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How much is too much?
13 December 2017
So, the most anticipated film of the year, the film that had to defy the pressure and had to take us by surprise after so many fan theories. And did it work?

Well, 7/10 is a good rating by all means. Most of the film succeeds at bringing all the good stuff from SW universe. Judging by the visuals it is everything you like about this majestic saga. So where did it go wrong?

Ever since they appeared, I haven't made my opinion on new characters and this movie didn't help that. Rey and Finn are poster girl and boy for Resistance but they seem to be too one-dimensional. None of them is that slick as Han Solo or as convincing as Luke Skywalker. But the dark side has some pretty strong aces in Kylo Ren and Supreme Leader Snoke. These two characters developed nicely and Ren's intentions are finally made clear. There is a bunch of new characters, but none of them really contribute to the plot, they are merely stand-up guys here. And what about two veterans here, Leia and Luke? Well, no need to point out they were as good as ever

Furthermore, there are so many plot twists and sudden changes in rhytm and I really wonder why. First third of the movie is moving along nicely, just like it's supposed to do. Second third is where this movie is losing pace and insufficiently deep scenario is a real problem here. It would have benefited from a less straightforward and more meaningful script. In the last third the movie goes full godspeed and demonstrates some stunning visuals, but as the 150 minute mark was approaching they slowed suddenly and even dragged it a bit at the end but nevertheless it was very (if not too much) eventful. Did they really have to push that many drama, theories, possibities only to go back to the seen-before route?

So the movie almost turned out to be a mixed bag and yet I saw some stunning moments,never seen before in this saga. The movie had a lot of boxes to tick and a lot of feel good atmosfere to create and it does that decently. But in the end what looked like to be a definitive Star Wars movie for generations to come is really a lot of everything that still ends up short of being constant and majestic as some previous installments were.
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Deadpool (2016)
Simply enjoy this movie for what it is. And it is a gamechanger
12 February 2016
After months of all kinds of trailers, posters and tireless social media promotion, Deadpool is finally in the cinemas. To be completely honest it is everything it promises to be. What was obvious at a first glance is that this movie is different from usual superhero stuff we see almost every month. in fact,this movie should not be called a superhero movie,nor antihero movie. Why so? Deadpool (aka Wade Wilson),famously proclaimed as the Merc With The Mouth, is actually a really cool guy in a red suit. His role is not saving the world (or city) from an alien threat. He is a man on a mission but one that is more about himself than benefiting society. But as we all know it his most noticeable feature is his wit and there are tons of that throughout 105 minutes.

Giving 9/10 is giving this movie a considerable weight and I was inclined to give it 8. Why didn't I? Because I simply enjoyed the movie,had many laughs and loved action scenes (which were kinda pretentious and over-pumped,but who really cares). As far as I am concerned that is mission accomplished.

This movie definitely could have had more use of its plot. It is decent at its best and comparable to many other Marvel movies. As you can now guess the villain (played by Ed Skrein) is not that interesting and magnetic and gets completely overshadowed by somewhat egoistic main character. Those are some serious drawbacks but they are sacrificed for the best thing about this movie. It is bringing freshness to a bit mundane superhero world. Now,you don't really watch what he is doing next but how he is doing it. For once you get not only to love a titular character but you are ready to let him entertain you for an hour and a half.

So is this is just an action comedy? You can put it that way,but it is difficult to really define it. This movie simply exists in its own universe,and it does it so effortlessly. And it deserves a massive applause for that
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Justifies the hype and awakens the Force that franchise lost in prequel trilogy
16 December 2015
There are very few people who won't admit this is the most anticipated movie of this decade. Taking all those expectations into account reviewing this title is quite a difficult and delicate thing but after seeing this movie on its release day it is impossible to hide all these positive emotions. Every fan will rediscover his inner child and get goosebumps at almost every reference to the galaxy far away.

J.J. Abrams is one of the most acclaimed directors of his generation and putting him at the helm of this project was undoubtedly right decision. The way he handles this ultra-heavyweight burden of expectations and historical importance is just jaw-dropping. Throughout 135 minutes of the movie your mind travels through flurry of his impeccably executed ideas. Perhaps the best thing about this movie is that it still feels fresh despite (expectedly,I must admit) putting so many references to the previous installments. Those references are also the reason I didn't give 10 stars. Sometimes you get the feeling that it is all about refreshing all the stuff from 70s and 80s. Most likely that is the result of big corporation (Disney) standing behind high grossing project as Star Wars really are. But don't worry about that too soon because flaws are easily overshadowed by a decent plot and cinematography at its very highest.

Cast consists of both rising stars and franchise veterans. And this combination never fails to amaze because the chemistry between characters is just like in the old days of Star Wars when Harrison Ford and co. were not that famous. Boyega and Ridley give their best and really live for this movie and their ambition about this project is almost palpable. Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) may feel like Darth Vader 2.0 but he is somehow more intriguing. Queen Leia and Han Solo are just as good as ever and having them back here is a real joy. Luke,well his story is more of a mystery,that's all I can say.

Whatever your attitude towards this one is,if you ever liked any of the six previous parts you should go for this one. Despite sometimes feeling a bit too familiar and serial it is more than welcome arrival in this franchise. Whole crew just put their hearts into this one and created a magnetic atmosphere that really makes this one of the most enjoyable movies of 2010s so far. I wouldn't dare to say it is the best of 2015 but it is definitely up there among the best.
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Squad that misses the point
19 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Going to this movie seemed to be majestic opening of 2013. Till the day I actually saw it. I don't dislike this movie but there is explanation why I regret paying $8 to see it.

Gangster genre was fading many years ago. R.Scott managed to somehow revive it with American Gangster and Public Enemies was venerable effort to show the cruel realities of gangsters vs. police battle. 2012's Lawless truly disappointed me with bootlegging theme. Sincerely,they should have just left us to see 3 seasons of Boardwalk Empire. And then Gangster Squad arrived...

L.A. is great background for every kind of story and in this one,L.A. seemed to be the playground for die-hard police officers. They just had to derive more from The City of Angels. Cast seems like perfect squad which would fight all the critics. And now comes the most positive side. Sean Penn. I simply couldn't enjoy more in his lines and his cool and cruel look he would give to his thug,it was beyond the reaches of this movie. And that is what really saves the day. The rest was, more or less, opposite of flawless. Gosling doesn't really handle himself in this world and it was quite childish role he got. Josh Brolin just didn't fulfill the criteria of being true movie hero,although he did solid job. Emma Stone was perhaps the greatest victim of the plot. She is so gifted actress,but her role was ungrateful one.

And now I'd like to justify my 6 stars. Although it seemed in my review that this was not "above 5/10 movie" I would like to mention a fact that occurred to me. If you simply love this genre of police chasing gangsters with robust gunshots and brutal eliminating methods,you won't hate the movie,because it is full of firing from all kinds of guns and Cohen's mercilessness is just everywhere.

Towards the ending,movie is getting through the chaos and modern wild west days. The very ending is something like Transformers style ending. Josh Brolin vs. Sean Penn fight scene, with so many soul and such a high stakes in, this shouldn't be an epic ending of grand gangster. Now the point is what? These silent knights defended the realm of L.A.? Forget about it. I felt just like this squad was some CSI and that I'm gonna see the sequel. This routine doesn't fit the gangster movie,it needed to be something epic. Despite that, probably you would enjoy it as a casual Sunday night blockbuster. It is entertaining, it can lure you in for a moment, it is shiny and attractive but that's all just the surface. And when you scratch it you see all the flaws.
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Rise of the summer blockbusters
4 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I am not going to analyse here the difference with previous Planet of the Apes movies because I think that for this movie it's important to be good no matter is it better than previous films. This movie starts from the beginning and it is on the way to become independent film. It can be suitable for every watcher. In usually boring summer cinemas are pretty emptied and Hollywood doesn't have anything special to offer. After Transformers 3 and Harry Potter you will may beg for some "extreme" and innovative movie. Last year we had Inception and this year another intelligent SF thriller can be this one. Set in the modern world its plot is rising in some normal pace and in 100 minutes it will offer you really interesting and sometimes detailed story that will make you curious. What I like is the fact that movie doesn't impose some special style and everyone can enjoy. Sometimes it is touching,sometimes wild but it is never out of the limits. Directing was quite good and every detail is showed decently. James Franco in leading role didn't show some creative acting like in 127 Hours and Frida Pinto is pushed in the corner because of scenario that revolves mostly around apes. Maybe it seems like it is too short but I can guarantee that from very first minutes you will enjoy in show of intelligence,CGI,cast and action. Like the real movie it contains details and some centre and everything nicely set around it. You shouldn't miss this movie and you shouldn't have dilemma between this movie and some child games like Cowboys and Aliens or Harry Potter.
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X-Men First Class Movie
25 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Precisely on the half of year 2011 while many watchers expected a miracle to happen and to see some stunning movie it didn't happen a miracle.Just in the cinemas there appeared new X-Men movie.If the trilogy didn't bring you real sense of superhero story then 2009 was your year.X-Men franchise went in time before mutants' larger existence on the Earth.Wolwerine was refreshing prequel and finally some really good-structure superhero film.Now after 6 months of drought in cinemas,after 6 months of dull movies and still not enough good movies First Class arrived in the cinema.At first sight you have a story about Proffesor X and Magneto.These two characters aren't maybe so interesting as Wolverine but their fight has really nice backup.Matthew Vaughn as a director of overall teenage movie Kick-Ass in my view wasn't taken seriously.He showed that he is really shrewd and gifted.He didn't let the movie to have its ups and downns.It was constantly great and you could really be finally interested in something in cinema for about 2 hours.Michael Fassbender was kind of dark horse in his appearance but he was really surprising.McAvoy showed that Wanted isn't peak of his career.Even the appearance of the lady from Mad Men,January Jones surprised me.Her fatal appearance provided enough material for good story.Kevin Bacon in role of dirty villain concluded a really great potential of cast.The youngsters from the movie were surprisingly goood and they didn't spoil the movie.And finally my favourite 5 seconds were short appearance of Wolverine.And now after great effects you can conclude that finally we got complete movie.Who knows will the rest of the year overcome this state of art.
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The American (2010)
Expect the best
12 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
After many years of watching some frivolous and pathetic movies with George Clooney,this actor finally made something which will confirm his status of great actor. "The American" maybe on the first sight didn't look so promising but when it came to cinemas it showed that even "little" movies can make success. Directed by Anton Corbijn who is still not well known(only for fans of "Control") was nicely done because he showed that he is master of photography. That just confirms that visually movie looked brilliantly. With many quick and silent scenes you will find that it is really nice spy drama,especially in parts when two female characters are carrying guns around him . Suspense during movie is so obvious and so entertaining that you will never want this movie to end.George Clooney as leading role tried to act killer on the way of both as romantic guy and both as merciless killer . His acting made this movie excellent but it is still suffering from its stereotype which is unusual . Sometimes scenes are becoming annoying and seemed like Corbijn didn't direct by himself . Finally ,other actors were solid but I can't tell you much about them because their appearances aren't so good as Clooney's was. Still for me this is one of the best movie of this year.
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So-so movie
1 September 2010
OK I understand desperate reviews with recommendations to see Inception and leave the kids but this movie is for specific kind of audience:kids. This movie is not my sort of movies but I went for it because I like 3D. this movie isn't so big crap. It is bit disappointing because from big expectations you can still think that it could be better . This movie is not some critic movie . It is more for entertainment . people won't care because it was put on Bottom 100 but still I think that it is solid and definitely not for that kind of list . Through movie's boring parts there is always some joke which will improve atmosphere . I still think that Seamus was definitely great . Now,movie suffers from pity prototype and it is falling down just because it had to follow some kind of "rules". 3D scenes were not so understanding . But I like this movie because I don't have some prejudices to kid's movies . It is less of intense but still i like it . I understand Inception audience . I like Inception very much.
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OK movie but it is still shame
30 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Just a bit of computerized effects,nice theme and 3D technique and you have great promotion and guaranteed big gross for opening weekend . This is case with this kind of movie . When you expect something so good from this kind of movie . The Last Airbender movie has all qualities for great promotion . We still can't be satisfied because when you come to cinema and put your 3D glasses and start watching movie I guess that there is coming out big PROBLEM-THE QUALITY . OK,maybe we couldn't expect something great from this kind of movie . It is based on cartoons it doesn't seem so . It is set as some kind of little child's work . Jumbled,made out from nowhere and still frivolous . Soundtrack was just like choice of little child . It wasn't enjoyable . Prototype of whole movie is very bad because of movie is imagined as just some introducing of secrets . There is not something what can we discover through movie . All is set on table and you have just to read it . You don't have even to make some efforts to read some hidden tricks . It is still downfall of imagination by director M.Night Shyamalan . Director with greatest oscillations made some effective crap and he should fell shame because he had one of greatest stories . This story about 4 powerful nations,with their pluses and minuses,terrorized,last of his kind,long war and runaways . Do you have any idea that this story could interest adults which wants fantasy runaway and children which enjoy in great effective war . Director still can be happy because because in fight scenes I enjoyed because they are still have some excitements . Miserable performances,especially from star Dev Patel . It was so bad that it was like their rest of acting . Children still can stuck for this movie because it is interesting but still less imagination . I gave it 5 which is bad mark . But , still good because some summer craps deserved worse like Eclipse or something else . My rating can be described very easily . 1-because of great promotion,2-because of attracting theme,3-story which has potential,4-visual effects,5-costume selection(armies were looking very powerful,especially fire nation) Still hope to see maybe sequel . Hope for better one .
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Great chance for summer blockbuster
26 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Summer in movie dictionary is period when there are movies which are going to fight for every dollar . Quality of movies is great but gross and strange opinion by public are going to smash point of movies . In Croatia it is similar opinion . I can't understand why people like only Twilight . Seems like it is only movie which can attract people . But, summer still can be great with movies like Toy Story 3,Inception,Salt and Expendables .

Now,about movie . This movie is really great theme for every "movie man" because so many old school stars can't be found on one place . This is great return of Stallone is really biggest surprise . Since I saw trailer before 3 months I didn't want to waste time and I set it as my priority . I am not big lover of hardcore movies . Rambo or similar movies aren't so good for me because they are only adrenaline bombs . But,after this movie I changed my views and I was astonished with formula which is attracting watchers . If girls like Twilight and Sex and the City men can like Expendables . This is real enjoy for men .

Sylvester Stallone is director and leading role . For this project he prepared himself very well . But,main problem of movie is that in quality of plot and scenario is bad . It is still missing some quality dialogues . Seems that we will still have to wait for some all round movie . Stallone as Barney was just as mix of world's finest fighters . It wasn't close to Rambo and it was not close even to Rocky . So,now when we mention Stallone we can remember even Barney Ross . Still , he brought great crime themes in movie . I like style of making movie . Really, all your senses are going to blow up how energetic this movie is .

Jason Statham as Lee Christmas was the biggest surprise . maybe in one nonsense role he is still rising quality of movie . It is bringing sometimes humorous and sometimes very brutal acting . That is just like someone would expect from this hardcore movie . In this movie we couldn't expect so important and so great performance by Statham .

Jet Li as Ying Yang was also one of real protagonists . I didn't like his sometimes irritating appearance . He was maybe too usual for that kind of movie . Stallone maybe wanted to choose all round cast . I definitely wanted some better performance because this was just a bit pity .

Dolph Lundgren as Gunner Jensen was awesome . After his famous role of Drago in Rocky 4 I expected some killing machine performance . It was very mental role and he didn't have space to act maniacally brutal killer . First time I felt that he is quality actor .

Randy Couture as Toll Road wasn't so bad . He didn't have something special to show but quality of movie was bigger with his appearance . Stallone made a great job with this choice . His parts were always delighted with dose of humor .

Eric Roberts and Sean Austin as villains didn't look so notorious but I still can stand their performances . Maybe for some kind of great criminal they should prepare better .They didn't look so convincing but I think that maybe it wasn't so bad .

Mickey Rourke as Toll was great and very funny . It seems like old school actors can really beat others . In his scene he was really dominative with quality and great narrative parts . i think that Rourke still have qualities .

But, I don't know why Bruce Willis and Arnold Scwarzenegger had so small appearance . OK , I can understand that they are old but I still can't understand why Willis had so frivolous narrative part . Arnold was great and after many calm roles and he gave his best and I think he improved movie quality . I heard many critics that Seagal should have appeared in this movie but I think he wouldn't find himself . Jean-Cloud Van Damme too .

Effective adrenaline bomb still is missing some manners of great movies . I understand that it is not quality genre but I saw better movies . Still it is 9/10 because it surprised me with great performances and entertainment of action .
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Despicable Me (2010)
Gru,Dr.Nefario and Minions.....expect many laughs
3 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Steve Carrel known as funny actor always knew how to make us laugh . After Ice Age same producers are also in this project . There are no many movies similar to this because of many things . This movie contains everything . Sometimes it can't remind me on any movies . Gru as main protagonist was very difficult character and whole movie is discovering many new things about him . It is magic how he became from villain to great father . In this a bit strange theme there were many laughs,sometimes toughing moments . Dr.Nefario was also great . Sometimes he was looking like villain but through whole movie he was just good old man dedicated to his project . It was hilarious how he made different machines for Gru . Minions were the funniest part of the movie and I really liked them . Sometimes they have hilarious arguing and many times they can really make you to say "Oh,how sweet!".There are really many laughs in this movie and I think it is the best combination so far . So,for every boring moment in summer we can really be happy because of so funny movies .
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Inception (2010)
Movie of century and definitely summer must watch movie
1 August 2010
After many great work by Nolan I expected Inception . After watching trailer I have never thought that so strange movie can make so big achievement . In this century there are many movies which were good but I think there is no stranger and better movie all until this . I think that this year is great and full of quality movies and two of them broke into Top 10 of all time(Inception and Toy Story 3). This movie is so specific . It is placed after Godfather which made new kind of directing and this is also great . This is modern movie and made so great that after few year people will talk about it . Nolan made the future and I think that many great directors can hide behind him . After great Avatar I think that it defeated many great century movies .

Nolan as director after great achievement with Dark Knight showed his best . Direction was really great and he took care for every detail and made 140 minutes of great job for your mind . It was his home-run and he defeated every his hater . Script,direction,scenes and effects . Everything was so great . Many people hate him because he is upcoming director and most of his movies have enormous budgets but it isn't so important . This summer Nolan will pull everyone in cinema .

Cast was great and Leo DiCaprio really had another Oscar worthy acting . With emotive parts and really big efforts he showed that he isn't so little kid from Titanic . 2010 is his year because after great Shutter Island we got sci-fi movie for decades . Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Tom Hardy were great and they made completely great rest of cast with their mature performances . And for completely great cast female part did their job on great way . Ellen Page and Marion Cotillard were very good in their roles .

So this summer there is no better thing then watch this movie . It conquered year and decade . In 2100 we will see,maybe century .
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Toy Story 3 (2010)
Great sequel
17 July 2010
When you watch animated movies you are really starting to like them . That was my case.I like Toy Story franchise so this movie really make me to laugh on some moments . Smartly dosed humor is really powerful formula for good cartoon . Pixar in cooperation with Disney really made another great movie . I like their movies because they have some dramatic and touching moments mixed with humor . After really great movies from franchise this one was again complicated and what is more important it is following formula of previous successes . All toys are here and some new which really completed good story . Woody and Buzz are again leaders of great entertainment . 3D is really great invention for animated movies because it is making better experience . It attracted watchers . I think this movie entertaining masterpiece and real example of great cartoons .
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So-so movie
24 June 2010
This franchise is I think maybe the most popular animated franchise after Toy Story . I think that it is really magic and entertaining franchise . I am not big lover of Shrek but thus movie always entertains me a lot . This is real animated fairytale . When I saw trailer first time I didn't even think about watching this movie . Then I decided that I should watch this sequel . I watched previous movies so why won't watch this movie ? That was my question about watching this movie . 3D as worldwide popular technique was pretty good . As movie started it seemed that it will be just as other parts but it was really special . I think this was the funniest part and most revolutionary part but it hasn't some magic like all movies . I have to say that it is much more better than boring third part . It was funny and I like that everything was greatly connected . Whole team was here . Shrek was again in center but it wasn't something like previous performances . It was pretty desperate . Fiona was finally great but it wasn't like other animated characters from this movies . Donkey again in really funny performance but Puss in Boots was unbeatable . He was so funny and he was in one new "image" . That was the best part of the movie . Cookie wasn't so much in this movie and that was big minus . New character Rumpelstiltskin was so-so . Just as whole this movie . It wasn't like other parts of franchise but it was really entertaining .
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Really great mix of drama and hilarious comedy mixed with great performances
24 June 2010
I don't know so much movies like this because this kind of movies isn't so much used in movie industry . it isn't like one famous gay movie which name is Bruno . It is smart and really hilarious . It isn't so forced as Bruno . I didn't watch whole Bruno but first 30 minutes which I saw were enough to say that it is trash . I really can see real humor in this movie . Directors aren't so popular and you couldn't expect lot from them but they got great actors and they made great comedy . I don't know what happened to people to stop this movie release . I heard that it will come in USA in October but here in Croatia they released it few days ago . You can't say it is bad because it can truly entertain you .

Jim Carey as Steven Russell was great . This is one of his best performances and I think that it deserved Oscar . His transformations in this movie were hilarious . He is for me one of the best actors because he is definition of actor . He knows how to act every kind of role and to entertain watchers . I think that it was definitely best performance . He made this movie better . This was one of his hardest performances because I think it isn't easy to act a gay . You can really say that it was his best performance because his funny parts in this movie were just great .

Ewan McGregor as Phillip Morris was also great because he was just as his role is . I don't know what happened to him but he was finally great . I didn't have some large opinion about him and that confirmed that he can also be very good . You can really enjoy in his performance of another gay in this movie . This one was also great but sometimes he looked confused . But I don't mind it .

All in one great movie. If you like comedies this movie is definitely for recommendation .
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Surprisingly good and effective
13 June 2010
You know this curse . Games made by movie are bad and movies made by games are also bad . This is something what didn't stop me to go watch this movie . Trailer wasn't something attracting but I heard that it is entertaining . There are lot of prejudices but Prince of Persia(game) was definitely big mania . I knew few guys who were crazy about this game . This is nice beginning for this promising movie . Is it another trash with silly effects ? Definitely not . Far from this . Plot maybe isn't so great but its realization is definitely good . Actually I like movies from Disney . This movie is even better than one of my favorite serial Pirates of Caribbean . Great effects in this movie and really thrilling fight scenes are great . I don't mind what maybe showing of Persia was a bit childish .

Jake Gyllenhal as Dastan was surprisingly good . When you see few his movie you can never expect that he could act this hero . I thought that he will act it only on some character way but he had nice improvisation and he handled himself in every scene . You can see that his image is really good . You can't tell that his acting wasn't convincing . Really entertaining acting which didn't show any suffers . It is also on level of Johnny Depp(Jack Sparrow).There weren't some mistakes and in romantic scenes he was also great and he didn't screw . He acted with heart . He was for this roles and it was on level of this fantasy movies inspired by games . This movies always have to be some kind of fairytale .

Gemma Arterton as princess was also surprisingly good . She is always in roles of some wise princess . You can't even imagine how this acting was convincing . It wasn't like Io in Clash of the Titans when she was like some forced role . I can't understand that she was so good . She was also attractive and she was really like one historical beauty . She really looked like sign of female strength . I think that it was one of her better performances .

Ben Kingsley as Nizam was also great . I expected good performance from him . After also one villain role in Shutter Island I could only expect the best and I got . Again one provocative acting with heart and soul . You can see that he is profiled actor with many different roles . From greatest heroes to most notorious villains . It was really nice to see him in this role . I think he was very inspired .

All in one really entertaining movie . I like this genre of adventure spectacle . If you didn't watch this movie what are you waiting for ?
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Invictus (2009)
Really good drama
4 June 2010
When I first time heard for this movie I was astonished . I didn't see something like this so I expected good movie . Theme is really attracting and I saw ratings and I decided to wait for its cinema release . Movie was released in December but in Croatia it was in March so I decide to wait it on DVD . I would feel stupid if I watch something what will be released for two months . There are few interesting facts like its Oscar nominations . Great two leading roles were really good fact . Trailer didn't show much things but then I got it o DVD . This isn't wasting time and I was really astonished how movie is good .

Clint Eastwood as director was world class . Maybe this movie isn't in level of his masterpieces like Gran Torino but it is really good . This isn't some dramatic movie but it is in spirit of whole atmosphere . I can't see anything extremely bad about this movie . Eastwood is one of the best directors and actors and now he confirmed his sense for directing . I can see that he made one drama with nice atmosphere soul and complicated situations . This isn't some movie which can beat some dramas because of its sometimes too idyllic moments . It is really good drama and it is easily winning watcher's heart .

Morgan Freeman as Nelson Mandela was really excellent . You can see how his experience is bringing quality to this movie . His great acting is again confirmed with one really conclusive acting mixed with his great narrative parts . There weren't any special mistakes so his acting was great . He definitely was brilliant with his strong performance and his physically similar look with Mandela . This movie is really nicely showing problems and happiness so Freeman was on level .

Matt Damon as Francois Pienaar wasn't so good as Freeman but also very conclusive acting . He was maybe too unhappy during movie but he showed great spirit . I think he was also great choice for this role . His appearance was maybe great showing of his character acting . He really has a sense for acting so we could see it in this movie . I think he is one of the best younger actors . He didn't show some mistakes so it was really good .

All in one really good drama . I am definitely recommending this movie.
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The Wolfman (2010)
Not something very good but it is acceptable
3 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Before I heard for this movie I wasn't lover of horrors and I hated them . This movies are really stupid and nonsense movies . When I heard for this movies and saw poster in cinema I thought it will be some brutal and scary movie . It is very well presented and with promising cast you may think that it is underrated but it isn't . Trailer for this movie was great and I expected something great . When I saw first ratings I was surprised . How it can be so badly rated ? My friend invited me for watching this movie in cinema but I rejected it . It isn't something so attracting but in my heart I wanted to watch it . Then I decided to watch it at home . It isn't so scary and it isn't presenting good story on so good way . It is effective but sometimes it is frivolous and childish . I can't believe that they screwed one nice story .

Benicio Del Toro as leading role wasn't so good . His clumsy acting was unacceptable . He didn't look like some guy as story is telling.His bad acting was really unwatchable . When he is turning in werewolf he looked very clumsy . His behavior during whole movie was very bad . I don't know what happened to him . I think that he didn't do something special he didn't show even bit of some scary acting . He looked like some beginner . I am very disappointed with his bad acting . I expected some good performance not some sad acting .

Anthony Hopkins was so-so . He is well known actor and he is totally good . But in this movie he couldn't show his great acting because his role was stupid . He was trying to do something well but it isn't on level of his masterpieces . His stupid role was very disappointing . With this role this movie looked very childish . I can't believe that he was so overall . I expected from him something what will improve this movie but it isn't on level of other roles of villain in which Hopkins acted . I can't believe how bad role it was .

Emily Blunt was overall . She isn't some world class actor for me because she didn't show some will . I couldn't see some good acting in this movie by her . She looked quite uninterested . There were only her stupid movements . Her calm acting in some moments looked well . I think that she couldn't do even better . Her acting brought only lack of romance which improved this movie .

Hugo Weaving was good in this movie . His appearance was very nice . I think that he showed one lesson how to act well . He was calm and really disciplined . He was always on level and he was very calm . He behaved like one mister . This historical role was definitely for him . I don't think that it was like his acting in V for Vendetta but it was quite good no matter what he was too little in this movie .

This movie isn't for recommendation but it is quite acceptable . It has nice story but it isn't well showed . Cast disappointed me .
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Blood Diamond (2006)
Very good movie
3 June 2010
I have never heard for this movie all until it wasn't on TV . I am not fond of some dramas with social theme because they are too bad but this movie is something you must see . When I saw recommendation in newspapers I decided to watch it . I like acting by Leonardo DiCaprio because he is actor with great character . You can't be aloof after watching this movie because it is very good . Great action scenes and really sentimental moments are something what is making this movie better . There are very well used techniques of drama movies . This is not some new invention but it is really masterpiece . I don't like only few scenes with this journalist and sometimes Leo DiCaprio is too frivolous . I like his acting because he decently showed this situation . Maybe sometimes this movie will look frivolous but I don't mind it .
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Not some scary horror but nicely done
28 May 2010
A Nightmare on Elm Street . When you say this,almost every movie master will tell you that it is great horror . I am not some horror lover . To be honest I hate them but this movie gotta formula which attracted me . Freddy Kreuger , name which is symbol for fear is also attracting fact . I mean,who wants to miss this villain ? Modern horror ? That is bad expression because this movies are usually some stupid and bloody movies . But this,this is cult . Something you have to see . Pretty famous cast for this kind of movies . I know many horror lovers which are enjoying in blood and screaming . They think that horrors are funny . I am not afraid of this movies but I don't like them . To be honest,I don't know anything special about horrors . I am watching almost every genre of movies but horrors never . All until this week . I watched Wolfman which is frivolous and this movie in cinema . Something unexpected by me .

Team which worked in this movie is quite popular . Samuel Bayer as director . Sounds unknown . He as some musician is now in his first movie . I think that it is big risk to take this theme and movie . Reputation of this movie is very big . I think that maybe it is cool to make from classic and really scary movie some modern movie . It is more based to be thriller but it is missing lack of fear . It is hard to explain . The easiest is to say "Trash!" but it isn't so bad . Music during movie is improving some atmosphere of movie but it isn't so well used .

Jackie Earle Haley as Freddy Kreuger was very good . He didn't look like some psycho but in other hand he was calm and really scary . His face and different coming-in is quite interesting . I don't know what happened to critics . His brutal acting made this movie quite good . His some sense for humor made Kreuger great and crazy as he really is . This type of acting is really great and maybe with this nice transformation it is close to some kind of masterpiece . When I see Jackie Earle Haley in real life and compare him to Kreuger I am impressed . This was really nice .

Other actors aren't so well known and I can say few names . Rooney Mara maybe was bad because her role was too stupid . I can't stand some teenage acting . Teenagers are now showed like some generation of uninterested kids . Original wasn't so better but this remake suffers in many details and clear mistakes . Imaginative movie but sometimes missing of experience can punish you . Katie Cassidy wasn't somehow good but she was more realistic than Mara . I am not fond of this movies but I think that this movie is much more better than some movie of same genre .
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Kick-Ass (2010)
Entertaining and real superhero movie
24 May 2010
Superhero movies . Sounds good ? Yes,of course . This movies are really attracting and so good . I heard for this movie after I saw few times its trailer in theaters . It looked so childish . Like some teenage story which is fool of clichés and many mistakes . With whole cast I wasn't so attracted . Few unknown actors Mark Strong and Nicolas Cage which I can't stand . He is so desperate . I think that this movie was best promoted movie in Croatia in 2010 . On radio in cinemas , everywhere was Kick-Ass . So,now it is time for truth . Is it so good ? Well,pretty good . When I saw that it is on IMDb Top 250 I couldn't believe . Now I can .

Matthew Vaughn as director was pretty good . His imagination mixed with illuminating elements packed in one entertaining teenage movie . You have to be master to do it . Great mix of action,comedy and drama . Sometimes it was on first sight desperate but I don't think so . Maybe this movie looks naive but it is really good . Truly superhero movie . It has got soul fun and great fight scenes . Maybe it looked ridiculous but it is well connected and mixed . I liked even soundtrack because it was good for this movie . Definitely comic book movie because it has got this specific plot . It has got great narrative parts and nice and effective action scenes . All in one great directing .

Aaron Johnson as Kick-Ass . Unexpected good performance . He didn't screw this movie because he showed that his appearance in this movie was very illuminating . He was serious and completely in his role . He was great and I can't even imagine that he was so good . Maybe sometimes very good and maybe sometimes very confused . If we know that he is still young we can say that he has got nice potential for all his career .

Cristopher Mintz-Plasse as Red Mist was maybe bad . He looked very unconvincing and too childish . His role was I think more simply than Kick-Ass . He was bad because he didn't look like master as Johnson did . His performance was confusing and his acting screwed whole movie . He didn't look like some superhero or villain . He looked like some bad substitution .

Nicolas Cage as Big Daddy was so-so . I don't like his acting but with this role of daddy he maybe showed his good side . He did something very good . He didn't look like some drunk man . He was leader in acting . His acting can be example for this young actors . He looked like real hero with soul .

Mark Strong as main villain was pretty good . He has got this sense for villain . His appearance was funny because he was like Cage but in different role . He was realistic and extremely funny and brutal . I don't think that he was bad . He should be nominated for best villain . He was disciplined and he didn't look pathetic .

All in one very mature and really entertaining movie .
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3:10 to Yuma (2007)
Good and modern western
21 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Remakes are usually missed thing . They are only chance to make original alive . There are very rare good remakes because of bad sense by directors of today's time . I could see that this western no matter what I don't like this genre is simply good . Modern and full of gripping fights it is reminding us on old times and it is packed in one modern movie . Attracting facts about movie like cast and good trailer . There are few things which I don't like . There were maybe too many some frivolous fights . I don't like westerns because their plot which is too complicated .

Russel Crowe as Ben Wades was very good and I like his acting very much . I think that in every his movie he is some great lover and that is the only stupid thing in his acting . Great discipline and his acting is sometimes on level of John Wayne . He was simply good . I even didn't hope that he will be so good and so precious . His job was pretty hard because he didn't have too much fighting scenes like Gladiator or new Robin Hood . I don't know if director wanted him to be some new western master like John Wayne,Clint Eastwood or Kirk Douglas . He had style and he didn't show some violent Australian acting but I like their acting .

Christian Bale also as leading role was impressive . Actually he is my favorite actor . I like his performances from Batman franchise and Public Enemies . He was surprisingly good because he showed great maturity . He was sometimes out of pace but I like last fighting scene when he gave his best and made great excitement with Crowe's great possibilities . He was simply good but maybe not on the level of Russel Crowe . There were also many other actors but they couldn't improve great atmosphere made by Bale and Crowe . Nice remake .
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Robin Hood (2010)
Surprisingly good and effective
16 May 2010
There are only few things which I can tell about Robin Hood . We all know his life and legend but through movies he was shown in many different visions . Looks like he is old story in movies and that he will enter in classic but then we got new and really different Robin Hood . This movies are one of the most adventurous movies in history . Maybe it was big risk to take this theme but Ridley Scott knows how to make spectacle of the movie . There are many exciting things about this movie . In waiting for movie premiere we could hear a lot of things like this Robin Hood is trash and it isn't following history of Robin Hood . But people were naive and before watching this movie they believed in this fake facts . I think that this movie deserved better critics . Actually,what happened to a critics ?

Ridley Scott as director is known by Gladiator and his sense for this kind of movies and his fighting scenes really have sense . I think that his decision was very good and he wanted to show one really known story . As the result he could realize that people don't know how story really is . His smart directing made this movie . Maybe movie is missing a few adventurous parts and sometimes he desperately put some parts . I don't think that his showing of history was the best . Maybe Merry Men were sometimes without real spirit from other movies . Ridley showed that he knows how to show already seen theme on one modern,great and effective way .

Russel Crowe as Robin Hood was great . Whole cast played very well . Russel Crowe really knows how to mix different roles and he is master for it . His sense for these fighting scenes and for love scenes is impressive . I don't think that he was bad . He was very disciplined during whole movie and I can't see some problems . He was very inspired and he was serious and his strong performance is really stunning . I couldn't believe when I saw him in fight scenes because his wildness and great action acting were great fact . I don't know why he was attacked because of this movie and accent . I think that he doesn't look like some British hero but he doesn't look ridiculous like former movies .

Cate Blanchett as Lady Marion wasn't maybe the best because of her demanding role . Her role was maybe different and she wasn't like Audrey Hepburn but her appearance was really good . Maybe director wanted too much from her role but she showed how this difference can be positive . He improved vision of her role with one convincing role . I think that I am surprised because I didn't think that she will do this so well and that she could act one female hero or better to say one example of good female character .

Max Von Sydow as Walter Loaxley was very good and he had great spirit during the acting . I think that he was very good and with his experience this movie got one new division . His great acting showed how he has got sense for this roles . Mark Strong as Godfrey was very good villain and I think that he has got great and provocative acting . Maybe he sometimes looked aloof but when we see how complicated is his role we can tell "Nicely done !" . William Hurt as William Marshall wasn't so good as others because his role was totally different . He didn't find himself so well as others so he sometimes was out of pace . Oscar Isaac was maybe bad because of his constantly aloof acting and sometimes he looked very childish . I think that he didn't have so strong performance for this role . Danny Houston was pretty good and he had very strong performance and his wise acting was damn good .

When we look everything I think that Ridley Scott didn't miss theme . He showed how imagination can be powerful . Cast was great and fighting scenes absolutely stunning and great . All in one . Great movie .
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Great cast and great directing made one pretty gripping and high quality thriller
13 May 2010
There are only a few thing which made me angry about this new thrillers . There are so many bloody and stupid plots which haven't got any sense . They are made out of some sick ideas . I can tell that everything what you can see of today's thrillers are often some stupid and really needless . They are full of stupid killing without any smartness . But in 2007 we could find one really great thriller . It has also one great fact. It won an Oscar for best moving picture . I think that structure of Oscar winners is changing in every year . This is movie which is made by Coen brothers and in start it is something attracting . I wasn't some big fan of their movies because after The Big Lebowski and A Serious Man I lost every hope for some their good movie . Then I decided to watch this well rated thriller and the result is impressive thriller .

When we look that this movie isn't only centered as thriller we can know that it won't be some killing . I was very surprise with this structure of whole movie . It has got great narrative parts what is well known from other Coen brothers' movies . I can see that it is made out of one strange inspiration . I don't know where did they get idea from but I am very surprised how movie is made . This is reminding me on some classic but in same time it is gripping and really great thriller . It has got something what is attracting for watcher and it is interesting watcher . I was so excited during watching this movie because it is amazingly gripping and this fighting scenes have got real spirit of thrillers . I don't know so many great thrillers . In last time I can name only Shutter Island and this movie . This whole exciting scenes are definitely world-class and with this smartness by director they really surprised me .

Tommy Lee Jones was very good . This famous actor in one maybe strange role but with his uncompromising sense for acting it is nicely done . He is actor which is definitely one of top actors . His sense for entertaining and also dramatic acting is impressive . I think that he was just in pace of the movie . It is so good and sometimes I think that he was in this movie so much so he did some kind of masterpiece . Sometimes he was looking like he will do something unexpected . He made one really nice dramatic part of the movie . His acting was really good because I think that he is world-class actor and there is no hard role for him .

Josh Brolin was sometimes out of pace but during this silent scenes he showed his sense for dramatic scenes . I think that he did this dramatic and thrilling scenes just as he had to do , even better . He was out during narrative part because I think that he was sometimes bad because he looked too uninterested . Looks like he just wanted to do it . It wasn't done with soul .

Javier Bardem was great villain . I think that he won't act something better than this . He was silent and I was astonished with his performance . I think that he was well prepared for this role . He was great and I think that this fight scenes was just as he wanted . I know that it is hard to act some villain . This is something what I call masterpiece because so convincing acting was great to see . I think that he was great.

It is great movie.
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Borat (2006)
This is so good and hilarious comedy which is maybe provocative
8 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I can't remember when I last time saw some really funny comedy . Maybe I can put here Meet the Parents or Yes Man but I have never seen something like this . Very funny and so hilarious comedy . That is Borat!I think that this is the best comedy in 2006 or longer . This is something what do we call great comedy . Maybe director chose one discussable theme but I enjoyed . There are so many parts which laughed me . I was so impressed with it . This whole restriction are political thing because maybe Kazahstan is showed on one special way but I think that they are needless . You can see so much great parts when sometimes Borat's learning of culture is really funny . In some scenes I almost peed myself of laughing . I liked scene when Borat entered in hotel with street style or when he was on culture lesson . You can really see what is comedy made by heart . It isn't something forced . I think that it is very good and spontaneous comedy . I liked it so much . This movie is really great . Sacha Baron Cohen is really funny actor which made this movie great .
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