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For All Mankind (2019– )
I tried to like it
16 August 2023
I guess it's not fair to judge a show, or anything really, by the way it is promoted or the personal opinions of other people. This creates certain expectations.

This show gets promoted as a "Star Trek prequel" of shorts, meaning that the world presented here show how a society could evolve to the world of Star Trek, and when I hear those words my mind instantly goes to the political aspects of Star Trek.

Well, that's not it at all. On the other hand, it sure is a very well made show, other than some weird plot points here and there. It feels at times that I'm missing something, because I can't see how a show that depicts people from the Soviet Union as some kind of savages. And the problem is not that it depicts the Soviet Union in a negative light, the problem is that it doesn't try to find the good and the bad from both sides. Whenever the Americans do a mistake it is always justified. If it's not justified, the Soviets just say "hold my bear" and make an even worse mistake. For example I found it very puzzling that the events of the KAL007 flight are presented in the show, because they are there only for a character to get a promotion. Since much character development is lost in the 10 year jump between seasons, or some random shorter jumps in between, I don't understand the purpose of showing those events. They boost however that anti-Soviet Union perspective.

All characters are extremely loyal to their faction. No one is questioning the idiotic decisions by their government, except if if this can push the anti-Soviet narrative. There's a notable example however: A symbolic gesture is enough to end hostilities and avoid total destruction. I'm sorry, but this is laughable, especially having in mind the political players involved. Generally speaking, the Americans are doing questionable things, but they have their reasons and the Soviets are doing questionable (and outright evil) things because they can I guess. Not to mention that there's a character taking advices from an actual Nazi, and not only there are no consequences but the character gets a promotion and everything works out fine!

The theme of not having consequences is even deeper if we look at problematic behaviors. All characters are bound to the stereotypical toxic behaviors of the era. That by itself can be ok, but I didn't see enough time showing the audience that those are wrong. A female character is pushed to stay with her cheater husband, one who doesn't seem to care much about his family. Later in the show it feels like they try to paint her in a bad light (for various reasons, some of them unrelated to the incident). The plot thread is concluded with the two characters kinda admitting that they were not great to each other and they admit that they love each other despite whatever happened.

Maybe this is a very slow burn. Maybe throughout the whole show it will manage to show some repercussions, and it tries to show how the world can be united. In a snail's pace. Until this happens, I'm not sure why anyone not from the States and/or not patriotic or anti-communist will be interested in this. Maybe the cool space exploration? It seems like the show is getting there, to show how humanity can be united and work for the betterment of all. Season 3 seems in some way better than the rest. But I'm not sure how a show can be called "For All Mankind" but it is exclusive on the USA POV.

It is getting so slow to get to where it promises to be (that might be a fault of the marketing however) that I'm not sure if it's worth the while. All in all I think it might have some good intentions, but it creates the opposite of what it tries to say.
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Wayward Pines (2015–2016)
Freedom vs security: apples and oranges
5 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
At first, as others have pointed out this reminded me of Twin Peaks. What I didn't want was to see aliens, or "everybody is dead". It's a fun series, meaning that you can have a good time watching it but it sure is not a masterpiece. Plus there were some things that I really didn't like.

I don't think that I have seen the actors anywhere else, except from the guy who was playing War Machine (in the first Iron Man). The actors are trying and doing a good job in a pure script and direction. For example there are cameras everywhere and microphones but everyone is OK to act suspicious, so as to hide from them. There are also some huge plot holes, like why did they need "adults" and they did just taken babies, or even better try to replicate a human being by cloning or other technique? I mean, they have cryosleep... Plus the protagonist's death in the end is obvious and without reason: He could have just throw the damned bomb or something. The music is very good, and as I said it is still not bad, just with some serious flaws, and if you are a sucker for mysteries and sci-fi stuff it's easy to at least enjoy it.

One of the themes of the series is the matter of freedom vs security: how much of those you need to have a proper balance? What the series is trying to say is "a little bit of both" but I believe that it is as I said "apples and oranges", I mean you can't have both, freedom does not need security, otherwise it's "you are free to do whatever I tell you". Even a little bit of security means that you are not free to do whatever you want.

To be honest I find the reason that this scientist has imprisoned those humans in a lie does not make sense. He could just take some volunteers, and the series points that there were many, and try to built a new world without lies but with mutual help and respect, without hierarchy, with a single mission to survive against a common foe. I can't buy why this lie has to be in the first place.

The revolutionists are portrayed as revolution without a reason, but also the creators of this series gladly point their conservative believes, because the people who want to see what's outside are reckless and unresponsible and ultimately wrong because outside of the walls there are monsters, a great metaphor for how our society sees a revolution, but in my point of view the people who want to know the truth, who want to be free they are right, even if it means that this may kill you.

Plus I really found wrong that the "adults" in the end were right, and the kids built again a totalitarian dystopia. I mean, this is totally wrong as an example...

Anyway, this is a series of books, so as I am not familiar at all with the source material I don't know what is the creator's fault and what this series have in common.
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Interstellar (2014)
I don't care that much about the physics/f*ck the American flag/fuc* our saviors
21 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
OK let me start by saying this: I am not an expert on physics and when I watch a movie I hardly care, as long as it does not make me think reasonably, as long as "movie science" is presented in a believable way. Now if I want to watch something with accurate science I will watch a documentary, and even that one side will tell you that's the truth, and the other not. I will not watch a science fiction movie for actual science, I will do because I want to see stuff that can't happen in my world, at least for the time being, but reflect to my reality and have some lessons in them.

I think Nolan is brilliant. Goebbels was was also brilliant (responsible for Hitler's propaganda). He had also some distorted point of views. And so does Nolan... I fully disagree with the messages Nolan is trying to show in his films. For example in "Dark Knight Rises" those who talk about freedom and true justice are telling telling lies and are the "bad guys". Batmna manages to win them with the help of the police. This translates to me "communists, anarchists, activists, all of them are liars, only trust the state". Sorry but my beliefs are kinda different.

Now on to "Interstellar"... It is a very well crafted movie, with good effects, great acting from people that I didn't consider good actors like McConaughey and Damon, great acting from guys who are great actors like Caine and the trinity killer, and the same mediocre acting from Hathaway who she think is a good actor, but everybody Else does not. In any case, you know why this movie is good, but let's now talk about the bad stuff, shall we?

What I try to do in most science fiction movies is try to see some stuff as metaphors. The earth is in danger from something that was already there but now it consumes the world. Our protagonist believes that solving this problem is pointless so let's destroy some more worlds. This is like saying "don't care about the destruction that happens every day in front of your eyes, don't care about your everyday problems, think about the future and what it can bring". And what is this? Nolan says it for himself, without even knowing it: Uncenternty. It is the most unlikely thing to happen, yet however it does. But the fact is that the politicians in the world say to you "trust us because today it is not great but tomorrow it will be". And it never will... What if Cooper's mission was a failure? Wouldn't that be a waste for all those scientists who could have solved the problem on earth, to just waste their time like this? This movie also show that colonizing another planet is a good thing, forgetting everything that man made when he colonized America. And the American flag is hanged in both planets, because mankind is at the blink of destruction but nations and corporations still exists, and Nolan's perfect world that's a good thing. The movie show us NASA doing this research. I would guess that in a catastrophic event like that everyone would like to be involved, at least that's what I would like to see. But no, Nolan show us that NASA is our savior who along with the USA would be leaders of this new world. The other thing that bothered me were "the others". First of all this is a clear metaphor for god. God will save us at the last minute, as long as we have faith in him. Yes, the others are "evolved humans" as it seems, and you could say that this has to do with Buddhism, because everyone of us is god, an evolved creature, not binded by the chains of our primitive perspective. That could be better, if presented properly, but it is not Buddhism, nor humanism, this is conservative christianism, masqueraded as something greater. The others are our saviors who act in mysterious ways and we cannot comprehend them. We should have faith in them, blind faith cause in the end they are right. And they choose a savior, our protagonist's daughter. Thank you very much but I don't believe in saviors. I don't believe in higher powers that we should follow with question, nor in the power of a state, a corporation or in nations for what matters. This is good movie, if you look at it without it's messages, or if you believe in those messages, but if you look closer it has ugly meanings that in no way save the world, in reality they keep destroying it. So thanks but no thanks. I should better re-watch 2001 - A space odyssey than this again...
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It's exactly what you are waiting for
20 August 2015
This is really nothing special. The first terminator film was a sci fi thriller that haunted my dreams as a child (especially considering I was born in 1984). The second was an action movie, brighter and more optimistic. The third a bad dream. The forth was a different kind of monster, a post apocalyptic adventure. Considering that "Salvation" created two camps, haters and lovers, the franchise was dying. The rights to it go back to Cameron in 2019 and he can reboot it as he see fit, for the new generation, or sell it or whatever.

So the producers said "Let's not make anything stupid and make something that most people will love". This is a terminator movie with all the clichés, but not a parody of itself as T3 was, new elements are introduced but not groundbreaking to the franchise as "Salvation" did (love it or hate you have to admit that it was something very different) and it is a good action movie like T2 was. It has many nods to the original film and some hiding in plain sight from all the other installments (plus the TV series) for the fanboys to be happy about it.

Let's be frank: When you make a Terminator movie with arnie in 2015 best bet is that you don't make it for those who want to see a good crafted movie with meanings. You make it as a money-cow for people who are now in their 30s or 40s and want to relieve their childhood.

This is a cool action movie with no surprises. It is not bad but I would not recommend it to you.
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Noah (2014)
An interesting movie but maybe not great
2 August 2014
I don't really care for religious films. I liked "Jesu of Nazareth", but mostly because the acting was great. I am also a big aronofsy fan. I was intrigued to watch "Noah" mostly because I have faith in Darren doing a good movie.

Most people are familiar with Noah's story, at least the basic. That gives the movie a head start on the narrative so to not explain everything. This however is what I didn't like in the movie, cause if I had no idea about Noah I would be kind of lost. It is a little difficult to be attached with the characters cause there ids not much time spent in understand them. My other problem is that I was expecting the movie to be more metaphorical, taking the story we all know and make it something else. I can't buy that someone takes orders from an invisible master who however does not speak and does not question authority. The whole concept of masters and slaves who only do their master'd biding seems silly to me. I would prefer if there was a more obvious question if there is a god giving orders or if Noah is just crazy. I have only see this movie once and I think I must watch it again. However I was not really impressed, nor I disliked it. I think it's the one so far I like less from Darren's work. However do not fool yourself, it's a good movie dealing with survival's guilt, environmentalism and spirituality. It just does not really fit well with my beliefs, but I enjoy watching it.
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RoboCop (2014)
A waste of time even not considering the original
10 July 2014
I watched the original Robocop when I was a kid. The original movie had humor and political satire, and it was trying to tell some important thing, other than "there is a cop who is a cyborg". It span some sequels a cartoon and a TV series most of them of questionable quality.

I did not had high hopes for the reboot but I was gonna watch it because I like SF stuff. And when I don't have high hopes usually I get a little satisfied (considering I wait worst).

This movie is even worst than expected! Yes, there is action, special effects and some interesting actors, and somewhere maybe some good ideas by the director, but if you are interesting in the story of a movie, just don't see this. The story has serious holes, or stupid plots that have no meaning. I find it very boring to point the bad stuff.

And let's just not consider the original... This movie has nothing to say, except maybe some pointless stuff and the story does not make any sense if you think about it. The changes made in the origin of Robocop are pointless and feel just for the sake of change. The is no real reason to happen almost any of the stuff happening in the movie.
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1984 (1984)
Poor Orwell
9 April 2014
Orwell was not an anti-communist. The sad thing is that he has been used by capitalists to empower their points against communism.

This movie is well crafted, it has an interesting direction and very good performances, especially by John Hurt, Richard Burton and Suzanna Hamilton. However this is only for those who have read the book. The plot is kind of vague at times and only if you have read the book you can understand. Further more the movie manages to become a glorified hymn against communism, whereas Orwell in this book is against totalitarianism, and yes he criticizes Stalin, but more on what the USSR was heading rather than communism in general.

In any cases avoid this. Better read the book. Even V for Vendeta is better on pointing out something political.
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Dexter: Remember the Monsters? (2013)
Season 8, Episode 12
Goodbye Dexter Morgan...
25 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, 10/10.

I was introduced to Dexter while second season was half way thru. Although I do not watch a lot of TV series, the show got me almost immediately. First episode, with the Ice Truck killer was interesting, I kept watching out of curiosity. After two or three episodes I was hooked!!

I continued watching Dexter till the final season. During the good, the great and the not so good. What made me like the show was that I thought it was innovating, and very interesting in portraying a serial killer. However, after some seasons I realized that the characters are growing as the show goes foreword. It's not your typical show, trying to hold on the status quo and after a while it does not make any sense.

I realized that the show it's not about a serial killer, but about this poor guy, trying to feel human. This is even evident in every season, especially after the amazing season 4. And everything went "great", until we reached the final episode of season 6...

I understand that some hate the particular season, but I believe that after everything before, it was needed to revive the concept. Deb found out and now what? We entered season 7, a season filled with tension that put another nail in Deb's coffin, but at the same time it made Dexter rethink everything he does, and what are his priorities.

I'll be honest, I watched season 8, episode after episode, and at first it seemed weird, but in reality it has so many things happening, and you are waiting to see what will bring Dexter's downfall, so you don't know what will happen. And that's something else that intrigued me in the show, all your predictions are wrong! Even when I was spoiled about Rita's death, the writers almost made me forgot about it, before actually saw the episode. And in the final season, everyone, including me were waiting for something that will show the heroic Dexter, trying to do good, in his weird way, but failing and get killed or arrested.

In the final episode nothing like that happens. And it is great. Many people reacted negatively about the conclusion, or the episode per se. I find the tension and the writing, along with the music to be fantastic, and the episode itself is something new to Dexter, nothing you have ever see.

But what about the story? Well, Dexter gets what he deserves, and maybe worse. I'm not sure if he faked his death and had a coin toss if he lives or dies. Somehow he manages to live and decides to be rid of all emotions, because now that he has them he realizes that the unspeakable burden that everyone of us carries, but think of it from the perspective of someone who never had emotions. He realizes that he is a machine built for destruction. At the very least that's what Dexter believes for himself, it's not what Deb, Hanna, or the viewers think about him. You have to think as Dexter does to understand this.

As for Harrison and Hanna, many said that Hanna is not capable for raising a child. Is Dexter? A serial killer, even someone who does not need to kill anymore? And is someone who thinks for himself that he only brings grief and death capable? Well, Hanna is maybe not mother of the year, but Dexter never was, even if he loves Harrison.

So no, it was not the ending everyone wished for, or thinking it would happen. It was something unexpected. It was not a glorious happy/sad ending, full of mementos from last seasons, for the geeks to notice (however the ice trucks and "Laura" were good touches). It was not a true Dexter episode if you will, because this was not the same person from the first season, not even from the fifth or sixth. He does what he does best, killing Deb as a mercy kill in his eyes, the one thing no one can do, bury her like all of his victims, as he screwed her life more than anyone else, and goes to exile.

And he is somewhere alone, carrying the burden that sometime he carred for some people, but he destroyed all of them. Will he ever go back to killing? That's what I think. Will he ever get caught and exposed? Probably, if he continues killing? Will he ever go find them, after some time of retribution? Try to discover them see if they are OK? Now that he has feelings who knows? Maybe yes maybe now. It is not necessary to know everything, sometimes it's great to let stuff for the audience to think about.

Some days after I watched the finale, I am still sad about Deb, and still sad about Dexter, that great but weird fried I had for years, who decided it's better away from us. Sometimes it's not about glory or closure. If something makes you think, and you keep thinking about it, it let an impact on you, so sure there must be some good to it...

Goodbye Dexter, maybe the best series around. I'm gonna miss you.
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I regret thinking that it may be good
5 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Actually maybe it is even worse than the first one. Not much to say, there are some good moments maybe, but overall it's bad. The first movie was so ridiculous that I was laughing at all times, though in this movie I was bored way before the first half.

I really don't care that they ignored the first movie, or if this kid is supposed to be Danny Ketch, I could have enjoyed the movie if it was good, and I could care less about continuity and stuff. But it was a bad movie, with unbelievable bad acting and poor plot.

Christopher Lambert, an actor I respect however, can add another stupid movie to his portfolio. WTF with this guy anyway? Also, if I wanted to see black eyed demons I would watching Supernatural.
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