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Not as bad as some guys reviewing here are telling you
27 September 2014
True, the plot is predictable to some degree and the movie is definitely not Bourne or Casino Royale (2006). This doesn't mean that is trash, though. There are lots o middle places between a master piece and an totally awful movie.

One of the main problems is that in a couple of moments the information is delivered in a sloppy way and this creates some momentary confusion on the viewer. But it doesn't last long. There are also some scenes that stretch too far the disbelief suspension that any movie of that kind invariably asks for. But if you can look past those flaws, you will be entertained by a movie that delivers. Brosnan does his thing, there are good action scenes, got some decent plot twists, acting is average...

Don't get put off by the haters. All in all, a decent spy flick. Just keep your expectations at a mainstream level and you won't be disappointed.
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Haunters (2010)
Silly waste of effort
9 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Great start, good concept, good ideas, good looks, good production values, some nice scenes... All totally wasted because of a deeply stupid plot and a very bad script.

Haunters looks very pale and small compared to its clear reference, Shyamalan's Unbreakable.

Here we have a similar powerful and unaware hero whose main strategy seems to be getting mad and yelling at the bad guy for him to stop being a bad ass at once. Really. Moreover, he doesn't seem to quite understand that the bad guy can control other people and make them do whatever he wants. So our smart hero keeps confronting him openly and always around many people, never armed and never with the slightest shadow of a plan.

The bad guy, in turn, doesn't seem to understand that he can kill the hero very easily at any moment if he calms down for a moment and thinks a little bit. Or just leave to another country, for god sake. He has the power to control everybody and he can get all the money and anything he wants.

It would take some time to go through all the plot holes, inconsistencies and silly moments of this wreck but is not worth my time or yours.

Watch it at your own risk and with some warnings: don't expect any of the characters (much less the main ones) to make any sense on their actions. Also, be aware that the plot is thin as paper and just keeps repeating itself for most part of the movie.

Could have been good, but is not. And no, "the special korean way of film-making" is not an excuse. If you want solid, top notch korean cinema, try Oldeuboi for instance.
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Livid (2011)
As shallow as it gets
5 May 2014
After watching this pretentious and utterly silly piece of crap, I can't help but wonder if Bustillo and Maury did really made the notable "Inside" or it was actually done by some friend of them.

If you dare to watch this thing, you'll find yourself trying to digest a boring collection of clichés put together by means of an almost inexistent plot and a total lack of interesting ideas. Yeah, a bloody ballerina make for a creepy image and so does the old lady with the breathing artifact inside the over the top old mansion, but this doesn't make a movie. For that you would need some decent script, good characters, and a good enough story at least. You'll find none of it in Livide.

There are many, many scary movies better that this one... Avoid until you've seen all of them. Lets hope that "Aux yeux des vivants" gets closer to "A l'interieur". This is far, far away.
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The Shrine (2010)
A small horror flick that delivers
4 May 2014
Surprisingly good with a smart enough script.

The movie starts kind of slow and pretty uninteresting. The script has you soon starting to expect some Hostel clone and fearing the worst. Fortunately, half way through the plot it takes a different direction and things become interesting till they get to the very satisfying last act.

Yes, is low budged, the image looks cheap, acting is meh, characters act silly, camera work is standard and dialog is far from brilliant... And despite the flaws, we still have an original and decently crafted flick that gives an enjoyable ride and leaves a good aftertaste.

Definitely above average. If you like smart horror movies, don't miss this one.
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Infestation (2009)
Good enough creature feature
4 May 2014
A pleasant surprise for all the sci-fi/horror genre fans. It's a solid little movie that has the big advantage of not taking itself too seriously while delivering the goods through a good script, many nice touches and some good plot twists.

The predictable and low-budget-showing finale doesn't detract from enjoying this funny and creepy enough piece that enjoys itself remembering the old day's creature features (Tarantula and Them! come to mind).

Surely worth a relaxed watch with some drinks and snacks. A few steps below Shaun of the dead but kind of a similar vive. If you are a fan of the genre, don't miss it. If not, you will probably find it entertaining enough.
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Cassadaga (2011)
Underwhelming mixed bag chiller
4 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Mix of serial killer mystery and revengeful ghost that doesn't really work.

Bad dialog, wandering script, unnecessary drama, characters that seem relevant disappear half way through the movie to not come back, sub-plots not closed, predictable double end, bad guy is easily spotted at the moment he shows up on screen, deafness of the main character largely unexplored and unused, and so on... Looks like the movie was half-backed when they started shooting so the final product feels like needed much more thought and work in many levels. As it is, is just barely entertaining.

Some good things like the two main plot lines coming actively together for the ending or the interesting and creepy idea of the human marionettes don't make up for the rest. Watch only if you don't have anything else near you and do so with very low expectations.

4 stars for the effort and some good moments here and there.
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