
8 Reviews
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Better than the reviews would lead you to believe
23 February 2018
No, it's not a documentary. At best it's a smart chick flick. That's not a bad thing though. It tells us a lot about the cerebral differences between males and females and it does it while telling a number of stories. And the stories are good and they're something most people can relate to. But like another viewer said, watch it until the end. Not a waste of time.
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American Made (2017)
Great entertainment
20 December 2017
The drama, the action, the humor. It's got it all. Tom Cruise is amazing, as is the entire cast, and it's a great story. I really liked this one. Well done.
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Mother! (2017)
I'm sorry, Jennifer, you've done better movies...
20 December 2017
Seriously? The description makes this sound like a must watch movie. IT'S NOT! I kept waiting for something really good to happen and sadly, it just never does. Don't waste your time. With that being said, the acting is phenomenal, but the movie's plot just doesn't make up for the high quality cast.
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Loved it!!
30 March 2016
By looking at the list of actors in this movie, it's no surprise or spoiler as to who's in it. And that's part of what makes this movie great. It's a fantastic way to introduce the new characters to the franchise.

Overall, the movie was amazing. The effects were incredible, the acting superb. And the storyline has me chomping at the bit for the next instalment.

I have one major gripe (major in my opinion), and that's some of the recycled dialogue. It just feels old and tired.

However, if you haven't seen this movie, and you're even remotely interested in Star Wars, go see it now, or at very least at your earliest convenience!!
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The people who gave this a high rating are on the payroll
30 March 2016
If this was the first digitally animated movie ever made, no one would ever finance a second one. Thankfully, Toy Story was the first big digitally animated movie. Like other people who've commented, I could go on about all the shortcomings of this movie, but I won't. I'll sum it up. Ishtar was better. Way better.

Do anything else besides watching this. The only benefit I can see to this movie is that some people got paid to make it. Which brings me to the makers...

Who gave the go-ahead for this??? And when it was done, who looked at it and said "YES!! That's a winner!!"? The Pontiac Aztec of movies.

Sorry. Had to vent.
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Almost Famous (2000)
Not perfect, but perfect entertainment
19 October 2014
Let me start by saying that this is one of my all time favourite movies. It hits the mark in so many different ways. From the soundtrack, to the casting, the wardrobe to the acting. Every roll is perfectly cast. Try to think of a replacement actor for any of the rolls and I'll bet you come up short.

The movie moves along at a very even pace, and the story it tells, growing up in the early seventies with rock and roll at the core of entertainment and politics. The fact that this is also partly autobiographical makes it that much better.

If you love music, this movie is a must see. I guarantee you won't be disappointed.

And, Philip Seymour Hoffman rocks in this, this may well be his single best roll.
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Iron Jawed Angels (2004 TV Movie)
Great movie...but....
28 November 2013
I really enjoyed this movie. The cast was amazing, and the parts well acted. Amazing wardrobe, and the sets were beautifully done.

One major issue I have with this movie is the soundtrack. I've always loved how the music sets the tone of a film. This movie fails on an epic scale here. There's R&B for crying out loud!! In a movie set in the beginning of the 20th century??? And a historical drama at that?

Maybe it's just me....

And Hillary Swank is her usual phenomenal self.

Other than the unusual music choices, I'd highly recommend this movie to anyone who loves historical dramas.
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Warrior (2011)
Biggest surprise in a very long time
27 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie about two months after a friend of mine lent me the DVD. I sat there, and I had full intentions of watching it, but never did... Until recently....

Two completely different brothers end up fighting mixed martial arts. I'm not going to give away too much of the story line, but let me tell you it makes for a spectacular and powerful movie. It's heart-wrenching.

Just to be clear, I'm not into MMA fighting, or UFC, or boxing. That may be the main reason the movie sat so long before I put it on. You don't have to enjoy these sports to love this movie. It has the power of Rocky, with a brotherly story line to boot.

Please watch this movie. You won't be disappointed!!
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