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TMC is playing this movie 4/11/07
11 April 2007
For those of you that have cable television, not that many of us are without that little utility bill in our life the Turner Movie Channel is playing this movie today. You will have to check your local listings to make sure what time. I just glanced at what will be on today also noticed the trailer playing a couple of days ago. So if your looking to see this movie this would be the perfect opportunity to TIVO or put in on the ON Demand channel or tape it or whatever you need to do to save it, because I don't think I have seen this particular video at Blockbuster, Hollywood Video or even on Ebay or, so look for it today!
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Bat Masterson (1958–1961)
Western Channel Marathon
7 January 2007
This was a very cool series and the Western Channel (STARZ) is running the Bat Masterson marathon today 1/6/07. Yesterday they were running the Rifleman marathon with Chuck Conners. They will be airing these episodes daily at 4pm starting tomorrow. Bat Masterson series was short sweet and to the point entertainment. Gene Barry was obviously having fun in this series I know he played a character similar later on, only he changed his horse for a limousine. Each story was self contained. With really bad guys and of course the wimpy henchmen that would give up the information that Bat needed to get the bad guy. I spotted Ross Martin from the original Wild Wild West(Artemus) in one of the shows and as these other shows roll through I am sure a few other character actors will show up. If you get a chance between whatever football games are running take a peek this is entertainment not deep psycho-babble ;)
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Dolls (2002)
Depression and depressing
28 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I was flipping channels and came upon this movie this morning. What a depressing piece of artsy tripe!

*I am tagging this as possible spoilers, I don't think they are but just in case.

So we got 2 people tied together by a red rope who walk around like they are in some sort of catatonic state through the entire picture(totally depressing), the second storyline has something to do with a pop singing star and a couple of obsessed fans that follow her around like they only live for her alone(depressing with no lives) and the third story seems to be about an old woman who sits on a park bench every day at lunch time with two lunches waiting for her ex boyfriend who hasn't shown up in apparently 50 years. (that one is just flat sad)

Though the landscaping is very pretty and has lots of contrasts in reds and greens the actors really destroy a decent film about the trees and landscape of Japan.
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This is a very cool movie!
27 December 2006
My favorite line is Patrick MacGoohan saying: "so they took the film invented by our German scientists, put in the camera invented by your German scientists and then beamed pictures to their satellite invented by their German scientists." This movie was really riveting and even had an intermission. Rock Huson, Jim Brown, Frank Sinatra Jr and the rest of the cast just did a great job. It was all about the Cold War and how everyone just used to stare everyone down and side step issues.. which was in some cases easier to deal with than what we are going through now! No CGI's what a concept! great cast! Just go watch it and enjoy!!
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Unselfish Love
24 October 2006
The comments about the Fonda character having 'no reason' to take the abusive and selfishness of the Ball character makes me wonder if this person ever loved anyone unconditionally. There are many people in this world that take worse than the verbal abuse from the person they love and stay with them their whole lives.

The Ball character was very well done and I don't think I remember Ball being a character like that after this movie. I don't like Lucille Ball as a comedienne, its too bad that she wasn't able to continue as a dramatic actress she would have done well.

But the movie is all about love conquering the selfish...wish it was that way all the time.
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Born to Dance (1936)
Fun movie!
21 November 2005
I know Eleanor Powell and Frances Langford are the real stars of this movie because I don't think Jimmy Stewart was up to that status yet.

This was a fun movie had lots of song "standards" that have with stood the test of time and lots of dancing. It was nice to see how Hollywood portrayed the Navy in the old days when you could poke fun and still have respect. The old taboo about who the baby belonged to was interesting. She didn't say she was married but he just assumed she was.. I never quite figured out why the other gal didn't want to tell her husband about that part of it.. I guess it was one of those plot lines that just doesn't translate in these days of DNA testing :) Shades of Maury!!

TMC was having an entire day of Eleanor Powell movies on the Monday before Thanksgiving.

I remember my Mom just loving anything Eleanor Powell did... now THAT's Entertainment ;)
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A Different Christmas Movie
5 October 2005
I am not sure why I like this movie so much. It's a very simple boy meets girl movie. The characters are all nice people, even the president of the store is a nice person he just is hard to see sometimes :) The Wendall Corey character is my favorite. He is a realist and even though he cares for Janet Leigh's character, he is realizes that unless he also can connect to "her son" this is just not going to work out. Even her 'inlaws' that visit her at Christmas time don't think he will be the best choice for her.

The movie is delightful and definitely something to watch during the holidays though TMC ran this movie during a Robert Mitchum day in October ;-)
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An okay movie full of character flaws
1 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I have read some of the comments on Black Narcissus but after seeing the movie I am not impressed. If you like outdoor shots I suppose you would like the film but I was more interested in the character situation. I can't see any group sending a half dozen women cold into a foreign country that remote without some previous knowledge of the area. :::possible spoiler::::

Sister Ruth's red rimmed eyes would have me sending her home on the first burro off the mountain! Talk about demonic! Someone previously mentioned that she wore black, the only dress she had was red. She might have been in a shadow but she was in the same dress. If you want a different movie I suppose this would be it. This movie was on TMC today 10/1/05 it might be on again, if they have a Deborah Kerr evening of movies. Jean Simmons was almost a Jennifer Jones rip off from Duel in the Sun 3 years earlier.
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Ricardo Montalban in film noir
28 September 2005
Before DNA there wasn't much to go on for identifying a body with nothing on the person. Many crimes were just put in a file, its sad to think so many people were never identified. This movie was a learning film as well as great entertainment. Harvard university certainly played a key roll.

Richard Montalban is really good, I don't think I ever seen him in role like this... He showed a real humanity in being a policeman including sympathy, mistrust, anger & sadness. He certainly was not one dimensional. The supporting cast were all very good too; Marshall Thompson, Bruce Bennett, Betsy Blair and Elsa Lanchaster.

Lots of twists and turns in the plot. A definite must see if your into the black and white crime/mysteries!
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Not Worth Your Time
26 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
***spoilers*** The only decent story Stephen King ever did was 'The Stand'.

The made for TV movie was crap, required reading only for those who like nightmares and/or like to see the evil character win. The town characters, except for the constable, were a wimpy, miserable lot. I didn't like any of them and its unfortunate we can't go back to this town and see how the characters are living, knowing they sacrificed a child in order to save their worthless hides. How horrible can an ending be that the only man that had the bravery to stand up to the rest is not rewarded for his convictions but learns the horrible end to his own child. This movie reminds me of the movies of the 70s, with "evilwinsmiseryisnecessaryforlife' mentality. I am just glad Stephen King books are not required reading for the rest of us.
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A Place to Call Home (1987 TV Movie)
Good movie to watch on a Saturday afternoon
14 May 2005
I think a few people got this movie in the wrong perspective, first of all she didn't have 11 children, some were their own and some were adopted. The Father is just a workaholic (you could put the Dad in the military and the same scenario could be played out) sometimes Dad's need to travel in order to support their family. Yes, they need their Dad but sometimes that is the way life goes.

I can relate to the days when I was taking care of 4 kids in 3 different states while my husband was obliged to travel for his job. Its the way life is sometimes; instead of acting like its a desertion you focus on giving the kids their emotional support and keep on going. I had a stay at home Dad and quite frankly I don't think it was as happy even though he was a good guy.

Linda Lavin plays a women who prefers a supportive stay at home husband and finds out she can do it on her own. Its good to know you can do things on your own and I am happy it happened to me too.

The only stupid part of the movie was her rocking the lamb to sleep that was rather bizarre. Otherwise it was a good movie.
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Oscar (1991)
Lots of Fun!
18 April 2005
I enjoyed this movie even though I started in the middle of it and didn't catch the Kirk Douglas cameo as the father.

What I did see was a perfect screwball comedy from the 30's. Between the black bag being changed out a few dozen times, the cops across the street reading much too much into the comings and goings and the great supporting cast it was a winner!

I haven't laughed out loud at any movie after 1968, since SoapDish! They seem all to be just too serious even when they are trying to be funny. I don't like Slyvester Stallone nor Tim Currey but they certainly did a wonderful job!

Cant' wait to buy this one!!
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