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Gangs of London (2020– )
Every episode almost a movie
3 May 2020
Haven't been wowed by any TV series long time but this one got me. In some scenes the violence might set you back but even then the amount of work and detail they have put into every scene keeps the jaws dropping. The story is catchy and unfolds slowly by giving away small bits and pieces in a fascinating way. The action is high end it's done with taste even though people recovering soon from such beating is by any means unreal. I need to mention episode 5 as a brilliant piece of work which could stand out by itself above many thriller-drama-action movies, take a good seat and drinks before start watching it, and of course plenty of time.
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Crown Vic (2019)
Long time since I enjoyed a cop movie
17 November 2019
Well done cop movie which I manage to watch with fingers crossed until the end. Good actors and apart from few prolonged scenes which don't bring much value it's a summary of most likely underpaid professional work.
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Fear the Walking Dead (2015–2023)
Exhausted from repetition
26 September 2019
It has come to the point where watching these series takes serious patience. I don't remember any other horror tv series which has been trying to be so Shakesperean, where in the middle of the action everything will pause for a serious 10 minute monologue of all kinds of irrelevant -most irrelevant to the situation stuff. Ok we get it, after ten season of Walking Dead and 5 seasons of Fear The Walking Dead, human mentality can take all kinds of twists and turns, But getting through every single of them and over analyzing them and mess ups the one after the other of people who should be now by instinct protective and cautious is simply impossible. Finish it up and spare us from more of this exhausting fairy tale.
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Nice performance but terrible script
9 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Like many other super productions this one got stumbled on al lousy script. Who writes this kind of crap and for who anyway? The production is amazing and very realistic one of the best I've seen and as with every James Cameron movie I wouldn't expect any less. The cast is ok although it makes me wonder why an actual character with real eyes wasn't enough - it worked in Westworld but apparently not for the producers of this film. Overall the movie started very promising and was progressing fine until the story got sloppy and fall into very cheap film flows, the kind of stuff you see in cheap karate movies. And the ending couldn't be less disappointing by leaving the obvious expectation for a sequel - really? A whole new movie for climbing up the pipe to get to the bad guy? It could be a great movie but unfortunately it is not and it gets 7/10 only because of it's great graphics and the cast.
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Very low quality work
25 April 2018
I won't get into the historical inaccuracies in the series as there are tons of reviews about that. Also many reviewers in favor of the series seem to fail to understand the inaccuracies due to the fact -for which I am almost certain- they most likely have red some interpretation of Iliad where things are shortened and things that might appear irrelevant to the contemporary reader have been just skipped. First of all to these producers and to any other in the future that may think or even attempt to make a Troy series or movie or any derivatives of Iliad and Odyssey I would recommend seriously the first and fundamental ingredient: go get a proper budget for your project. If you ever imagine to capture even a glimpse of the glory of the ancient Greece on a motion picture be so decent not ignore this great culture and its inheritance by portraying them as almost beggars dressed is peasant clothes. Even if you ignore the tons of the great findings exhibited in numerous museums around the world, at least have the decency to try to represent some of the facts that are described in the original story. For your reference, Homer has dedicated in the Iliad a whole chapter just describing the shield and armor of Achilles and hence why all that armory was a key piece in recognizing that warrior among the thousands of other soldiers. When you look at the Achilles in the series there is nothing inspiring about his outfit. When looking at Troy as a city it looks more like a village from the middle east rather than the glorious city full of statues and temples and gold. Isn't obvious that when gods played such a big role in people lives there would also be some kind of temples to worship them? Whops perhaps you missed that too. Furthermore the series is missing so many action scenes and powerful dialogues and events from the Iliad instead the series are filled with idiotic soap opera style dialogues and sexist scenes that although everybody is aware and certain that were happening as well at that time of human history are unfortunately irrelevant to the story that Homer passed to us through the Iliad. Paris and Helen in particular although they were the center characters that triggered the war they have little space inside the Iliad and they are anything but main characters. Amazons although they might have existed at that time and had nothing to do with Iliad, there is no story about them and Achilles fighting each other and definitely weren't black for no other reason because they were people from north east, a region that might be called also Caucasian. Indeed if you are going to make these kind of series, try to ind a way to represent the environment as it might have looked at that time with CGI or with a huge budget and foremost get your story in line unless you are trying to make and artistic interpretation where even the color of characters wouldn't matter; however in that case you should also drop any stupid dialogues and focus a lot on the way characters speak to each other since in reality Iliad is not a story but a bloody poem just in case you forgot that.
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Capture (2013– )
If it would only be real
8 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Unfortunately right at episode 5 I started having doubts about the sincerity of this 'competition'. All of the contestants are paid and one pair, the twins are actually well known actors which are given twice the opportunity to eliminate the strongest, but according to producer obviously least appealing contestants. Capture could be a great show if thee would be real contestants selected through a real selection process. The basic rules are OK but the extra tricks just would turn you off with their stupidity and I'd suggest if the producers are to set this for a real competition to drop these off. Overall the show manages to trick you to think it for real and it provides good suspension but also some annoying parts just to make it a show.
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Haywire (2011)
Watch this movie, good action
11 January 2013
It has been some time I watched this movie and I was wondering when I saw the negative reviews. The movie has 1,5 star rating at Netflix, and it definitely deserves better! I believe somebody just didn't want this movie to pick up. If Cameron Diaz can act in two action movies, I believe that Gina can act in twenty - she's tougher, more credible, and definitely adequately charismatic. I can imagine few women actress who could perform actually that demanding role like that of Mallory Kane in Haywire. The movie has a very interesting beginning and some breathtaking action scene that make it a decent action movie. The weakness of the film is that with that strong cast, Michael Douglas, Ewan McGregor, Antonio Banderas, Channing Tatum, Michael Fassbender, etc etc one would expect a truly epic action movie. That unfortunately is not the result of Haywire, nevertheless the action is good and worth the watch.
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Skyfall (2012)
Worse James bond movie ever
29 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is my first review and the reason why I take the time to write this review is because I paid 7 euros to watch this movie in IMAX, but I felt that my money was not worth it. In general the whole plot is confusing and childish. I can't make up my mind whether this is an action movie or a drama or even a comedy. The script jumps from one section to another without cluing any of the parts together.

As in all opening scenes of a Bond movie also in this one there is a good opening until the chase starts. There everything goes wrong and the director obviously had no idea how things work in Turkey. The scenes on the rooftops were badly made and one could notice the obvious computer editing - not really anybody was driving on these roofs apart from couple of scenes. The market scenes were impossible and unrealistic and the way the train scene ended totally ridiculous. Turkey is such a militaristic country that if NATO intelligence would be in stake the train wouldn't get even 1000 meters further from its departure without a dozen of helicopters and army commandos -fitter than Bond - chasing it. The chances that Bond would ever never survive a fall to shallow Turkish river are nonexistent. And if even if he would have done that either the Turkish authorities or the British intelligence would have him located instantly. Absolutely no way to get away from there.

Despite all these childish errors I still liked the opening scene mostly because what follows was tragic. Once the movie goes to the dialogues of the executives it becomes ridiculous. I am sorry but even in my office we use way more professional attitude at work than what M and her boss used in that movie. However even more ridiculous is that someone wants to execute M but instead gives her a chance to see only her office blowing in order to impress - really story for children. But the nonsense doesn't stop there. When eventually Bond remembers that his country needs him because his bosses office is blow he decides to give up the life of a looser to get back to work. So the director likes to give us a message, die for your boss but not for your country - because otherwise there would be one million reasons for Bond to get back his ass earlier than he did.

Indeed despite that Bond is physically ruined and mentally incompetent the office would assign him to trace the assassin responsible for the killing of fellow agents like there's nobody better to do the job. And when he finds the guy, instead of calling backup - because the assassin is literally trapped in a skyscraper with maximum security- he goes with the acrobatics and lets even another person die just to be left with a casino chip in hand. I will skip the casino scene because it is only ridiculous, full of meaningless dialogue, bad acting and clichés seen in almost every action movie.

In the next part Bond gets finally to the island where the bad guy is located. The bad guy who so far has been extremely smart turns to be a total idiot, living in an isolated island, very easy to be traced, surrounded with a bunch of muscled buffoons and turns also to be a gay. I didn't get the point of the last, but they obviously had to do something to distract the overall contradiction of the whole setup. The bad guy is caught and thrown to a cell that looks similar to the one Dr.Hannibal Lecter was put in the Silent of Lamps, apart that it isn't the same impressive and very unpractical and would have cause a number of security issues with its design. The bad guy has unimagined programming skills manages to get the British Intelligence computer systems virus infected to just to escape in order to find and kill M. I have a big question, why he couldn't do all that earlier when he was free and very powerful?

Finally we come to the point where every single level of authority in England must have been paralyzed with only Bond and his battler or uncle or whatever he was the only able people to help to save M. And the best place to do that is a spot which can be seen and traced so easily like no other. Furthermore that bad smart guy turns totally stupid when instead of bombing the whole place to the ground he decides to promenade around it throwing gradates through the windows.

The closing scenes are lacking any kind of emotion compared to the ones of older Bond movies. They seem more like a quick and dirty way to get us to the next Bond movie where there is a new M and probably also another Bond actor. I gave only four points because of the camera work, the music and the acting of Ralph Fiennes who I am sure will be the best M ever in the Bond movie to follow.
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