
6 Reviews
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Ginger Snaps (2000)
"Ginger Fitzgerald rocked my world last night"
16 June 2006
It's witty, smart, funny, scary, gory, and has two amazing leads. The only werewolf movie I love. Don't judge the American DVD cover. I know its looks very low budget and cheesy. I rented it when it first came out just for laughs cause the cover art looked so bad and I knew the girl on the cover was from IT. Turns out its a character driven Canadian semi low budget blood covered horror epic for our generation. It also has the best opening credits sequence you will ever see in a horror film. 8 out of 10 and in my top 25 fav horror films of all time at number 21.

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Hostel (2005)
Horror in 2006 started with a bang...and some blood.
8 January 2006
I wasn't expecting much when I saw previews for Hostel, it looked like Saw 3 to me...but I was wrong. It had a story...the whole college frat boy like guys traveling across Europe...the previews should of showed that, I think they would of got more viewers...I mean the first half of the film is very much like Eurotrip...but with more laughs and better characters. Then about 40 minutes into it your blown away and it never lets go. I actually cared about the guys which made it better then just watching some people get tortured. Some people say you have to be sick to like this or very morbid. It's like the original TCM to me in that way. Some things in it are pretty nasty and it does have a lot of gore...however, people are closing their eyes or letting their imaginations go wild. A lot is not seen, people say the original TCM is the goriest horror movie of all time...when in fact there is hardly any blood...but sometimes watching someone scream and knowing something bad is happening to them is much worse than actually seeing the knife,hammer, or hatchet tear their ass up. So in conclusion...if your a horror junkie like me. You will love it! If you get scared easily or you like will love it! If you want to see a movie that your friends will be talking about some of the famous parts -eye scene -and you don't want to feel left will love this movie! If your looking for something to take mom and dad to or watching a balls to the wall horror movie with someone just cause you want to get out will hate this movie! and prob get sick!....So from a "very morbid" horror fan,I guess they would say.....Hostel has a spot in my top 25 horror films of all time..number 23....
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Terror Train (1980)
An original slasher....that falls short.
26 February 2003
Terror Train is another one of those early 80's slasher but is original in its own way. The killer changing costumes and being on a train and having it on New years was trying something new in the genre I suppose but it just left you saying ehhh....and moving on. Jaime of course is great and the rest of the cast is decent I suppose. It feels more like a drama and can be very slow. I did like some scenes and I liked the twist ending...people say they saw it coming but I missed it and was surprised. The last battle between victim and killer was good and I liked the way it went down. But from the odd and kinda of humorous opening up onto the end was just eh. Nothing that great and there are way better slashers out there...Is it worth watching? Sure, just dont have high expectations.
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Carrie (1976)
Great Acting and Wonderful cinematography make this horror film Shine.
26 February 2003
The whole entire cast of Carrie can really act! All of them are excellent in their roles and truely believable. Nancy Allen plays a bitch so well and Piper Laurie really makes you think she is psycho. And Sissy Spacek really makes you feel for her and plays a sad outcast so well...when in real life she actually won homecoming queen and was liked by just about everyone....go figure. The rest of the cast including John Travlota, William Katt, and Piper Laurie took their small roles and really made their characters developed. Even the extras or one liners make were great! And dont think I forgot Amy Irving as Sue Snell. She really had the role of the sweet girl next door but with a twist...she did wrong and wasn't all virginal and holy but knew what was right and did a fantastic job with emotions. The film also looks sooo good, especially for a 70's flick. The style and camera work is excellent and the long one shot at the prom was amazing...and of course the famous pigs blood and telekinetic frenzy was shocking...I think a little more should of been done besides the water hose and some fire...but still good. Now besides all that...this film really is a great film. Its not just another horror movie, it's a character epic that will have you laughing, crying, screaming, and enjoying.
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A good horror sequel
25 February 2003
This film was one of my first horror movies ever. It use to come on TV all the time and scare me to death. I still enjoy this film alot and realize there are some flaws, but I think it holds up well for a horror sequel- and is way better than Poltergeist 2. The mirror's are what makes this film creepy and enjoyable. And I wish there could of been one more sequel to close the chapter. I forgive the ending to this film, its not horrible but you can tell its rushed and slapped together. It still remains close to my heart and even though the first one is the best, its well worth a watch.
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Good 80's slasher with a good story
25 February 2003
I enjoyed this film alot. I'm a horror nut and I love 80's slasher no its not for everybody...but for those who do like 80's slashers you should really check this out. The story is good, it sounds cheesy with santa being a killer, but the back story is very well done, the character development is great, the music works, and it has one of the coolest death scenes in a movie ever....(antlers) Sure, here and there it can be cheesy-PUNISH!- but it still is very watchable and I recommend it to any horror fan around the holidays.
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