
17 Reviews
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Ancient Aliens (2009– )
Pseudoscience to leavy you shallow, but happy
2 May 2024
There was a time when the History Channel was something, but that was history. Nowadays, who is going to watch anything about Niche, Michelangelo or Julius Cesar, when we can "Hunt the Hitler", who is still alive or find little green people who left traces all around, just for the share ratio of History. In between, there are a few Pawn stores and Junk in storages. And while the last two are realistic, maybe fun, but also empty, the first two, especially "Ancient Aliens" are dangerous, as many just digest whatever is served and the new truth is there. This series is a mumble jumble of pseudo explanations, leading to nothing, but when it is narrated dramatically, who cares about science? A perfect tool to leave those living on Eeart uneducated, but happy.
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Distinctive portait of evel
17 March 2024
For sure, this movie is not for every mood, whatever moment when you feel like - OK, I will watch the film and not for everyone. However, when you go inside, you can't help to notice that this is one of the rare movies that moves the boundaries of cinematography, at least this is my impression. The way authors portray the life of a family shows only the slightest portion of their evilness, the way they transfer us to the outcome 70 years later is brilliant. And yes, the movie is slow, as it should be if you want to invest a moment to think about both sides, the evil and the victims. Giving you that, in a distinctive form, this movie is an art.
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Tough one...
19 September 2023
Yes, it is a tough one to review... One aspect is a topic, and it is great to have some light on the horrific events that were happening below the radar, especially when you start to dig further and see the attempts to undermine the tragedy and atrocities. For that part, I would give the highest mark, for sure.

Speaking about the movie solely, well, it didn't give me what it should. Apart from historical imprecision, it is unfortunately full of cliches, without much-needed background, as if the intention was to show as many atrocities as possible. Even in movies, especially of this kind, displaying events without clear lines and context it doesn't work well, even if it is obvious that large resources were invested. It is a pity that the authors didn't bother to present the events to the public which is not emotionally involved. As seen with a huge gap in ratings. Therefore, speaking only on the movie quality, it is below average, especially related to the script, while the photography and acting are solid, but often way off dramatized. For this part, my mark would be a slim 4, or even less.

In conclusion, it is worth seeing, at least for the sake of forgotten victims. But you will need a lot of patience and understanding of the local need for propaganda, which is, in my view, still justified in this my view, still justified in this case.
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The Great War (1964)
For the part - exceptional.But there is a gap...
22 July 2022
The title of this epic documentary is "The Great War" - an alternative term for World War I. And it does a brilliant job describing the prelude of the War and partly the aftermath. Even more, the analyses of many of the epic battles, but also less known are remarkable. However...

With the title which shows ambition to describe the "Great War, the series failed. Why. Because we have a Western-centric view on WWI - probably some 75% is related to the Western front and others to the Eastern and some the in Middle East. But at the end, giving enormous sacrifices, small countries are, as usual, left with no memory. I will quote the example of Serbia, on the allied side, which 1st defeated a much stronger Austro-Hungarian Army in 1915. Hust a few minutes about that. Even less is on an epic retreat of the whole army over Albania after the Germans occupied the weakened country. Finally, the numbers. In terms of losses, Serbia suffers by far the most - 31% of the pre-war population, counting both army and civilians perished. The second on the list is Romania (again, almost no mention) - 14%. UK and France are 4 and 7,7%. Should I also mention half a million orphans in Serbia after the war? Well, "The great war" has no references to that.

If the title was - "Great War on the Western Front" I would give a 10! With these facts, I will just stay and wonder about politics, visible even when we celebrate the heroes...
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Palio (2015)
On of the most iconic event in the world - and a documentary worth watching
21 April 2022
Documentary about the iconic Palio of Sienna, a traditional and famous horse race on one of the most known squares of the world - Placa di Campo. But there is much more - history, tradition, inside of the unique Italian passion and mentality, as well as tension and even drama.

For all of those who are interesting in the event, it is highly recommended, but also for those who know nothing about it. Participants at the event, both well-known legends of Palio, as well as the beginners in the race, bring us closer to the tradition, rules (and please note, there are almost none on one hand and a bunch of them on the other ;) in a relaxed but sometimes also passionate manner, with the culmination of the two races in 20??.

What I lack is a little bit more of a background and in particular about the event customs itself. I find that a great documentary leaves you with good knowledge about the topic, and with Palio 2015 we miss that. On the other hand, it pushes me to look further, and therefore a mark of 7. And surely a recommendation!
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Very, very good movie
15 May 2020
This is the genre that I do like and I am giving the chance to many movies that, on a first glance, does not ave such a good ratings. But, as we seen many times, and it is becoming almost a rule, 6.2 in a moment I am writing is completely wrong. What is also interesting is that those guys who took their time to write the review in general gave very high scores - and it is a pity that others who disliked it didn't eve bother to write why.

In general, story is simple - band of soldiers are back home, after a heroic episode back in Iraq. And, similar to the "Flags of Our Fathers", a movie about the battle of Ivo Jima, they are dragged around in order to bond the ordinary citizens with the US war efforts.

Thought the one short episode which show portion of their their exploitation as a gunny pigs for higher purposes, enhanced by the flashback of the time in Iraq, Ang Lee brilliantly draws the hypocrisy of the society, where noting but pure marketing is important - not the actual causes of the engagement half the World away, neither the real struggle of the band - subtle, Lee is teaching us that all of this is completely irrelevant, except the pure, selfish goal that is supposed to unite the nation over something extremely questionable. Following that goals, the lives and fears of man who served are irrelevant - they are just the mean for higher political stakes.

And all of that is said in a easy, almost satirical way (following the original novel by Ben Fountain), which, if seen superficially doesn't mean a lot. But with small portion of actual thinking, this makes one hell of a good movie, including brilliant acting of young Joe Alwyn!
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Don't really see why is this one so special...
5 February 2018
OK, the topic is interesting, the marks were good, good reasons to watch it. But only after 20 minutes, it become hard, first due to the technical reasons: images changing hysterically, there just to add weight to the statements without any real context, scenes too vivid, too quick, too imposing... Than a narrative, with quick, taken segments, bits and peaces from countless videos, again frantic, without chance to hear more, to have a chance to digest. During all that time, there is a sound, too strong music in the background, irritating really.

Cross section of the society, the first part of the documentary is fine, but there are better ways to do it - in this way is as the author wanted us to feel all of the information bombardment heavily criticized inside. At least, it is not clear whether is it deliberate.

Finally, the story - well known the critique of consumerism, shallowness, inequality, government control, financial moguls, lack of liberty... As said, we already know those quite well, and having in mind the year Owned & Operated went out, it is really nothing new. The final part is the offer, or the way out of this nightmare: And what we see - reflect on the various movements appeared in the last years (but again, just desolated), few alternatives, bits and peaces from various parts of the world, but again without any strength and any connection. Besides, all of those movements are already long disappeared or just marginal.

Don't get me wrong, the topic is important, but if this is a substitute to the gloomy realm, we are in trouble.
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Hellstorm (2015)
I can't believe that something like this is actually allowed to be broadcast
13 May 2017
As probably many others, I was on one side tricked with relatively good rating and also wanted to know more about the other side of a story, and to know more about the think we may not know about the allies and eventual atrocities their members commuted during final days of the WWII.

But I was really astonished how someone dare to twist the fact so openly, almost after the 5 minutes. After that point, it was obvious that the movie is far away from documentary, as it doesn't actually documents nothing. It is just an hour and half of Nazi propaganda, where one lie meets the next one, in the endless circle.

I was thinking to perhaps give at least some arguments, about who attacked first, to say something about the extermination of whole nations, but there is just no need for this. Everyone with at least half of brain will know what is this about, and I am just sorry that this kind of movie is allowed as well as this type of comments here. It is just not right, for the sake of millions killed due to the Nazi, German regime in the middle of the last century.
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The Revenant (I) (2015)
Pointless butchering skilfully produced
26 February 2017
Many reviews are written, many salutes the movie. No wonder: the photography, camera, costumes: hat down, really skillful job. Big names, lot of action, excellent overall atmosphere. There are some sensational scenes, for example the battle at the beginning of the movie, and the scene where DiCaprio is mauled by a grizzly. There is a lot of struggle, more than a decent amount of action and universal story about the revenge. Probably enough for many.

However, when you strip down the story, it would probably fit in less than 2 minutes to explain. Nothing much, really, adding that you would know the end at the beginning, if you are older than 4, of coarse. So what is else there? From the very beginning, and all the way to the really, really long way to the end, there is nothing much more than enormous quantity of rage, blood, cruelty, butchering, violence and some more violence. Even if we can say that this period (beginning of 19th century) was violent, someone might get a feeling that is watching the adventure outside this planet.

Finally, we have highly praised and skilfully produced three hours long pointless butchering. Excuse me, but for me this is not a cinematography. For this almost forgotten art, there should be even just a bit more.
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On a very amateur level...
26 February 2017
I guess that the plot is known to the reader, in short young, pure, but gifted guy from the rural farming village in Trinidad, meet mid age wealthy businessman. The relationship that leads to seduction, tangled with many other problems in the pure guys life that seems quite OK, until the start of the movie.

Movie from Trinidad and Tobago must gain your sympathy at first, and of course you wouldn't expect a masterpiece. But, there are just to many but... The plot: Weak, predictable, with many detours from the main topic, and completely irrelevant jumps aside. Scenes are leaning one upon another, usually just to fill the time, many times completely pointless. Camera and directing are very basic, and few times I caught myself I felt uncomfortable watching unpleasant cadres. And finally - acting: below any reasonable expectation, on a very, very amateur level. Especially Gareth Jenkins, the man who is playing the wealthy businessman - just terrible.

So the score 2, just because of the sympathy for a young cinematography from Trinidad, and quite nice carnival scene.
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Gone Girl (2014)
Movie that lost control
6 January 2017
What is wrong when you have a movie which have a great budget, good actors, really great performances (Carrie Coon especially), good sound, skillful directing, but still you barely succeed to watch it till the end?

The plot is wrong.

And in this case, terrible wrong. Most likely, the producers, even Fincher, couldn't resist to pander to the contemporary taste of a mainstream consumer. I must say that I didn't read a book upon which the film is made, but I can't get the feeling that the "more and more and more approach", the aspiration to make a movie which would be unique, finally lead to completely flawed structure. The beginning is fine, and all of the goods is in that part, even with some pretentious tryouts of a Rosamund Pike character to be mysterious and special.But from the middle, movie simply loses control, looking like that there is no clear picture how to get away from over dramatization. At that part, the plot shows all of the weaknesses, bringing many childish mistakes some of the reviewers already pointed out.

Finally, having this movie so highly rated, in comparison wit for example Fatal Attraction or Basic Instinct is just ridiculous. Which once again, shows how problematic the IMDb rating can be.
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Yes, it has material to be a classic
3 May 2016
Stanford Prison Experiment is an actual event that took place in 1971, when the study of the psychological effects of becoming a prisoner vs prison guard took place at the University of Stanford. This movie is about that event, completely accurate if you follow the information how the experiment went.

What is amazingly appealing here is the experiment itself, which moved the borders of a knowledge on human psychology. The main point is that it proved how quickly can humans loose their identity under the circumstances, bringing on a surface much grimmer perceptive. The results are widely used after, but not only for the good cause. What is interesting here is that the whole phenomenology of Reality Shows can be seen as grounded exactly on the finding of Stanford Prison Experiment: basically, it is a story of mass manipulation backgrounds.

A few words about the movie, of course: I am perfectly happy with the outcome, as it succeeded to evoke the original experiment: the story, the characters, the set and costumes, the tension - everything is there. The magnificent roles of Ezra Miller, Michael Angarano and Tye Sheridan are also something that should be underlined, however all crew did a marvelous job.

If you are looking at this movie as a movie, fictional story, well maybe you wouldn't like the plot. But once again, it is from beginning to the based on true story. And a story which really have deep impact on humankind, perhaps deeper than we think.

But if you think just a bit of a power of the real experiment, real psychological drama inside, amazing message that it is carrying, perfect roles of the "students" - prisoners and guards, and after that the social implications that are happening today, the movie and its story is basically a masterpiece. Nothing more, nothing less.
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The Martian (2015)
Insult for intelligence
3 January 2016
Once again, I was tricked by IMDb rating: at the moment of writing, this movie is ranked 179 on the "top rated movies". What an absurd having in mind so many amazing pieces outside the top 250.

My problem is that I didn't know how to look the movie: if I wanted real sci-fi fantasy, why the director wasted so much time at the beginning trying to explain the logic and possibilities for some of Mat's actions. And in few, he was almost successful... But than,after 1/3, the movie is transformed to pure fantasy, with the scenes perhaps suitable for the kids under 8-9 years old. For others - it is just pathetic, stupid, confusing, with clearly expected end, of course. And basically that is the case - I would probably swallow the enormous amount of unrealistic scenes if they were just a bit of prudence and consistency. But with this approach, for me this is really insult for intelligence.

So, except wonderful photography of a invented Mars landscapes, I don't see any reason for wasting time and money watching this overrated illusion.
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Really moving movie
27 December 2015
I knew very little about Irena Sendler before watching this movie. But after seeing it, I simply feel ashamed that we don't know more about the real heroes of the Second World War Although many already figured out, this is a true story about a young Polish woman's and fellow brave Warsaw citizens, passionately engaged in helping thousands of Jewish children from the Warsaw Ghetto during the German occupation of Poland. With such a powerful, dreadful story behind, it is really hard to make a movie that won't be touching, but The Courageous Heart of Irena Sendler is much more than that. It start a bit slower, drawing the terrible conditions of Warsaw Ghetto, while we watch how the monstrous "Final Solution" for extermination of Jewish people taking its full strength. From the second half, movie is gaining on speed and intensity and really nail the watcher to the chair until the very end. The crew is very good, lead by wonderful Anna Paquin, who marvelously portrayed extremely courageous and bit dreamy Polish girl.

As one of the reviewers already said - this is not a typical Hallmarks movie, but certainly the great one. And I really recommend it for watching, if not more to the honor of braves such Irena Senler was.
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So Interesting that you forgot about imperfections...
3 November 2015
A documentary made through the lenses of Anthony Powell, photographer who spent many years in Antarctica lead you to the incredible journey to the world we really don't know much. The author describe just a portion of this amazing place over one year of time, combining short interviews, wonderful time lapse photography and just a glimpses of ordinary life of the small population that works on Antarctica. The movie opened many fascinating phenomena, from the mighty storms and winds, cold, 4 months in constant daylight and than darkness and the ways people adapts to those conditions, (T3 Syndrome, for example) which can really be a separate topics for more than one documentary.

Although the movie is not perfect, by my opinion, as it lack some inside to the geography of the place and at least some facts about the conditions there, it basically opened many more questions form me. This movie and its amazing topic with conditions where it was filmed basically don't give you the space to moan about imperfection that surely exists. Instead, it make you wondering about all what is seen, with a feeling that you would like to see much more.
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Tricked by the good reviews
31 January 2015
I was really looking forward seeing this movie, due the topic, part of the planet I don't know much about as well the historical evens, which was also very unknown to me.

So I was in front of a story about the terrible time in Indonesia during a960's when dead squads, composed of local crooks and gangsters systemically exterminated thousands and thousands 'enemies' and 'communist demonstrates how he and his cohorts slaughtered hundreds of 'enemies' in 1965. The plot intended to bring the story closer from the perspective of executioners – the free and well respected killers are both the actors and directors, having the freedom to plot the story and tell it from their perspective. So the butchers are the main characters, acting like a children nostalgically remembering 'good old naughty days'. While the concept might be successful, here is total failure.

Instead of learning something, I was just tricked, left with so few facts that I didn't felt the need to even dig more. Instead of feel the tragedy, I was faced with childish group of pathetic figures, which woke nothing except stupidity and shallowness. Instead of being pulled on the chair as the tragic history would imply, I was bored to dead with repeating and repeating scenes, where showing it perhaps once would be OK, but even twice is too many.

Finally movie left me empty, having celebrated the infantile beasts acting childishly convinced that they are even more superstars now than before. It left me with faceless and anonymous victims who are mentioned purely as an 'superstars' toys – nothing more than objects. It left me with boredom, and I must give credits for that – you really need to be real talent to lest the watcher with that impression, having the material so powerful.
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25th Hour (2002)
Simply - great movie!
26 July 2014
It is amazing how I missed this film before, what a mistake. As for me, this is definitely one of the "must have in collection" movies. Although the story might be expected as a bit slow at the beginning, actually the film didn't let you out of the story for a minute. And everything is there - fabulous acting, something than can be always expected from Edward Norton, but so many great supporting roles is amazing in one movie - I don't know who to mention first Philip Seymour Hoffman, Barry Pepper, Brian Cox, Rosario Dawson or Anna Paquin. All of them are wonderfully guided by the Spike Lee, who is giving us his unique approach and personal stamp, which is making the difference and that is what the masterpiece is all about. And all of that is perceivable in different stages of the movie - at the very beginning, with the scene that should be seen again after the end of the movie, with the slow waking introduction, great overview of main character view of the society and life in the given moment, over the "last night" with his friends, to the very down of the "D" day. Perhaps I can just object few time and mind swifts, but not as near to spoil the impression. At the end, I must mention the amazing scene of anger on the society, somewhere in the first third of the movie, so brilliantly performed by Edward Norton, that it should be really studied at film academies.
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