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This Is Us: Miguel (2022)
Season 6, Episode 15
Perfect tribute to Miguel
25 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'll be the first to admit that This Is Us belongs in the TV series hall of Fame. For my taste the show got too maudlin after season one bit I kept watching due to my wife's love for the show. The writing stayed so on point and the unique timeline episodes always worked. Amazing storytelling.

This episode is by far my favorite. It is an amazing tribute to Miguel and Jon Huertas hits it out of the park. In one hour we get such a clear picture who he is and his ups and downs in life which made him the man he was and made it so easy to see why he and Rebecca were perfect spending the rest of their lives together in love. His passing was handled beautifully. No dramatic speeches from the kids , just an affirmation how much they loved him and were grateful how much he loved their Mom. You can't help but cry seeing how happy he was at the end watching his two families celebrating as one family with his wife by his side. His son and Kevin spreading his ashes on his childhood baseball field was perfect. Lots of tears. Goodbye Miguel.
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Chuck: Chuck Versus the Honeymooners (2010)
Season 3, Episode 14
Will they or won't they answered
21 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Awesome episode that finally answers the big question along with the tease of how much fun it's going to be with Morgan on the team.
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Fun intro to future team battles!
5 August 2018
This is a fun superhero movie! I look forward to multiple viewings. Yes, the "world-destroyimg supervillian" is pretty standard but this main goal of this movie is introducing new heroes and the challenge of bringing the League together. On that level is works great. With only 2 hours there isn't too much time to give a lot of back story to Flash, Cyborg and Aquaman along with the emotional battle Superman goes through after his resurrection. We do get a good intro to the personalities and motivation of the new members with a touch of a backstory. Not too much is needed for The Flash and Aquaman with planned solo movies for them. Movie succeeds in getting rid of the "lameness" of Aquaman and makes him dark and cool with some real power. The Flash is great comic relief. It's not even close to being too much. Cyborg isn't nearly as well known but he gets a key role in the plot that puts him on the same level as the other new members. Wonder Woman once again dominates the screen with her conflict whether she should show the emotional strength to lead the team. We all know Batman and Superman and Batman is great fueling the rams formation along with Superman coming to the rescue as the cleanup hitter. Can't wait for them to get back together!
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The X-Files: Jump the Shark (2002)
Season 9, Episode 15
Smiles and Tears for our heroes
15 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Even though I knew what was coming and knew they would be returning in The X-Files (2016) I still couldn't hold back the tears at the end of the episode. Byers, Frohike and Langley are 3 of my favorite characters from any TV show. Like so many other fans I was disappointed their show only lasted 1 partial season. They were a great light-hearted break from the seriousness of The X-Files. Their stand-alone episodes and interactions with Mulder and Scully were high points of a great series. It was fun to see how Mulder trusted them unconditionally. These 3 were selfless heroes fighting the good fight for the country. Jump The Shark was a good episode and it gave them a great forum to show how they fought that good fight. The comments by Skinner and Scully and even Fletcher's were touching. Smiling and Crying.
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My Boys: Douchebag in the City (2007)
Season 1, Episode 19
The Douchebag Intervention
26 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
One of my favorite episodes of such an entertaining show. In reality it was one of the few episodes that didn't come with the central storyline centering around PJ. She's great on the show but this shows it can center around another character and guest stars and still succeed. Great take-off of Sex and the City along with the wannabee clubbing styles of lots of guys in big cities during this time. MusicNerdSuz nailed it re: the uniqueness of the guest stars on the show. Especially Ryan Reynolds probably sneaking by for most viewers. From Lyssa's getting splashed on the curb in slo-mo to the neon crocs. Brandon and Hams nailed many characteristics of guys who act like a douche. The Douchebag Intervention may be the best scene from the entire run of the series. Captain Douchebag!
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great 80's fun movie
24 October 2011
Saw this in the theater in '86 and fell out of my chair laughing more than once. "Beirut"..."What do you know about Beirut?"..."Beirut...he's the best damn baseball player who ever lived." You know how it's going to end but it has a great time getting there. The training scenes are very funny but the best scene may be the one when Jack and Reno are attempting to watch the Falcons v. Vikings Monday Night Football game while attempting a make-up dinner with their wives. I can imagine how much fun the actors had doing their own football work-outs especially in the Mud-Bowl.

Robin Williams and Kurt Russell seem to have a lot of fun with this one. It's too bad that it's overlooked as a top notch comedy.
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South Park: Starvin' Marvin in Space (1999)
Season 3, Episode 13
So many get ripped
15 October 2011
A hilarious episode. It had me laughing out loud. The greatest thing about it is how many people it ripped on and did it so well. Everyone from Sally Struthers, Christian Missionaries, the CIA, Pat Robertson and his 700 Club, Australians and even the aliens because of their language. My two favorite things in the episodes was the button turning the soundtrack song on/off and Pat Robertson making appeals to his viewers for additional spacecraft upgrades. There was great stuff in the whole episode. It's always fun when the boys team up in an episode. They still ripped on Eric but it's great when they are together for a whole episode fighting for the same good cause. Marvin, the kids, and the Marklar are the good guys and they can understand each other for the most part.
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South Park: Super Best Friends (2001)
Season 5, Episode 3
funnest episode of least
25 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is so much fun and could be viewed by a member of any religion with a smile on his/her face. Nothing could be funnier than the key figures of the all the worlds major religions laughing at the funny use of the word semen. Parker and Stone don't miss including any of them, even Joe Smith, and they're not the ones getting picked on. You get it early what character in the episode that's getting made fun of. South Park hits on so many sensitive issues and this could be perceived as one but it's not even close. An extreme magician is being laughed at not those that are prayed to. It seems like the superpowers of each one is so right on track.
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Almost a classic; still fun though
8 December 2004
Streets of Fire could have been one of the all-time cult classics but it just barely misses. You'll be smiling and snapping your fingers at the end so it's a good movie and worth a look. The finish is just right.

This movie is clearly different. "Another Time, Another Place" is taken literally as you can't totally identify it with the 50's despite the familiarities. Most of the performances were right-on especially the secondary characters. The music is a real highlight. Including The Sorels plot didn't seem to fit but it turns out they were a great addition. Willem Dafoe was a great villain. The opening song was a great setup for the mood; you want to clap right along with the crowd.

What struggles is the writing. There's just too many times when you roll your eyes and immediate think "they could have done that better". An hour and a half was probably too short as there were too many major parts that should have gone deeper.

You wish that more movies would be made that take a risk and do things a little differently. The best description would be comparing it to a double hit off the wall; could have been a home run but still a solid hit.
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Meatballs (1979)
A comedy classic
1 August 2004
"Rattlesnake! Look out!" "Is that a bra you're wearing or are you expecting an assassination attempt?" "Spaz, what are you a homo or what?!" "OK way to go you guys! feed Fink, he's our hot man" "Do you know they use the most sophisticated training methods from the Soviet Union, East & West Germany and the newest Olympic power, Trinidad-Tobago." "Oh Spaz you old make-out master!" "What, no mustard?!" "Oh my God his nose is bleeding." "it's gonna get even bigger now" "Our political roundtable...Henry Kissinger will appear. Yassir Arafat is gonna come out, spend a weekend with the kids just rap with them."

These and many other great lines make Meatballs a hall-of-fame comedy. Only in Caddyshack is Bill Murray funnier. He probably ad-libbed half the lines. The high school actors seemed to have a blast being in the same movie with him.

Hilarious movie to watch any time of year, not just the summer.
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Nobody's Fool (1994)
Perfect for a quite night and a fire
31 January 2004
Nobody's Fool has to be one of the nicest movies of the 90's. It doesn't try to solve any major social ills or make any earth shaking commentaries on life. Instead you get to watch a couple of hours of likeable people getting through each day.

We see genuine people adjust to changes in their life and like us they don't adjust easily. It never gets sappy and that's a credit to Robert Benton's screenplay. The characters are very real and are the type of people you might interact with each day and not think twice about their lives except that you like them.

Certainly the performances put the picture over the top into the 5 star category. Newman gives a another hall of fame performance. Sully isn't deep or complex, he's real and reliable to the people who matter to him - his friends and he's trying to find out how to be reliable to his son and grandson.

The big name actor's in the film will draw notice but Gene Saks performance as Wirf, Alexander Goodwin's performance as Sully's grandson Will and Margo Martindale as Birdy are just as good.

What's so underrated about this film is Howard Shore's score. It quiet, simple and sweet - just like the film.
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Great 4 Hours of TV
10 December 2003
A fun 4 hours of science fiction! For TV, the special effects were tremendous. The dogfight scenes were especially well done.

The performances were good, especially from Edward James Olmos, Mary McConnell, and Tricia Helfer. Obviously the big change was making the Starbuck character a woman. He was my favorite character in the series and she was my favorite character from the mini-series. Nice twist with the Cyclons having the cloning ability.

Let's hope the ending leads to a series. More importantly, if it goes to a series let's hope the same commitment to spending money for special effects is made.
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Uncaged (1991)
you've got to be kidding
28 September 2003
Hard to imagine a worse movie than this. Doesn't even qualify as a "it's so bad it's funny" flick. I couldn't place who the lead actress was until I looked it up and realized it was the same girl from the 80's sitcom "Head of the Class". What, besides $, would make her do this?
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