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Flawed but entertaining
16 June 2019
This movie harkens back to 70s Brian DePalma and Dario Argento movies, in a similar way that Black Swan did. It is certainly not up to those standards, but an entertaining effort nonetheless. Some of the plot twists are not believable, especially the first, main plot twist. It lacks the stylistic bravado of the best examples in the genre, although it does a lot right. The cast is effective, the score is excellent, it moves along at a brisk pace and at times it looks visually striking. If you enjoy the genre of movie, just go along with it, forgive its flaws and it'll be an enjoyable ride.
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Everything will be alright in the end
4 November 2012
"Everything will be alright in the end", the quote that is essentially the message of the movie. This is an obvious feel-good movie about Brits deciding to spend their pension days in India. But as an obvious feel-good movie from a British perspective about different cultures coming together, it's also actually quite honest.

Overly optimistic and romantic? Absolutely. But it does gently touch on some of the issues and it can give you a little bit of insight in the Indian culture. It even serves at being a gentle mirror on our own cultural inadequacies.

The acting here is fantastic and the characters are well written. Especially the British characters are very believable. The Indian characters seem to be a bit written from a British perspective and mostly serve as vehicles for a feel-good flick. But even so they are entertaining, well acted and well realized within the confines of what this movie is about.

Personally, I really did enjoy this movie. It won't give you a complete picture of India, but it does give you an honest point of view from a certain perspective. And as such it entertains and inspires.

For what it set out to do, it succeeded admirably. Recommended.
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Unidentified (2006)
Deceptive Christian fundamentalist propaganda
19 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Movies about U.F.O.'s are always a nice way to kill some time, so on a rainy Sunday evening I picked up this flick, expecting what can be expected from a direct-to-DVD U.F.O. mystery.

Boy, was I wrong! At about halfway in the movie it becomes very apparent that the U.F.O. theme is just a deceptive way of attracting unsuspecting viewers to this Christian propaganda. And this is not just a Christan movie from an average Christian. No, this is Christianity of the extremist fundamentalist kind. The scary kind.

In the end of this movie, the non-believing lead is tricked by their colleagues using a practical joke in thinking that the Rapture has started (which is believed by Christians to be the happening in the end of time where true believers are going to heaven and non-believers are left behind).

When the joke is explained, it is suggested that it is always better to become a true believer, 'just in case we Christians are right'. Now that's a lamest excuse ever to become a Christian if you ask me!

This movie still tries to convert non-believers using scare tactics. "Believe in God or you will go to Hell!" is the message here. Simple, but quite offensive, really. Especially because this movie is being sold as something completely different.

Now let's assume you're a Christian fundamentalist yourself and you're not likely to be offended by the themes in this movie, is this a good movie? I'm afraid it isn't. No actually I'm lying: I'm GLAD it isn't! The acting is horrible, the pacing is horrible, the plot is horrible, especially the ending is laughably bad. As soon as the movie starts, you immediately sense that this is going to be worse than you expected, and you will be right.

In the first half hour, it seems to at least attempt to set up a passable U.F.O. mystery, but then suddenly they bring in this Count Dracula look-alike that starts babbling about the devil. At first you just think this dude is just a crazy maniac, but as it turns out, he actually represents the real views of the makers of this movie. As soon as you start realizing this, you know how this is going to end up. But actually it ends up worse.

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I, Robot (2004)
Don't compare it too much to the book
17 December 2004
I've heard many comments about the movie having nothing to do with the book. Actually movie never claimed to be a complete movie adaptation of the book. I see it as a big blockbuster movie loosely based on Asimov's ideas and I feel that it has been maintaining many key aspects of Asimov's short stories. The three laws, the mystery plot, the robot's dream, it's all there. The movie then takes the premise of that robot's dream further and explores what could have happened in a very clever way (in the book, the robot was terminated after he told about his dream and the story ended there).

But, add to the clever plot lots of slam bam action sequences and explosions, impressive special effects, a slick look, plus a wisecracking Will Smith doing his best to be ultra cool (his usual routine) and you have a blockbuster movie. While this works in a way, it makes the movie a bit uneven as it tries to please too many crowds. While I personally could do with less of the blockbuster qualities and would liked to have seen a more focused approach to the material, the movie actually works quite well and is still pretty enjoyable.

A faithful book adaptation? Not really, but still worth bearing the same name as the script is largely written in the same spirit. And why should a movie follow a book exactly? Would Blade Runner be the classic it is if it would have followed Dick's book closely? I don't think so.
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The Ring (2002)
Good, but unnecessary remake
7 April 2004
After seeing the fantastic original 'Ringu', I watched this remake suspecting it would be a noisy, gory slam-bang hollywood rehash. Fortunately, I was wrong. The Ring is a well made remake and follows the original quite closely, even in atmosphere. It's close enough to say that if you hate this movie, you probably won't like the original either. Some sequences are even shot-by-shot the same. Acting is adequate, cinematography is excellent, the pace is good. Unfortunately, there are some issues with this remake imho.

  • They replaced some important storylines of the original with that really lame horse nonsense.

  • The 'scary' make up effects are overdone and not scary at all.

  • The 'samara' character is too flat and too young. She's just plain evil in this flick where in the original she's a 18ish teenager with a more complex and sad background (see Ring 0: Birthday) which makes it more thought provoking and believable that she became what she is.

  • The ending is not as satisfying as the original.

  • While pacing is good (I'm glad it still has the quiet pace of the original), it's not as good as in the original where its momentum gradually builds up until it's firmly stuck under you skin.

Now I still think it's quite good, but it doesn't add anything over the original to make it really worthwhile. If you don't mind watching a subtitled japanese movie, definitely go for the original Ring (aka Ringu).
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Supernova (I) (2000)
Better than expected after reading the reviews
13 October 2003
Ok, all critics really hated this one. They really took most effort to tell how bad this all is. However I don't think it's all that bad, I even enjoyed it! Yes, Walter Hill took his name off the movie. Yes, Francis Ford Coppola was not credited. Yes, it was released in januari, one of the worst months to release a movie. Yes, there were no early screenings. Yes, dialogue and plot is lame. Yes, it's no crowd pleaser, but that's no bad thing: The bad thing about it there's a part of the movie that's forcefully trying to be. But, there is still something interesting in this movie. All characters are a bit bland and bored. They all have sex that seem to be very UNpassionate, it's just a means to pass the time. To deal with extreme boredom of space travel. Even one character that doesn't have sex (benjamin) is in love with the ship's computer. It's all very sad, really. And it kind of works for the movie. Like I said, the plot is not great; it's just a rehash about some stranger trying to kill everyone on board, an alien artefact and an imminent supernova. You've seen it all before. The strong points of the movie not the plot, but is its strange style, it's weird feel to it. Even though there's lots of evidence of post production present, the overall feel of the film is still interesting.

Now I don't want to make you believe it is an excellent film. It's too flawed for that. But I would be interested in seeing a director's cut of this, because it shows promise. But you have to want to see through its flaws to see it.
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"Tell him it's chinese"
12 June 2003
When I first saw this movie I was expecting to see a really awful movie. Well, it has many weaknesses but it's also a beautifully shot, light hearted romantic comedy which is at times extremely hilarious. It even holds up after repeated viewing. So many funny and quotable scenes "The Wrecka Stow", "Tell him it's chinese", "It's the mum!", "How much money you make? Damn, couldn't you buy some cologne, man?!" and it goes on and on. And of course the soundtrack is superb. Sure, you'll have to like prince at least a bit 'cos you'll getting a lot of him (being the director, actor and composer) but once you can forgive his little faults (which I think is *not* the extreme vanity stuff cos I think that was done so over the top on purpose for fun) you'll be entertained for sure and Prince/Jerome Benton make a great comedy duo as Christopher Tracy and 'Tricky'. When things are getting more serious and dramatic it loses it's strengths a bit, but still I found this a very enjoyable movie.
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The 6th Day (2000)
31 May 2003
I like Arnie movies: Total Recall, The Terminator, True Lies. Great Fun. I wanted to like this movie too, having read reviews that mentioned Total Recall. I didn't. I hated it. Why?

* The writers came up with something that should be an interesting starting point, the ethical questions about cloning. However, instead of going deeper in the subject, it just misused this premise as an excuse for lots of explosions and car-chases. Absolutely nothing is even mildly original here.

* The special effects are very bad in places (when the bad guy's legg is shot off for example). The CGI effects are so-so.

* The plot doesn't make sense in a lot of places (spoiler alert):

-"You can't clone a brain, but you can clone a whole body". SAY WHAT?!

  • Arnie goes to the re-pet store to clone his dog who just died. After a while, it is suggested that the 'other' Arnie was there before him (The salesman's remark "Still can't make up your mind, huh?"). But, after that Arnie drives home and finds the other Arnie *with the cloned dog"!

-Arnie is supposed to be the good, loving father and husband having some moral troubles with the hole cloning thing. But when he's chased by bad guys he immediately starts getting *sadistic pleasures* out of running over them. Makes him completely unlikeable and disgusting IMHO.

I'm all for setting myself in 'brain-dead' mode and going for some good Arnie action, but I couldn't help completely disliking this flick.
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Carrie meets Ringu
27 April 2003
If you liked 'Ringu' and 'Carrie', you're gonna love this. I just saw it and I think I like it even better than Ringu (but it would be close). It's moodier and sadder than Ringu, but that 'bone cracking' sequence near the end crawled so deep under my skin that it makes me shiver just thinking about it! Great acting (the lead actress is as great as she is cute), great music, great direction.
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