
14 Reviews
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Surprisingly Entertaining
9 October 2003
I just finished watching this film from 1961 as directed by William Witney on the Trio Channel. It's a quick paced film that according to the folks here at IMDB has a 65 minute run time. Trio put it in a 90 minute slot with a lot of commercials so that time seems about right. Anyway, I got a total kick out of the movie which featured a cool 60's "beatnik" type soundtrack and had a fella by the name of Jack Hogan in the lead. Fans of the 60's TV series COMBAT! will recognize Jack as the BAR toting William G. Kirby. A fun flick that I wouldn't mind seeing on DVD down the road and a very big favorite of Quentin Tarantino's. He's a big William Witney fan and he always thought the film was lost but Trio found it and also aired the trailer for the film afterwards. Good stuff.
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They Saved Hitler's Brain (1968 TV Movie)
Just Awful!
2 October 2003
Got around to finally watching this film the other night. Let me just say that I love bad films. I just get a kick out of them and while I am fully aware that they are bad, for the most part, they are still fun to watch. Not this one!!! I'm sure we all know the story behind this movie. It's actually two films spliced into one and combines a 1950's Nazi/Exploitation/Sci-Fi movie with some sort of espionage 1960's outing. The result is a mess and an incredibly tough experience to get through. Again, if there was a fun factor to it, I probably would have been entertained but the thing was so boring and seemed to drag on forever that I had a tough time staying awake. A lot of rambling dialogue that can be laugh inducing with a few beers I suppose but other then that, forget it. What was so weird is how the characters from the first half of the film were either disposed of or never to be seen or heard from again as the second half got going. They just disappeared as the action shifted to Mandoras. The best thing about the movie and what was really hilarious were the images of Bill Freed as the head of Adolph Hitler. The only thing he ever utters is "mach schnell! mach schnell!" and he only does that one time. Still, Freed's silent facial expressions and gyrations did have me laughing. If you want a "so bad, it's good" kind of experience, stick with Ed Wood because this one is really a total bore.
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Hot Rod Girl (1956)
I Had A Lot Of Fun With This One!
30 September 2003
Now here is a little 1950's JD film that I had a lot of fun watching! Kind of an off the wall affair that sends a mixed message but is certainly a hoot to check out. A young Chuck Connors plays a local cop who is trying to end illegal drag racing by getting the kids to participate in a sort of legalized form of racing at a drag strip he put together and supervises with some of the local youth. Things seem to be working fine, though Connors is constantly getting heat from his Captain who wants hot rodding banned altogether, until the local "hero" Jeff loses his brother in an illegal street race. Jeff goes brooding and decides he wants no part of Connors program anymore just as a typical 1950's hood comes driving into town for the first time trying to shake things up. I found the film to be oddly entertaining but I wasn't sure if the message was that kids shouldn't be drag racing or that it's ok, as long as it's done in a certain place. Anyway, a fun movie featuring pretty good performances by Connors, John Smith and a very young Frank Gorshin as "Flat Top". Also in the cast is the extremely attractive Lori Nelson who has the title role. It seems a little odd that the film carries the title HOT ROD GIRL as Nelson is clearly a supporting player and the only time she "hot rods" is very briefly in the beginning during the opening credits. Still, her 1955 T-Bird is a blast to look at as are some of the other cars featured in the film. Catchy 1950's music score also helps capture a nice feel. If you like these kinds of films, as I do, I think you'll find this one rather enjoyable.
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Disappointed, But There Are Some Good Things
27 September 2003
I watched this movie last night and came away from it a bit disappointed. I definitely do not expect too much from these "teenage gang films" from the late 50's and early 60's but usually they are fun to watch. I found HIGH SCHOOL CAESAR to be short on action which may have taken the fun away. There are some "fun" parts, like the drag/road race but most of the film features a lot of "wooden" dialogue delivered by mainly "wooden" actors which, again, can be fun but not here. Now having said that, I was really taken by and enjoyed the lead performance of John Ashley as Matt Stevens. Ashley, clearly the professional of the cast, delivers a multi-faceted performance which kind of intrigued me. Definitely one of the "cooler" and more "suave" punks you'll come across in this type of film but he is not the low-life, one dimensional, 24/7 always nasty kind of punks you see in these movies. He has another side to him. He has a heart and is a very emotional sort when he is not rigging school elections or shaking down fellow students for protection money. He clearly is troubled and affected by the fact that his parents are never home and spend their time travelling throughout Europe and it was a little strange seeing his fondness for the family maid who he clearly looks at as a surrogate mother while railing on the family butler who he clearly sees as a substitute for his always absent father.

Now, perhaps it's silly to over-analyze a low budget gang film from the era but I found that facet of Ashley's character facinating and his performance even more enjoyable to watch. I thought it was also pretty unique that they would show Ashley as this young, Don Corleone type who holds meetings with his "family" and has payday for his leather jacketed high school "soldiers". I guess it might sound like I enjoyed the film more then I realize but if not for those sequences I mentioned or Ashley's performance, the film would just be a total flop because outside of that, there isn't much. Fans of these types of films may want to check it out, if only to see Ashley's layered performance and perhaps it's a film I should be watching again myself because it does have a pretty good rock and roll score.
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Pretty Good Little Film
25 September 2003
I've watched this film a couple of times on the Fox Movie Channel and I really think it's a pretty good little suspense/drama. Richard Basehart plays a man on the edge who decides to try and end it all perched on the ledge of a Manhattan hotel. The first on the scene is traffic cop Paul Douglas who does his best to try and befriend, comfort and hopefully coax the unbalanced man back inside. The performances are all pretty good though some of the dialogue rings a bit hokey at times. I believe this was also Grace Kelly's first film role. Director Henry Hathaway does a pretty good job of wringing out the drama and suspense and gives the film a nice, big city feel using some pretty impressive sets in the foreground and background. All in all, a pretty enjoyable film that I wouldn't mind picking up on DVD, though I don't believe it is currently available.
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If Troubled Youth Films Are Your Thing, It's OK
22 September 2003
This is a film I would have thought I would be seeing as part of one of those Something Weird Video double feature disc's. Pretty much your typical 1950's "troubled youth" films. Though this one is a bit talky and light on the action, I did enjoy it somewhat. I guess I have a soft spot in my heart for these kinds of films. Basically you have this young guy who leaves home in order to come to terms with the fact that his parents have decided to get a divorce. He meets Bix, a road weary and very experienced drifter. They end up in a small town and stay longer then they expected which leads to romance, complications, confrontation, rape and murder. Brett Halsey stars as Bix and gets fine support from Joyce Meadows and a perfectly cast Jack Elam as the town letch. All in all, it's no great shakes but it is entertaining enough.
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The Hoodlum (1951)
An Entertaining Way To Kill Some Time
22 September 2003
Got a chance to watch this little noir/crime film recently and I have to say that I really enjoyed it. It's a quick movie that clocks in at about 61 and a half minutes and there is no denying that it was a very low budget programmer but it was quickly paced and had some nice touches. Lawrence Tierney is at his nastiest as lifelong criminal Vincent Lubeck. The film opens with Tierney in a car being held at gunpoint by his brother(real life brother Edward Tierney) Johnny and then goes back in time to take us through what lead up to this point. We get a neat narrated, documentary style montage about Vincent's life of crime to start things off. Nice noir touches along the way as shadows abound and for the most part, the performances are very good. Several scenes in the film sort of reminded me of the vastly superior WHITE HEAT. Several things kind of startled me from a film made in 1951 like rape, suicide and the word "pregnant"! All in all, a pretty entertaining little film and a nice way to kill an hour of your time.
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Lady Gangster (1942)
Fast Paced Fun And Entertainment
22 September 2003
I had a lot of fun watching this crime quickie from Warner Brothers studios. Lasting a rapidly paced 62 minutes, the film definitely entertains if your into the genre. Faye Emerson plays a would be actress who gets caught up with a gang of bank robbers and takes the rap for a $40,000 heist the gang pulled off. She ends up in jail and what follows is as many double crosses, prison spats, car chases and shootouts as you can possibly cram into 62 minutes. The film is directed with a nice flair for action by Robert Florey under the pseudonym of Florian Roberts. Good support for Emerson from a cast that includes Julie Bishop, Frank Wilcox, Ruth Ford(cute as a damn button) and a young Jackie Gleason. I must have really enjoyed this one as I couldn't believe how fast it flew by.
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Scary, Creepy And Brilliant!
31 August 2003
If your a fan of Asian Horror films you must see JU-ON. Otherwise you'll just be depriving yourself of a truly spooky experience and missing out on a great example of terror filmmaking. I suspect the negative reviews are from those who really don't watch Asian horror often and do not appreciate what these stories are rooted in. Do yourself a favor and ignore the negative comments and just judge the film for yourself. It's fascinating and will have you jumping in your seat several times while watching.
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Nos miran (2002)
There Is Something About This Film I Really Like!
22 August 2003
I've seen this movie twice and liked it a lot both times, even more on second viewing. It's definitely not for everyone, especially gorehounds. It's pace is deliberate and while you probably won't get any "jump out of your seat" scares you do get some spooky moments and an overall creepy atmosphere. I agree that the film starts out like a police drama but as Juan delves deeper into the disappearance of a married man, he uncovers the startling fact that thousands of citizens from Spain have disappeared throughout the years without a trace. From there, the story starts to take a different spin and we also are introduced to the former detective who handled the case. He just happens to be locked away in a psychiatric facility where he mutters just two words over and over again, "Nos Miran" or "They're Watching". I'm sure many will probably turn their noses up at the ending as it may seem "hokey" or too "hollywood" to them but I love it. I think it works perfectly and if I may respectfully disagree with the other review, I found all the questions neatly answered and resolved at the conclusion. I'm not sure I can recommend this one as I'm not certain it's everyones cup of tea, but I really like it.
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22 August 2003
Outstanding directorial debut from Rob Zombie! Don't take it too seriously and you will have a blast with it. The only things I can really say about this film are that it's BRILLIANT and SEE THIS FILM, anyway you can!
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This One Has Me Sitting On The Fence......
17 August 2003
......which usually means that I'm going to need a second viewing to make up my mind as to whether or not I liked this film or not. I happen to have a fondness for slow paced films because a lot of times that slow pace is essential for character development and for the building of certain emotions whether it be sadness, happiness, action, scares or whatever. With "The Juniper Tree", I came away from it's slow and at times snail-like pace feeling rather empty and void of specific emotions. I don't see this as a film for everyone and I can certainly see where many will really dislike it but even though I cam away empty there is something about it that made me glad to have seen it and wanting to see it again sometime in order to see if I "get it". Now, all that being said, the film does have some good things going for it. The black and white photography and the Icelandic locations are astounding and make you feel like your in another time and place. The ambient sounds and the simple music score add to the overall feeling as well. It's a sort of brooding tale with a couple of bizarre moments but I certainly wouldn't classify it as a "horror" film or an out-and-out tale of witchcraft. It pretty much plays as a drama with some mystic overtones. The movie is probably known to some for the mere fact that it stars Bjork, and she is quite good, but there is more to it then just that. I just wish I knew what it was. I'll give it another watch because I think there is something here that I'm missing and that something is probably the one thing that in the end, will have me giving this film the thumbs up.
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One Step Beyond (1959–1961)
Easily Televisions Greatest Supernatural Series
31 July 2003
I'm a huge fan of "One Step Beyond". I've been watching it since the early 70's in syndicated reruns and own all 96 episodes on VHS. I can safely say, adjusting the rocks in my head of course, that "OSB" is easily televisions greatest supernatural series.

I don't want to knock "The Twilight Zone" because, while that show was not scary or nearly as eerie and atmospheric as "OSB", it certainly deserves it's place in television history. To say however that "OSB" was merely a "spook" show and that "TZ" was the trend-setter, well that is just as inaccurate as it is crazy. That's just looking at things through "TZ" colored glasses. Putting aside the fact that "OSB" premiered 10 months before "TZ" and putting aside the fact that when "TZ" finally started airing it was trounced in the ratings by "OSB" and putting aside the fact that Rod Serling called John Newland to meet him for lunch to explain that he was doing a show like Newland's and that it would be purely fiction and not a rip-off of Newland's already established hit, consider this, or better yet, think about the following.

Watch "OSB's" "The Vision" which aired 3/24/59 and then take a look at Serlings "The Purple Testament" which aired 2/12/60. Watch "OSB's" "The Devil's Laughter" which aired 3/31/59 and then watch Serlings "Execution" which aired 4/1/60. Or, in one of the more blatant "coincidences", take a look at "OSB's" "The Haunted U-Boat" which aired 5/12/59 and then watch Serlings "The Thirty-Fathom Grave" which aired 1/10/63. See what I am getting at folks? Seems that a lot of "TZ's" stories have a striking resemblence to episodes aired a lot earlier on "OSB". And these are just a few of many examples. Hmmm! Rod, where did those ideas come from afterall? Watch "OSB's" "The Burning Girl" and tell me that it isn't a dead-on, early version of Stephen Kings "Carrie"! Again, I don't mean to knock "The Twilight Zone" but my point is that "One Step Beyond" was much more then a "spook" show or some golden age TV fodder. It was truly the father of all supernatural television series that followed and the true trend-setter. And obviously, an inspiration to all the shows that followed, "TZ" included. Those who don't know about "OSB" simply aren't true television fans.

This "spook" show television sidebar, as "TZ" maniacs call it, boasted some great talents in lead roles. Some veterans and some soon to be stars. Cloris Leachman, Warren Beatty, Jack Lord, Christopher Lee, Elizabeth Montgomery, Donald Pleasence, Ross Martin, William Shatner, Robert Loggia, Mike Conners, and Charles Bronson, just to name a few. How about writers like Don M. Mankiewicz, Charles Beaumont(yes, the very same), Larry Marcus and Collier Young. Surely talent like this elevates this program from "spook" show status. There isn't a person I have come across that doesn't remember it. And the key is that this is a show who's episodes stay with you for a lifetime and that, to me, is one of the marks of excellence.

John Newland was not only the perfect host, but a very gifted and talented director. The use of light and shadows to create an intense feeling of unease, spookiness and a downright eerie feeling. The inventive close-ups and overhead shots. Quite simply, Newland and this show were quite ahead of it's time. Take a look at "Ordeal On Locust Street" and tell me straight faced that you don't see "The X-Files". Watch "The Hand" and tell me you don't feel like your watching a film noir. Just fantastic. Quite simply, there wasn't anything like it before and nothing like it since.

If your looking for a real, honest to goodness spooky half-hour, look no further then "One Step Beyond". Just goes to show that true commitment, love and doing something you believe in can produce something unique and magnificent.
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Unique and Creepy Spaghetti Western
14 April 2003
I've read alot about "Django The Bastard" and comparisons between it and Eastwood's "High Plains Drifter". I think it's safe to say that "HPD" is not a remake of "DTB" but is is also safe to say that it at least served as the inspiration for Clint's 1972 film IMHO.

I had high expectations for "Django The Bastard" and I was definitely NOT let down. It's an at times crude and low budget affair but it has enough action, tension and chills to make it a terrific little film that just may be one of the trendsetters in the Euro Gothic Western sub-genre. The atmosphere is thick in this creepy movie and Director Sergio Garrone goes all out showing us some unique camera angles which run the full spectrum from overhead shots to close-ups to fade-in's to handheld. Very effective as is the score which at certain times is eerie enough to raise a goosebump or two. Some remarkable scenes as mentioned in other reviews including a creepy opening that is almost completely silent except for the howling wind and the memorable scene in the graveyard.

Really wonderful stuff from the little SW that could. The performances are fine and I think that anyone who is a fan of Eastwood's "High Plains Drifter" owes it to himself or herself to check this one out. It's available on DVD from VCI under it's U.S. title of "The Strangers Gundown". Easily one of my favorite Westerns.
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