
18 Reviews
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Ring Of Violent Fire
6 February 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I just watch an import dvd of this a few hours ago. I don't know what it is about Takashi Miike's direction that is so amusing and interesting. He takes the usual cliche riddled Yakuza story and turns it into something out of the ordinary. If you have seen Dead Or Alive and/or Ichi The Killer, you will know what I am talking about. +++++++++++++SPOILER ALERT+++++++++++++++++SPOILER ALERT++++++++++++++ The film opens with a Yakuza Boss being eliminated by a couple of thugs. We find out that this is the father of cool ass kicker Riki Takeuchi. Now Takeuchi aka Kunisada is out for his own justice against the opposing Yakuza clans. There is double cross after triple cross. The great Sonny Chiba has a cameo as one of the yakuza bosses. The film does drag for about 35 minutes. However, the script is interesting enough as well as the characters themselves. The final twenty minutes have to bee seen to be believed. Takeuchi and his "Connected" brother are a two man army as they obliterate their opponents with grenade launchers. I still don't understand the ending!??? +++++++SPOILER ALERT+++++++++++++++++++SPOILER ALERT++++++++++++++++++ At the end we see the Yakuza bosses talking about the deaths of Kunisada and his "connected" brother. Then ( something out of Star Wars!?) a hologram image of Kunisada's dead father appears and says "Rock N' Roll"!!!!???? HUH? Anyway, this being a Takashi Miike and Riki Takeuchi film, I am a little bit more biased in Miike's sense of film making and I give this an eight out ten. Very cool and violent.
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Requiem For A Blood Dream!!!!
26 January 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I had been waiting for over a year for this film to reach US shores on dvd. This is one film that did NOT let me down. In fact, it was better than the first one. Cool actor Riki Takeuchi proves once again that he is a bad ass. The film (I dare say) is somewhat anti-American.A very controversial opening scene involving a group of buildings being blown up that resemble the world trade centre towers by the Japanese terrorist organization by form Battle Royale survivors led by Nanahara called "Wild Seven". There are quite a few political statements involved. However crazy it might seem...some do make a strong point. Irony is abound with Takeuchi's character. ++++++++SPOILER ALERT+++YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Takeuchi's daughter was killed (as we find out late in the film) by Wild Seven. Hence it is very personal for him to head up the reformed BR II Act as a counter measure against terrorism. His child was killed by other children. He institues another squad of children to exact revenge. Ironic!!!!!!! War has been declared on adults by Wild Seven. The storming of the compound by the first squad of BR II is a homage to the opening of Saving Private Ryan. Also on board for flash-back/cameo appearances are "Beat" Takeshi Kitano and Sonny Chiba. Speaking of Kitano (SPOILER ALERT) his daughter is one of the BR II students who applies online to take out Nanahara!! My favorite character is the kick ass sniper chick. She wields a mean headshot and is one girl who can take care of herself. See this this movie. A ten out of ten!!!!!!!!!
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PTU (2003)
Hong Kong Mean Streets
15 January 2004
I just finished watching the import dvd version of this film. A great Crime Drama. Simon Yam proves once again that his screeen presence is amazing. Check out the scene in the video game hall when a young Triad wannabe tries to cop a tough guy display towards Simon. Guess who wins? The movie flows very much like a Docu-Drama. The P.T.U. (Police Tactical Unit) is very much like the "beat cops" division. However, they all patrol in units of six. Like a platoon. You can feel the grit of the downtown streets of Hong Kong. This is one film to see. Also directed by Johnnie To: The Mission, Fulltime Killer. Both have Simon Yam. Another cool film about the P.T.U. is Big Bullet starring Lau Ching Wan and Anthony Wong Chau-sang.
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Have You Had Enough To Drink?
15 January 2004
This ranks as my favorite Jackie Chan film of all time. The fights are amazing and the humor is great. Very cool that Ti Lung portrays Jackie's father in this film. Yet, more interesting the choice of the late and great Anita Mui. She portrays Jackie's mother. However, in real life she is fourteen years younger than Chan. This has been released here in the states as "Legend Of The Drunken Master". If you can find a copy of the original Chinese version with English subtitles I suggest that you do so. A great film all around to watch with your friends. Also, to pay tribute to the very lovely Anita Mui. She has left this world, but she will never be forgotten. Also, with Anita Mui and recommended: Heroic Trio, Magic Crane, Moon Warriors, Mr. Canton And Lady Rose aka Miracles, Executioners, and A Better Tomorrow III. No martial arts...however, her wielding an M-16 and twin .45 automatic hand cannons is COOL!!!!!!
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Darkness Shining Bright
11 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers
This was the first film that I ever saw by director Joe D'Amato. I saw an old vhs tape and the print was pretty bad. However, the wonderful people at Shriek Show have taken the time and great effort to bring this necrophilia, incestious, murder fest to dvd uncut. +++++++++SPOILERS++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The plot is very simple. Guy is in love with Gal and she passes away. Ala "Psycho" he digs her up and embalms her. He still tries to "love" her even though she is no more. His jealous maid/guardian/aunt(!?) wants him to herself. She wants nothing more than for him to get rid of the corpse and marry her. Of course he'll have stop murdering local girls and arousing the police's suspicions. Well. We all know that this can only end in tragedy. And there is a pretty interesting ending to boot. D'Amato was under suspicion for using real bodies in this film as well as possible "snuff" stuff. There is also a great score by the great Italian band Goblin. However, if you have seen the nunsploitation film "The Other Hell" then the music will be very familiar as it was "recycled" for that picture. One major word of advice. Do NOT watch this movie on a full stomach and do NOT bring a date with you if you decide to rent or buy it.
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In The Name Of Satan
11 December 2003
After the Christmas release of "The Exorcist" in 1973 there were a slew of "rip offs" churned out in the US and many other countries. Mario Bava's "Lisa And The Devil" was re-shot with new footage and a new story line and released here in the states as "House Of Exorcism". Now we have this interesting gem released on dvd by those great chaps at Anchorbay. I remember seeing this on vhs as "The Tempter" about ten years ago. It stuck with me as it were. However, where William Friedkin emphasized on the horrors of demonic possession, Alberto De Martino shocks us with the vulgarity. Watch the uncut dvd and look at the Tarot card. I mean I think it is because of the film and The Exorcist that pea soup sales have plummeted. I mean it. No joke. No Tom Foolery. I don't really need to explain the plot as it is a carbon copy of The Exorcist. Nevertheless, it is very interesting and once again we are treated to a haunting score by Ennio Morricone. This movie gets two inverted crosses up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Who saw? We saw!
11 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I have been a fan of the Italian "Giallo" movies for about ten years now. This film was released by Anchor Bay in a four dvd collection towards the middle of 2002. This film is a classic example of what the Italians had to offer during the 1960's and 1970's. The imagery and cinemaphotography are superb. The acting is pretty good. I am puzzled as to why George Lazenby was dubbed!? Very odd.

++++++++++++SPOILERS++++++++++++++++ The story (as with most giallo) is about the murders of several children that have gone unsolved. The killer's face is not revealed and there is the possibilty that it is being committed by a woman!? However, the killings have started again. Is there a connection? Why is George Lazenby's character so interested in becoming a semi-gumshoe? Watch the movie and find out. A major plus (and addition to the mood) is the haunting score by the one and only Ennio Morricone. His music is just as great as always. For those people in the Louisville, Kentucky area who might be interested in seeing this it out at Wild and Woolly Video.
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Sleepless (2001)
Viva Argento! Splats Italian
7 November 2003
It is great to see Dario Argento return to the genre that made him famous in the late 1960's. Of course the genre is the Giallo. This is Argento's best since the 1987 film "Opera" aka "Terror At The Opera". This film an compare to Argento's earlier works "Profondo Rosso" aka "Deep Red" and "Tenebre" aka "Unsane". Also, the great Italian band GOBLIN reunited to do the music. They too have worked with Argento in the past: Profondo Rosso, Tenebre, Suspiria, and George A. Romero's zombie classic "Dawn Of The Dead".

Not to give away anything that could spoil the film. The cinema photography is wonderful as well as the overall atmosphere of the film. Veteran Max Von Sydow gives (as usual) a wonderful performance as a former police inspector who is suffering from memory loss,a heart condition, and insomnia.

Twenty years earlier a series of murders were being committed in a small Italian town. The killer was killed while evading the police (or was he?) Now the same style of murders are happening yet again. Has the same killer returned from beyond the grave? Watch and see.
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Fists Of Ice
29 October 2003
WOW!!! This movie is incredible. It has two of the most underrated martial artists. They are Yuen Biao and Yuen Wah. When these two go head to head...everything breaks lose. Do not let the title fool you. This has a bit comedy and alot of martial arts combat. Two opponents (once friends) travel across time from the Ming Dynasty to modern (1987) Hong Kong. Most of the film focuses on Yuen Biao and the ever beautiful Maggie Cheung. When we see how bad guy Yuen Wah has adapted to modern day tools of murder and mayhem...the fists and feet fly. I don't want to give away too much of the plot. However, the time travel device is a Buddhist "wheel" that when a Black Buddah is inserted as the key...time travel is possible. The end fight between Yuen and Yuen is one to see. Check it out.
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Keoma (1976)
Supernatural Western
25 October 2003
This has to be my favorite Spaghetti Western of all time. The atmosphere and music by Guido and Maurizio De Angelis is haunting and adds alot to the mood of the picture. Of course Franco Nero does a great job ans the half Indian Keoma. There are alot of Sam Peckinpah slow motion style shootouts that are a homage to his classic "The Wild Bunch". There are no spoilers for me to give. I have the special edition dvd released by Anchor Bay and my biggest regret that there is not a release of the soundtrack on cd. See this classic western. 10 out of 10 rating.
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Django (1966)
Django at Gundown
25 October 2003
This is an awsome Spaghetti Western. This is the original that launched over 70 imitation and non-direct sequels. This film was also the inspiration for Robert Rodriguez's El Mariachi and Desperado. The end shootout in the graveyard is amazing. Also, the feeling of the wind swept mud ridden streets is ever present. I respect anti-heroes of film more than the prefect hero. Django is just as cold if not colder and more relentless than the opponents he takes on and out. The coffin is a great original touch. Also check out THE sequel Django Strikes Again (with Franco Nero) and one of the best Django homage sequels Kill, Django Kill starring Thomas Milian (released by Blue Underground Entertainment). This movie gets two colt winchesters up!!!!
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The Mission (1999)
Mission IN Action
24 October 2003
What an outstanding film this is. Yes, the music is way out of place. But hey. It stars Anthony Wong Chau-Sang, Francis Ng, Simon Yam, and Eddy Ko. This has some of the coolest gun fights that I have seen in a long time. The shootout in the mall is just amazing. Listen for the echo of the of the single shot sidearm. Very very cool. The plot is about five people who are in the Triad that must protect a boss at all costs. They come from different walks of life. One is a gun enthusiast, another is wanting to make a name for himself as a gunmen, another owns a club and is being constantly harassed by some guys who think they are tough. Anthony Wong points out their mistake the hard way. Oh yes. And Anthony Wong is a hair stylist...don't let that fool you one bit. If anyone has seen "Untold Story" and John Woo's "Hard Boiled", then you know what I am talking about. Just see this movie with another great film by director Johnnie To called "Fulltime Killer". This movie gets a 10 out 10.
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Very Thin
24 October 2003
Should really be called "Thin Boring Cliched Plot Line." Avoid at all costs unless you are suffering from insomnia. This movie deserves to slip away into oblivion. Nick Nolte plays such a cliched character that you wonder what is so new about seeing a war film? Too many big named stars with so little screen time. All characters walk in and out of the film that you kind forget who was in it. Ugh.
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Urban Rio Bravo
24 October 2003
This is one of my favorite John Carpenter films of all time. The way the film builds with the haunting original sore composed by Carpenter is just amazing. Carpenter loves the Western pictures of John Ford and it shows. Carpenter regular Charles Cyphers (The Fog, Halloween, Escape From New York) turns in a great performance as does Austin Stoker (Sheba, Baby. Directed by Louisville Kentucky's own William Girdler). The telling of the story in a docu-drama style is great touch. It follows the course of LA gangs laying waste to an almost deserted police station. If you want to see a modern day western (well, it was made in 1976) then this is one to see. This was Carpenter's first movie after UCLA film school. See this and feel the heat of the LA sun and be on th edge of your seat as we are introduced to some new anti-heroes that are somewhat of the predecessor(s) of Snake Plisskin.
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First Shot (1993)
A Great Shot...NOT a misfire.
22 October 2003
This movie is fantastic. The cast is great. Ti Lung proves once again that he is a fantastic actor. Since the early days of the Shaw Brothers Studios to the John Woo classic "A Better Tomorrow". Also, we have Simon Yam (most recently seen in Lara Croft Tomb Raider II) and John Woo's classic "A Bullet In The Head". And we have "bad guy"regular Waise Lee as "Faucet". If anyone can pull of the bad guy role it is Waise Lee. He does such a great job at these roles it makes you wonder if he is a nice guy off camera.

And how could I ever forget the beauty of Maggie Cheung. Any film with her in it is worth seeing just to be able to see hear beauty fill the screen.

There are quite a few comparisons with this film and Brian De'Palma's 1987 film "Untouchables". Similar? Yes. They are both great in their different ways. If you are looking for a place to start in the "heroic bloodshed" chapter of Hong Kong Cinema. Then I suggest you run to the nearest diversified video store and seek this gem out. Also, check out John Woo's "A Better Tomorrow" and see just how cool Ti Lung is in these films.
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Versus (II) (2000)
Down To Hell
17 October 2003
This is one of THE movies that has to be seen. The influences of The Evil Dead series by Sam Raimi (before he sold out), the great Godfather Of Gore himself Lucio Fulci are felt through out. To all of those people that think that the Matrix is the bomb need to look beyond that horizon and see the new breed of Japanese film making. The in jokes towards the Matrix are funny to boot. The plot is very simple to follow (since one is not really needed) and the visuals are what makes this film kick maximum rear end. I would like to see ole Keanu Reeves take on one of the anti-heroes of this film.

I am very certain that a sequel is in the works and I would love to have a replica of the sword that is used at the very end of the picture for home self defense. This movie has everything: Blood, Zombies, blood, gun fights, blood, hand to hand fighting, blood, swordplay, blood, comedy, and even some hints of vampirism. Oh yeah. Did I mention blood!? If not the "crimson spray" (blood) is enforced at quite a maximum level. This is what Resident Evil could have tried to be like!!!!
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Pretty Groovy
17 October 2003
Well, I have been a fan of Chow Yun-Fat for about eight years now and I was impressed with this film. NO. It was NOT a MATRIX rip off movie. There is a nice homage to the classic John Woo film "The Killer". It is a film to not be taken too seriously at all. You can see that Chow was having alot of fun. Worth seeing if you want spend an evening with friends and want to see Chow in a role that is a little different. Hey you could do alot worse...has anyone heard of the box office classic (yeah right) "The Medallion" with Jackie Chan?
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Dead or Alive (1999)
In the Miike Of Time
17 October 2003
What a different Yakuza film. I don't care what anyone says. takashi Miike is a new force to be reckoned with. This is an in your face movie if I ever did see one. The opening five minutes lets you know that there is NO safe haven here at all. Not to mention you will NOT want to be eating spaghetti while watching it. Just take my word for it. Eat your dinner after you watch this film. The movie plays as a typical Yakuza film until the very end and then it switches to "what the heck just happened her?". That is why you must also see Dead or Alive 2 and Dead or Alive 3:Final to get the gist of it. Also recommended are Takashi Miike's Fudoh The New Generation, Ichi The Killer, and City Of Lost Souls.
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