
10 Reviews
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The Wheel of Time (2021– )
Dull in every way
4 March 2022
If you were 11 years old you might enjoy this. Nothing ever happens. The story is unenthusiastic and plods along. The direction is elementary, the DP work is pedantic, and maybe the actors are good but nobody can tell because this is that bad. It's like an epic adventure is trying to be told on a budget of $27.98. Don't waste your time unless you enjoy people sitting down and talking at every chance they get.
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Bordertown (2016)
This show is genius
28 January 2021
Where the heck has this show been hiding? It's hilarious! Deep, witty, sarcastic and poignant, as well. Some network needs to bring this back.
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Wonderful, deep, uplifting
22 January 2021
Such a fun concept for a documentary, put together well, making any audience member with half a heart and funnybone feel good about life with a few secrets thrown in from the experience of a man who knows how to live it.
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Tedious & depressing
18 January 2021
Firstly, excellent acting, cinematography, score and sound. The stories, while well-written, are so laborious and dull that I get agitated, and for this I blame the producers. Something more should be going on in every episode yet they all land flat... and depressing. Such a sad world each episode weaves into a larger season of a dreary tapestry. It doesn't feel worth any of the time I've spent watching. I wish the best for most of the people involved.
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Unlike anything that's come before
31 December 2020
Kent has an uncanny knack for deciphering the paranormal world. There isn't a single "ghost hunter" I've seen in two decades doing what he's done. Everyone runs and hides, but Kent stays and figures out the problem. Slow and eery, as if YOU were in the room with him. Worth discovering his YouTube channel if you haven't already!
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Earworm (I) (2016)
19 July 2020
Such a wonderful short that's well-written, well acted, and directed excellently. Awesome dp work! Entertaining and darkly comical. Well worth a watch!
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1/2 New Year (2019)
Lots of fun!
29 October 2019
Caught this at the Valley Film Festival and thought it was a wonderfully fun time. Talented group of actors, beautifully shot, and excellently directed. Didn't waste a moment with this film!
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Feast (2005)
Are you frickin' kidding me?!?!
28 October 2006
This is hands down one of the best and scariest monster movies I've seen in a loooooooong time!! Just rented it and am simply dumbfounded by the fact that this wasn't released in theaters. WTF?! At the very least a limited run at Halloween time, brainiacs.. This movie doesn't let up from the second it starts, and if anyone says they know what's going to happen or who's going to live or die is flat-out lying. Yes, you're an outrageous, idiotic liar if you say you do! It's shot beautifully, directed tremendously (save for a bad performance or so), edited quickly (sometimes an annoyance), has amazing camera movement, and all with dialogue that will go down in movie history as being quoted too frequently. The monsters?? Frickin' scary as heck!! PUMPKINHEAD was the last real scary movie I saw, and that was in '89! Three days ago I watched THE HILLS HAVE EYES, and wanted to shoot myself after the first ten minutes, and it ended in the same tone of wondering how in the world those guys can get funding?! (Give that money to Gulager and Gang instead!!) Also saw HEADSPACE last week - quality low-budget somewhat horror with suspense, but not even close to being in the same league as this one (not like it's trying to meet FEAST head-on, though). SAW? SAW II? SAWIII? Pleeeaaase, they suck. Anything that takes themselves THAT seriously must... This movie is destined to become a classic horror movie, and I just placed an order on Amazon for a copy. EVIL DEAD finally has a worthy successor!!! You rule, Gulager!! CONGRATULATIONS!!
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13 Seconds (2003 Video)
My thoughts...
2 February 2005
Alright, I just finished watching this, and although I usually like waiting a day or so to sort out how I felt about something, this just isn't one of those cases. I've read all the other comments on this movie and wanted to write my own.

I picked this up in my local video store due mainly to the reviews and awards it had printed on the cover, and was extremely excited to turn out the lights, sit on the couch and get nice and scared. In literally the first five seconds, upon finding that it was a dv film (not even 24p at that), I felt betrayed by both the corporate entity known as Blockbuster and the seemingly deceiving DVD cover. I almost turned it off at that moment, but decided to find out what these guys were able to do with the dv format. Here's what I found: The acting is the worst I have seen... EVER. Truly. Which lent greatly to my confusion about what the heck was actually going on. Good acting helps illuminate the story, bad acting loses the story. This was beyond bad, and became painful - I honestly developed a scratching tick each time one of these people spoke. I strongly disagree with any choice that makes characters/actor's dull - if the characters aren't dynamic, then there's no reason to tell their story. You want the audience to identify with them not fall asleep by them. And all the lines were dubbed which made it seem like an Asian film whose characters might've known English and were eager to try out their new talent. The rest of the sound, although having some cool and sketchy moments, didn't seem full. Only dub if you lose a line, Jeff. The score didn't lend to this piece at all. Not one bit. It was missing in places that needed it and apparent in others that didn't. Even when it did come on, it was subdued, didn't aid the scene, and sounded like halloween musak. All of a film's pieces must support the whole, and I feel that a bunch of things were severely overlooked and hastily done. Moving along... With the pain I had going through it, it was something I had to endure to find out what the ending could possibly be. Now, I'm a filmmaker, so am pretty much determined to sit through every movie I watch, but I don't blame anyone from the general audience for walking out or turning it off for the very reasons stated above. Yet I came to the end... and found that the story was actually quite interesting and something that would be worth filming. Unfortunately, for the reasons stated above, and for a number of the strange edits, I was left in the dark. The editing itself was not bad, and I wonder if some of the places that didn't work were done due to lack of material filmed. I needed more info from the story as to why/how certain things occurred or didn't occur, and where the heck they actually were at any given moment - things that were tied up unceremoniously in the end yet would've intrinsically heightened the tension throughout the movie. Now directing and cinematography I feel are the most closely related. As far as directing the actors (which is similar to acting), I found it atrocious. Sorry. Again, not a good choice making all of the actors one level. Lighting each scene for this was a tough proposition given dv's inherent drawbacks, but I think it was done to the best of their abilities and looked fine. Shot selection and their content is where this movie shows signs of life. I actually did jump a number of times (and would've stayed scared had it not been for the acting/sound), and felt that there were more than a few very scary moments (sometimes dv aided this!). The set, costume, make-up, etc. did a fine job in this piece, as well. I wouldn't have guessed that this was a first-time project, and was happily surprised to read about that fact on here. Despite the debilitating drawbacks I feel this film has, I also feel that Jeff and Zach deserve a budget, better actors and 35mm film to work with, and would greatly love to see what they do with it! Maybe even re-shoot this one...
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Mute Witness (1995)
20 December 2003
An amazing piece of film that was well-conceived and kept me on the edge of my seat. Brilliantly orchestrated in its timing, and the comedy kicked in exactly when the tension needed a release. The acting was generally well-done (the "Director" should've asked Alec Guinness for acting lessons), and the shot selections were impressive (as in elongating the hall as Billy tries to race to the door in the studio). This movie didn't let up since the opening scene...
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