
6 Reviews
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Captain Kirk hits the seas!
29 November 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I keep thinking throughout the movie but especially during the first 30 minutes that this movie was like an old Star Trek episode. Remember the episode where the Enterprise meet the starship with a clocking device and an equally talented captain? This movie seems like the same plot. Crowe has the inferior ship but is determined to best the French ship by his "captain tricks". Crowe even sounds like Shatner especially in the scene where he is at the table telling the joke. I kept waiting for him to call the doctor "bones".

anyway I enjoyed the movie more than I thought I would and I give it 7 out of 10.

Small spoiler

At least Crowe did not catch the French Commander and leave him on a deserted island. We would have the sequel the "wraith of Jacque" or something.
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Beautiful Joe (2000)
ugly kid joe
6 January 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Billy Connolly stars a florist who finds out he has a brain tumor and that his wife wants a divorce all in the same day. Mr. Connolly's bad day is not over because he takes off from work in search of adventure and runs smack into Sharon Stone. Ms. Stone plays a woman with a gambling problem and drags along two kids with her that apparently have no father.

The only other movie I have seen Mr. Connolly in was an old Columbo episode where he was caught partially by the evidence of him marking the rum bottle with his thumbnail so he would know when he had enough. You will be marking your DVD with your thumbnail early on on this clunker because about 5 minutes of this stinker is 5 minutes too much. Ms. Stone's accent was almost enough to send my foot through the screen. It was the worst attempt at an accent since-well since Ms. Stone's accent in the remake of "Gloria".

Mild Spoilers

I think that anyone can figure out where this movie is going (Connolly will bond with the kids and eventually with Sharon Stone) but I did want to mention the silent kid. It reminded me of the old joke where the a kid has never said anything his whole life until he sees a bull charging at his father. He yells a warning out to his father who gets out of the way of the bull. He asks his son why he has never spoken before and his son replies that he never had anything to say before now. The boy in this movie speaks for the very same reason.

Last thought

If a DVD can have features such as different languages- can't we get one where it can remove a bad accent from the movie and we hear the actress in their normal voice?

rating 1 out of 10
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Reign of Fire (2002)
I fell into a ....
20 May 2003
The movie was about as exciting as a episode of kid's show "dragontales".

The production level is about the same level as those made-for-tv movies that the Sci-fi Channel shows on Saturday. Just awful.

The story begins after the dragons have taken over the world and just a handful of people are left therefore all the cool fighting scenes of dragons and planes etc are not going to be in this movie.

Frankly my mind began to wander while watching this film. I had questions like why did the dragon wings have holes in them? Did Japan call out Mothra to help defeat the dragons? and what happened to the two annoying little girls (no-not the Olsen twins) that used to sing to Mothra. And if Mothra was there-what happened to Godzilla? And wouldn't it had been funny to have Peter, Paul and Mary sing "Puff the Magic Dragon" and then get eaten by a dragon?

Anyway to sum it all up the movie had no action, the plot had more holes in it than there were holes in the dragon wings, and the production level was dismal.

I enjoyed "Dungeons and Dragons" a lot more than this stinker.

4 of 10

goodbye June Carter Cash.
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the rock would walk a mile for a
17 May 2003
The Scorpion King is a grade B action movie and should be judged as such. I watched it and yes it was loud and dumb but it was also a lot of fun. The Rock stars as the Scorpion King who prefers a camel over a horse-because camels are smarter! (it's a good thing that Trigger did not hear that).

The plot doesn't really matter-there is enough violence,one-liners, and woman to keep most men happy. Any movie that has its star escape by using a catapult that launches him into a brothel is all right by me.

If you like the over-the-top grade B movies like Anaconda, you will like the Scorpion King.

9 out of 10
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Bad Company (2002)
10 from 6
15 May 2003
If you define bad company as being boring and lasting two hours too long then you have the perfect title for this movie.

Chris Rock stars as a street hustler who just so happens to have a brother who was recently killed while working for the CIA. Anthony Hopkins stars as the crusty old CIA veteran who gets Rock to fill in for his brother on their mission to save the world.

This movie is simply warmed over "48 hours". Chris Rock,being a one-trick pony,is loud and obnoxious. Hopkins looks like he is trying to pass a kidney stone. He also mumbles most of his lines as if he is being forced against his will to say the words.

I echo what Rock's foster mother states in the movie-"hand me back my umbrella so I can hit you some more". If you watch this movie that is how you are going to feel about Chris Rock.

Just down right awful! 2 out of 10.

see "48 hours instead"
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Scooby-Doo (2002)
scaried off by reviews but took two scoobie snacks ....
11 May 2003
I was scared off by the reviews and so I did not go see this at the theater but this movie was pretty good. The movie honors the cartoon cliches but also pokes a little humor at the same time.

My favorite line is when Shaggy and Scooby are having a fight. Shaggy yells out that Scooby drinks from the toiler. Scooby points out "so do you!"

If you like this movie try "Scooby Do on Zombie Island" which also pokes fun at the classic cartoon.
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