
3 Reviews
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A mad max film for the focus groups
17 May 2015
As a fan of the series I had high hopes for this film but I've left the theater disappointed. It can be best summed up as someone saying "the last act of the road warrior was so great so let's make that into a whole film". They've done that and as a result we get a film that's really lacking a story, is too busy and doesn't make sense.

I think most of its problems are down to being made to appeal to focus groups rather than being a true mad max film. The UK rating for it is a 15 and it shows. The few times it attempts to do something gruesome or violent it's always out of the scene and to compensate for the lack of blood the explosions are over the top and add to the busy and distracting feel.

All the theatrics, flaming guitar, pole vaulting guys give you a lot to look at but when you actually think about what is happening there's very little actually going on and you're left wondering why are there so many cars simply driving for no reason other than to follow the handful of cars actually doing something? What is the point to the guy playing random rubbish on his guitar other than to serve as a distraction on the screen?

I like Tom Hardy but in the film he has very little to say for having so much screen time and often it feels more like he's doing his impression of a lawn ornament rather than being mad max. Charlize Theron is barely any better. You could easily take both of their characters out and very little would change about the film.

Without spoiling it I feel there are few wtf moments that at least border on being major plot holes if not actually being plot holes.

It's a great film if you've never realized there were other mad max films or you thought it would be great if they made a mad max film you could take your children (older children that is) to.

If you're a fan of the series, there's not much here for you. Even Beyond thunderdome had more substance than this film and even with its awful bits with the children it still holds up better than Fury road.

Even the title, Fury road feels wrong as no one ever feels *that* angry let along furious.
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The Lost (II) (2006)
I'm surprised I stayed awake
6 December 2012
I saw this as a recommendation on a page for a film I enjoyed and it was cheap on Amazon so I bought it. Unfortunately I didn't investigate the film at all and I must say, I feel some of the reviews and comments on here feel a bit like astro-turfing is going on here or I'm just completely different to everyone else that has seen this.

The Lost feels like a made for TV movie and I would have guessed that it was except for it does have some nudity in it.

The gist of the film is Ray is a psycho. It starts out with him killing two females partially because they think they're lesbians. That in itself feels ironic because, whether it's a case of bad over acting or not, Ray comes off as a bit of a closet homosexual (there are some scenes that lead me to believe that maybe they were trying to hint at that). Then it just feels like it's nothing but bland scenes conveying that Ray is a jerk towards women, possibly has issues with them and this all builds up to an uneventful climax.

Unlike the other people commenting on this film, I didn't find it gripping at all and I wouldn't call it a horror by any means nor is there really any suspense or much of anything that would make it a good film. When there is killing it's very tame even in the finale.

I've not read the book and the book may be good. It could just that this film is like Stephen King's It where the film just doesn't convey any of the same feelings you get from the book.

I would fully recommend thinking twice about buying it even if you see the DVD for a $1.00.
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Dead Genesis (2010)
Awful and not in a good way
31 May 2012
I saw this at the local shop and thought it looked good. First thing I noticed is the movie's look is nothing like the images on the back of the box. It is almost as if they photoshopped it to look edgier and hide the fact it looks like a very poorly made home movie.

The audio is poor. It doesn't sound right, it's not synced. Some of the voice acting (especially the barman) is painful. There just isn't anything good to say about the sound quality.

Visually the movie looks exactly like something some kid's made on a camcorder. I wouldn't mind the amateur colour and lighting. That's OK but what's really annoying is the excessively shaking of the camera. The idea behind the story is that a woman is following around some undead hunters to make a propaganda video to support the war on the dead. So it's like they want to really shove it in your face that this made on a camcorder and the camera shakes far too much. It's like they hired a drunken crackhead to film this.

The act is even worse. It's not really worth talking about. If you have a puppy and he's a bit slow in the head I would imagine he could still do a better job.

The action is non-existent. There are a couple very tame scenes at the beginning where zombies are shot. But the rest of it pretty much them sitting in what appears to be the same field (or the bar). You'll consider yourself lucky when you then get to see the very rare poorly done tame zombie shootings later in the film.

You'll see better entertainment on Youtube for free. I would thoroughly recommend forgetting this movie even exists.
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