
6 Reviews
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Great Great Show
30 August 2003
What can I say about this fantastic series.

Unlike "Robotech:the Macross Saga" which is good in spite of it's terrible dub, terrible music and overall cheesiness, Super Dimensional Fortress Macross is so perfect in every way (with the exception of the poorly done episodes by animefiend).

A fantastic and sad love story. An epic tale of growing up and moving on.

Buy the animeigo remasters which are brilliantly subtitled. Do NOT get a Hong Kong bootleg- the subtitles are unintelligible.
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Derivative, Stupid.... but somehow good
17 July 2003
Leave your brain at the door, T3 is little more than T2 redux, but with less plot and more explosions. There are many "cringe moments" but ultimately it is a lot of fun with some great action scenes. I liked it in spite of myself. Nick Stahl as John Connor was better than Eddie Furlong, Claire Danes was believable as expected and Kristana Loken was eerie. The worst perfomance came from Arnold-whose character was poorly and cheesily written. The ending was terrific though and redeemed the film alot. The car chase was probably the most pointlessly obnoxious action scene ever...needless to say, I loved it. Anticipating a sequel. 7/10 Oh yeah..."Superman 2" is terrible and a shadow of the brilliant "Superman: The Movie"- watch them both again and you'll see what I mean.
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Batman (1989)
If you see one movie about Bats this Year; DON'T SEE BATMAN!
22 June 2003
Well; let's start with what I liked. Kim Basinger is really pretty. The Joker's balloons are interesting looking. Robert "Arli$$" Wuhl is funny as always.

So what didn't I like? Everything else. The plot is ponderous and uninteresting. Every happenstance seems to be dictated by aesthetics alone rather than from some actual logical motivation. Michael "Mr Mom" Keaton is 5'8". Mind you, I like him as an actor but he is not a superhero. Nicholson is good I guess, but he doesn't seem to do anything. He has no motivation. Kim Basinger is the de facto main character, as she is the only one who is developed. This is a failure on the writer's part. The fact that people consider this to be a better film than Richard Donner's note perfect "Superman The Movie" is an affront to logic. This movie has not aged well either. Hopefully if Warner Bros. gets off their asses and actually make a new Batman franchise, they'll learn from the egregious mistakes they made with Batman 1989(the fact that this turgid piece of celluloid is the best of the series is just sad) and give us the Batman Movie us film lovers and comic fans and Joe Schmoes can sink our teeth into. 4/10 (and three of those points are for of the visual aesthetics).
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Equilibrium (2002)
27 May 2003
Well, first of all, this movie is not very good. By "not very good", I mean that it is "bad". It is not "entertaining", perhaps I might say that it was "boring" or "stupid". Well, it did have two good parts, the "gun-kata"(if you can get past the silly stupid name), and the part where I "turned off" my T.V.

If you like boring, long, and pointless films that pseudo-intellectual mo-rons think have some sort of metaphysical value(think "matrix reloaded") then see this movie now. The rest of you would have a better time with such classics as "Kangaroo Jack" or "Battlefield Earth"
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Daredevil (2003)
pretty good
23 April 2003
I enjoyed this movie quite a bit. Granted it wasn't "Superman The Movie" but it was MUCH better than "Spider-Man". It broke convention repeatedly. Affleck surprised me; he WAS Matt Murdock. It was really set up more like a Kung Fu flick than a Superhero flick. I am looking forward to the extended "coolio cut"
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Superman (1978)
23 April 2003
Tim Burton's Batman- feh

Spider-man -PLEASE!

Superman the movie is note perfect in every way.

MUST be seen in widescreen
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