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Rising Damp (1974–1978)
MAGNIFICENT! The comedy classic of the seventies!
17 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Make no mistake Rising Damp is the best t.v comedy of the 70's and of all-time! The programme revolves around the most lecherous, cantankerous, nasty, racist, rude mannered person you are ever likely to see on British television. Yet despite all this it's hard not to feel sorry for landlord Rupert Rigsby (played to perfection by the late Leonard Rossiter) as you certainly get the feeling that he is a victim a circumstance and this leads to his sometimes tactless approach to life.

Rigsby was very much in love with Miss Jones (one of his tenants) and this led to some of the show's most hilarious scenes with him trying and failing miserably to get her attention romantically. Thankfully the scriptwriters didn't go the same way that most most forthcoming American t.v shows would go with the two leads eventually getting together after many mishaps (Moonlighting, 6 Million dollar man and Lois and Clark to name but few) as this would have done to rising damp what it did to them (effectively killed them off).

Another key part of the programme was the relationship between Phillip (Don Warrington playing a fellow tenant at rigsby's flat) and rigsby. Phillip used to flirt like mad with Miss Jones (mainly to annoy Rigsby) and miss Jones adored Phillip whilst Rigsby was always left being sidelined but still defiant and trying everything in his power to come between them. Also living in rigsby's place of residence Was Alan (played superbly by the late Richard Beckinsale who died far too young) who was a student with many opposing views to rigsby's. This led to many great comedic arguments (mainly about the permissive society) between them and created some of the programme's greatest moments (and there were many). A semi-regular character was next door neighbour Spooner an ex-army boxer who also from time to time would but rigsby in his place. All in all this is a fantastic ensemble comedy with marvellous spot on performances from the main leads and is a comedy that should be treasured for years to come.
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George & Mildred (1976–1979)
Yootha stole every scene she was in
16 February 2007
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George and Mildred (the 1st and best spin-off off man about the house) was the story of the ropers (the landlord's from man about the house) and their move to a much posher area. Next door live the fourmile's Ann, Geoffery and their irritating little boy Tristram. The fourmile's are a very posh family (especially the rather pompous Geoffery) and are usually one the receiving end of one of Georges scams.

George and Mildred was produced at a time when the class structure in the U.K was very much still in existence and enjoyed poking fun at the middle class style 'tory twits' as George would say that were in existence at the time. The main battle was always between Geoffrey and George and always ended up with a minor victory for George.

That though was the series strong point. The acting was nothing short of superb and the programme spawned a further M.A.T.H spin-off the rather dire robin's nest which examined what had happened to robin Tripp but the sad news was that Yootha Joyce Died on August 26th 1980 from liver failure before filming a sixth series. Her character was easily the strongest in the show and the way she always had the upper hand on George was hilarious. Recent repeats on digital show that the comedy hasn't dated and is still as fresh as ever. All 5 series are available on the network DVD label.
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Man About the House (1973–1976)
A personal favourite comedy.
16 February 2007
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Man about the house is a true situation comedy in every sense of the word. The comedy concerns a character called Robin Tripp (played by the great Richard O' Sullivan) who finds himself after a wild party, ending up at the home of two ladies called Jo and Chrissy. Ironically the party was held to say goodbye to their old flatmate. The obvious ends up happening as he moves in.

Man about the house was a pre-cursor to Cooke and Mortimer's spin off show George and Mildred which featured the 2 characters who were landlords to Jo, Chrissy and Robin. These two characters would actually turn out to be the linchpins of man about the house with Mildred (the late and much missed Yootha Joyce) in particular getting some of the best lines of the series. A semi-regular character was Larry (Doug Fisher) a useless person who was always on the scrounge and only ever came round when he wanted to borrow something (and never to return it).

The American's did a version called three's company but it doesn't stand a chance when compared to this far funnier original. Thames took a risk in producing a comedy about a man sharing a flat with 2 women at a very conservative time but they should worry as the ratings at the time suggest that around 20 million people just wanted to watch a good old fashioned bit of comedy with inspired casting and a sharp script. What a pity modern comedy can't reach that high standard.

This programme is available on network DVD
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Coronation Street (1960– )
A television classic! The best television soap ever
16 February 2007
I was four years old when i first viewed Coronation Street (the episode being Stan and Hilda's second honeymoon in 1977) and immediately (even at such a young age) I hoped that this show would run forever (and by the looks of it, it will!). Im 33 now and during the past nearly 3 decades I have witnessed many changes to the soap. characters have gone (Annie Walker, Elsie Tanner and Hilda and Stan Ogden to name but few) but despite many more adult story lines one key thing remains the same and thats that essentially this is a programme about a huge nucleus of people living in the same community dealing with their own problems and being there for each other (a good example of this is the relationship between the Barlow's and Emily Bishop who is always there for them).

Sure it shows the negative side of life as there have been many baddies walk the weatherfield cobbles (Alan Bradley, Charlie Stubbs and of course Richard Hillman amongst others) but mixed with that is plenty of humour like when Jack (Vera's husband) tried dating several years ago only for Vera's to find out of bet lynch and use her handbag to clobber him out of the rovers return.

The rovers return is the focal point of the programme. Everybody meets here and it is here that some of Corrie's finest acting moments have took place. There have been many fights in the rovers but the best ones have to be the fights between Ken Barlow and Mike Baldwin. Mike had an affair with Ken's wife Deidrie in 1983 and right up to Mikes death last year Ken never really forgave him. Story lines like this are what keeps Corrie firmly stuck in reality and may it be part of our reality for many years to come. God bless Corrie.
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Tiswas (1974–1982)
Absolutely utterly the greatest show on earth ever!
31 January 2006
And it was too! With classic features such as flan your folks, compost corner, the dying fly "there's people lying on their backs kicking their arms and feet in the air!", Matthew butlers legendary rendition of bright eyes, the bucket of water song and a fabulous theme tune Saturday certainly was tiswas day.

Presented in a very loose style by Chris Tarrant, Sally James, Lenny Henry, Bob Carolgees (with spit the dog and the largely hated cough the cat), John Gorman and many more the show largely consisted of utter chaos and stupidity (which was the shows strength) bought to you in a well organised chaos sort of way. Characters such as Trevor McDoughnut, Clive 'the wizard' Webb and many others were present to give the show its mad edge. The shows main strength is that nobody seemed to know what was happening and nobody seemed to care as long as they were having fun.

A classic moment came in about 1980 when Sally James doing one of her tricks decided to do the walk through a postcard trick. Chris Tarrant who was sat next to her went into a hilarious tirade starting with "A POSTCARD! Its a postcard everybody! Its a trick with a postcard in YEAAAHHH!" and ending with him having run an entire lap of the studio (even the broadcasting galleries) Before exclaiming "no wonder Noel Edmonds is out of work!" before sally completed her trick. This and many other things are what makes tiswas my no1 programme of all time and its probably made me the person I am today (Oh god!).

According to a recent t.v programme there were 372 tiswas episodes made but only 12! still exist in the Atv/Central archive. Criminal!

THIS IS WHAT THEY WANT! Tiswas the best of is now available on network video!

Weblink: is actually partly run by Matthew lewis (a.k.a butler) and is very good.
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A true masterpiece and an excellent swansong for sergio
29 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
It is very rare that I see a film that me and my parants both have the same opinion on but once upon a time in America is one of those rare times. The story is a true study of betrayal, greed, corruption and violence in all its ugly forms yet its message is simple NEVER BETRAY YOUR FRIENDS AS YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN THEY'LL COME AND GET YOU! The acting is magnificent with the central character noodles played by both Robert De Niro and Scott Tiler (playing him during childhood) being every inch the despicable little swine but yet still creating a character that rather strangely you can warm too. The film features a stellar cast including Eliabeth McGovern, Joe Pesci, James woods and tuesday weld in a tale that twists and turns but all the way though makes perfect sense. The people in this film are nasty pieces of work and you can understand why noodles does what he does but you can also understand why people dislike him (largely because he is after them all). There are not one but 2 scenes of rape in the film (1 on Weld and the other McGovern) and these just go to show the utter vileness of the characters (there's also a memorable scene in a garage).

What Sergio Leone managed to do in this his final film is to create a society where the gangster rules (as in deed was very much the case in America during that time period) but he also puts you there in the thick of it with them and makes you hope for the happy ending which you inevitably don't get. A true masterpiece.
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RoboCop (1987)
A tough and brutal film with a hard message
29 January 2006
I remember being about 15 and going to my local store and getting this film for the first time from a store that was known for giving films of a certain certificate to under age people (let's face it most of them did) and my 1st thought being what a fantastic film.

Its only since i've got older that I have realised the message in the film is quite a bleak one. It is saying that if we continue in the direction we are taking as a world we will end up with lawless societies and basically global Armageddon. The story is directed by Paul Verhoeven (who else for such a task) and told in a dark and uncompromising fashion with excellent performances from Peter Weller and Nancy Allen (until then mainly known for being the chief bitch in Carrie) but all involved play their parts extremely well.

The directors cut is the definitive version of this film as it adds more depth to the story and explains it better. It really is a classic of its genre and many films have tried to copy it but none can compare. Fantastic.
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E.T. (1982)
An excellent family movie. Spielberg triumphs again!
29 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I remember as a little 8 year old boy sitting down at my sisters and watching a dodgy pirate video of a well advertised film called E.T. The picture was jumping all over the place and hard to watch like most most pirated videos but through all that even as a little boy I could see how magical this film was.

Its essentially a film that appeals to the child in all of us and is about someone who is reaching out to be loved and cared for though despite being classed as different in a world that from time to time treats people with disdain just for being different. The story concerns a young boy named Elliot and his family who's live's are transformed when an alien being enters their lives having crash landed on earth. The story is then essentially about the aliens attempts to return home and this results in one of the saddest endings in cinema history (if you haven't seen it yet you'll need Kleenex) but E.T preaches nothing to no-one except to say that people (or in this case aliens!) should never be treated with disgust just because they are different. It is one of the best films I will ever see in my lifetime and though Henry Thomas's career has curtailed since it not only introduced us to Drew Barrymore but it also helped the careers of many of its stars and on the 20th anniversary DVD there is a great documentary that backs this up. All in all excellent.
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Jaws (1975)
A true classic
29 January 2006
Jaws is a modern masterpiece from a a legendary director and producer. The story moves at a fast pace as (as was unusual at a time when most horror films had a lot drawn lead up to the 1st killing) the 1st death is within the 1st 5 minutes. The acting especially from Schneider and shaw is tremendous and for his 1st film Spielberg really pulled out all the stops.

The film relies heavily on the build up of suspense and does this perfectly and will entertain legions of people for years to come. A highly recommended and enjoyable piece of film-making (bar the plastic shark!)
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Titanic (1997)
A film that never fails to tell a difficult story in an interesting and tragic way
29 January 2006
The critics had the knives out for James Cameron's masterpiece long before its release. They were going to criticise its for being too long, too boring, badly acted, Badly directed etc. But when Cameron released this film (about a subject that has been a lifelong fascination of mine and his) the critics were silenced and the film did all the talking.

And boy did it talk! It become the first film in history to make 1 billion dollars and no other film has quite caught the publics imagination like it. It tells a simple story set against the backdrop of the biggest maritime disaster yet. Rose Dewitt Bukater (kate winslet) is unhappily boarding the titanic with her overtly snobby partner Cal (Billy Zane) and her family and while attempting suicide meets Jack Dawson (Leonardo DiCaprio) and straightaway falls in love with him as though he is from a different class he shows her a different more enjoyable life than the one she is having with Cal.

Titanic shows you triumph over disaster in all its shapes and forms. Titanic is also a story about the great class divide which used to exist (some people say it still does) and though you know the outcome watching this film for the 1st time or the hundredth time doesn't fail to intrigue. Although factually incorrect in parts (especially in the case of officer William Murdoch who despite his portrayal in the film as a bad guy who shot himself actually was a good guy who went down with the ship) this is the most true adaptation of this story. It won 11 Oscars in 1998 (equalling the haul of all about eve and Ben hur!) including the biggie, best picture and has won universal praise from cinema-goers but not so from some of those critics who have largely lambasted it (showing once and for all that there is a world of difference between critic and cinema goer) the acting (particularly from DiCaprio, Winslet and Zane) is exemplary and earns titanic the film as much a place in history as the event itself. A modern masterpiece.
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Boogie Nights (1997)
Absolutely the worst piece of rubbish in film history! A total monstrosity with bad acting, terrible dialogue, bad direction to make this film better than any sleeping pill!
29 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I saw boogie nights with 4 friends on its initial release in 1998. Never before have we all seen such a pointless film. The film concerns the 1970's porn industry and a young guy named dirk diggler (must have took half a brain cell to think of that name) and his struggles to make some money from it. The film at about 2 1/2 hours is far too long and bores you to tears (1 friend fell asleep and started snoring) at the end of the film and this proves how universally hated by the cinema audience this film was when one person shouted "thank f--- its over!" and got universal applause.

This film is amazingly bad with dreadful acting (even from heather graham, burt reynolds and mark whalberg) and the most boring script in the world ever and I know several other people have slated it too (most of them on this site).

The film is that bad that even Burt Reynolds apparently has distanced himself from it which I don't blame him for. If an actor does that then that means even he thinks its s---. This is total utter trash and I cant even think of any saving graces which is unusual as even with some of the worst films i've seen I can find at least one. Ahh got 1, yes it does have a saving grace and thats that eventually after all the tedium it finishes and thank F--- for that!
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The Matrix (1999)
The ultimate question
29 January 2006
I first encountered this film at the UGC cinema rubery in 1999 on the biggest screen they had (so big I'm surprised they didn't roll it out on the floor!) and have to admit that whilst I don't believe in the old saying "go see this on the biggest screen you can find" I have to admit I'm rather glad I did.

What this film asks is a question that everyone asks from time to time IF THE WORLD DIDN'T EXIST WHAT WOULD? Would we live in a matrix style alternate reality where we could have more control over our everyday existence and have control over other people or would there be a big fat nothing. The acting is superb and the storytelling enjoyable.

This doesn't preach to the viewer yet sets its message out in pure and simple terms. How many of us have wondered if we didn't have a planet earth to exist on what would there be? Would we exist in some other form? This film attempts to answer these questions and maybe it attempts to pose some questions too. It is very sharply observed by the Wachowski brothers and has many fans across the globe. The performances (even from keanu reeves, a usually below-par actor) as excellent and it rightly received many special effects awards and plaudits.
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Threads (1984 TV Movie)
A brave move by the BBC
27 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
In 1965 the a young writer named Peter Watkins wrote a drama for the bbc called the war game. Concerning nuclear war and its after effects it was banned for 20 years as the beeb felt it was too sensitive to show. 1984 arrives (as does the cold war) and the beeb decides its time to challenge the viewer like never before and through their play for today strand produced the most groundbreaking piece of television drama ever, Threads. Writing a review about this film is quite a challenge. When i was 11 years old and just beginning to understand this world and all its complexities the BBC aired a drama that still to this day knows how to shock and inform. 'Threads by Barry Hines' were the words that greeted us at the start of a title sequence that began innocently enough with a view of Sheffield's bustling industrial estate giving us little warning of the horrors to come.

Threads takes us through a roller-coaster ride and for the BBC to screen it in 1984 at the height of the cold war was a very brave move indeed from a corporation that still to this day dares to push open the envelope and produce dramas that not only entertain you but also make you think. Far, far, far better than the American effort called The day after threads seeks to tell a story about the terrifying subject of nuclear war without resorting to sentimentality (there is, after all no sentimentally attached to a nuclear attack) and Hollywood style mush.

The story starts with Ruth and Jimmy, a young couple contemplating marriage to each other against the backdrop of a conflict between Britain, the U.S and Russia. As hostilities rise between the warring parties an all out nuclear strike is launched on the U.K. It then firstly becomes a story about Ruth (by this time pregnant) and her battle to find out if Jimmy survives the attack and then secondly a story about how Britain would cope with a nuclear war.

Believe you me this film is about as scary as it gets when describing the after-effects and does not shy away from putting them straight in your face. The NHS would be stretched to breaking point as is clearly shown in one of the most disturbing scenes in the film, Law and order may as well not exist as looters and thieves run riot, food supplies would be critically low (so therefore you would have to work for it with those who worked the hardest getting to eat while others starve to death) and any body born after the attack would most likely be born with a mental abnormality (Ruth has a daughter with a mental health problem).

Nuclear war is rarely touched upon in film-making as the producers of such films have to be so accurate with this subject matter as no other subject causes such debate. Trust me threads knocked the door down the day after just followed it in.

P.S Eventually the war game was shown (along with a repeat of threads) on bbc one in 1985.
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A truly great film about a devastating subject
5 June 2005
Ever since I can remember I have had a massive crush on Molly Ringwald who in this film takes on the best role of her career as Alison Gertz a truly inspirational woman who died of aids in 1992. Molly and a great supporting cast show the true devastation that this disease causes on a person with (at the time of infection) no previous sexual experience, no drug taking past and no history of blood transfusion. The best line of the film is when Alison stands up and says "look at me, i am the face of aids" showing that despite some peoples misconceptions people with aids look no different to you and me.

The film makes good use of its lead characters and makes what could have easily been a typically preachy TV-movie into a viewing experience that (whilst sometimes unpleasant) is educating and informative whilst not being boring.

Molly received (quite rightly) an emmy award for her acting in this film and it is easy to see why as when you view this film you feel as if you are living the experience with her and a good performer should make you feel this way during any acting performance. This tele-film has affected me in a way that no other tele-film has done before or since. It has a stellar cast (Lee Grant and Martin Landau as the parents) its doesn't preach and doesn't pretend to be something that it isn't. If this had been a big Hollywood blockbuster then the story would not have been so well told and would have been padded out. This film should be shown in schools to educate young people of the dangers of aids.

What makes the film really magnificent is how it challenges people's beliefs about aids and presents a true story in a well written non-preachy and non-patronising way. Well acted and a true masterpiece thats very rare in TV-movie land.

If you would like to know more about Alison Gertz and pledge your support for aids victims then please visit thanks!

For the benifit of those not in the know this movie is called Fatal Love here in the u.k and is available on Odyssey video
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The greatest classic horror film ever (and it has a serious message)
1 March 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I 1st encountered this film about 4 years ago on a pirate video (I now have a NTSC uncut Video) and was amazed. There are many films out there that claim to have a message but none are so powerful as this one. The message is to any potential rapists "sometimes they fight back!" and boy does this woman do so. I have no inclination towards raping someone but if I did I would be put off by the events in this film. Its a clever film in that just when you think it shows the rapists as the stronger characters it turns it around and shows you not only the victim as the stronger person but how the victim feels towards her attackers afterwards (in no uncertain terms).

This being a movie the heroine gets to do what every raped woman would love to do, extract her revenge on her attackers and this is the films strength as it shows how raping a woman can be easily done but just as easily revenged. It really is a classic film that should be in every revenge flick fans collection (DONT BUY THE U.K VERSION THOUGH AS ITS CUT BY 7 MINS 2 SECONDS! THIS IS THE BEST ADVERT FOR A MULTIREGION DVD PLAYER EVER AS THE U.S VERSION IS UNCUT!).

Perverts will be disappointed as the scenes are clearly not there for titillation but to bring home the horrors of this most horrible crime. The second rape is particularly terrifiying as it takes place with her being held over a rock. Its scenes like this that are the film's strength in that not once do you see any close up's (which would imply that the rape was there for sheer titilation) the filming of these scenes is done entirely from a distance so instead of glorifying it, it shows the full look of terror on the woman's face.

The film then takes on a different meaning as after she is raped again at home it becomes a story of the aforementioned revenge. This is where some of the best scenes in the film occur. It certainly is a film that you will never forget. A bona-fide horror classic but one with a message that needs to be listened to.
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