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The more you love Mario the more you will love this movie
20 April 2023
Quite frankly I understand this is not a movie that will be universally adored. This is a medium for fan service.

If you haven't played and loved at least a few mario and donkey kong games this movie will probably still be a fine, if unexciting movie. The action is swift, the attitudes are upbeat and if you like imagination this movie has distilled the creativity of decades of games into a single experience. If the only reason you are watching this is because you went with someone else you can still enjoy the movie. For the non-video game fans I would put the movie at a 7, well made and does nothing badly but certainly not a timeless masterpiece.

If you are or ever have been a fan of mario in all his iterations and also the Donkey Kong franchise this movie is wonderful, the references to game after game just add to the joy in this movie, this is an origin story for mario that is told well and makes about as much sense as you can hope for. There are power ups and enough game like visuals to make this a treat to watch. Depending on who you are the nintendo fan service ups the value of this movie by 1-3 points, for me this is a 9/10 and I hope a sequel will be made.
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Lightyear (2022)
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command was better
7 August 2022
This was the sort of movie that makes both children and the inner child in us sad. The acting was good, the animation was great and there were a number of scenes that could have been quite comedic or action packed if the director knew what they were doing but the ultimate failing of the entire movie were the concepts and writing.

This movie claims to be the movie that made Andy and all the kids in Toy Story 1 super excited but this was nothing like 90's movies that made kids excited, no bigger than life action, no constant wit and some very poorly thought out plot twists. Like seriously bad plot twists with Zerg that just destroy what little joy there was in this movie. Do yourself a favour and skip this movie and show your kids the old cartoon series, which the movie could have just rehashed and probably wound up as a far better way to spend a couple hours.
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Fraggle Rock (1983–1987)
"I want to make a show that will bring world peace"
15 June 2022
Jim Henson had a lofty goal with this series and while I doubt it will ever be achieved this hopefully may help kids start thinking about their relationships with other people and other parts of the world and how their actions may affect others, hopefully. This show tries to do that by showing how interconnected the 3 main species of fraggle rock are, and even some unwitting connection to humans as well (who live in outer space as they see it) as well as how differently they see and value the world they live in.

In the meantime this series has the absolute best music of any children's show out there, I put it on for my nieces and nephews and they will just start dancing to it, even the opening theme is wonderful and full of personality.

The characters each have their own voice and produce what is for kids (and even adults) pretty entertaining, if rather simple, drama. I wish more series were this upbeat and enthusiastic, I'll trade all the gritty reboots of the last 50 years for another happy gem of a show as this one. I recommend this to both adults and kids, at least listen to the music, it's fun.
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better than expected
15 June 2022
I love the original fragggle rock and, while this new one feels a little less magical(the soundscapes just feel too bland and unmusical), and the characters a little less balanced (mokey as the older sister character really helped balance the group, the new version will have to prove herself worth the revision), this stays truer to the original than I ever would have expected, I do wish there was more singing with catchy music though.

Rather than a reboot this feels more like a refresh, the new art styles and bigger cavern is mostly an improvement, the new Doozer design feels a lot more believable and the Gorg "castle" feels a lot less like it is on a tiny sound stage. The new doc character only feels off if you had no awareness that doc was a completely different character in different parts of the world and had your mind set in stone that it must be an old white man inventor, this is just another iteration of the world bridging character and I'm sure she'll do a fine job. I can't say I'll be watching the series closely but I hope they continue to make quality episodes for the kids of today who can't get enough of fraggles from the originals.
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Star Trek: Lower Decks (2020–2024)
The owners of the Star Trek IP make their own Star Trek spoof
25 January 2022
This really is just a spoof of star trek with some mad rick and morty vibes for good measure. As long as you don't care that it is nothing like how star trek should be and you can get past the first couple episodes, which feel more like they were written by a 15 year old with ADD, it can grow on you. Strangely, while nothing amazing, this is the best series made with the star trek IP since the reboot. Perhaps it will grow on you too. Got rid of a star for the over use of pervy humour in season 2.
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What If...? (2021– )
Not bad, not great, kinda depressing
25 January 2022
This series is basically for people who like the idea of infinite universes and like horror and sad stories for the most part. Basically they change one thing in each story about the mcu, usually with bad consequences which.... are fine but the stories just don't feel as compelling as any of the live acted series and because they are one and dones you really don't care about anything that happens. Not the worst series out there.
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Star Trek: Short Treks (2018–2020)
More bad fanfics by the owners of the Star Trek IP
25 January 2022
Short Treks is a great idea... in concept, small stories from across the star trek universe, but these are mostly terrible to not that great, the only exception being the episode with harry mudd, which was not bad. The acting is quite good, the directing is fine, if a little too melodramatic and attempting to manipulate emotions at times. The core of the problems stem from both bad writing on an individual level and the lack of understanding or resolve by whoever is in charge of the writers to say "this breaks believability," or "this breaks character" or "this story has been rehashed too many times in too many ways, pick something different". Even if you don't think of this as Star Trek (I don't) this fails to pull you into the worlds, fails to be consistent with the established canon and expects to get away with any sort of grounding in reality (magical tribbles that don't need food as the supposed origin of the tribbles in the ST universe). I think I may have to start watching the fan projects for some decent star trek if this is what CBS craps out. If you watch it I hope you like it more than I did.
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The Goes Wrong Show (2019–2021)
More of this please
16 January 2022
This show is brilliant and never fails to put me in a good mood. The entire premise, as stated in the title, is everything on the show goes wrong but the actors in the series are such troopers that the show must go on, no matter what may be happening. This is pure comedy focused on slapstick and goofiness and I look forward to being able to buy the blue ray of the entire series because I love it so much.
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Eternals (2021)
Easily the worst part of the MCU
9 January 2022
I never thought they would make an MCU movie I never want to see more than once but here it is. This isn't entertainingly bad but is so meh you'll wonder why it was ever made. This was the first time during a movie I actually saw people walk out of the theater in the middle and never return.

What did eternals do right? The cg was gorgeous, some of the outer space shots were some of the nicest cg I've ever seen...... and that's it.

What did eternals do wrong? The Story, nothing exceptional and told poorly. The eternals first come across as basically rat catchers fighting really big rats. The twists in the story really don't improve on this level of blandness. The main characters were mostly flat and lifeless, even the two love interests felt as if they had no affection or attraction for each other. The side characters came across as the most interesting parts of the story and they only showed up briefly. Character growth was both forced (character thinks a in flashback, now thinks b but no reason given) and non-existent (both a and b are basically the same thing anyways) at the same time. I've heard people say this would do better as a series, maybe it would, but it wasn't. The choreography was also pretty boring, feeling more like watching two old men with flashlights shining them at each other until one of them falls down with just enough variety to show that the characters have different skills, not a single fight felt entertaining or strategic, just sort of there to sandwich the parts where the characters have to speak in an attempt to stop you from realizing how boring everything they said was.

It reminded me most of the inhumans tv series, but the inhumans was still better than this in that it had stronger overall cast. Eternals was not quite crap but if it wasn't mcu there would be no one really wanting to see it, not the worst thing I saw in 2021, just the second worst. Even Aquaman was more interesting to watch. There was no sense of fun anywhere in the movie and I hope they will just let the eternals disappear and put their resources towards better projects.
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The Wheel of Time (2021– )
this show is a bastardization of the books
3 December 2021
Trying to look at this series without the framework of the books this watches more like a bad xena series but without charming characters, or good story telling, you're better off watching the witcher or the Lord of the rings again rather than this. The visuals are nice but they should have spent that money on a better set of writers. Truly a disappointment I had mediocre hopes for.

Looking at it knowing the source material this rendition destroys fundamental pillars of the story and world building. It removes the duality inherent in the series, of male and female magic users having different sources, the tainting of the male half and how everything worked best when men and women channelers worked together. It removes the understanding that the dragon reborn is a male and always was as well as why he was called the dragon in the first place.

The main characters were also messed up, a wife was added for one of the main characters, who was originally single. Nynaeve was removed as a source of village authority....... and on and on. It removes the cozy atmosphere of a small village and drains the main characters of personality and they dialogue seems less believable than badly translated videogames of the 80's. This really plays out as a complete disappointment and I recommend everyone, book fan or not, of staying away from this mess.
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Should have been another tv series with a completely different ending
30 July 2021
I started watching Trollhunters in the last year and found it to be one of the best series I ever watched. Trollhunters had lighthearted adventures with some that were more serious and time and again reiterated why the main character, Jim Lake jr. Was the only person who could be the trollhunter and make the sacrifices he did for his friends, family and neighbours. This character arc was more satisfying than most live or animated series I've seen and populated the world with characters you love or hate or are annoyed by.

3 Below was a nice continuation in the same world but sci-fi, it was strongest when the writers wrote the teenagers like teenagers(Dogfight days of summer was great), but felt like the plot was being rushed and, while still pretty good, would have been better fully extended into a 3-4 season series.

Wizards was okay but rushed the entire series, glossed over a lot of characters, had important scenes missing and you have to try to fill in the blanks, which prevented any feeling of depth and came across as more of a "connect the dots to finish the series because the writers don't want to be stuck writing an animated series any more", and that leaves the movie to finish the series.

Rise of the titans does a good job of feeling epic but the plot of the main movie is incredibly linear, did okay as an action movie but the careful storytelling and world building of trollhunters has completely been left behind for some above average made for tv movie special effects and some villians who have less depth than an NES era video game villian. The only deviation from an otherwise boring plot is a sidequest which leads to the absolute worst ending of any movie I have ever seen. The writers decided to invalidate all the world building and emotional depth of the entire series with their chosen ending. There were a lot of bad writing choices through the entire movie but the ending was definitely the worst of them and has definitely ruined the series for some people, possibly myself included, depends on if I can pretend it never happened.

Was this an enjoyable watch? Up until the last 10 minutes it was a 7 to 8 for a tv movie but missed all the character building and comedy that made the series good, then the ending just left a sour taste on a series I loved and I would much rather the series had been canceled than to have seen what the writers put out, the ending is a -10 because it ruins more than just itself but also the whole series.


I would like to see a completely rewritten wizards & rise of the titans that was as carefully crafted as the original trollhunters and with a completely different and more meaningful ending. A few more filler episodes of 3 below would be nice and maybe an apology from the writers for screwing up so badly with the ending of what could have been a great series.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Will Star Trek ever be good again?
25 June 2020
Let's start by asking who this is for. Is this series for people who loved the old star trek series and the exploration, morality plays, evolution of mankind into a better society, hope for tolerance of other people's cultures and characters you love? No. Does this take star trek in am exciting direction with a better way to express the heart of star trek for a modern audience? Also, no. Does the reduction of a season to 10 episodes a season mean the series has better quality writing? Very much no, a random selection of 10 tng, voyager, ds9 or season 2/3 of enterprise is still much better experience than this series Does this combine a bunch of bland, current pop sci-fi ideas, seen in any generic sci-fi movie/book/series, and dress it in the history built up by star trek with out any joy of the originals? Mostly yes.

Did I enjoy the series? Mostly no. Verdict: Unless there is a complete 180 degree turn back to good story telling and probably a completely different crew of characters you might as well just leave the tv off or watch something filling the role star trek used to have like The Orville, The Good Life or, if you want action, maybe try My Hero Academia.
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Artemis Fowl (2020)
Thought it was going to be bad and was still disappointed
18 June 2020
This movie is bad. I went into this expecting a bad movie with good CGI. The CGI, while competent never felt beautiful nor worth the price of watching this movie. I can even excuse the bad acting seeing as how this was made for kids but the writing of this show is downright terrible. They could have followed the plot of the book and wound up with a decent movie that may not have translated perfectly but would still probably been worth watching. Instead they took a cliffnotes version of the plot and got rid of any intelligence or wit or feeling and changed every character for the worse, no personality, no logic, just change so the screen writer can make it their own (or maybe they just wanted revenge on the original writer, who can tell). Don't even watch this for the CGI, it's not worth it.
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Corner Gas Animated (2018–2021)
Struggles in season 1 but gets much better in season 2
13 May 2020
The first season of this show was ok but not great with troubles in timing and the characters just not feeling as well done as in the live show. The second season pretty much fixes all the problems and is quite an improvement.

For people who never saw the original corner gas, this show combines small town humour and cartoonish hi-jinks in a rather charming manor without the crudity found in US TV.
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Milo Murphy's Law (2016–2019)
Best show I have seen in a long time
27 January 2020
This show is very fast paced and enjoyable. The main characters are upbeat and optimistic (a rarity these days) despite everything going wrong. This show has delayed me watching through the mandalorian because I enjoyed it so much. The format is usually 2 10-min segments per episode, just like with phineas and ferb, but sometimes going as long as a 45 minute episode (season 2 premiere). If you like comedy and calamity try the first 10 minute half episode for yourself
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013–2020)
It goes up and down
5 February 2019
This is a show that does a lot of interesting things in the marvel universe. It explores the more behind the scenes of a world that has known about super powers and alien tech for decades. Some seasons are noticeably better or worse than others and it is not a gradual decline or increase in quality, so it is better to keep watching, if you don't like a season skip it over for the next. I personally thought season 3 was the worst and and 5 the second worst, though 5 was mostly for the tone and lighting.

Season 5 suffers from being poorly lit, it may be they were trying to get across just how hopeless the situation they were in was, but I just wound up being unable to see much of what was going on. I know they did it on purpose and it wasn't just incompetence from the crew because there are some scenes which are very well lit and quite beautiful to see, but only in two or 3 episodes and then only briefly. It didn't help that season 5 seemed to drag on and take itself too seriously, something the show tends to do too often, sci-fi and super heroes don't need to be comically light hearted but I do prefer more of the excitement and entertainment rather than relentless drama depicted in this series.
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Zoolander 2 (2016)
Just watch the trailer and skip the movie
7 July 2018
The trailer has the only good joke in the entire movie, the rest is just sheer boredom, Unfortunate since I enjoyed the first movie so much...
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Red Dwarf (1988– )
One of the best series out there
1 July 2018
This is the end of the human race done right, it doesn't get caught up in how depressing it would be to be the last human and the zanyness gets better and better season by season with season 8 being my favourite by far and the mini-series in place of season 9 being the worst by far, season 10 does a bit of a hard reset, removing kochanski and while the episodes are better than the first few seasons they just aren't as entertaining as they used to be. Hopefully they bring kochanski back soon, she really helped round out the team and add new fodder for comedy
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