
34 Reviews
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Secretary (2002)
pretty good
29 April 2003
I thought "Secretary" was a pretty good movie. I don't think I'd want to watch it again or even own it, but it was fun to watch. Maggie Gyllenhaal was good as Lee Holloway, a young woman who was just released from a mental institution for cutting herself. She gets a job as a secretary for a lawyer, brilliantly played by James Spader. Soon she learns that E. Edward Grey (Spader) has a quick temper and likes a sadomasochistic relationship just as much as she does. I'm 18 years old and I watched this movie with my parents. I was somewhat embarrassed during the scenes where Spader was spanking Gyllenhaal and did they really have to show her in full frontal nudity? I was a little sickened by that. But anyways. This movie was ok to watch and all the actors did pretty good jobs. James Spader is wonderful as always and Maggie Gyllenhaal was convincing in her role. I would recommend this movie to anyone who likes watching sadomasochistic relationships and seeing people get spanked. But thanks for reading my review! Bye!
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Affliction (1997)
worth watching
29 April 2003
I thought "Affliction" was a good movie. It was worth watching and the price of the rental. Nick Nolte, in one of his better roles, portrays Wade Whitehouse, a lonely policeman who has a rocky relationship with his young daughter and his girlfriend (Sissy Spacek). One day a man is murdered while deer hunting with his young friend and everyone suspects that it is the young man named Jack who killed him. Wade tries to get to the bottom of the murder but everyone around him gives him hell. And he keeps having flashbacks of his father abusing him and his brother. He goes and visits his father and finds out that his mother has frozen to death and that makes him even more distant from his friends. Wade is very hot-tempered and he kills his father during one of their fights and he burns his body. His girfriend leaves him and his daughter never wants to see him again. This was a very sad and dark film and I thought it was pretty good even though I haven't read the book. The ending was somewhat peculiar but all the actors did pretty good jobs. I sort of expected this to be an action flick but I wasn't disappointed. I would recommend this one to anyone who likes seeing great performances. But thanks for reading my review! Bye!
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True Lies (1994)
I love this movie
29 April 2003
I absolutely love "True Lies". It has lots of great action and Arnold Schwarzenegger actually does a pretty decent job in it. He plays Harry Tasker, a dangerous spy who tries to keep his profession a secret from his wife of 17 years (Jamie Lee Curtis). I loved all the action scenes, especially the one with Arnie flying the jet when he's trying to rescue his kidnapped daughter. I kinda didn't like her character of Dana. She was a brat and she got on my nerves. But I'm not saying that I wish she would've died. I'm just saying that we could've done without her character. I really liked Jamie Lee Curtis in this movie. She was funny and she sort of played a tough woman in this role. I liked her striptease scene. I wish I could dance like that! But it made me wonder how she couldn't have seen that it was her husband sitting there watching her. It wasn't that dark in the room. Anyways. I also loved the part where Harry and Tom Arnold were questioning her and she got mad and started slamming the stool against the mirror. And the part where Harry was holding on to her with one arm and she was dangling over the water was breathtaking. I'd be screaming too! I thought the funniest performance was that of Bill Paxton. He always plays the whimp who gets beat up or hurt or killed. He kept peeing himself every time he was confronted by Harry. Hilarious! I don't think this movie would've been that good if Bill wasn't in it. Well, all in all I enjoyed "True Lies" and it's a great action movie. This is one I would definitely like to own. But thanks for reading my review! Bye!
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This movie was actually pretty good
20 April 2003
"Knockaround Guys" was actually pretty good. I had rented it because I saw that John Malkovich was in it and I ended up liking it. It didn't have that much action like I thought it would but it was still good. All the actors did fine jobs (especially Malkovich, in my opinion) and I hated to see it end. The opening scene with Teddy Deserve and Matty when he was 12 was a litle disturbing and it didn't really tell much about the movie. Seth Green was cute as always and it was sad when his character was killed off. Vin Diesel was good but I think he was just in this movie for eye candy and to beat someone up. Andrew Davoli's character didn't have much to do except get killed in the end. Barry Pepper was good and I liked his character. Dennis Hopper was good when he was on screen. The two stoners were laughable and I think they were in this movie for the humor. The sheriff was good but he made me mad in several parts. I loved the surprise ending. I had no idea that Teddy was behind the money scheme the whole time. John Malkovich was really good in this one and I loved the line he said to Seth Green. "I will kick you upright like a f***ing field goal". That was a really clever line. The final showdown was a little sad but Teddy had it coming. Well, all in all I liked this movie and I think this is one I would like to own. But thans for reading my review! Bye!
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Good, but could've been better
20 April 2003
"Shadow of the Vampire" was a good movie and I really liked it, but it could've been better. Willem Dafoe was great as Max Shreck and he was creepy at times. John Malkovich was great (as always) as F.W. Murnau and I loved his performance. But I think this movie should've had more blood and I think it should've showed Max kill more people. Not that I'm into lots of gore or anything, I just think the movie would've been more interesting with more gore. The other characters were under used, especially Cary Elwes. Why did Max have to kill him? And I didn't understand the part of Murnau sitting in his bed looking all doped up. What was wrong with him? Anyways. I thought "Shadow of the Vampire" was a pretty good movie and the best performances were those of Willem Dafoe and John Malkovich. I would own this movie just to see their parts. I also liked the fact that this wasn't an over-the-top, cheesy, and cliched vampire movie. I think this is what vamire movies should be. Well, while this wasn't a great movie it was still worth watching. But thanks for reading my review. Bye!
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Summer of Sam (1999)
I hated this movie!
20 April 2003
I'm sorry, but I did not like "Summer of Sam". It had WAY too much profanity and sex. What was the point? It had a great storyline but the profanity and sex made it bad. I thought all the actors did pretty good jobs but the raunchy parts just made it suck. This movie was also too long. I think it could've been shortened to at least an hour and a half. Why did Jon Leguizamo's character have too be such a player? Why did Adrien Brody's character become a porn star? I hated this movie so much and I don't want to say any more about it. But I'm happy for those of you who liked it and thanks for reading my review. Bye!
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Con Air (1997)
Great action movie
20 April 2003
First off, I want to say that "Con Air" isn't a bad movie. It has lots of great action and I thought all the actors did pretty good jobs. I will admit that Nicolas Cage's accent was hard to listen to but I liked him in this movie. John Cusack was about the same as he is in every movie that he's in but he was good. Steve Buscemi, we could've done without. I like him when he's funny and making people laugh. He's better at doing comedy. Dave Chappelle gave a short comical role and everyone else was pretty much mediocre. But the best performance was that of John Malkovich. He is so good at playing the bad guy. Although it does kinda get old seeing him as the bad guy in just about every movie he's in but he is a very talented actor. He was vicious in this movie! His character (Cyrus the Virus) made me cringe sometimes and he was just downright mean! But he did have some comical lines though. "Make a move and the bunny gets it!" I think this movie would've fell flat if he hadn't been cast. The only thing that made me wonder was, why did Cyrus and the other prisoners take the plane hostage? What was their motive? They probably explained it in the movie but I must've missed it. I just didn't understand that part. The scene at the end where Cameron Poe (Cage) meets his daughter for the first time and they start playing the song was sweet and I almost started crying. He was so happy to see his family. Well, all in all I thought "Con Air" was a great action movie and all the actors did fine jobs. (Especially Malkovich). But thanks for reading my review! Bye!
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Goodfellas (1990)
This movie was good, but I don't like gangster movies
20 April 2003
"Goodfellas" was a really good movie and Joe Pesci deserved that Oscar for his role, but I still don't like gangster movies. I can't handle all that gratuitous violence and profanity. I don't like seeing people do drugs and everything in this movie disturbed me. But it was good, don't get me wrong. I'm not badmouthing this movie or anything. I just hate gangster movies. I don't think there is any need for us to see blood spraying out of someone's head. And do we really need to hear the "F" word a hundred times? What's the point of that? I think there should be a limit on how many times it can be said in a movie. But I enjoyed all three of the lead actors' performances and this was acting at its best. I thought this movie was good but I don't think it's one I would want to own. But thanks for reading my review and good night!
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Great movie
20 April 2003
"Dangerous Liaisons" was a great movie, although I couldn't really handle the way the actors talked and the french-victorian setting. But the scenery was beautiful. This movie showed how love can ruin people and it was sad. I liked all the actors' performances and it kept me intrigued. John Malkovich never disappoints and I liked him in this movie. He made me mad sometimes and I just wanted to yell at him several times. Glenn Close was great as a witch and she is very good at playing those types of characters. Michelle Pfeiffer was good and I think that deep down she truly loved Vicomte back. Uma Thurman was alright and I think she was a little scared of Vicomte because he took advantage of her. Keanu Reeves played a character we could've done without. He kinda got on my nerves. On several occasions I felt sorry for Vicomte because he was in love with Michelle Pfieffer but Glenn Close kept telling him he couldn't have her and she kept playing head games with him. The ending was very sad and I almost cried. Especially when Vicomte started crying when he was telling the men to tell Michelle Pfieffer how much he cared for her. I don't think he really meant hurt her but Glenn Close just wanted Vicomte so bad. This movie was good and I think I would like to own it. It's just as good as "Cruel Intentions" and John Malkovich never disappoints. But thanks for reading my review! Bye!
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Excellent thriller
13 April 2003
"In the Line of Fire" is a terrific movie. I'm so glad that Clint Eastwood decided to take a break from spaghetti westerns and did this movie. I love movies that have the hero and the villain playing cat and mouse games and this one takes the cake. Clint Eastwood was great as Frank Horrigan, a detective who is trying to stop a vicious assassin from killing the President of the United States. He looked very into shape for a man in his early sixties. John Malkovich plays Mitch Leary/John Booth/James Carney, the pychotic assassin that Eastwood is trying to stop. He was excellent in this role and I don't think he was over the top. His performance was very intense and he was downright scary at times. Rene Russo was ok but I really didn't care too much for her character. I loved the chase scenes and the phone conversations between Clint and John were intriguing. It was a little disheartening to see John kill everyone that he came into contact with but I think that if he hadn't then the movie wouldn't have been as good. The last scene in the movie was one of the best and I'm glad it ended the way that it did. This was a very good movie and I'm so glad I own it now. Well, thanks for reading my review! Bye!
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Ghost Ship (2002)
Pretty good horror movie
10 April 2003
"Ghost Ship" was a pretty good horror movie. It wasn't great, but it made me jump several times and it had plenty of gore. I'm not really a fan of these kinds of movies but I enjoyed this one. The opening scene was a little hard to watch and it did make me cringe. All the actors did pretty good jobs and I don't think any of them did any cheesy acting or say any stupid lines (i.e. "oh my god, we're gonna die!") And I liked the fact that the girl (Julianna Margulies) was a tomboy and not some blonde, big breasted bimbo who screams all the time. You know what I'm saying? I also thought the storyline was good too. Not too original and not something you see in a lot of movies. A luxury liner from 1962 that was lost at sea? I thought that was clever! The deaths in this movie weren't too original and I liked that they didn't happen too fast into the movie. "Ghost Ship" was predictable but all in all it was pretty good and worth the price of the rental. It's a good way to spend some time and if you're in the mood for a scare then you should watch this one. I thought that the ending called for a sequel though and I thought it could've been better. But anyways. Thanks for reading my review! Bye!
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The Score (2001)
Great heist flick. Better than "Heist" with Gene Hackman and Danny DeVito
10 April 2003
I thoroughly enjoyed "The Score" with Robert DeNiro, Ed Norton, Marlon Brando, and Angela Bassett. I thought it was a great heist flick and much better than "Heist" with Gene Hackman and Danny DeVito. Although the latter film had more action, "The Score" was just more entertaining. I didn't think any of the actors were wasted in this film even though Angela Bassett could've been left out. Robert DeNiro and Marlon Brando were good, but I think the best performance goes to Ed Norton. He is such an amazing actor. He never disappoints and you always get the feel of his characters. And he is one of those actors who has the capability to play two characters. He was the loveable mental janitor Brian and then he was the bad theif Jack. He is just great in everything he does. I will admit that this movie had it's slow and boring moments but it was good. I loved the ending. That was my favorite part of the movie. It was classic. Ed thought that he had the sceptor and he was going to be rich but Robert had it instead and Ed got caught by the police. Of course this wasn't the greatest movie that three great actors have done but it was watchable and I think it is definitely one I would want to own. But anyways. Thanks for reading my review and if you liked seeing Ed Norton play two people then you should see him in his very first movie "Primal Fear." An amazing peformance by him.
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Monkeybone (2001)
Thank God Chris Kattan was in this
10 April 2003
Ok. I will admit that "Monkeybone" isn't a very good movie but I only bought it because Chris Kattan was in it. I think his performance is the saving grace for this film. His part is so funny and is the most entertaining scene in this movie. I'm a big fan of Brendan Fraser and he was cute in this one but I didn't think he did a very good job. He should stick to comedies like "Bedazzled" and "Blast From The Past". I also like Bridget Fonda and I think she is a great actress but her talent was wasted here. Even Whoopi Goldberg! As funny as she is I didn't think she used her great humor here. Was this supposed to be a children's movie? Because if it was it was way too raunchy. And I don't think too many kids would've found this funny. But like I said I only bought this one because of Chris Kattan and if you are a fan of his then you should fast forward to his part of the movie. It's the funniest part. But thanks for reading my review! Bye!
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Mary Reilly (1996)
I thought this was a great movie
10 April 2003
I thought "Mary Reilly" was a great horror movie. I don't particularly care for Julia Roberts's acting and there are very few roles of hers that I like, I really liked her in this one. She did a good job with her accent and she played the role convincingly. I didn't really care for Glenn Close's part although I do think she is a great actress. But in my honest opinion the best performance in this movie was that of John Malkovich. He did a great job at playing the calm Dr.Jekyll and the evil Mr.Hyde. Not too many actors can play the role of two people but he pulled it off. He was scary as Mr.Hyde just like he was supposed to be and I don't think he was over the top. I thought the ending was sad although I couldn't quite figure out what exactly killed Dr.Jekyll/Mr.Hyde. It was heartbreaking to see Mary crying on his chest when she heard his heart stop beating. Anyways. Even though this movie did have its boring moments and it was slow-moving at times, I thorougly enjoyed "Mary Reilly" and all the actors did a fine job. Well, thanks for reading my review! Bye!
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One of John Candy's best roles
10 April 2003
"Only The Lonely" was a great romantic comedy. I absolutely love it and John Candy never disappointed. I loved the storyline and all the actors did great jobs. Ally Sheedy was sweet and Maureen O'Hara was great although her character made me mad sometimes. I felt sorry for Danny (Candy) at times because he loved Theresa (Sheedy) so much but yet his mother didn't want him to be with her because of her religion. And his brother didn't like her because she was too plain. I was a little upset when he didn't show up for the wedding and he and Theresa went their separate ways for a while. But the ending was great and I was happy for them. Jim Belushi and Anthony Quinn were great and I really love this movie. But thanks for reading my review. Rest in peace John Candy. We miss you!!! :(
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Not as funny as the first two...but it was still funny!
29 March 2003
"Austin Powers In Goldmember" was hilarious. But I still think that the first two installments were funnier. Mike Myers is a great comedian and he is funny in just about everything he's in. I loved the storyline to this movie and it had some great jokes. All the actors gave great performances but I didn't think the character of Foxxy Cleopatra (Beyonce` Knowles) was as funny as Felicity Shagwell or Elizabeth Hurley in the first Austin Powers. But I liked her. Austin, Dr. Evil, and Fat Bastard were still hilarious and Goldmember was funny but he didn't make me laugh as much the other guys did. I loved all the cameos and the sequence with Tom Cruise at the beginning of the movie cracked me up. Mini-Me was still great and Michael Cain gave a satirical performance as well. I thoroughly liked this movie and I'm glad that I own it on DVD now. But thanks for reading my review!! Bye!!
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A climax would've made the movie great
26 March 2003
"One Hour Photo" wasn't a stinker, but it wasn't very good either. I was very intrigued throughout this film and I was anxious to know what would happen next. But then the ending just sucked. It had no climax. Sy (Robin Williams) grabs a knife and goes to the hotel room where the daddy and his mistress are and he takes dirty pictures of them! Then he gets caught by the police and it shows him looking at pictures of his bathroom! What the hell?! I'm not trying to criticize this film but the ending just made it disappointing. I liked Robin Williams's performance but the movie just fell flat because it lacked a climax! I think the movie would've been good if he had at least killed the daddy and his mistress. I was very let down about how this film turned out. I really think that Robin should stick to comedy. I'm tired of him playing creepy characters. Please be funny again Robin! I saw you on Conan and you're were hilarious! Please make a movie where you're playing a character like that! Well, in my opinion "One Hour Photo" was a big disappointment and I wish it would've had a better ending. But thanks for reading my review and kudos to those of you who liked it! Bye!
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This was a great story about the friendship between a man and a woman
26 March 2003
I watched "When Harry Met Sally..." for the first time the other day and I thought it was a great romantic comedy and it was a great story about the friendship between a man and a woman. I just loved how they talked to each other on the phone and just held each other when one of them was sad. Both Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan were great in this movie. The scene in the deli was hilarious. I bet Harry (Crystal) was so embarrassed. But Sally (Ryan) just looked like she was enjoying herself! I was shocked that their friends (Carrie Fisher and Bruno Kirby) ended up getting married and Harry and Sally were just left alone. I loved how they stayed friends over the years and kept in touch. That doesn't happen very often with friends, especially if they're the opposite gender. I think they were made for each other. They were just so perfect and they made a cute couple. And I liked how the movie showed that when Harry and Sally finally did sleep with each other they realized that it was a mistake and it just drifted them apart. But I'm glad that Harry told Sally how much he loved her and what he loved about her. And they ended up getting married! That was so perfect. I really enjoyed this movie and it was a great date movie. Well, that's just about all I have to say about "When Harry Met Sally.." and thanks for reading my review! Bye! :)
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From the Hip (1987)
This movie was so funny
26 March 2003
"From The Hip" is a hilarious movie. It kept me laughing the whole time. Judd Nelson was great as the irreverent lawyer Robin "Stormy" Weathers. He had some great lines and almost every scene he was in was funny. I loved the scenes with the "toy" in the defendant's bag and the caged rabbit and the hammer scene. Robin's girlfriend JoAnn (played by Elizabeth Perkins) was sweet and funny. She was likeable. William Hurt's character was creepy. He was good, but creepy. His scenes in this movie were the only non-humorous scenes. Robin was a good lawyer but very mischeivous. I loved the beginning scene where Robin was trying to wake JoAnn up and he ran his fingernails across the chalkboard and then poured the ice cold water on her. Man did she jump out of that bed!! Judd Nelson was great in this movie (as always) and I think his performance was one of the best in "From The Hip". Well, I don't have much more to say about this film except I loved it and I'm so glad I own it now. Thanks for reading my review! Bye!
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Fandango (1985)
This is a great film about friendship
26 March 2003
I really like "Fandango." It is a great film about friendship and it is very sweet. All the actors gave great performances, especially Judd Nelson. I enjoyed him in this one because he actually played a sweet and likeable character. His character Phil was great and it was so funny when he would always get picked on by his friends. Gardner Barnes (Kevin Costner) was funny and he was likeable. The only thing I didn't understand about this film was the character of Suzy Amis. What was that about? I know she got married to one of the buddies but why was Gardner thinking of her and him together? I don't know. Maybe I just wasn't paying that much attention. Anyways. One of the funniest scenes in this film is when Phil says "Do you know what E means? Do you know what E means? It means EMPTY douchebag! Like your head!" and the buddies attach a rope from Phil's Caddy to a moving train and it takes the whole front of the car off. I felt so sorry for Phil. But anyways. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and I am so glad I own it. Well, thanks for reading my review! Bye!
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I love this movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
26 March 2003
I was born in 1984, but I am such a big fan of the'80s. Especially the music and the movies. And "The Breakfast Club" is one of my absolute favorite '80s movies. It stars the members of the Brat Pack, which I'm a big fan of, it has a great '80s song, ("Don't You Forget About Me" by Simple Minds), and it has great '80s dialogue. This was a great story about how five totally different kids have to spend a whole day in detention together and they end up finding out that they each have a lot in common and they end up becoming friends. I liked all the characters, but all of them had something that annoyed me. Andrew (Emilio Estevez) was way too cocky and too much of a jock, Brian (Anthony Michael Hall) was too dorky and a brainiac, John (Judd Nelson) was way too badass and mean, Claire (Molly Ringwald) was too much of a popular prom queen and I just thought she was full of herself, and Alison (Ally Sheedy) was too much of a wierdo. But I didn't hate any of the characters. I think my favorite character was John Bender. (I will always love Judd Nelson). Most of the funniest lines in the movie were said by him and he wasn't too arrogant. But he was so mean. That's what I didn't like about him. But he was still funny. The principal, Richard Vernon, (played by Paul Gleason), was good, but I didn't care too much for his attitude. I mean, I know that he had to be extremely rude towards John because that's what John did to him, but it was still unlikeable. Anyways. I am just so in love with "The Breakfast Club" and it will always be one of my most favorite movies. Well, thanks for reading my review! Bye!
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The Ring (2002)
This movie scared me
19 March 2003
This was a very scary movie. Of course it wasn't as scary as The Exorcist (which I have not seen, and probably never will) or Nightmare on Elm Street but "The Ring" kept me hiding behind my pillow. I watched this with my parents and they were even frightened! The lighting and the rain just made it even more creepy. The way the people's faces looked after they had viewed the tape was very disturbing. I liked the storyline. A videotape that kills you? That's not something you see in a lot of movies. And why are little kids so creepy in these kinds of movies? That little boy was freaking me out. I think one of the scariest parts in this movie was when the girl came out of the screen when Noah was watching the tape. I thought this movie dragged on a little bit too long and the ending just left me hanging but all in all I thought it was a great scary movie. It disturbed me and frightened the wits out of me. I would recommend this one to anyone who likes scary movies without all the blood and gore. "The Ring" was a good scary movie.
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I liked this movie
18 March 2003
Okay, Okay. This wasn't the funniest or even the best movie ever made, but it certainly wasn't the worst. I thought the humor was great and I loved all the characters, although the huge baby twins were really disgusting. I loved Dan Akroyd in this movie. I loved the way his character talked and his makeup effects were great. I miss John Candy terribly. He was always funny in whatever movie he starred in. I think he was one of the greatest comic actors ever. He was the highlight of this movie. I loved both his characters, Dennis and Eldona. I think "Nothing But Trouble" would be classified as a black comedy but it was a good black comedy. I can understand why most of you would think this was a bad movie but there are definitely worse movies than this one out there. This movie was funny, entertaining, and not at all boring. I would definitely recommend this one to anyone who likes black comedies and to anyone who likes Dan Akroyd and liked John Candy. I don't particularly care for Demi Moore but I liked her in this movie. And Chevy Chase was funny like always. Like I said, this wasn't the best movie ever made but it wasn't the worst. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and I'm glad that it was made. Thank you for reading my review.
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Old School (2003)
This movie was soooo funny!!!
16 March 2003
I thought "Old School" was a very funny movie. It had three great comic actors in it and the jokes were hilarious. I love Will Ferrell. He is one of the funniest comedians out there and I love anything he's ever been in. I was saddened when he left Saturday Night Live and I still miss him being on there but if he hadn't of left then he wouldn't have made this movie. I know that this wasn't a very good movie and it's not Oscar material but that's not what Will Ferrell is about. He just wants to make people laugh and he succeeded with "Old School." I loved the story line and all the characters were great. (Except the cameo by Craig Kilborn, he was a jerk.) Luke Wilson was cute and he had some great lines and Vince Vaughn kept me laughing. But I'd have to say that Will Ferrell was my favorite because he had the funniest lines and he just stole the show. His actions and facial expressions are just so funny. Anyways. I thought "Old School" was a great movie for those people who love to laugh and smile and if you're not one of those people then don't go see it. Well, thanks for reading my review and Will Ferrell rules!!
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Bad Company (2002)
"Bad Company" was an ok movie
16 March 2003
I watched "Bad Company" and I thought it was ok. I couldn't really get into it but I forced myself to watch it. I like Chris Rock but he really wasn't using his comic abilities in this movie. I thought the storyline and the plot was interesting but it just didn't really interest me. Sir Anthony Hopkins did a pretty decent job but this wasn't his best performance. I think Chris Rock isn't a great choice for this genre of movies. He should stick to comedy. I'm not criticizing this movie or the two lead actors' performances. I'm just saying that I wasn't very interested in this movie though. I've seen a lot of bad movies and this wasn't a bad movie. Just uninteresting!! Anyways. Thanks for reading my review and kudos to those of you who liked it!!
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