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Totally without grace this film.
26 May 2005
This film doesn't have grace none. In this film it is evident that Renato Aragão no longer it is more the same of the time of the "Trapalhões". His films with the "Trapalhões" Dedé Santana, Mussum and Zacarias were much better than this film and his other more recent films. In this film, Renato Aragão tries to be graced but it doesn't get, him no longer it is more natural, nor purer as it was in the films of him of the decades of 70 and 80. I like Renato Aragão a lot, but this and his other recent films in comparison with the films of the decades of 70 and 80 leave a lot to want. Renato Aragon's films and the Dabblers were box office successes! To attend east film is a waste of time. You will disappoint completely like me disappointed myself when attending east films.
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The Day Christ Died (1980 TV Movie)
A despised Christ, abandoned, and ridiculed and defeated...
20 June 2004
This is the most depressing film on Jesus Christ that I already viewed. Not only the most depressing, but I force (I don't eat Passion of the Christ of Mel Gibson, it is clear). Until today I don't understand which was the intention of the producing of do a film as this, different from all the other films on Christ done already. Here in this film Jesus (Chris Sarandon) it is just shown as human man, and no divine, that it is determined until the end in accomplishing his/her mission. It is also with physical lines (little accepted by most of the people) like Jesus it was very probably: a brunet man, of dark brown eyes, of rustic appearance, and not of hair blond or brown clear, of delicate face and of blue eyes as most imagines, in short, in this film Jesus is shown as a natural man from Palestine of the first century of ours was and not with European lines, as they were Franco Zeffirelli's Jesus in "Jesus of Nazareth" and of "King of Kings." And he was not shown like a solemn Jesus, reverent as it was in the other films, but a more human Jesus totally naked of any divinity. The same I say of Last Supper scenes and prayer in the garden of Gethsemani. In the scenes of the judgment, of the flagellation, Jesus is treated with such a ferocious hate shown never in other films. Jesus is viewed as somebody that has be punished severely and dead the more quickly in a more intense way than in other films. I remember of the scene, in that Caiaphas says Jesus soon at the end of the judgment: "And you don't forget that you are a Jew! " It is also of the scenes In that king Herod says for Jesus: "You are not a king of anything!!! Monarch of anybody!!! That more ridiculous king you would be!!!! " And all make fun of Jesus. Before "Passion of the Christ" of Mel Gibson, this had been the most violent film on the last of Jesus that it had already viewed. In this film Jesus is treated with end hate, contempt and ridiculed in such a cruel and merciless way that he left me very impressed and it finishes completely defeated, treaty as the vilest and despicable of all the criminals. I didn't like nor a little of this film. This film is very depressing, revolting and sad...
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Caesar (2002)
Great film!!
2 May 2004
Julius Caesar is an epic story set in magnificent, ancient Rome. It will bring to life one of history's greatest figures. The miniseries will not only show Caesar as one of the greatest politicians, generals and orators to have ever lived. It will particularly tell of a man, of his early days, of his formation and assent to power, of his ambitions, anxieties, weaknesses and of the three great loves of his life. As Caesar rises to fame, his life is constantly at risk for high political reasons, and he is forced to flee Rome when Sulla, the malevolent Roman dictator, threatens to execute him. Returning to the capital, with his citizenship restored for bravery in battle, Caesar becomes famous for his amazing gift of public speaking. He also becomes entwined in a great and ill-fated love story. In defiance of Sulla's wishes, he marries his true love Cornelia, who later dies tragically. Cornelia's death almost destroys Caesar, and, for years to come, all his love is devoted to his daughter, Julia.

Now concentrating on his political career, Caesar champions popular causes and fights the corrupt aristocracy that dominates Roman politics. He declares that, for the Empire to have real meaning, all of its subjects - of whatever race, creed or color - should be offered Roman citizenship. His populist politics and unprecedented military victories raise Caesar to Roman Emperor. It is towards the premature end of his life that Caesar, isolated at the pinnacle of power, finds love in his relationship with another of history's great leaders - Cleopatra. But, yet again, lasting happiness eludes his grasp, and Roman politics lure Caesar away from Egypt. Now a mature man, Caesar's attitude towards power, towards Rome and towards the Roman Senate seems to have changed. Back in the capital city, powerful men begin to fear the most powerful man amongst them.
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I never viewed a version of the "Passion" with scenes as strong, violent and touching as this in all my life!
27 March 2004
On last Wednesday (March 24), I went to assist "The Passion of the Christ", this so spoken, commented on and controversial driven film, writing and produced by Mel Gibson in a movie theater of a Shopping center close to my house. Of all the films that I assisted on Jesus Christ, never watched a film as this, that it shows their last twelve hours in the Earth. All the other versions as the two with the same title: "King of Kings" the one of 1927 and 1961. Besides "The Greateast History Ever Told", the Spaniard "Los Mistérios Del Rosário" (1957), "The Living Bible" (1952), "The Living Christ" (1952), the Mexican "El Martyr Del Calvary" (1952), the beautiful "Jesus of Nazareth" (1977) that was produced and driven by Franco Zeffirelli and considered by most of the public and critic as the best version of all of the times, between many and many another show the life of public of Jesus, their miracles, their teachings and not just the Passion as this.

But this film of Mel Gibson, shows the Passion of Jesus Christ in a way shown never in none of the other versions, this film shows the Passion in a much deeper way than all the previous versions that I assisted showed. Yes, this film is weighed, extremely violent, but in any moment, from when he begins to when he finishes I viewed some anti-Semitism insinuation as it was commented on. This film doesn't have anything of anti-Semitism. He just shows Jesus Christ's last hours in the Earth as it was never shown in none of the previous versions that here mentioned and that I assisted. In my opinion, the whole suffering of Christ is shown in this film in a very close way than it was really (much more than in the other versions), or else exactly equal. But what admired me a lot in this film, it was Jesus' serenity (interpreted with great mastery by Jim Caviezel) actress Maia Morgenstern is also great like Mary, Jesus' Mother. Even in the moments most terrible, dramatic and painful, as in the moment of the flagellation and also in Via Crucis's moment, him (Jesus) display a serenity out of the common, a superhuman serenity. In fact, "Passion of the Christ", like me already said, it is a film of extremely strong, dramatic, painful scenes and... bloody, as it had never been shown in any previous version. A lot of people won't want to view this film, and same many of the one that will view won't get to assist him/it entirely. I cried (as there is a long time didn't cry) in good part of them, of the scenes of the film, and when viewing Jesus' suffering, I associated Jesus' suffering with several of the unpleasant moments and sufferings that I already passed in my life and of which I remembered in the moment. In my opinion, each person that to assist him/it should do the same as I did, and to try to remove a lesson of the whole suffering of Jesus Christ in his/her day by day. Each suffering that we passed, be him physical, or moral, or emotional and psychological it is a little of the whole suffering of Jesus, that is shown in this film. As, for instance, the pain that those passengers' relatives that died in the trains in Madrid, in Spain, victims of the bombs of the terrorist attacks. And the pain of the ones that survived. That Jesus comforts her/it all these people, not just the victims and the relatives of this and of many attacks, as the sufferers' the one of all of everyone in general. And, returning, to talk about this film, actors Jim Caviezel (that interprets Jesus), Maia Morgenstern (that interprets Mary, the Mother), and the whole cast and figurantes, the whole production team, and director Mel Gibson. I intend to assist to east films again. In spite of (this film) to be extremely violent, dramatic and controversial, I liked this film a lot. It is not at random that this is a controversial film. My name is Silvio Ferreira Cosi, I have 32 years of age (almost the age of Christ), I am Brazilian, I was born and I live in the city of São Paulo, in Brazil.
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I liked this Series a lot!!!!
28 December 2003
I liked this series a lot, because it marked me a lot. It was exhibited by the Globo TV a nights during the month of December in 1979 (in this time I was with only 8 years and today I am with 32), one year after it it was produced. And me I remember that on this first time, of all the 15 exhibited episodes I just attended "Daniel in the hole of the lions.", episode that had actor Robert Vaughn's participation as king Darius. Then the following year, in 1980, this series was exhibited again by the Globo TV in the "Session of the Afternoon", to the Monday afternoons on Friday, during the week saint, but on this second time in that it was exhibited only 10 of the 15 episodes were exhibited. Two a day, and on Friday, they were exhibited: "Joseph in Egypt" and "Moses." Then in the end of that same year, in the month of December of that same year, in the proximities of Christmas, all the same episodes that had been exhibited in the week saint they were exhibited again and in the same order.

Then, the following years this series was exhibited in SBT, again in the Globo TV, and finally in bishop Edir Macedo Record TV. Of all the fifteen episodes of this series, I didn't only like him/it Salomão's" judgement, and "Sanson and Delilah", and the best episodes in my opinion were " THE flood", "The tower of Babel", "Abrahan's Sacrifice", "Sodoma and Gomorra", "Moses", "The Ten Commandments", "Joshua in Jericho", "Daniel in the Hole of the Lions", "David and Goliath" the History of Esther" and "Daniel in the hole of the lions." This series doesn't have grandiose sceneries as the epics produced by Hollywood in the decades of 50 and of 60, as "Quo Vadis"(1951), "The Ten Commandments" (1956) and "Ben Hur" (1959) both starred by Charlton Heston, "The Robe" (1952), "King of Kings" (1961), "Greateast History Ever Told" (1965), among many other epic productions. But this is a produced series and driven with mastery and sensibility, the sceneries and his/her special effects are modest, but convincing, as the rays that God throws of the heaven in "The Tower of Babel", "Joshua in Jericho", and "The Ten Commandments" and the opening of the Red Sea in "Moses."

The actors' characterizations are in some quite convincing ones, and in other no. For instance, the Philistine generals of "David and Goliah" more they seem noble of Old Rome than Philistines, and the Philistine giant Golias (interpreted by Ted Cassidy) whose helmet is more for the one of Roman centurion than of a Philistine warrior. In short, the episodes were very well produced, but they could have been better elaborated, I say that in relation to the sceneries and to the actors' characterizations. As for the adaptation of the sacred text of the Bible it is very well done and it proceeds with fidelity, in this point the episodes have plenty of emotion. And her soundtrack is also very good. PS: Here in my country (Brazil), this series was exhibited dubbed in the language of here that it is the Portuguese.
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The Day Christ Died (1980 TV Movie)
This is the worst film on Christ that I already saw!
28 September 2003
This film is very depressive. I think who wrote him/it and it accomplished him/it certainly it doesn't believe that Jesus Christ resurrected and it arose to the heaven. In this film they are shown the last 24 hours of Jesus of Nazareth (Chris Sarandon). He begins with their disciples Peter and John going the city of Jerusalem, to find a place to prepare the dinner of Easter, following by the Last Supper, the prayer, the betrayal and the prison in the garden of Gethsemani, the judgement before the one of Highest Priest Caiaphas and of the main priests, Peter's denial, the interrogation before Pilate, the judgement in which the people choose Barabbas to be freed in Jesus' place, the flagellation, the coronation of thorns, the mockeries done by the Roman soldiers, the via-crucis (in the which Jesus only carries a part of the cross and no the cross completes) and it finishes when Jesus has his/her hand preached by the torturer in the log of the cross, and the image frozen there. The following image is the in that it shows Caiaphas and Pilate tends a fast conversation, saying that it is everything finishing and one wanting Happy Easter for the other,... and end. This film has an exquisite and detailed production, sceneries of the streets, of the houses, of the palaces, characterization and clothes of the guards of the Temple, of the soldiers and Roman centurions, of the priests, of Pilate, of the people, in a way that I think it must really have been at Judea and in Jerusalem 2000 years ago. And this film was faithful to the text of the Gospel in some parts, but in other the increment of scenes and of speeches, it fled completely to the sacred text, distorting completely. Judas, the traitor, nor it seems to be with total certainty of the one that intends do. But the great flaw of this film was without a doubt showing Jesus' last 24 hours, their judgement, suffering in an extremely heavy and depressive way, much more than in the other films on Christ that I saw. As for actor Chris Sarandon, until he interpreted Jesus Christ with plenty of competence, but it is not adapted for the paper. He is the first actor to represent Jesus Christ, without having the traditional characterization as all we knew of Jesus. Chris Sarandon doesn't have the long hair as it demands the paper. I don't agree with a film that doesn't show Jesus resurrecting, appearing to the disciples and arising to the heavens. In this point I give note 0 for the idealizadores, the producers and the enterprising of this film.

Which will the intention of the enterprising ones have been and producing with this film?
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The Living Bible (1952– )
Production modest, but convincing and sincere about Life of Christ.
9 August 2003
This film is not a grandiose production, no possue gigantic sceneries as "King of Kings", "Ben Hur", "The Greatest History Ever Told", "The Robe", "Quo Vadis" and "Jesus of Nazareth" and nor he/she has great crowds as these films. But it tells the history of Jesus Christ in a faithful way as in the four Gospel according to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Actor Nelson Leigh is as well as Jesus Christ, although he is a little static and cold in some scenes. This series approaches 24 episodes of Jesus Christ Life. This is a beautiful and pleasant series. I attended east films and I liked a lot. These are the 24 episodes of this wonderful series:

1- The Birth of John the Baptist

2- The Birth of the Savior

3- Childhood of Jesus

4- Ministry of John the Baptist

5- First Disciples

6- Thy Sins Are Forgiven

7- Woman at the Well

8- Nazareth and Capernaum

9- Jesus and the Fisherman

10- Jesus Teaches Forgiveness

11- Jesus Lord of the Sabbath

12- Jesus and the Lepers

13- I am the Resurrection

14- Transfiguration

15- Before Abraham Was, I AM

16- Last Journey To Jerusalem

17- Thirty Pieces of Silver

18- Betrayal in Gethsemane

19- Jesus Before the High Priest

20- Trial Before Pilate

21- Crucifixion

22- Nicodemus

23- Lord is Risen

24- Lord's Ascension
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The Redeemer (1959)
This is one of the largest and better versions done already about the Life, the Passion, the Death, Resurrection and the Ascension of Ours Mr. Jesus Christ!!!
19 July 2003
I live here in Brazil, I am now 32 years of age old and I remember that I attended this version that was exhibited in extinct TV Tupi in the Week Saint 1980, when I was with about 8 for 9 years of age. And from, then this version never again of my head, and I only attended her again when 17 years later in 1997. This film follows the Gospel faithfully, everything this perfect one in him!!! The actors' characterizations and of the figurants, the sceneries that you/they reproduce the houses, the streets, the palaces are excellent. A true super-production. A grandiose one epic biblical. All the actors' speeches, the scenes, follow the text of the four Gospel faithfully.

Jesus Christ (that is interpreted by Luis Álvarez), unlike the other versions ("King of Kings" with Jeffrey Hunter, "Jesus of Nazareth" of Franco Zeffirelli, with Robert Powell, for instance) he never has his face shown in scene. He is just shown of backs, giving prominence to the long brown hair. But nor for this detail this film loses his beauty. Luis Álvarez is great in Jesus' paper, and also all the rest of the cast. The fact of Jesus' face not to be shown in any scene it is so that the person to who is attending east films, imagine inside of itself which would be the true of the Master!!! This film is beautiful, wonderful!!!! It is worthwhile to attend!!! This is without a doubt, in my opinion, one of the largest and better versions already done on the birth, the passion, crucifixion, death, resurrection and ascension of Ours Mr. Jesus Christ, except the largest and the best of all!!!
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