
7 Reviews
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Candyman (2020)
All these fake lovers of the original Candyman be gone!
13 February 2022
Im amazed that so many who claim to love the Bernard Rose artsy Candyman film think this new film is garbage...Really!!? Cmon I dont believe for a second the idiots calling this film woke and boring saw the same original Candyman film with its minimalist Phillip Glass score and its extremely slow pace and art house movie trappings and could possibly watch this new beautifully made motion picture and think it was total trash...Doesnt even make sense...I cry fake news! Hows that for being woke...Lol.
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Man this film gets folks all frustrated and upset and for all the wrong
27 May 2020
This is one of the funniest films ever made...It's a surreal comedy...You see people come on this thread and rip this film apart and say how it's not art and how dare I had to sit thru sex and blood as if a grown person living on earth isn't going to encounter all these some of these reviews by small 3 year olds. This film doesn't care if you think it's art or not and that's the whole point...Not to mention It goes out of its way to make fun of the art world...Don't listen to any hack Art student who dislikes this film and thinks the average person on the street wouldn't like or enjoy it...I know so many regular folks who have never studied art history a day in their life and they enjoyed the film and they don't take the film that seriously...Just watch the film with an open mind and try to enjoy it for what it is, a self indulgent film made by one of the most self indulgent directors on earth...If you can make it thru any of David Lynch films you will be just fine...Honestly No one cares about if you thought it was art or not (btw it is indeed art because all film is art even when Michael Bay is blowing robots up real good)...And this idea if that a person doesn't understand every second of a film then how could they possibly like it...I can't stand Artsy folks and non artsy folks who think like this...When you eat something at a restaurant that you really like can you tell me exactly all the ingredients and exactly how the dish was made.

Sit back and try to enjoy something out of your comfort zone...For some this film will be life changing and for others a crazy romp and for a few a reason to prove you're a real artist who understands what real art is or that last Idiotic person and give it a go.
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A film only fans of 80's horror I think will truly like.
20 May 2020
I truly loved every second of this strange film because no one is really making films like this anymore...Now this is how you use cgi aka hardly at all only to heighten certain scenes...Bravo I'm not going to go into any detail of this plot because the less you know the better with a gonzo film like this...Let's just say if you are into cosmic horror and HP Lovecraft and you are a fan of films from the 80's like The Reanimator or From Beyond then prepare yourself for your new fav horror movie...Welcome back Richard Stanley to the genre man I missed him.
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Razorback (1984)
Blast from the 80's past cult classic but not for everyone.
20 May 2020
I finally found a blu ray copy of this film and gave it a spin...I remember seeing this on VHS back in the 80's and fell in love with the film and it still holds up today and his very much a film of its time period aka the MTV era with music video director Russell Mulcahy at the helm...It's low budget but beautifully shot and is basically a 2 hour music video set in the Australian outback...My only complaint is that I wish the VHS cut was the version to make it to blu ray...I liked the more violent scenes that were cut out and the pig chase climax in factory was longer in the VHS version...There needs to be a full directors cut Released and yes I would love to see a 4K transfer of this at some point...Btw this film should be remade and follow the novel closer ...The book is actually a pretty thrilling read and better paced.
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Little Joe (2019)
It's hilarious that so many folks think this is an artsy film and keep bashing it for this.
9 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Hey I enjoy a good Michael Bay film every now and then as well...But because there is no action sequences or car chases or explosions in this yes very slow well shot talky drama then it's a artsy film? Really? So many filmgoers today are tools...I guess most folks today never could have enjoyed the films of the 70's with that eras mix of high brow and low brow and everything in between...What's not to like about this film....It's beautifully shot, beautiful cinematography and yes the acting is stilted and awkward for good reason because of the subject matter...duh...And no this isn't Invasion of the body even close...In invasion of the body snatchers we know those are aliens taking over people and we see the aliens doing just that...Not so here at all...By the end of the film we aren't sure if the plants did anything at all except smell so good folks want to have one...Replace this plant with anything in your life that makes you happy and you get where the film is aiming at...duh...That's the question the film is asking in the end along with are we really in control of our actions or are we controlled by our knee jerk emotions...Judging from the hate this film is getting you already know the answer...Nicely made little gem of a film.
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Its not for everyone but who cares.
2 February 2020
This is a beautiful film from start to finish and yes its very slow paced and not the kind of film that should probably not be playing at the local megaplex theater...Its a arthouse film plain and simple...Gorgeous cinematography, wonderful ambient drone like score, methodical framing of shots and a sumptuous spooky cerebral fantasy world that is absorbing and yes this film is going to belly flop at the boxoffice and go on to become a cult hit years from now much like Ridley Scott's Legend...Another fairytale flop exercise in atmosphere that folks and critics hated on release but is now highly regarded in the fantasy genre...If you are looking for a cerebral experience in film you will get this....If not then Bad Boys 3 im sure is playing next door and enjoy.
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Reign of Fire (2002)
Reign of Dialogue(AKA:Show Me the Dragons!)
14 October 2003
There is nothing negative I can say about this film movie that hasnt already been said other than this would have been a great made for TV movie, but as a major motion picture this is unacceptable. Rob Bowman you owe me $8.50
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