
166 Reviews
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Pure Garbage
27 March 2024
Just when you thought the last movie you saw sucked, you come across this mess. If you want a good laugh at this atrocious attempt at cinema and have some time to waste, then by all means, light up a joint and sit through this as long as you can. On second thought, don't do it; you probably have much better things to do with your life. I'm surprised the actors and everyone else that were a part this terrible production didn't come on here and hit the 10 star button like people do in other terrible films - but even these people knew better. The director and cinematographer should be banned from ever making a movie again.
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26 February 2024
Mike Epps was never funny to me; I'm not surprised that this show was any different than his other shows. Just kept waiting for the humor to come and it never did. He should seriously consider another profession. His goofy routines are just boring, outdated, and just completely a waste of time. If he's writing his own material he better give that up too. Then again, he could hire the best comedy writer in the nation, if he can't deliver the lines in a comedic way, then all his jokes will fall flat like the ones in this show. Stand-up comedy is definitely no easy task, but if you find that you're bombing out at just about all your comedy shows then maybe it's time to hang it up and try something else.
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Die Hart (2023)
Not bad.
7 December 2023
My rating is not going to change anything, but at least Jordan King (Nathalie Emmanuel) is easy on the eyes, she's a beautiful young lady. The scene where they play agents had me in tears, I had to watch it a few times. I lost it with the Karate chop to the throat and when she flipped him across the room was hilarious. That box exploded, and Kevin could have easily fit inside of it at 5'2" tall. Overall, it wasn't a total waste of time, it was actually a decent movie. It's all about the writing, they had a good cast but comedy writing is never easy. I like Kevin, always thought he was funny, so hopefully he can bounce back from this mediocre movie.
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2 October 2023
James Gandolfini is rolling in his grave saying wtf! This was garbage, and David Chase should think of doing something else with his time. This actually has a pretty decent cast, but even a good cast can't save a bad script and bad direction. This should have never been released; even the trailer received bad reviews. Netflix has hit an all time low with this one, not surprised though - take it down. The high reviews are from those desperate people who think it'll somehow make the movie what it's not. Pass this one up, unless you have time to waste. Very disappointing, especially when you look forward to a good gangster flick.
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The Batman (2022)
Trouble sleeping? Watch this!
4 September 2023
Watching this waste of a movie is better than taking Unisom, it'll put you to sleep in no time. It's one thing to make a bad movie, but to make it a long drawn out bad movie is the worse thing a film company can do.

I couldn't get through this without nodding in and out the entire time. It's a shame because the cast is a compilation of good actors. Zoë Kravitz looks as beautiful as ever, but Robert Pattinson has to be the most depressing Batman of all time.

I'm glad I didn't pay to see this crap, what a ripoff that would have been. There are people who actually rated this as excellent, maybe I missed some of the good parts when I nodded off.
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Till (I) (2022)
24 July 2023
This is a great movie; the entire cast did an excellent job. And as always, I expected the trolls to be on here, and I was right. They'd rather rate a stupid juvenile series like, "Cobra Kai" a 10/10 and say it's awesome. They're so pathetic! It's hard for most of them to be reminded of the evil history and continuous racism in this country. Because of that, this story should be told over and over again.

President Biden will designate a national monument at three sites in honor of Emmett Till and his mother, Mamie Till-Mobley - both of whom served as catalysts for the civil rights movement. The new monument will be established across three locations in Illinois and Mississippi in an effort to protect places that tell Till's story, as well as reflect the activism of his mother, who was instrumental in keeping the story of Till's murder alive.

It's about time!
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16 July 2023
Yet another film that fails to even mention the brave Black soldiers who also stormed the beaches of Normandy. Black people can not reply on white filmmakers to include them in American history and to tell their stories accurately. As usual it's another movie that depicts a battalion of all white soldiers, but in fact, D-day included thousands of African American men.

"Roughly 2,000 African American troops are believed to have hit the shores of Normandy in various capacities on June 6, 1944. Serving in a U. S. military still-segregated by race, they encountered discrimination both in the service and when they came home."

These men were heroes and the only African American combat unit of the 320th Barrage Balloon Battalion, who were responsible for setting up explosive-rigged balloons to deter German planes.

Some of the World War II Vets that went to watch the premiere of this overrated movie practically left the theater in tears because once again, another historical movie ignored the contributions of Black soldiers during the war.
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A compelling film!
9 July 2023
Things haven't changed much. Why do whites in this country, particularly in the south, still pass on the hatred? This is a story of yet another Black man who was murdered because of a "Karen".

"Henry Dortress "Dickie" Marrow was an African American veteran who was shot and killed after a racial confrontation with whites in Oxford, North Carolina, on May 12, 1970. The confrontation and murder seemed to have many parallels to the far more famous Emmitt Till case in Mississippi."

This is how it unfolded, "Teel's 18-year-old son Larry, and Larry's wife Judy, were unpacking motorcycles in the parking lot. Marrow was said to make a remark, the content of which is disputed and unknown. She, Judy Teel, later testified that Marrow had spoken "ugly" words to her.
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Saving Jessica Lynch (2003 TV Movie)
Who Cares!
7 July 2023
Critics have accused the media of bias in the coverage of Lynch versus that of her fellow soldiers, Shoshana Johnson and Lori Piestewa. All three were ambushed in the same attack during the Iraq War on March 23, 2003, with Piestewa being killed and Lynch and Johnson being injured and taken prisoner.

Lynch, a young, blonde, white woman, received far more media coverage than Johnson with media critics suggesting that the media gave more attention to the woman with whom audiences supposedly more readily identify with.

Lynch says that she still gets hate mail from Americans who accuse her of making up the heroic acts attributed to her. "I was captured, but then I was OK and I didn't go down fighting. OK, so what?" she says. "It was really hard to convince people that I didn't have to do any of that.
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Cinnamon (2023)
Good to see Pam Grier
25 June 2023
This is a piece of a review from Tribeca Capsule Reviews - by Mike McGranaghan. "Here's yet another crime movie that unsuccessfully tries to emulate the style of Quentin Tarantino." This bs comment is getting so old already, it's like every time a film is made, particularly the ones that have Black lead actors they're accused of trying to emulate the thief himself, Quentin Tarantino.

They said the same thing about, "The Harder They Fall". But they never mention how the biggest thief of all time had admitted to stealing in a 1994 interview with Empire magazine by saying, "I steal from every single movie ever made." And his visual references to other movies have become his trademark. But "they" don't have anything negative to say about that.

So, if any other filmmaker does anything similar to what he has done, they have to be emulating after him. His style? Give me a break already with that bs! "Almost all of Tarantino's eight films have a main source for his thievery. For "Jackie Brown," it was the 1974 film "Foxy Brown." For "Kill Bill," the 1973 Japanese film "Lady Snowblood." And his "Inglourious Basterds" is, in a lot of ways, similar to the 1967 war film "The Dirty Dozen." So, who the hell would want to emulate after him!

This is an entertaining film and it has nothing to do with, or was even made with the thief Tarantino in mind.
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The Longshots (2008)
The haters continue to hate!
25 June 2023
Black people need to get involved more with the ratings - inform other Black people to do the same. The "Trolls" set-up accounts just so they can hate! Some of them don't even watch the movie, they just hop on here and hit 1/10 just to be spiteful. You've seen what they did to The Little Mermaid and other Black movies.

Jasmine Plummer, was born in Harvey, Illinois, and she is an American football player who was the first-ever female quarterback for a Pop Warner football team. At the age of 11 years old, she made history as the first female quarterback in the 56th Annual Pop Warner Super Bowl (Junior Pee Wee division); however, her team, the Harvey Colts, lost in the semifinals.

Jasmine was the real deal! Now, Plummer plays running back for the Nevada Storm in the semi-pro Women's Football Alliance. She led the team to a Division III national championship in her 2019 All-Stars season. In the following 2021 season, Plummer earned All-Stars recognition again, being named American Conference MVP en route to another championship in Division II.

Do you think that maybe if this was about a little white girl the rating would be much higher?
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The Mother (2023)
Not too bad
13 May 2023
It started off pretty good, but the middle was really boring, it took a lot to get through it all. It picked up a little toward the end, and then at the very end it became even more unbearable. When she started training her daughter, I was like, what is this, Hanna, or The Professional?

Jennifer Lopez and the team behind "The Mother" are already thinking about a sequel.

"I think it would be 'The Daughter,'" Lopez said at the premiere of the new Netflix action thriller. If it's going to be anything like this, I think maybe they should reconsider that idea. I give Jlo credit for performing her own stunts though; not easy.
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Loved it!
23 April 2023
Whitney Elizabeth Houston nicknamed "The Voice" was one of the best-selling music artists of all time who sold over 200 million records worldwide. She was beautiful with the voice of an Angel! So just hearing all her amazing songs was enough for me. And her rendition of the National Anthem was the best ever!

The haters are on here making silly comments like, "at least they could have cast a lead actress that looks like Whitney" Wtf! So to them that's reason enough to try and destroy the rating with a 1/10! We can all name a dozen films where the lead actor doesn't look like the person they have portrayed. Naomi Ackie did a great job!

Yeah, maybe it could have been written better, but hopefully this won't be the last film about her life.
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Garbage Mouth
10 April 2023
I just knew it would be a lousy show, but I gave it a shot anyway. I was only able to stick it out for about twenty minutes and then I had to shut it off. Apparently Mo'Nique still thinks that excessive profanity makes her funny. Throw in a few more F-bombs and a few of everything else while you're at it, why don't you.

Where was the humor? And the people who are saying that they laughed the entire time, you make me want to do Stand-up comedy as well. Hey, if I can get a bunch of you to sit in a club while I do a set, I'd become a big hit in no time. I'm sorry but she was not funny. She and Chris Rock should get together 'cause his show sucked too! They should hire Wanda Sykes as a comedy coach.
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23 March 2023
They always leave out the part when on July 18, 1996, a Black fellow inmate named Walter Johnson punched Gotti in the prison recreation room, leaving him bruised and bleeding, because Gotti had disrespected him by calling him a racial slur.

People will say, oh, but Gotti was an old man. So what, Gotti was 56 at the time! Even if he were the same age as Johnson, he would have still lost. Gotti was a trigger man in his youth, not a fighter. If he was such a tough guy he would have at least fought back! He didn't do a damn thing; just sat there and licked his wounds! He never used a racial slur ever again after that beat down!
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Detroit (2017)
20 March 2023
When the truth is told, "they" always want to downplay the facts, and claim films such as these are inaccurate! Those pos cops were murderers pure and simple, they killed innocent Black men and got away with it!

This is what Melvin Dismukes (the Black security guard) had to say during an interview with Variety. "It is 99.5% accurate as to what went down at the Algiers and in the city at the time. I had never felt open to telling my side of the story until I met Kathryn Bigelow, but she really listened to me and promised to get the truth out, and I think she did an amazing job."

Some things never change!

The facts are in your face!
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13th (2016)
14 March 2023
Some of the same type of whites that are depicted in this film are on here! They suffer from white fragility! They claim that this film is one-sided and based on false claims. To them none of this is factual it's all made up. It's not the fault of white America but the faults of Black people who were incarcerated for minor crimes and punished with harsh sentences.

These same people are some of the ones that will make statements like, George Floyd didn't die because he had a knee pressed against his neck for almost nine minutes, he died of an overdose of fentanyl. This documentary was outstanding and we need more from Ava DuVernay.
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5 March 2023
You can always count on the ones that hate to hear the truth to come on here with their negativity, and try to destroy the ratings. Just imagine all the derogatory things the slaves had to listen to almost every day of their lives, and "they" can't handle the facts! American history is ugly, but guess what, we're not going to stop talking about it just because the truth bothers you. They don't even want the truth taught in schools now, they just want us all to stop talking about the past and just go away so they can live with themselves. Sorry, it's not going to happen, especially nowadays, with social media. It's all in your face, and the truth will spread like a wildfire.
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The King of Stupid Island
4 March 2023
Well it takes all types, and I already know the type that would think this hot mess is so funny! It's dry, it's corny, it's stupid, and it's a waste of time! Wait a minute, did I say it's dry, it's corny, and it's stupid? Well, it is, and I guarantee you will not be able to make it through the entire movie if you decide to watch it. Better yet, just skip this one, light up a joint and find a better selection in the comedy genre.

Further, it's also too damn long for a comedy, especially one that is unfunny! Hey, Judd Apatow, comedy scripts are usually 90 minutes for a reason, stick to the rules!
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Don't waste your time!
15 February 2023
Same old garbage! Pimps, Hoes, Strippers, Drugs, Money, Guns, Murder, Junkies, and oh, let's not forget the N-word! Are we still in the 70's?! Just what a Black woman needs, some chick narrating the movie with instructions on how to be a hoe. There's tons of this trash on Tubi, and most people with any intelligence will turn to something else within the first ten minutes! If they keep watching it's only to get a good laugh at how horrible the production is. The acting is atrocious and forget about directing, there may as well not been any, just let the actors do what they want and claim to be a director. Learn how to write a real screenplay and then try to come up with an imagination. This is getting old already!
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You People (2023)
You people made a mess!
29 January 2023
Good cast, but boring and unfunny. Someone rated this a 10/10 and said it was amazing; yes, amazingly bad! It was painful trying to get through this crappy movie in it's entirety! I finally couldn't take it any longer and turned it off at midpoint. It felt like the actors were trying too hard to be funny, and that's because of a poor script. Jonah Hill and Kenya Barris should try writing horror movies and stay far away from comedy. Skip this one, if not, all you'll do is find yourself waiting for something funny to happen and end up wasting time because it never will. And why was Mike Epps in this, he's not funny!
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27 January 2023
"The white man has brought immorality here." I cannot watch this epic historical movie enough. Much praise goes to Gina Prince-Bythewood for her outstanding direction and Dana Stevens and Maria Bello for a great screenplay. The cinematography is magnificent, the costumes are amazing, and the martial arts choreography is some of the best combat moves I've ever seen. I admire how most of the cast trained many hours a day practicing techniques from the fighting styles of Filipino Kali, Chinese Wushu, and many Judo throws. Viola Davis triumphs once again with a masterful performance, she is truly the woman king. Bravo to all the entire cast and crew for an outstanding job.

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Smack me and I'll smack you back!
18 January 2023
This is without a doubt and an excellent film with outstanding performances by Steiger and Poitier. As I read a few of the reviews on here, many of the writers make the same claim.

However, I didn't come across any that mentioned the fact that Sidney Poitier was snubbed by the academy once again for his one of many Oscar-worthy achievements. If anything, he definitely deserved at least a nomination for his amazing performance.

He received a Golden Globe and many other award nominations, but that was it. He had to wait decades later to receive honorary awards from the academy, but still remained a classy and gracious man.
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Frightvision (2020)
So scary!
6 January 2023
Here we go again, some more uploaded garbage! The acting is bad, the picture is bad, and the script is bad. So overall, this is ultimately one of the worst films ever, it's pathetic. It's as if the directors told the so called actors, just say whatever you want, it doesn't matter the movie is going to suck anyway! And what the hell is up with the sound?! I had to fast forward through most of it, and yes, it was just as bad from beginning to end. Some 5th graders could have done a better job. Wait, was this actually supposed to be a horror film or a comedy? The only horror is the movie itself!!
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Marathon (2021)
What is this garbage?!
5 January 2023
Is this supposed to be funny?! The only person(s) that would say this is fantastic, is someone who was a part of this crap! I couldn't get past 10 minutes of this boring piss poor writing! Even the actors look like they were having a hard time trying to actually enjoy delivering their corny lines. This is proof that anyone can just put together some garbage and upload it on the many platforms that are available to these amateurs. Stop it! You're wasting everyone's time and perhaps hard earned dollars. People will only become upset when they realize they have been ripped off with nonsense like this. And it really angers us when we see someone add a review saying it's fantastic!
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