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A cinematic event!
11 February 2011
A cinematic event. A real-life rags to riches story of a modern time told in a visually dynamic way. Jon Chu worked his magic on this movie piecing together family home videos with hi-def 3D footage from Justin's journey to and the concert at Madison Squate Garden.

It may not change minds as those who don't like Justin are not going to be willing to see this movie. Those who give it a try will be pleasantly surprised. There are moments both funny and somber. You see Justin and his family at his highest moments and at his lowest.

***Spoiler*** The moment which really seems to be universally seen as an emotional moment is the time when Justin finds out his voice is failing. We see Justin's team rally around him to support him. We see him in the chair as the doctor inspects his vocal chords and see Justin slide into depression over having to cancel his concerts prior to the MSG concert. Some saw his tweets from that time and Never Say Never shows you the emotional toll it took on him.

Give the movie a chance, you might just surprise yourself.

3.5/5 Stars
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It wouldn't be Halloween without "The Great Pumpkin"
23 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched this special every year that I can remember! We taped it off TV and I love the commercials too! And I usually will fast forward or make others fast forward through other special's commercials, but not The Great Pumpkin.

This is simply one of those Halloween specials that can never be missed! From the opening rolling of the pumpkin and the "Ahhh. You didn't tell me you were gonna kill it! Ahhh." To Snoopy's WWI Flying Ace and his crawl through "war time France." And who can forget Linus and Sally in the Pumpkin Patch waiting for the Great Pumpkin to rise. I also love that opening montage with the great music and the drawings of the kids running through the spookie areas to the great reveal of the show's title.

These are things that bring ALL people back to a simpler, more innocent time. Sure some of us like the slasher flicks and what not, but I'll take my "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" over them all.
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Poseidon (2006)
Lets be perfectly frank and add it all up to = remake, a bad one at that
12 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
any ship(named Posiedon)+ New Years Eve + A tidal wave + said ship turning over= A REMAKE! I'm writing this several months after viewing this flick, and to be honest, its still not that memorable. I don't care how many people try to make this out NOT to be a remake, but I ask you to return to my mathematical equation above for the reason.

The flick had no character development what so ever, thus it didn't matter who died. Now the film THE POSIEDON ADVENTURE had many enduring, and endearing characters worth remembering. Has Hollywood stooped so low that now every film has to have the token this, and the token that. You had some really good and talented actors, playing really bad parts.

The CGI effects for this flick were great, but good FX do not a movie make. The new SS POSIEDON looks clean and cold. No character, but a cookie cutter of every other modern cruise ship; and with all its modern technology, couldn't detect a huge rogue wave coming straight for her. Now the SS Posiedon in the POSIEDON ADVENTURE, was a character unto herself. You knew the ship's back story and its certainly near future was already decided, but she had character. That's not something that you can get from a computer driven image.

Let's see Hollywood go back to using scale models of ships in sea disaster flicks, rather that saving the budget and go with a computer image.

The flick is not worth seeing on the big screen. Wait to rent it; far cheaper and you got two-five days with it.

On the IMDb scale: a generous 3 out of 10 On my movie scale: 1 out of 4
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Oh Good God No!!!
26 March 2004
The first time I saw this mini-series I actually liked it. That was several years ago, way before I became a Civil war Re-enactor.

When I started the hobby I saw the series again. And I laughed sooooo very hard. The uniforms are laughable. Union soldiers did not EVER wear 5 button sack coats, they only had four.

And the guy who plays Jamason needed to realize that this was not a western!!! The sword belts are worn around the sash not at your hips!!

The kid who is drawing pictures of these battles really makes it around!! In the early part of the film he draws a famous picture of bones being exumed after a battle. This picture is supposed to be after 2nd Manassas, when in actuality it was at Cold Harbor, which was faught two years later.

Awful movie, would never suggest it to anyone.
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The grandaddy of diaste films lives on
23 October 2003
You know what's strange. I loved this movie when I was 5, and I still love it today. It's huge sets and well done special effects make this movie one of the greatest of all times. The cast is like none other to be seen.

A movie owrth watching. ****SFX secret****

When the ship is turning over, they actually put the entire dining room set on a gimple and flipped it over to get a real reaction from the actors and stunt doubles.
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Highway (I) (2002)
Excelent Movie, filled with comedy. DVD lacks however
3 October 2003
This was a movie that I wasn't sure if I was going like this movie or not. When I rented it and saw the cover it looked like a movie that I would normally pass over. However I took the chance and now own the movie.

Although the time this film is set in is not all that far off in memory(some call this the films lacking point) it is a well made and eveloped story. The film it self is very crisp with excelent sound and picture seems to be flawless.

The only real drawback to the film is it's DVD release. New Line Cinema for some reason decided not to add any extras to the DVD. Yes the menues are interavctive, but you could have done so much more. There could have easily have been a Director/Actor commentary, or even a behind the scenes making of type thing. I know that there are some movies that rely too much on the extras to make the movie better. But this movie is too good to not have anything is almost and insult.

New Line had better not be thinking that they can just get away with these lacking DVD extras.
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Bubble Boy (2001)
Hilariously funny! A definite watch
2 October 2003
For the longest time I passed the movie over because of all of the negative press it continued to receive. However I finally did see it, and it is amazingly funny.

I watched some of the interviews that I could find with the actors and really those who are against the movie really haven't gone to see it.

Yes, there are some parts that some people may find to be a little offensive, but if you can laugh at yourself, or your religion then I think you should see it. It's not like they try to pick on just one group of people.

Really I can't stress enough how much you should see this movie. Don't pass by it any longer. Be ready to laugh really hard.
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The Good Girl (2002)
Difficult to explain but good
28 July 2003
This movie really started off slow. Almost to slow. Now I'm not usually one to say that a movie is slow(heck I loved Donnie Darko and that one took a while to get going), but this one really started of slow. There were several characters who started to develop only to have it stop. For instance; Gwen. What was the point in killing off her character? She obviously knew what was going on between Justine(Aniston) and Holden(Gyllenhaal), then of course you had the 'other' strange girl come over and she knew what was going on, any way.

Anistion shied away from the normal 'safe' roles she usualy plays. A huge example would have to be her sex scene(the one in the motel). Gyllenhaal gives an okay performance as a 'disturbed' 22 y/o. He has been doing several movies now that keep him sort of in that transition fase between 'teen' actor and 'break out' actor. This was not his transiton film(Moonlight Mile was).

I'll give it a good recomendaiton to family and friends but probably wouldn't buy it my self.
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Worth every penny spent, Excelent Movie
17 July 2003
If this isn't the best movie of the summer then I don't know what is. Johnny Depp gives one of his best preformences as Cpt. Jack Sparrow.

The movie had a fine mix of humor and serious. The special effects(primerily visual) were excelent. The film makers even stuck in some well liked and known scenes from the ride.

I will be suggesting this to all of my friends, family, co-workers, etc.
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Excelent Battle scenes but...
15 July 2003
This movie has one of the best battle scenes taking place in the Civil War that I have ever seen, Fredricksburg. It litterally broke my heart when the Two Irish units are fighting against each other. I think that really showed the best, how this war pit brother vs. brother, etc.

The drawback to the film, and I have read this in other responses, is that the quotes that are used and the language and the dialogue all seems forced. In Gettysburg it didn't seem as forced.

Also the way that they tried to portray Gen. James Longstreet, looked so very fake(primerily the beard). I think that Robert Duval as Gen. Robert E. Lee is the best portrayal that I have seen in a long time.

I also very much liked the way that they showed the Confederate officers still in the blue uniform at the on set of the war.

The thing that the film makers forgot was that Jackson used to hold his hand up when riding into battle, because of the injury to his hand. He also used to suck on lemons during battles.

Overall a great FILM. This is not a movie but a FILM.
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Perplexed By This Movie
8 July 2003
I took a chance on this movie. I have been told that it is a great movie, which it is, however I was left quite perplexed with the whole thing. This is the third Jake Gyllenhaal movie I have seen(October Sky, Donnie Darko, Moonlight Mile) and I have to say that you could have cast anyone in the Joe Nast character. I think that his character not saying alot both helped and really hurt. I like both Susan Surandon and Dustin Hoffman.

Like I said I took a chance on this movie. I like the movie however there really needed to be something more. The whole premise of Joe Nast and Bertie meating once and loving at first sight and then in full romance two scence later just didn't work for me.

Over all well done movie. Will recommend it to my friends and family.
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Donnie Darko (2001)
Excelent movie!! Must see several times
26 June 2003
Donnie Darko is one of those movies that you will watch over and over again in order to try and catch something you didn't before, or to just try and put every thing together. A lot of people I have talked to about this movie just didn't get the ending and needed some explination. All that I will say is that you really need to think back to Donnie's last session with Dr. Therman(sp?). She really does some up what needs to happen. Also if you are going to watch the movie and have it on DVD I strongly suggest that you watch it with out the director and Jake Gyllenhaal's commentary. After you have watched the movie go back and turn on the commentary by the director and the star. You will get a much better understanding of the movie. Also check out the deleted and extended scenes.
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