding actors should. Rest in peace Heath we all know that you were the best. And you still the best, cos like Johny Depp sad in the movie ''Nothing is permanent, not even death''.
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