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Doctor Sleep (2019)
Not a. Great adaptation at all.
31 January 2023
Anyone who loved the novel, and the novel is amazing, will hate this movie. Key characters are left out. Plot lines that drive the story are cut. And Flanagan decided this would be a sequel to the movie "The shining" and not the book. It's my personal opinion that he took the umph out of the story in the same way he took the spooky, creepy, supernatural element out of his 'adaptationz' of "Gerald's Game" which by the way i also hated. I understand people who' who've never read the books looking there two films. But a warning to actual readers. See the films before you read the books. So that way you don't feel as let down as I do.
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Mayfair Witches (2023– )
So far not feeling it
13 January 2023
I'm one episode in and I feel let down by the series. I have LOVED "The Witching Hour" series since first reading it in college back around 1992. And all the subsequent books. And I've gotta say that so far I'm disappointed. That might change. But if the rest of the series is like this one episode I doubt it.

And I'm sorry but Carlotta was cast wrong. In my opinion. And so was Rowan for that matter. And that they got rid of Michael and replaced him. Sigh. My hopes aren't high for this series at all.

If they cast Mona correctly and handle the character right. Maybe. Oncle Julian and Mary Beth I hope are present. So many characters that could redeem this series. I'll continue watching to see if they can pull it all together.
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American Horror Stories: Milkmaids (2022)
Season 2, Episode 4
Better than I initially thought
12 August 2022
I have to admit that I've liked each episode of this season so far. I didn't like this one at first. But once you get past the initial grossness of the first ten minutes is actually a pretty good story. And while I hate then ending I have to admit it's perfectly inline with what you'd expect from the "AHS" universe.

So persevere and power through the whole episode.
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Supernatural: Jus in Bello (2008)
Season 3, Episode 12
The best show of season 3
5 August 2022
I have to say that this is probably my favorite episode of season 3. Which is saying something. Because seasons 3, 4, and 5 were, in my opinion, perfect seasons. Every episode enjoyable. Whenever I binge the series this is the episode I can't wait to get to.

Love it, love it, LOVE IT.
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What a terrible film
25 July 2022
It's more or less a horrible mashup of the books "The Vampire Lestat" and "Queen of the Damned". Key characters from both stories are left out. Key plot points are cut. The ending is changed. Just like it was in the "interview with the vampire" movie. Horribly miscast. HORRIBLE miscast. Worse than when Stephen Rea and Antonio Banderas were cast in "Interview.."

It'sa shame that this horrible film was the last movie Aaliyah was cast in.

Stuart Townsend was a terrible Lestat. The actor who was Khayman came in was way too old. Where was Mekare in the story? Akasha was supposed to be tall and statuesque. And she was a queen of Egypt. Why did they have her walking and talking like a bad Bela Lugosi rip off?

So terrible me and my friends, who read the books, wanted to walk out the theater. But stayed and hoped it would improve. But damn! We should have left. However, had we I might have been tempted to watch this train wreck again.

I wish I could give this movie a score lower than a 1.
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The Neighborhood: Welcome to the Mama Drama (2022)
Season 4, Episode 20
Great episode
17 May 2022
Of course the people complaining about the episode are citing CRT because they don't even know what it CRT. Teaching actual history isn't CRT!!! CRT isn't even taught in elementary schools. It's a COLLEGE course.

This episode actually showed how certain parents behave in the face of their children being taught in schools. There's no agenda. There's no misrepresentation. They've taken examples that can be seen on television and YouTube, if you look, and created an insightful storyline. If attention is being paid a few very valid points are made in this episode. I recommend it. I will say I wasn't all that interested in the Calvin's Mother storyline but still loved the episode.
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Brutal but tired.
18 February 2022
Every time there's a new "TCM" movie I have high hopes. And I'm always let down. Though I did like "Texas Chainsaw" as bad as it was. At least it was unique. This here is nothing more than typical. And sorry. Leatherface is over 70, has always been out of shape. Yet you mean to tell me this fat old man has the strength and speed he had in 1974 when he was in his 20's GTFOH. He should have succumbed to type two diabetes by now. 👀
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The Gilded Age (2022– )
1 February 2022
While I had been waiting for the premiere of this show once it started I took my time watching it. You know how it is. You want to watch something but don't feel like you're in the mood for it. But I finally hunkered down and watched the double length series premiere. When you watch it straight through it is phenomenal. The second episode even more so. You're still getting to know some of the players but you're loving the game. I dare someone to say they don't absolutely love George Russell by the end of episode two. I've watched that scene repeatedly. It's kind of awesome.

Give the show a chance. It's enjoyable watching snobs get their comeuppance. It tickles me every time.
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Supernatural: Carry On (2020)
Season 15, Episode 20
I had to end this way
20 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Dean always said his story would end one of two ways. Staring down the barrel of a gun or at the end of a blade. There was no other way this story was going to end. From the beginning we all knew. He was a hunter though and through. He died a hunters death. I've been hesitant to watch this episode because I knew it would break my heart. And that it did.
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It's different yet the same
10 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A lot more serious than I expected. But I like it and I'm curious to see where it goes. The only thing I don't like about the show is Brady. The best scene he's in is when Miranda gets up in his face with a "What did you say?" And he shows he knows his place.
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Why? just why?
3 November 2021
In my Opinion, one of the worst films in the franchise. Not the worst. But it's made that list. Such a let down after the ending "Prometheus". That film left you with so many Questions and to much promise. This film squanders it all away. What a shame.
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Carrie (2013)
Underwhelming in so many ways
30 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen all three versions of "Carrie". Of the three this is the bottom. Of course the original 1976 film is a classic the shines above the others with the top tier, academy award nominated performances of Sissy Spacek and Piper Laurie. Hard to surpass.

Second, in my opinion is the 2002 film. Which is closest to the book. The acting isn't the best. It is a made for cable TV movie. And that annoying police investigation back and forth while original, and helped add some context to the film, kept pulling me out of the actual story. But it did show that Carrie wasn't fully in control of most of her rampage. That while subconsciously she wanted revenge she running on pure fury and moving on instinct.

Then there's this movie. Good acting. Hell, good Kills. But feels SOOOOOOO subpar when you consider the source material and the two previous films. This one leaves a lot to be desired. It's like the director wasn't even really trying. It's original. When I excitedly went to see it in theaters I was so unimpressed that cheap for watching it. The director based this film off the 1976 film rather than the horror novel, which is excellent if you've never read it, and that should have been a major red flag. Especially since the original veered quite a bit from the book. It was Basically a remake of the first movie. And not a good one.

Lastly, Carrie is telekinetic. Hey power comes from hey mind. Why and how is she using her hands? Like she's Pru Halloween Halliwell from "charmed". And then she stomped her foot and Cracked the street. So she's an earth bender now? And thing with Chris and the car, while cool made no sense. And why did she need to use her hands to fight off her mother. The power doesn't come from her hands.

Oh! And apparently she can fly now. This movies so dumb.
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Witch Hunt (I) (2021)
Don't believe that the haters
3 October 2021
I really liked this movie. It's a nice commentary on how women are treated in America by the patriarchy. Especially when those women have power. More drama than horror. But very interesting. Very enjoyable.
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Funhouse (2019)
A waste of time.
2 October 2021
Not the worst but one of the worst horror films I've ever seen. If or wasn't Halloween I wouldn't have watched it at all. But such a waste of my time. Will never watched it again.
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Sweet Tooth (2021– )
Yet another story ruined by Netflix
6 June 2021
The graphic novels "Sweet Tooth" are leaps and bounds better than this drivel.
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The Tomorrow People (2013–2014)
4 June 2021
If the show is rebooted please do it without Mark Pelligrino. He'sa good actor. But him playing the villain in shoes is so over, and so tired. Could be a reason why people got tired of watching the show.
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The Tomorrow People (2013–2014)
After re-watching the series I understand why it was canceled.
4 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
While the premise of the show is pretty decent the show is filled to the brim with unlikable characters, only decent writing, even the heroes aren't anything special. Astrid, from the beginning, keeps calling Stephen crazy. Even when he tells her he has powers. But when she finds out, sees him using his powers she feels betrayed?!?! Stupid.

Jedidiah is proven to be a monster from the beginning. Threatens, and tries, to kill Stephen's friends and family constantly. Yet Stephen saves his life. Come on!!!

The further you get into the show the more contrived it becomes. It could do with a reboot with better writers, actors, and show runners.
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I hate this movie
18 December 2020
Everyone cast in it, except Christian Slater, was too old for the parts they played. ESPECIALLY Antonio Banderas. Oh my God! Who's idea was that. I deviates enough from the source material that it's just unappealing to any real fan of the original three books. The only reason it's not totally terrible is that follow up film "queen of the damned" was abysmal.
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Cursed (2020)
This show is so stupid
20 July 2020
I Actually read the novel when it was about to be released. This is no where near as good as the novel. They've added characters, little side stories. Made Nimue so weak and ridiculous. Where in the novel she is beyond badass. And it's series the most miscast series I've seen since "the mortal instruments" movie and TV series. It's just awful.
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Not the silly TV sitcom version of Sabrina
6 April 2019
The 90's sitcom was more or less for children and family fun. This "Sabrina" is for a more adult audience. Very dark, sometimes a little too broody with season one. A first season is always meant to lay a foundation for the series. Get the audience familiar with the characters and the underlying story. This show does that and does it pretty well. If you're patient and take the time to watch the first season to the end you see its a fantastic witchy tale. a kind of exquisite Dark game of cat and snake. The Dark Lord wants to claim his Queen in Sabrina but Miss Wardwell wants the position for herself. So she begins moving everyone in Sabrina's life around like pawns with the intention of bumping the half witch out of the way and becoming the Dark ones right hand.

Watching Sabrina come into her own as a mature young woman and witch is entertaining indeed. And Shipka plays the part to perfection. Her light set against Wardwells darkness is balanced out with the Aunts who are polar opposites of each other in every way. However they seem to walk the line between darkness and light. Giving the show a fair amount of comic relief.

Season 2, in my opinion, superior to season 1. Because the battle Sabrina seems really be fighting is between her nature and the darkness that's inside her.

it's like Charmed crossed over into a season of American Horror Story. Ya gotta love it.
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