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The Terminal (2004)
Spielberg + Hanks = ??
19 December 2004
Usually it equals a great experience (SPR, Band of Brothers, Catch me if you can). But this is not the case with Terminal. The magic did not happen, instead it was simply one bad cliché after another. Let's also not forget it was one giant commercial for Burger King, Sabarro's, and especially Borders Books. This was tasteless, lifeless, boring drivel. It was way too long. The customs agent/ food worker love story was weak and meaningless, not to mention that about 1/3 of the way into the movie was the focus of the story and then for 45 minutes there is no mention of it whatsoever. Time progression was handled poorly, I think they said he was there 9 months but you would have never been able to guess that from the movie, I would have guessed 3 months tops. He seemingly went from being English illiterate to quite fluent in a manner of days.

I think Hanks did a decent job with his character and the cinematography was good but the movie was just flat. I can only assume it has a ranking of 7 here at IMDb out of respect to Hanks and Spielberg. If it had been a different director and actor I think it would have the 4-5 rating it deserves. I give it a 4.
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Hero (2002)
16 December 2004
I have but one regret regarding this movie... that I did not see it on the big screen. Wow! What a beautiful, powerful movie. This movie is just dripping with style. It has been a long time since a movie really captivated like Hero did. This is as much a drama, love story, as it is an action movie. The acting is superb, the cinematography is breathtaking, the scale is awesome. I rarely give 9s and I almost gave Hero a 10.

This movie reminded me of Sergio Leone westerns, which is most definitely a complement. In particular, the deliberate style, use of sound, and close ups.

Note: I viewed this with Mandarin audio and English subtitles.
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Best Teen Flick of the 80's
22 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Warning: Possible Spoilers

There I said it. I love this movie. It is cute, heart warming, and also very honest and revealing. I can tell you why this movie was not a hit when it came out but really is a cult favorite now. This movie exposed the 'popular' myth, it showed just how fragile and shallow the 'popular' thing is and how many are simply followers. Of course popular kids at the time would not warm to this movie, it showed them to be either manipulators or followers neither of which anyone wanted to admit to.

People mention how this movie does not compare to John Hughes films, and you are right. Because in his flicks the popular kids come out looking good at the end. Hughes films are better written and overall acted but they are not as honest or real as this movie.

I am sick of people complaining about stereotypes. Why/How does a stereotype exist?!?! Because there are many, many people who ARE the stereotype. Stereotypes are not created from nothing, they are the single expression of large whole. Complain about stereotypes when they are inaccurate. The stereotypes in this movie are spot on.

I know personally that a big reason I love this movie is because I was on both sides of the fence. I was in the popular crowd when I was young, from 1st - 7th grades. Then we moved. For a year I was kinda a nerd/loner, I just hung around the perimeter. I was friends with most of the 'popular' girls but disliked almost all the 'popular' guys so eventually did my own thing. I was liked by most groups at the school but was not part of the 'popular' group.. by choice. But I also did one of the meanest things I have ever done in my life. I basically stole another guys friend and then told him to beat it because he was not 'cool' enough. I am still ashamed of that. I was basically a kid trying to be cool that really was a nerd inside. Moved again for my last 2 years of HS. This really was a bizarre experience as the 'popular' group was small and not well defined. I think this was due to so many new students moving into the area and I guess disrupting things. My best friend was a nerd, but a very very smart one, and a year younger. Again I did my own thing and liked who I wanted to like.

It was also at this HS that I witnessed something very similar to the movie.

This was in the grade below me. A 'popular' pretty girl dumped a jock and began dating a guy from the 'bad' crowd, you know the group that wore metal concert t-shirts and smoked. Wow, it was amazing to see the effects this had on the school and in particular that class, it turned the whole 'popular' thing on it's head.

One other reason this movie works is that the chemistry between Patrick Dempsey and Amanda Peterson is obvious. They just have it.
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Cool effects, ridiculous science, average acting.
13 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
WARNING: Possible Spoilers Within!!

Other than the 10-15 minutes of cool effects I don't understand how this movie did $500 million+ worldwide. I guess people really enjoy seeing natural disasters on an epic scale because this movie was basically boring. After the big flood this movie ground to a halt, and there was no compelling reason to keep watching other than the hope of more cool effects... I guess.

I can only assume that this movie made scientists around the world cringe and I'm guessing had a few dead ones turn over in their graves. I actually believe that the burning of fossil fuels is harmful to our environment but this is not the way to try and convince people of this fact, since the premise of this movie is so ridiculous.

Why does every disaster movie have to involve the President of the USA?!?! It was such a stretch in this movie in particular, but it's good to see that "Riptide" has not completely faded away... ;)

Well I'm sure this is not the last we've seen of this style movie, since it did so well at the box office, and probably not the last of it's type from director Roland Emmerich.

Glad I waited to see this on DVD...
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Super Size Me (2004)
You cannot deny the facts...
7 October 2004
Yes it is crazy to eat 3 meals a day at any fast food place except for a rare few. But it is not unusual for many people in America to eat at least once a day at a fast food place. Think of SSM as an accelerated example of the dangers of eating fast food, or for that matter any processed food.

I do not believe an individual should be allowed to sue a food company for their health problems, because it is their's or their parents fault for their condition. That would just be one more case of Americans blaming someone or something else for problems they created.

But make no mistake that Food Companies are doing everything they can to grow their businesses. That means sell more food. Do you think McD's or ANY fast food chain cares about their Heavy or Super Heavy Users? They love them alright, and they gladly fuel their addiction. I guess they might be upset if they die, but only because that is a lost revenue stream. Coke and Pepsi's strategy since the early 80's has been to get people to consume more soft drinks, do a Google search on 'Soft Drink Consumption' to see how successful they've been.

SSM message is this. America has a SERIOUS problem with obesity. There are huge corporations spending BILLIONS yearly to encourage people to consume more of their products that 90% of are unhealthy. The majority of School lunch programs in the USA are unhealthy. Eating large quantities or regularly at fast food establishments is bad, possibly even terminal, for your short and long term health.

SSM wasn't perfect and there were a few times I felt he distorted the truth or sensationalized things but overall what he presented was accurate. Yes going from eating healthy and exercising to eating fast food and no exercise is an extreme change BUT it does not disqualify the results. Think about this: How easy/hard is it to eat a healthy diet, how easy/hard is it to eat an unhealthy diet? Not to mention the cost of healthy vs unhealthy diets.

I use to think this saying was silly and trite but it 100% Truth... "You are what you eat!"
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A Classic...
24 September 2004
I wish I could remember the first time I saw this movie, I am guessing it was late 80's, but whenever the year was that was the year "A Christmas Story" became my favorite Christmas movie. Odd since it is a movie about a young boy in the late 40's and I grew up in the 70's. But it resonates so strongly with myself and my wife. This movie is so warm and genuine... and funny. To me it captures a unique time in American history and there are very few movies that provide a better slice of Americana. I could always relate to Ralphie, now that I am 36 with 3 kids I can relate with the Dad as well.

This movie is not some cinematic masterpiece, the acting is perfect but not Oscar quality, I gave it an 8 out of 10 but mind you I rarely give 9s. The best endorsement I can give is that this was one of the first DVDs I bought and is now tradition to watch it the first weekend after Thanksgiving, uninterrupted and without commercials.
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Stylish love story...
10 September 2004
I did not have any expectations before I saw this film, no pun intended, I had not read the book but am a fan of Hawke and Paltrow, and De Niro.

I enjoyed this movie, it had a style that I found compelling and Paltrow was simply dripping with sensuality. Paltrow and Hawke both shined in this evocative film and Bancroft and De Niro's parts were both well acted. 2 scenes stick in my head from the film, the scene of Finn and Estella at Finn's house and of them under the bridge.

This is not a Meg Ryan love story, this is a story of a girl raised by a tormented Aunt and a young man who thinks he has nothing to offer.

7 out of 10.
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Solid and entertaining Spy Thriller
28 July 2004
I am now an overt Matt Damon fan. He plays this role beautifully as the confused and troubled Jason Bourne. Julia Stiles did a great job in her small roll, she is an excellent actress. I had high expectations for this film which normally means I'll be disappointed but I was not. I very much enjoyed this film and I liked the directing/editing style. However, I can understand why some find it difficult to follow or in the case of my wife a bit nauseating. I like the handheld camera style, for me it gives a film a more personal and realistic feel. This is certainly a worthy sequel to the Bourne Identity and worth seeing on the big screen. I look forward to part 3!
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I, Robot (2004)
Close... but no cigar.
21 July 2004
I like Will Smith. However, I am now tired of the exact same character that was in Independence Day, MIB, and MIB2. I know Will can act but the character of Spooner just did not connect for me.

I, Robot the movie had a lot going for it. It just failed to deliver the goods. I was bored about half-way through. I did not care about the characters, though I wanted to. Most of the jokes bombed. The special affects for the most part were well done, the Robots themselves looking particularly good. But it just felt flat to me. Maybe a bunch of robots just isn't my thing but I love Sci-Fi.

It is by no means a bad movie, it just could have been better. I'd rather have seen Riddick again than seen I, Robot.

I give it a 5/10.
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A masterpiece!
12 July 2004
First let me state that I am a 30 something male who generally does not like chick flicks. I have not seen any other version nor read the book.

The mini-series is just perfect. It is a fantastic love story that is witty, charming, and very funny. I am not sure how many times I have watched it now, at least 5, and it improves with each viewing. The story and characters are so rich and interesting and the acting is just superb. I have a Top Ten list of movies/shows based on the premise that you are stuck on an island and can only bring 10 movies with you to watch for the rest of your life. This version of Pride and Prejudice has a permanent spot on that list. I rarely give 9s when voting here and I give this a 10!

If you like period pieces, good acting, or a great love story then this is a must see!
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Good, Entertaining Sci-Fi Movie
25 June 2004
I have mixed expectations based on reviews but I really wanted to see a good sci-fi/action flick and that is exactly what I got. I would go see this movie again, which is really high praise from me. This movie looked good, sounded good, and felt real. I enjoyed the sci-fi elements, like the radar/spotter men, the weapons, and the deployment of troops. I thought Vin Diesel did a good job, as did Judy Dench and Karl Urban. The only bad part to me was some of the names used for the different worlds. This movie seemed influenced visually by the original Dune, which despite it's numerous flaws is still one of my favorites. I would compare this movie to Aliens, which though not perfect either, is another great sci-fi/action movie. I would give this movie a 7/10.
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Seabiscuit (2003)
A Great Book... an Average Movie
2 January 2004
I really wanted to like this movie, maybe the book ruined it for me... but I don't think so. I realize that going from book to screen is difficult but Seabiscuit the movie never captured the personalities(except for Smith), the excitement, or the drama that the book did. My wife watched it with me who had not read the book and her feelings were the same. The movie was just flat. The movie had none of the soul or spirit that the book did. Which is really sad.

I never felt the anguish or struggle of Pollard, I never felt the fatherly feelings Howard had toward Pollard or for that matter the love Howard had for Seabiscuit, I never really sensed how HUGE Seabiscuit's races were in the late 1930s. This should have been an enormous emotional movie. Unfortunately it just never connected with the emotions or spirit of the story.

I give it a 6 out of 10.
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An Awesome Epic Concluded
17 December 2003
Great movie. I had not read the books prior so did not have any expectations on how things should or should not be. The battle scenes were excellent. I also agree with several other's comments that Sean Astin should be up for an Academy Award. His performances in TT and RoTK have been simply outstanding. Sam IS the Hero of this trilogy imho. I was deeply moved when the people of Gondor paid their respect to the Hobbits. The Shelob scenes were outstanding, looked real. My only complaint is with the ending, not that it went on longer than expected but that it was deliberately cut to make you think it was over when it was not.

This is and most likely always will be the greatest Epic ever made. I think it is unfair to compare it to other trilogies because LoTR is really not a trilogy, but simply one huge movie. LoTR the movie(s) is truly in a class by itself. Thanks to the thousands of people who worked so hard to make LoTR what it is!
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Finding Nemo (2003)
Another great movie from Pixar!
30 May 2003
I have 3 kids, 7, 5, 4 (boy, boy, girl) they all really enjoyed it. Paid attention the whole time, which is how I judge if they like it or not. The movie has a solid story, some great one liners and jokes. My kids and I both laughed, my wife even commented on my laughter, I guess I don't laugh as much as I use too, old age and all. Great picture for the whole family, nothing offensive or scary. Clever inside jokes here and there.. for instance the Shark's name is Bruce, this was the name given the mechanical shark in Jaws by the film crew.

Pixar has delivered another top notch film, imho they are batting 1.000, all 5 movies have been good to great and all of them are still fun to watch again.
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Best 10hrs of WWII film ever made!
4 May 2003
You know how you know when a show/movie is really good? When it gets better the more you watch it. I have watched BoB 4 times through. It is simply outstanding. In fact I would say you need to watch it more than once to really appreciate it, it also helps a great deal with keeping track of the different characters. Personally, I don't think SPR holds a candle to BoB. I believe this show is so good because everyone involved wanted to tell the true story, and they did. There was no reason to Hollywood it. The story all by itself is enough.
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