
5 Reviews
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One of Disney's best
4 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the book, love the movie because it's so near to the book and always enjoy watching it. Rex Allen's narration is so fitting, his voice so familiar from other nature Disney films about cougars, raccoons, skunks, etc... and how they interact with humans. The updated versions are cute but this one is realistic. They don't have the animals perform tricks that they wouldn't normally perform in a real home, they don't use stop action photography, digital animals, a lot of WOW special effects, or animation. The animals don't sing, dance, surf, or talk to humans. They are just two dogs and a cat who were well trained to take commands on cue and do what the story demanded--find a way home through 250 miles of wilderness. Having dogs and cats myself and watching them as untrained as they are you can see many of the same instincts that the pets display in the movie. Animals are just as expressive as humans, sometimes even more so. This movie is perfect in relating that and just how strong the drive is to get back to the people they belong to and love. It's also perfect for the whole family to enjoy because it's not overly sappy, has true to life adventure, has nothing objectionable that I can think of, and is beautifully shot. It's too bad Disney can't find people who can make a movie like this anymore.
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New Tricks: The Chinese Job (2003)
Season 1, Episode 0
Listen to What I Say
23 October 2006
This program is a lot of fun and the title song is so catchy I can't get it out of my head. I find as I get older I am drawn to the wrinklies who get things done, and these four are excellent in their endeavors. Some of what they do is outrageous but brilliant considering that now days with our PC world we'd never be able to do it in real life. I always learn something from the shows. But if you like mystery, drama, comedy, and a little forensic work you'll love this show. It reminds me of Quincy, ME in one way and Barney Miller in another the way they work and inter-react with each other. They screw up a lot but they get the job done, and that's what counts.
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Cars (2006)
Saw it, loved it
10 June 2006
I went to see this with a friend and her young son and was pleasantly surprised. I'm a big 'whose voice is that' person and loved hearing Tony Shaloub, Larry the Cable Guy, Paul Newman, etc... as the cars. I thought the animation was breathtaking cause at times I couldn't figure out if some of the desert scenery was animated or not. I thought the original songs were great and the non-original songs well used. I've not seen the other films put out by Pixar since I'm not an 'animated' film person but the quality of this film makes me wonder if I shouldn't consider watching the others. Overall it was a great picture and I'm glad I went.
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Harold Russell
22 February 2005
This is one of my very favorite WWII films. It's both optimistic and pessimistic at the same time with it's look at the past, present, and future. The character of Homer is my favorite. Harold Russell was no real actor. He had no acting experience until his hands were burned off in combat and then he used that disability to help other service men and accident victims. I think the scene that gets me most is when he's in his room alone and it's night and he's looking at all the photos on the wall of his high school career as an athlete. He was prominent in football and basketball and he was what most people consider 'whole' and now he has only hooks for hands and has to live the rest of his life that way. But although he's the character that would probably be the most likely to feel sorry for himself, he's the one that is probably the most grounded in reality. Dana Andrews' struggle to come to grips with who he was and who he is now is excellent as well. All in all this movie is Americana at it's best with the worst scenarios I suppose you could say. The music is wonderful, bittersweet and thoughtful. The casting is pretty well perfect, and it's just a darned good movie to watch for everyone.
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Enjoyable adaptation of novel
30 December 2004
I thoroughly enjoyed this film but I had no 'great' expectations going into it except to be pleasantly entertained for a couple hours. I especially enjoy the role of an irascible Harry by Ricki Lake and of course the supporting cast is well chosen I thought for the effect. The animals are the highlight of the film for me loving Corgi's and having a tabby that could have been Mrs. Murphy's twin. It's no mind boggling mystery, but then the books aren't meant to be anything but pleasant reading. She must be doing something right cause Rita Brown and Sneaky Pie Brown sure have a nice string of them all based around the same characters and I for one would enjoy seeing more films with the same actors in the roles.
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