
9 Reviews
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Hahaha yes! This movie is hilarious
30 October 2011
This movie is soooooooo funny, it should be billed as a comedy. It's got some really great one-liners, namely between the sheriff and the "god is love cult" (i.e. cult leader dude: "there's something out there sheriff..." sheriff: "yeah i know... God"). This movie is so tame that I let my 8 year old son watch it. It was his first "horror movie". It was one of the lamest movies and the ending was pretty lame as well. That being said, it is entertaining enough to watch more than once, unlike some other campy horror movies I have unfortunately sat through. It is a great movie to watch if you're bored. Also, if you are the type of person that enjoys watching campy horror movies to make fun of and laugh at them, then this is a perfect one to do that. Enjoy!
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The Outer Limits: The Heist (1996)
Season 2, Episode 14
A pretty interesting episode
10 September 2011
I actually really liked the plot of this episode of The Outer Limits. The acting was also decent, especially 2 of my favorites Jasmine Guy and Costas Mandylor. That being said, the acting was believable on all accounts and the cast as well as the casting director did an excellent job. The only thing this episode was really lacking in was special effects. I have seen worse special effects and some of them were actually decent, but the heat map imaging wasn't what it should be. There were a couple of things that went unexplained but overall it held my attention throughout the episode. I would watch this episode again, and it does make me curious to check out more of what this series has to offer. If you are a fan of sci-fi, military themed conspiracy media, or any of the actors in the episode then I would recommend checking out this episode.
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Great movie, a real tearjerker
6 September 2011
This movie was actually a lot better than I thought it would be. The cast is excellent in this film. This film is very emotional. While I didn't necessarily like the way things may have turned out in the film in terms of the ending, it definitely left food for thought. There was an excellent use of foreshadowing in the writing, and all in all it really exposed a decent part of the human condition. My favorite actor, Costas Mandylor did an amazing job of playing a paralyzed cop and I believe this film showcased his versatile acting skills. I also liked his character as a whole because ultimately the character had a great sense of integrity and throughout the film the character also had genuine humanity. The rest of the actors as a whole also did an excellent job so I give props to the actors, the director, and the casting director on that one. Once again this film is very emotional, and I would even say it sent me on an emotional roller coaster. There were times of happiness in the film, as well as wonderment, drama, sadness, anger, and laughter. A really decent film for a TV movie, and one I would enjoy watching again.
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Dr. Chopper (2005 Video)
This movie was so bad that I'm actually sad that Costas Mandylor was in it.
29 August 2011
I can't even begin to say how horrible this movie is. It has so many plot holes and empty lead ups. The score itself was horrible. I'm not sure why one of the characters was even there, I guess we were supposed to think as a motivation but it really didn't come off believable. In fact this whole film was simply just not believable.

I watched this movie because I love Costas Mandylor as an actor. He has an amazing versatility. For proof of this, I highly recommend the films "Triumph of the Spirit" and "Nobody". I have to actually say that I wish Costas had not done this film. I know Costas has done some movies that are not the best in his time, including Disaster Zone: Volcano In New York which was pretty unbelievable and had the jumpiest camera shots I have ever had to bare in a movie but even that was better than Dr. Chopper. Mainly because at least it had a camp factor that made it highly amusing and entertaining. I can't even say that for Dr. Chopper. What this movie does contain is horrible writing, horrible special effects/makeup, and completely empty characters lacking any substance. Seriously, I can't even think of one character that I liked in the film - including (as much as it hurts to say it) Costas Mandylor's character. It also had a completely anti-climactic ending, and a lot of predictability.

The only redeeming qualities about this film and the reasons why I gave it 3 stars: the acting was halfway decent - not the best in the world but I have certainly seen worse, Costas Mandylor was in it (although he should not have been because he can do better), at least the camera shots were stable and I actually think this could have been an entertaining horror movie if the writers had developed the plot/character more. It was an interesting, albeit unoriginal, idea and I would like to see someone do a remake of it and do it some actual justice. That being said, I really don't see myself EVER sitting through this god awful movie again. It was actually really painful to watch. The only remote reason I can think of suggesting someone to watch this film is if they are a hardcore fan of any of the actors in it, just to ease the curiosity and to realize that they should not have been in this film. Otherwise, I would strongly recommend avoiding it.
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Oh man... this movie is so bad that it's funny
27 August 2011
I went into viewing this movie thinking it would be bad, but it far exceeded my expectations. I will say that it was entertaining - if for no other reason than the sheer cheese factor that it has. I watched this movie because I am a hardcore Costas Mandylor fan, but my god does he deserve (and luckily has gotten) better roles than this. The biggest problem with this film was the lack of skills the camera operators had. The picture was almost always shaky, with a lot of zooming in and out. What in the world?? My mom was watching it with me and even she said, "What, are the camera people pleasing themselves while operating the equipment?" There were extremely brief moments where I thought that the picture might be straightening out, only for it to start zooming or swaying again. It was highly distracting. I did end up getting used to this about halfway through the film, but I am still highly disgusted by it and think I could have shot this film better with no formal training. There were some really funny moments in this movie - my favorite 3 to look for would have to be the cooked fish, the flaming skull, and the rubber ducky. I will not watch this movie often, but I can see being in the mood for it every once in a while just for the hilarity of it alone. The climax of the film lasted all of minutes, if not even possibly seconds. All I know that it was very short. This film was completely unrealistic, but as I said before it's just really hilarious because it's so bad. They should have billed it as a spoof, perhaps then it would have been more successful. If you don't feel like being annoyed, then I would suggest not watching this film. However, if you can appreciate a bad cheesy movie knowing that it will be entertaining enough to make you laugh, then go for it. This role is even worse than Alexandra Paul's role in Christine. It is also so far the worst Costas Mandylor film I have watched and that is including an episode of Tales from the Crypt that he was barely in, and a horror movie called Hyenas that had bad CGI animated beasts in it. At least those roles could keep the cameras steady enough for me to enjoy watching Costas. Proceed at your own risk, and if you do - enjoy making fun of it for the duration.
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Hyenas (2011)
An entertaining horror film
22 August 2011
The one thing I can say for this movie is that the quality of the cinematography is fantastic. Being a Costas Mandylor fan, it was awesome to see great closeup shots of him with those sparkling blue eyes. The plot itself was alright, nothing to rave about. The subplot involving rival teens seemed pointless to me at first, but after watching the movie in it's entirety I can see why they put it in the film. The downfalls of this film were the CGI/special effects. The transitions from humans to hyenas were so blatantly obvious and unbelievable. Also the "hyenas" themselves were basically computer animation. The acting was fairly decent. There was a lot of predictability in the writing. I would watch this movie again sometime.
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Tales from the Crypt: Half-Way Horrible (1993)
Season 5, Episode 12
lol what a bad episode
21 August 2011
It was pretty bad but what you come to expect from Tales from the Crypt. Pure camp horror at it's best (which is bad, so bad that it's funny and entertaining). It was very amusing to me. I am a fan of the series but have only seen a few episodes. I sought this particular episode out because Costas Mandylor was in it. His appearance was very brief, but it was nice seeing him in shorts. The actor portraying the main businessman character was great - all of his actions and lines were convincing despite the surreal setting. The cast of this episode as a whole was great, including an odd appearance by Cheech Marin. Another actor that really stood out for his stellar performance was the businessman's right hand man. He was perfect in his delivery. I saved the episode to watch in the future when I have only a little time to kill, so it's definitely worth watching at least once. Have fun!
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Falling for You (1995 TV Movie)
A typical TV suspense film for the most part.
18 August 2011
I watched this film because Costas Mandylor was in it and I am an avid fan of his. Costas' character starts off in glasses which clearly makes him uncomfortable and inhibits his acting. His character does not wear the glasses later in the film which seems to slightly improve his acting, however still does not match the quality of his later films. Of course, one would only expect an actor to improve over time. If you are a Costas Mandylor fan and you find him attractive, this film is enjoyable to watch on the basis of viewing Costas in lovemaking scenes and shirtless alone. There is one particular scene that I would love to take a video capture of where he is watching TV and he's only barely covered by a sheet in bed. Really smoking hot! The acting throughout the film was done decently by the entire cast. Nothing to rave about, but not bad either. The best acting in the film was probably done by Billy Dee Williams as the investigating Lieutenant. Another pleasant surprise though for me personally was an appearance by Peter Outerbridge who has also acted in another film starring Costas, Saw VI, where he plays the insurance company businessman. It was odd for me to see him with longer and lighter hair but he did a decent acting job in this film. I personally am not much of a Jenny Garth fan, I think she is an OK actress but rather overrated. The worst parts of this film were the horrible over-dramatic score, and the fact of missing details in the writing. There were some confusing things to me in the writing, one of which involves a painting and other things that just should have been explained or elaborated on more. That being said, it wasn't so horrible that it was unbearable to watch. I would probably watch this movie again if it's on TV sometime.
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Could have been done better
22 July 2011
Just an OK movie. The plot is a pretty cheap one and I would have liked more dialog rather than all of the flying/fighting scenes. I must admit I watched it online and even wound up skipping through parts. There were however three excellent actors in this film, being Ernie Hudson, Costas Mandylor, and William Sadler. They all played their parts as best as they could with the writing given. There was an over usage of dramatic flight imagery and score music. I would recommend it for someone who is more into stealth flying such as soldiers or the like they may enjoy the film but for your typical movie goer, it's something to watch once if that and never again.
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