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The Trade-off that's not worth it
22 March 2017
When i was a kid Beauty and the Beast (1991) is one of my most favorite animated films of all time (followed by Mulan and Toy Story 2) so there's no denying that this review is going to be a little bias.

Why is that ? you might asked, it's because this Beauty and the Beast basically try to do exactly what the animated version do like literally almost copy and pasted frame by frame and this became the most negative things about this Live Action version even though it adds a few backstory here and there (which i appreciated) the part where it's exactly the same lacks the emotion or authenticity like 1991 version did.

A lot of iconic scene came out kind a bland because it can't go crazy like the animated film did instead it just move there in a frame called 'Beauty and the Beast 1991 version' in a way that there's so few room left to actually breathe (or dare i say they too scared to actually do something new?), sure production design is so beautiful sometimes even more than the original but when the emotion is not there at all it's pointless.

one thing that i really need to gave credit to is Luke Evans like wow he's really really great as Gaston, honestly he's one of the best thing about this version.

If we judge Beauty and the Beast ( 2017 ) by it's own without comparing it to the original movie it's a pretty good movie but still i think that's impossible because in the end it's a remake, and few of new backstory is not worth to trade with emotion and authenticity than the original has.
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So Ridiculous that it's fun
9 June 2016
Now You See Me 2 is a direct sequel from Now You See Me in 2013 which is a decent hit but not that much of a popular the only reason this sequel get made is probably because studio got a lot of profits in the first film but whatever let's critique about the film itself.

Now You See Me 2 overall is a step-down from the first one especially in it's story and direction part, not only that the story, characters and conflict so mediocre and not told very well but they try to hide it with these magic stuff thing.

I have to admitted Now You See Me 2 is a lot of fun but not because it's good but because how ridiculous and over the top it is, all of these magician stuff is so ridiculous and not in the smart way, it basically try to surprise you with these lame plot twisted and turn which is not working at all since you can pretty much guess what's going to happen from a mile away ,even all of those magic trick reveal it's just so bad that you can't help but laughing .

Now You See Me 2 is not a bad movie but magic that can be predicted from a mile away is not magic at all even if the magician trying so hard.
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Warcraft (2016)
Fan Service ?
29 May 2016
Warcraft is probably one of the most well know game of all time and one that actually has a huge influence on gaming community to date, with that in mind there's no doubt that this is the movie that fans has been waiting to see for years and years and one that hopefully will break the curse of "movie based from video games are bad" .

first off, i want to clarify things and talk about the real quality of the movie without that gaming fan (which i am) in mind, Warcraft is not a bad movie but it is no doubt has a lot and lot of trouble especially with it's scale, Warcraft is a HUGE game there's tons and tons of things to talk about but this is not a game it's a movie which mean you have a limited amount of time to tell story and get things right with precision.

Unfortunately Warcraft just want to do too much stuff without thinking how much resource they have and that makes everything feels rush because they want to fill as many characters as possible while progressing the story and with out real time to just sit and talk about background of all these characters it's just a mess, in the end i feel disconnect from the character and the story itself which is the worst thing you can possibly do.

With that reason i can see why a lot of critics and audience who don't know about the game and didn't care about the game didn't like Warcraft because honestly it's just a mess and lots of things go wrong, i don't want to pinpoint the main reason here but maybe this Huge scale of movie (like lord of the rings scale) didn't fit with director Duncan Jones who did a amazing job at Moon (2009) and Source Code (2011) but the scale of these 3 movie is just too much to handle.

Now for the gamer and fans point of view Warcraft is actually a pretty good experience just seeing your favorite characters, world or story in the movie makes you want to shed a tear or something it's just so beautiful and with fans that already know a lot of backstory of these characters these story they will have no problem understand what's going on in the movie at all which is something that a lot of people will have a problem with.

In the end Warcraft is probably a middle-ground movie it's not a bad one but it's not good either it's a movie that depends a lot on your knowledge your nostalgia your love a lot to understand or even like it, gamer and fans will probably love the movie while others will scratching their head and wonder what's going on in the movie, i can't denied that Warcraft has a lot of miss-step even i'm a fans of the franchise but i still want to see it more, so if you're a fans you should watch it support the movie, if you're not a fan then maybe give it a try but keep in mind that you should not expect much from it.
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BearCity (2010)
Decent Introduce to the world of "BearCity"
10 January 2016
BearCity is a movie that not hiding about talking topic like gay and it goes deeper than that it's explore the 'Bear' in gay culture which is kind a popular actually.

The thing i like about this film is it's exploring the unique topic like not being just gay but being gay while loving older men or so call 'Bear' and goes to explore problem of these kind of relationship which the main problem actually is the age gap different which cause different opinion and physical problem like health .

the problem is the directing and script is just mediocre script is cliché and every conflict seems too easy to solve without much problem not counting the fact that almost every conflict in this movie is just shallow while the directing is just bland i mean it's not like boring but it's just nothing unique at all makes the movie unmemorable which is a shame since this kind of topic is really unique unfortunately the execution is not that great .

BUT it's still a decent movie though it's a fun movie that has unique on it's own with fun laugh and real life issue even it's has a lot of flaws.
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This movie kinda making angry
21 December 2015
Okay before i go to saw this i already know the score it's looking pretty bad but hey i'm a fan of John Goodman so how bad can it be ?

And it is pretty bad i must say the script is just horrible so repetitive so predictable and so unoriginal while the jokes is not all that great but the thing that just throw away this movie is the direction it's just like a disaster , overuse Voice Over , cheap cut and editing , lack of creativity of telling the story it's like they want to tell a story to a 3 years old kid or something it's just really really bad.

But hear me this at some point i actually think this movie is not that 'bad' the thing that keep me entertaining is the relationship between Amanda Seyfried and Alan Arkin characters it's just so great so interesting and the only in this movie that feel real also they acting is just great (if this part goes to make another movie alone i will definitely go see it)

And then the ENDING happen and ruined the entire movie for me i was like so angry when i left the theater, almost 90% of the movie is garbage fine i'm okay with that but when the 10% is so great and they just like throw it in to garbage can at the end i just can't handle that.

In the end Love the Coopers is just plain bad is near garbage (but not actual garbage) it has a diamond in it's terrible terrible stuff but they also ruined it at the end , so avoid it at all cost.
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Supernatural: Baby (2015)
Season 11, Episode 4
One of the best episode of Supernatural
20 December 2015
Okay i think it's pretty clear that if someone watch Supernatural this far must been a die-hard fan of it and yes i I'm a die-hard Supernatural fan.

But i must say Season 7-11 has not been the same with Season 1-6 i mean it's still great but not breathtaking great like before (but i admit last few episodes is great)

But this episode is really really something different the way they filmed and the way director tell story it's just great, utilize camera work and the theme of episode perfectly and the most important thing is to bring back the 'old memories' of Supernatural back the heavy family business talk with real heart i guess it's because this episode has a lot of time to actually sit-down and talk while others is rushing it will be even greater if they bring back old cast like Jaffrey Dean Morgan (if that happen i will just cry)

Overall this is just one of the best episode of Supernatural i think every die-hard fan will love it, it's the episode that brings good old memories back fill with heart and soul and it's the episode that kinda let us (and the Winchesters themselves) catch a breath see what's going on around them this is just great i think this kind of episode should have more often in the future to let the viewers look back and look forward at the same time without rushing anything. 9/10
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Return of The King ?
19 December 2015
Well i think this is gonna be kind a weird that i gave The Force Awakens only 7 out of 10 but please hear my perspective.

Okay i must admit i'm not really a Star Wars fan (or Star Trek neither if you wonder) i'm just a movie maniac but i must admit Star Wars is a special franchise it's not only the franchise that huge amount of people love but it's the franchise that inspire a lot of movies today.

So after i take that out of the way let's go the my thoughts of The Force Awakens i think it's a pretty good movie but great or perfect ? not really

The bright site is this is probably exactly what Star Wars fan wants not only the return of franchise they love but the return of something big something Epic and J.J. Abrams definitely delivers that he proof once again that he's such a visionary director his creativity and storytelling is just so good not only that the movie epic but he just doing such a perfect job of introducing new character to the universe and make those character so interesting , without a doubt J.J. Abrams brings the old Star Wars fan know and love back and fill it with a new exciting energy like a Phoenix that came back from ashes

Now here's come the dark site The Force Awakens is not perfect it's a flaws and a huge one too and that's the villain the bad guy the dark power or whatever you want to call them, while the new hero character introduce really well and so much interesting the new 'bad guy' is pretty bland repetitive and predictable which is kind a weird since J.J. latest work Star Trek Into Darkness has such an amazing villain

The thing is this part hurts, not only it makes the movie kind a less interesting since the bad guy is kind a boring and predictable it's just makes a HUGE and i mean HUGE surprise not memorable as it should be which is kind a shame since this plot twisted part should really just blow me out of the window but instead i saw it coming from a mile away (especially if you always read news about future Star Wars movie from Disney)

One of the main reason why the villain in The Force Awakens is in this state is because of it's actual script it's just so repetitive almost everything you saw have been done before and because of Disney plan of Future Star Wars sequel it's hurts even more since they can't really go too far in this film and that's make everything seems so simple so repetitive there's no real interesting conflict it's just Light vs Dark , Good vs Evil once again and that's like kind a let down consider J.J. Abrams is a director

But in the end Star Wars: The Force Awakens still a fun popcorn movie it's a movie that you will feel like 30 minutes more than 2 hours + it's fun it's entertaining it's kind a worth your movie ticket price but unfortunately it's only do that, it's never really challenge or offer something new and that's make The Force Awakens not as memorable as it should be.
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The Echo of Mocking Jay
21 November 2015
Okay let's be real here , Mocking Jay should not have been 2 part , it's just one book and now they separate it to make more money but damn it's for sure hurt the movie , part 1 was a disaster it's just so boring where nothing really happen that drags on and on , So the real question is will Part 2 deliver what Part 1 cannot ? Well the answer is kind a yes.

The Hunger Games: Mocking Jay Part 2 is the final conclusion of the hunger games franchise that pretty successful , it's neither satisfied or unsatisfied conclusion it's not a bad movie but it's not that good either.

The most memorable thing from this movie probably is the action scene where things really get intense and ugly that's when the mocking jay and honestly the hunger games shines the most , when the situation start to goes down to all character we know and love the felling that some of them might not make it just makes the audience chills.

The problem is these kind of exciting thrilling and engaged moment are just few and far between and there's come the problem of Mocking Jay Part 2.

The storytelling of director Francis Lawrence is just too cliché , predictable and by the books combine that will super slow pacing makes Mocking Jay Part 2 outside of the action scene kind a boring and nothing really happen.

I must give credit to the writer though since the screenplay is actually pretty and Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss is still a great performance we expected , so in the end the movie still give us something to think but it's just not as powerful as it should be.

Overall Mocking Jay Part 2 is an okay conclusion of The Hunger Games Franchise it has it's peak moment where everything seems to be exciting and engaging but a lot of it's moment is just so plain and too predictable because of it's director storytelling yet this is still a movie that should be in Hollywood history book.
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The Same
20 September 2015
Here we go again guys with another movie franchise that came from best selling novel , Maze Runner.

I have to tell you first , i don't like the first movie the Maze Runner one i just don't like it , the problem with that movie is it's just so bland so boring so repetitive without anything new at all.

So here's come the sequel : The Scorch Trials maybe they can fix the problem ? NOPE

Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials overall still a bland boring repetitive movie this is a movie that offers absolutely nothing new and also copy/paste the more successful franchise (like the Hunger Games)

EVERYTHING in this movie you already seen a hundred times from others movie from the conflict , the characters or even the ending , the script sucks it's just so mediocre even there's more action scene you fell like want to fall asleep all the time.

Even though i think The Scorch Trials or Maze Runner franchise as a whole is not a terrible movie but i just getting tired of these kind of movie that just so lazy in pretty much every aspect , they just want to get these best selling novel books out to make money and that's it , there's no point why or even something memorable about it , i'm fine with repetitive stuff if it works or memorable but The Scorch Trials is not memorable it's just one of those mediocre bland movie that you will just forget until the 3rd movie came out.
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Not Hitting Anything
23 August 2015
Sigh.... here we go again with movie that original from video games , well i think a lot of people probably already know that most of these movie sucks like really bad and Hit-man: Agent 47 is not an exception.

Despite the movie original from a famous game "Hitman" which uses stealth a lot , the movie just full on mindless blowing stuff action movie and that's like i don't know what's going on anymore

Actually if you change this movie to any others name you will probably don't even know that it's original from a video games since almost 100% of this movie is just another loud dump stupid cliché action movie that delivers nothing new at all.

And for icing on the cake is the characters in this movie , while the bad guy are always stupid dump talking too much miss every single bullet , our main characters the agent himself is just like a god he can basically 1 - 50 easily without any effort and that just make the movie kind a boring since their are no threats to the main characters what so ever.

Overall it's still WATCHABLE it's not completely garbage like someone might say but it's not good or even mediocre either , just to think that Warcraft and Assassin's creed comes next year makes me wonder ,if those two movie failed what will happen next in these movie genre ?
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Failtastic Four
9 August 2015
Well i don't know is this some curse of Hollywood or something since there has been 4 Fantastic Four Movie now and the fourth one that we get is this 2015 which even before it's open in around the world it's just get smashed left and right by critic with super low score like "the worst movie of 2015" score .

But honestly i don't think this Fantastic Four it's that terrible i mean it's bad and disappointed for sure but worst movie of 2015 ? i don't think so.

The thing that i think most people going to hate this movie for is the lack of Hollywood blockbuster movie moment this is the movie that it's just so generic predictable with pretty bad action scene and when you combine with the fact that the main characters in the movie is actually work like a team like a "Fantastic Four" less than 5 minutes you probably be pretty angry especially comic fans and you should be.

Not counting the other fact that Dr.Doom in this movie is just trash like really really bad , he's a type of terrible bad guy in superhero movie which delivers nothing but boredom to the audience.

BUT i think the others four characters is fine like Reed , Benn , Sue and Johnny Storm they're watchable especially Reed play by Miles Teller he's pretty good in this movie too and all four characters relationship and conflict is just so interesting .

Overall Fantastic Four 2015 is a epic disappointment i can't deny that it's just so mediocre and someway it's pretty bad like the production behind it's just terrible which is really surprising since this is like 20 Century Fox blockbuster movie it's should not have like terrible CG or terrible action scene but still it's watchable it's not like completely garbage it's a movie that i think you should watch for yourself if you a fan of the Fantastic Four and see if you like it , love it , hated it it's better than believing others when you don't even watch it by yourself .
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Mission Success
8 August 2015
Honestly action movie these days is so hard to find an actual good one especially the one that already exist , i'm talking about movie like A Good Day To Die Hard that totally garbage.

yet somehow someway Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation manage to maintain it's fun and unique action scene with Tom Cruise still being bad-ass with addition of new cool characters .

The script is okay it's not that great pretty linear and predictable but it's still fun movie even though main bad guy is kind a terrible , this is a movie that you should watch not only action movie fan but all of the movie fan.
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Minions (2015)
Forever Minions
11 July 2015
Honestly the real and main reason why the studio (Universal) decided to make this movie at all is because how popular Minions is , they just everywhere know from toys to even some ride in Universal Amusement Park.

For me personally i'm okay with that , i mean i'm a big fan of these little yellow guy since the first Despicable Me in 2010 but overall i have to say that Minions is not a bad movie but it's also could be a lot better especially comparison to the first two Despicable Me that a lot better than this

first off the script it's horrible super cookie cutter cliché boring script that you pretty much getting tired of it , it's super predictable , lack imagination or any real story driven it's like they just search "how to write a movie script" in google and just do it exactly that.

Another thing that kind a let me down is the other main character in this movie besides minions and that is Scarlett Overkill voice by Sandra Bullock , she's awful really just another cookie cutter part of this movie , the character itself is boring repetitive predictable and not even likable at all she's just doing her bad stuff without any real background to it even though they try to force her terrible background in to our mouth but it's just terrible storytelling.

BUT but even though a lot of part in this movie is a let down , one thing that Minions fans should at least feel safe going into this movie is for sure the minions itself ,they're still cute funny and likable character the same character we know and love from the previous Despicable Me , so if you going to this movie just for this reason and you're a big minions fan there's no reason why you should not see this movie but other than that it's just another cliché mediocre movie that pass the test but never at the top of the class.
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"Jurassic World is the ultimate Hollywood popcorn movie, it's loud it's dumb and stupid but a lot of fun."
16 June 2015
If someone mention the name of movie they have a bond with i think one in hundred will probably say Jurassic Park and sure i mean who can denied the magic that movie has , so there's go Jurassic World another sequel trying capture that elements of magic again.

The problem is it just failed pretty hard in almost every single element , one thing that they really doing fantastic is the CGI and production design it's amazing , it's stunning.

But that's it everything else of Jurassic World is just falling apart in to pieces from boring cliché and stupid character that sometimes can be annoying to really force the "Family Bond" theme in to your mouth and that screenplay oh god... i mean it's like they borrow script from movie Dinocroc or something it's just really terrible , i mean it's okay in that B grade low-production value movie BUT not in the $150 million dollars budget movie and definitely not in "Jurassic" movies.

Off course Jurassic World can be fun and for sure you will probably have a good time with it but because of it's "Monsters Fight" scene not because it's magic elements that Jurassic Park has , this is for sure a fun popcorn movie to watch but not the 'Jurassic' movie we hope it could be not even with Chris Pratt .
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San Andreas (2015)
Dumb Cheap Popcorn
3 June 2015
Honestly i don't know what to say about this movie because it's so wrong in many level.

If you go to see this movie for just entertainment and CG you might be okay with it but for me this is probably the contender of the worst movie of this year (Taken 3 probably take win the title though)

Every single thing is super cliché and super repetitive you can just see the ending and plot twisted from miles away and you won't even feel exciting about those plot twisted either.

The plot is cliché , the characters is terrible , dialog is bad , some CG is good (like those tsunami scene in the trailer) but some are just terrible and looks fake and ultimately the movie make no sense in like every single way it's just dumb stupid movie that just doesn't try to be smart at all (and that's good in some way....)

Overall for pure entertainment San Andreas probably just super barely pass the gate but in the quality it failed so hard you just don't want to watch it again even it's free.
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Cheap Snack
3 May 2015
Here we are really near to the "Phase 3" of Marvel movies that leads to Infinity War in 2018 and 2019

I have to say that i really love the first Avenger movie because not only it's fun but it's also fill with amazing characters.

With that said though Avengers 2 is not like that , actually it's worse than the first Avengers.

Why ? because almost everything in this sequel is just exactly the same , the plot , the conflict or the characters , yes it's still fun popcorn movie to watch with great action scene BUT right now we are in the "Avengers 2" we should have more than just great action scene or mediocre characters or super cliché conflict.

and The worst part of the movie itself is it Villain "Ultron" he is just terrible trying so hard to be this super bad guy but not only he's super cliché but the movie just hype him to be this bad-ass character too much when what we saw now is that he's just another bad guy that just complain about everything and doing nothing , he could possibly be okay in stand-alone movie like Iron Man 4 but not in the Avengers , This is not even count the fact that Ultron in comic is actually really really powerful character while in the movie he fells boring and lackluster.

Overall Avengers: Age of Ultron fells mediocre at best everything is just exactly the same and sometimes even worse than the first Avengers or even Captain American: Winter Soldier a lot of thing fells like Marvel just keeping good stuff out of us too much for this "Infinity War" movies than will hit us in 2018 that is like 3 years from now and if this happen again and again i will probably be bored before this Infinity War movie happen.
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Furious 7 (2015)
Furious and Fast
7 April 2015
Fast and Furious is seems to be one of those Franchise who still fun to watch even though it have so much sequel already ( i mean this is the 7 installment of this franchise so...)

This is another almost mindless fun dump movie to watch for sure with the over the top action , racing scene like driving a car jumping from one building to another building i mean it's for sure really dump and the characters should be dead like a hundreds time already but in the end is it fun ? YES totally .

One thing to mention though is the characters in this movie , as you might know that Paul Walker passed away while the film is not 100 percent complete , so this makes me want to know how they going to handle his character , and in the end i must say they handle really well and this is probably the perfect ending of his characters.

Overall this is still the Fast and Furious we know and love about with all of these fun popcorn action scene and the bond between characters makes this movie worth the money to watch.
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Just avoid this movie
28 March 2015
Yeah... i don't know what they thinking about making Sci-Fi movie with really really limited budget (it's like 21 millions) which makes the CG terrible i mean CG is really bad it's laughable and the design of these robot itself is like a super cheap children toy , so the reason of seeing some cool CG like in Transformers is just out of the window.

Even the script itself is terrible i mean at first it's fells super cliché and repetitive but after a while you will like "what the hell is going on ?" there's so much plot hole and a lot of question left unanswered and don't even ask about the logic in this movie because there's none.

One other thing that really confused me is how in the hell Ben Kingsley actually in this movie i mean why did he do that , is it because on the paper it look so cool ? i don't know but ALL of the actors and actress in this movie are just really wooden and it's make the movie even more boring.

In the end just avoid this movie it's not even a fun stupid popcorn movie , it's just so bland and so boring ,pretty much everything falls apart .
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"The repetitive of science fiction movie that comes from best selling novel "
20 March 2015
Here we go again , having another science fiction movie that based from the best selling novel just like The Hunger Games and Maze Runner.

Honestly i don't know what to expected from Insurgent and that's from a lot of reason , first off the Divergent ( 2013 ) movie last year is not exactly a good movie i mean it's not bad but it's not good or memorable either , second is the director which now is Robert Schwentke personally i really like his RED ( 2010 ) movie but i'm also really really hate R.I.P.D ( 2013 ) i mean i don't even know why Lionsgate decided to choose him , since his latest movie is really terrible.

Insurgent is a movie that has a lot of problem for sure but there's three positive thing about this movie that i have to say.

first is the CG of this movie is pretty good , second is Shailene Woodley is still giving us a great performance and the last one is director Robert Schwentke himself looking pretty okay with his directing.

But in the end Insurgent has too much problem that just drag this movie down a lot and that problem is the screenplay which is terrible.

I understand the reason they have to change stuff from books to movie but this screenplay is really really bad , first off the movie is really over the top i mean our main character is basically she can jump slide smash thick glass without putting much effort and that's making the movie kind of a meaning less because the main character can do pretty much anything she wants without much of a problem.

the second problem and probably the biggest , is the repetitive of the plot and screenplay especially if you watch this science fiction movie lately like The Hunger Games or Maze Runner ( 2014 ) you can pretty much guest everything about this movie especially the ending which is really really predictable and it's not even that smart either.

I mean i don't even sure that the Insurgent movie problem because this problem is a lot about these science fiction movies that came from novel , it is just so similar in a lot of ways that just makes me kind a boring about these type of movie and i don't think Hollywood will stop this train soon (especially the next movie of Divergent series is separate into two parts) so we will have to hope for a better science fiction that based from best selling novel movie.

To be fair Insurgent is not a bad movie but it's just so repetitive so predictable and the characters is too powerful that just make everything in the movie meaningless .
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This is truly the best animation movie of 2014
18 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The tale of the Princess Kaguya brings in the Japanese tale about princess kaguya and her journey to find the meaning of happiness.

Since this is Ghibli studio movie , it's for sure still amazing looking movie but even more stunning with it's Japanese painting style , and even that the movement of characters in the movie is still really good and some scene which character moving really fast it's just so amazing and so beautiful to watch.

With that and Isao Takahata great storytelling just make this movie a really top list of animation movies.

One thing that really make a lot of people angry is the ending of this movie which is not a surprise consider Isao Takahata famous movie like Grave of the Fireflies but honestly i personally really like the ending because it's just fit to the theme of this movie so much.

and that theme is talking about finding the "happiness" but in the reality world it's not that easy and sometimes you just can't change everything especially the terrible fate that waiting for you and that what's The tale of the princess kaguya talks about.

In the end this movie is truly the best animation movie of 2014 without any doubt in my mind , and maybe even the best movie of studio Ghibli.
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Run All Night (2015)
Daddy Help Me !!
15 March 2015
The first impression of Liam Neeson in this year is for sure not so good , with his Taken 3 is pretty terrible , for sure it's not his fault in most part but it's still the movie he starring in.

After just only 2 months here we go again with a new Liam Neeson movie "Run All Night " which makes me feels like i don't know what to expected from this movie since like i said before Taken 3 is terrible and the movie trailer feels boring and repetitive.

But after i saw this movie i really think there's still hope in Liam Neeson movie with Run All Night being this good.

The most surprising thing in this movie for me is the script is actually really good Brad Inglesby used the relationship between father and son in the movie and tie it to the main conflict of the movie really well.

Also the 2 main characters which is Liam Neeson and Ed Harris characters are so good that just make watching them try to kill / revenge each other fun to watch.

The Director Jaume Collet-Serra is pretty good in this movie too , with his fun and exciting storytelling , although i wish he use the "Survive in One Night" theme more because right now i just don't feel like the movie have to use that theme at all.

Overall Run All Night is a good action movie with good action scene , great characters and the movie always know what it want to tell , which is how much father love their son , even their son is totally a terrible person they still love them and will do anything to help them.
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"Penguins of Madagascar is all about penguins and that can be good thing or bad thing"
21 February 2015
It's seems like now days their are a lot of supporting character in Animation movie that just so popular by themselves that they just manage to have their own merchandise and now even having their own movie like Minions ( 2015 ) that will come to cinema this year from Despicable Me ( 2010 ) and now the Penguins from Madagascar ( 2005 ) and they already have their own TV-Series so that's quite amazing already.

To be honest this movie is all about the gangs of Penguins the main characters with Skipper , Private , Rico and Kowalski , if you love them or even like them then you will probably have a good time with these characters just so funny , so lovely and their unique characters brought some unique relationship story that just so interesting.

BUT if you don't like them or just like don't care about them that much , then this movie will be pretty boring , with other things outside of the main characters the penguins themselves is just so "Mediocre".

For example the story , it's just so repetitive and predictable we have seen these type of story like ten times already which makes the movie kind of uninteresting.

the other thing that this movie doing quite bad is other supporting character they're so mediocre , uninteresting and boring doesn't matter if it Agent Classified that voice over by Benedict Cumberbatch or the main villain voice by John Malkovich because the written for these characters is just so mediocre , so repetitive that in the end you just don't care about them at all.

For me personally though i like this movie and i'm having a great time but honestly a lot of that come with my like and love for the penguins since first Madagascar ( 2005 ) and i just can't deny the repetitive of the story and supporting characters , so i can't give it any much more score , in the end this is a good movie for penguins gang fans but mediocre movie with others.
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"Kingsman : The Secret Service is not a perfect action movie or deliver something new , but for sure it delivers a lot of fun "
15 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
After a disaster start of Hollywood action movie of the past couple months for example Jupiter Ascending , Taken 3 or Blackhat , we're hoping that the director Matthew Vaughn who brought us a lot of great movies like Stardust , Kick-Ass or X- Men : First Class will come to change this bad flow of Hollywood Action movie .

First thing first , this movie is pretty fun to watch and i love the decision of Matthew Vaughn to embrace that "Over the Top" of this movie and make the movie out kind of a mix between brutal bloody action scene and the black comedy stuff which makes this movie pretty unique.

One other things that need to be talk is the Action Scene , it is really great and it proof that Matthew Vaughn can really directed the action scene well with his beautiful camera angle , camera movement and the flow of his characters movement just feels so alive that make the action scene always feels really cool.

But i have to say that Kingsman : The Secret Service is not a perfect movie , with it's plot is pretty repetitive and predictable.

The Characters them selves is also pretty repetitive and kind a boring with the same back story that has been used for like 100 times already , for example the mentor who wants to redeem his sin in the pass by taken the new crew , the bad guys that sees the human evil and try to "safe the world" in his way , the stepfather who always do bad things try to harm to the hero and his mom , a kid who lose something in the past and has to redeem himself and so on , these characters are so repetitive and also not set- up well enough to make me care about them that much.

I also like the point of the movie that tries to satire the politics , class of society and Global Warming problems , unfortunately these point of the movie has not been dig deep enough to make it memorable or make me feels like these point of the movie are actually really really big deal in the real world , which is kind of a shame.

Overall Kingsman : The Secret Service is not a perfect movie by any mean , it still have a repetitive plot , repetitive boring characters and sometimes the bad set-up of story by Matthew Vaughn , But even then it is still a fun movie to watch especially with it's amazing action scene and over the top black comedy style.
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"The Water Diviner has an interesting story but failed completely in telling them"
25 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
It's seems like the actor / actress changing to director hype train is so real right now for example Ben Affleck with his Argo , Angelina Jolie with her Unbroken and now The Water Diviner directed by Russell Crowe.

Even though Russell Crowe gave us an good or great performance as an actor but his directing is so much different as day and night , it's seems like he doesn't know the proper or the correct way to tell the story and make it interesting since the way of his storytelling now is so out dated feels empty and lack of creativity which is the worst thing that can happen when you're the director.

To add more sad thing about this movie is how much i got interest in the story and theme of the movie , this is a pretty much another Anti-War movie with it's story about War between country that cost the life of father mother or even brother , the story it self is so much interesting but the problem is like i said earlier Russell Crowe doesn't know how to tell the story properly so a lot of scene that should be dramatic that should be memorable end up feels empty and boring with is a shame since the story is so good.

In the end The Water Diviner is not a good movie but it's not completely terrible it has it moment with great screenplay but the movie start to fall apart since the beginning of the movie because how bad Russell Crowe is in directing , this is another wasted potential movie which make me sad.
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"Into the Woods is a fun with interesting message movie but it could be so much better"
18 January 2015
First i have to say i haven't saw the Musical yet , so this is my experience from the film itself entirely.

Into the Woods is a Musical movie directed by Rob Marshall the man behind some of great movie like Chicago in 2002 but he also directing some pretty bad movie like Nine in 2009 or The latest Pirates of the Caribbean : On Stranger Tides in 2011 so this movie is pretty much a coin flip between good and bad.

And the result is between that , it's not a bad movie but it's not also good movie neither so let's start with the good stuff.

First off the casting is really good all of the cast can actually sing which is really really really important in Musical movies and with Meryl Streep and also Emily Blunt stunning performance just makes the movie even better.

Second , i liked how Rob Marshall directed the movie with his storytelling is pretty good and he directed the movement of characters really well

Third , i love the screenplay and message of the movie it is really interesting to use the fairy tale that original used to remind children of how dangerous the world is and turn that to the adult them self to tell them they are also affected by this dangerous world they create and they also have lust , greed or wish that sometimes even more dangerous than the kids does.

Now come to the bad things , i think the direction of Singing scene can use more Long Take i think that will make the singing scene feels much more life and it will make the movie fells different from the Theater .

next is the last 15 minutes of movie is just terrible it's makes the movie unmemorable with they just tell the message of the movie straight in our face and i don't know why they did that , it's like the director Rob Marshall scare so much that the audience wouldn't understand the message of the movie and solve that problem by show us straight in our face which ironically makes the message feels uninteresting instantly.

but the thing that probably bother the fans of Theater version and me the most even though i haven't seen the Theater version is why they decided to cut the adult story part out, Into the Woods should be the movie or musical that taught adult not children then why cut the adult story out , my guess is because this movie owned by Disney and they trying so hard to make this movie PG and that adult content probably cannot allow in PG rating movie which is really disappointing consider the potential of this movie can be really really good but have to cut the heart out because they want to make it PG.

Overall i still think that the movie itself is bad but it's not good neither if you enjoy the musical movie or even some mediocre fantasy movie you probably doing okay with this movie but if you expecting something more than that you probably end up disappointing.
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