
10 Reviews
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Good Beginning, terrible ending.
25 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie started out great, but the ending completely ruined it for me. It wasn't that I would have liked for Dani and Court to end up together, because I realize that is unrealistic, but the fact that they chose to throw the two of them into a romantic triangle with Dani's older sister, have Court completely and inexplicably shun Danielle, and have Court and Maureen claim to love each other after only TWO DAYS of knowing each other completely, and I mean, COMPLETELY ruined this movie. You can guess that it was Court's confusion over being interested in someone so young as Dani despite his resistance was the reason for his odd and annoying behavior towards Dani after he'd met her sister, but that is never explained. Not even in a way where you can know something for sure without it being spoken. It was frustrating and obnoxious. I also feel like his death was a complete cop out. The minute Dani finds out that Court was with her sister, he is killed my a tractor (which is oddly hilarious and makes for good poetic justice, in my opinion), and the two are never able to confront the relationship between them and how it had been tarnished. So much felt unfinished with this movie and not in a "well, that's life" sort of way, it was more of a "wait, huh, what just happened???" kind of way. I also hated the how Maureen's "grief" over the boy she had known and loved for two days was made out to be more important and significant that Dani's. It literally made no sense to me. This movie had great potential in the beginning, but the way it ended just sucked to me. Overall, I didn't feel like it was a complete waste of time, but it did disappoint me greatly. 6/10.
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Hell Date (2007– )
Completely hilarious.
15 July 2007
This is a very, very funny hidden camera show...well, I guess you can't really call it that considering the people are aware of the cameras, just not that they are being pranked. I suppose the situations are realistic for most bad dates, and it always has me in stitches. It's predominately black "marks" and those participating in the prank, which is a first for reality TV/hidden camera shows. Regardless, it's hilarious and laugh out loud funny. Nearly every segment is funny, which is always a problem for most prank shows. Some are funny, some are not. This is usually not the case on this show. Watch it for a good laugh, or even if nothing else is on. It's worth it.
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Complete and utter RUBBISH.
28 June 2007
I watched this movie for the first time two days ago with friends, and there was a generally consensus that this movie SUCKED. This is honestly one of the worsts movies I have ever seen in my life. I know that it is THE worst PARODY movie I have ever seen. It basically has the same spoofs as Scary Movie, but it's not even half as funny. There is a different between gross out comedy and just plain gross. This movie was the latter. I did not laugh ONCE throughout the entire movie, and if I did, it was only at that the sheer stupidity of the joke. I assume they only put this out on DVD when Scary Movie beat them to the punch and came out first, but I think they shouldn't even have bothered releasing this movie at all. The fact that a better funnier movie was already in theaters with such similar characters and plots should have told them to save themselves the embarrassment of trying to compete, even on video. Don't waste your time. 0/10.
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Just plain stupid.
6 June 2005
I saw this when I was about 10. I liked it. Now, having aged 6 years, I am able to form a sane opinion about this piece of sh*t. What a moronic, sad excuse for a coming of age film. This film is just flat out stupid from the beginning to end. I don't know why I liked this in the first place. For one thing, it has the worst dialog I have ever heard. And in what form of reality would you start dating a boy who treated you like sh*t for you're whole junior high existence, beat up your best friend, and threatened to rape you? What the hell is that about? The ending is idiotic, this whole film is idiotic. I got a queasy feeling after watching this movie. All the actors look like disgusting trailer trash, I could barely sit through this without vomiting, and I mean that literally. This film is stupid. Don't waste your time.
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BSTV (2005– )
Silly little show, watch it when nothing else is on.
3 June 2005
I have to say, this show is pretty funny. It's a little bit like Punk'd with B celebrates and wanna-be reality stars. Though we don't get to see the players reactions when they find out it's "BS", hell do they find out? Some of the stuff is just too silly. The auditions are shameful. People would really go as far as beating a man to death with a shovel just to be on TV? What the hell is that about? The courtroom is always funny and so is the "The Lover's Lounge", I always laugh so hard. Sometimes it's hilariously, other times it's comedy falls flat because of it's downright stupidity. This show is good to watch when nothing else in on.
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Piece of sh*t to the extreme!
30 May 2005
Honestly, I've thrown this title around a lot, but no other film is more deserving then this piece of crap, this is "The Worst Movie I Have Ever Seen". The plot is complete garbage. It's not even the fact that it's cliché, it's the fact that if the writers of this film were going to use the cliché, they could of at least laid off the pot long enough to finish writing the script. It is complete nonsense. This film seems to have been made with a child's milk money. Sadly, Jennifer Freeman and Marquis Houston go momentarily comatose and forget they have any prior acting skills. I mean WTF!? Nobody in this film can act, not a SINGLE person. (Maybe Megan Good and she is barely in the film). I am so spent on this film, there is nothing else I can say to explain to you what a steaming pile of vile trash this film is. PLOT/STORY = Garbage, ACTING = Garbage, CHARACTERS = Garbage, DIALOG = Garbage. Save your money and your time, this film is terrible.
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What a terrible, TERRIBLE movie.
29 May 2005
This is the saddest excuse for a film I have ever seen! What a piece of crap! This film has no plot at all. It can't decide if it's about a school play, two girls wanting to meet a rock star, or a teenager overcoming her urge to lie compulsively. I would have been more entertained watching a dog take a dump. This movie is utter garbage and should never see the light of day again. First off, the main character seems to be more of an antagonist than the real antagonist is. How is an audience member supposed to sympathize with a selfish, obsessive, ignorant liar? Lola goes throughout the movie doing nothing but complaining and lying while her only friend puts up with it. Carla, her enemy, is more likable than her. And that's the truth. The romantic interest is barely in the movie at all. It's like "Hey, you were in this movie for like ten minutes, right? What's your name again? Let's end the movie with us kissing". It's was idiotic. This is a comedy that isn't. Please do not waste your time or your money, this film is movie vomit.
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Beyond Ridiculous, But Genuinely Hilarious.
25 May 2005
I have to say, I didn't expect much from this film. Basically "Scary Movie" spoofing teen classics instead of horror films. I watched it and actually liked it. Yes, this film could possibly be qualified as one of the silliest movies of the decade, but that's sort of the point. This movie had laughing so hard I was gasping for breath. The humor is juvenile, but FUNNY. The plot is stupid, but HILARIOUS. It's really fun to stop and say "Hey, that 10 Things About You!" or "Oh, they're doing Can't Hardly Wait". This film is probably one of the funniest films I've seen in a long time, it's not for everybody, but it's a good movie.
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A Guy Thing (2003)
Painfully Unfunny.
23 May 2005
What a terrible, TERRIBLE, film! One of the worst movies I have seen in my life. I usually love movies like this, the whole "A guy meets an eccentric woman who he likes, but he happens to already be involved with someone, who not right for him....". I expected something predictable and I didn't mind. The movies are always entertaining mixing the right amount of romance with comedy, but not this one! Every single joke falls flat and the "romance" makes me want to vomit. The title character is one of the most "please kill me" characters that I have ever witnessed on my television, the "eccentric woman" isn't very eccentric, more like quirky and annoying. The "other someone" is the most reasonable, mature person in this film but also happens to be just as annoying. This films flat out sucks, there's no way around it, don't waste your time.
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Very Unpredictable and amazing
7 July 2003
Jules just found out the love her life ( who is also her ex-boyfriend/ best friend) is getting married. She decides to use all the tricks she knows to get him back. The reason I love this movie so much is because it takes and interesting turn that is so unpredictable and amazing. I would definatley recommend this movie
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