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Actually a pretty good movie but not for everyone
11 April 2019
This movie's actually pretty good... for what it is (low-budget zombie film). But if you're expecting another shoot-'em-up Resident Evil/Zombieland, you'll be bored. I'm not the biggest fan of zombie movies but what appealed to me with this one was it's realism. I like to think of it as 28 Days Later meets Cast Away. Both of which involve the main character waking up in unfamiliar territory. But like Cast Away, Sam (the protagonist) has to figure out how to get food while avoiding being attacked/infected. He even finds his "Wilson" in trapping one of the undead (Alfred) and has conversations with him throughout the movie.

My main gripe was the ending.
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Parker (2013)
Good film if you're a Statham fan
18 February 2014
A moderately good film if you consider yourself an action buff. The plot was interesting and centered around Parker's vengeance. While the acting was on point, I did feel that there was something lacking from the fight scenes. Entertaining at best but I'm used to a little bit more martial arts from Statham. Also, they used all digital effects in some of the actions scenes, particularly those including gunshots wounds. Not that big of a deal but it just comes off as noticeable fake when the blood looks like pink Kool-aid.

Overall the movie is worth seeing if you enjoy actions films/Statham films
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Should only be viewed by mma fans
17 February 2014
Never Back Down 2 is very much identical to the first movie, only with a much smaller budget and this time revolving around 4 main characters training under Case (Jai White). Considering that I'm a huge fan of mma, action-movies and Michael Jai White (as an actor), I hate to say that this movie was predictably annoying. I think casting a couple of Abercrombie models in a movie like this was somewhat cliché and a bit of an insult to the mma scene. The acting was noticeably lacking (with the exception of Jai White) and there were a few scenes including Case's troubles and Justin's troubles that seemed to be poorly executed and lacked realism. There were also a couple soft-core sex scenes that seemed out of place. It was interesting, however, to see Todd Duffee act as well as Lyoto.

The only credit I could give this movie was it's extremely low budget ($3 million) and the fact that it was shot in only 4 weeks. Other than that, I guess this is all I can come to expect. I knew I would have to watch this while the lady was away because I knew she wouldn't like it. Boy was I right. I bet she'll like Undisputed-II though.
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After Earth (2013)
Not as bad as I expected
10 September 2013
I remembering seeing the trailer and thinking it was going to be good. Then after the film's release, hearing how awful it was and seeing the horrible reviews from IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, etc. With that, I elected to wait till the film was released on Redbox or Netflix.

After seeing the movie I must admit I'm a bit impressed. It wasn't nearly as bad as I expected it be based on reviews. The plot was decent and kept me interested. The acting was mediocre at best but I think one thing that would've made this movie better was an additional 30 mins. I think more time to engage the audience would've helped out a ton as I kind of felt some of the scenes were rushed. I also think they could've added more to the ending. Overall, a decent movie worth seeing.
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I really enjoyed this movie.
12 February 2012
I'll admit, I didn't think I was going to like this movie too much but I found it well worth my time. I thought it was going to be another "obnoxious/ghetto meets wealthy/elegance" type of movie I've come to expect from many of TP's movies along with many other "Black" movies but I feel that it really brought joy to my soul. While the movie overall lacked many things that, like many other TP movies, made it lack the true quality of a well-crafted film, the overall plot brings a sense of happiness.

I think the cast was one of the strong points of the movie, especially Gabby who did a really good job of shining some light on the "smart, sexy, successful black woman who just can't find a decent man" phenomenon that I've come to find was becoming more and more common based on some research. I WILL say that her character (Julia) kind of reminds me of another girl named Eva played by someone else. If only I could remember who. Idris delivers a good performance we've come to expect from seeing The Wire and Luther. However, you kind of get tired of his character's being cornered into "The Damsel in Distress". The performance from Tasha Smith was also something worth pointing out. Alike her character from Meet the Browns, this movie does a better job of exposing her talent. Watching the movie, I couldn't help but think "Is she acting or is she just really a b****"? Gary Sturgis also delivered a performance worth recognizing. Unfortunately, I think the PG-13 rating really hindered his ability to expose his character for who he really was.

With all that said, I think there were a few loopholes in the film. First, there was a scene where Julia discovers Monty's past which included him being incarcerated for rape. It later turns out he was "wrongfully accused" which, in that case, would've been useless in court. Julia asks Monty about it without looking for a thorough explanation. When Monty fails to give her the proper answer, she storms off calling him a liar. How could he possibly let her leave without a detailed explanation and why did she call him a liar if when she asked him, he was about to reveal something but was interrupted by a phone call she had to take? In other words, he never said he was hiding anything. Also, how is it possible that Monty doesn't originally receive custody if, again, he was found not guilty of rape while the judge later asks the kid's mom and her boyfriend (Jennifer and Joseph) what they do for work. They couldn't answer the question. Why would a judge miss this earlier in the movie?

I think fixing the loopholes would've made this movie much more recognizable to the public. There were scenes I couldn't help but notice was real including the scene after Monty discovers his daughter's wound. Good flick but easily could've been better
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Meet the Browns (2009–2012)
Not quite quality TV
25 July 2011
Wow! Where do I start. I REALLY want to like this show because I feel that black folk make the best comedians. I grew up watching Martin, Family Matters, Fresh Prince, Living Single, etc and I feel that those shows were pure comedy. You can't watch those shows and not laugh.

However, when I watch this, I can't help but notice the lack of realism. For one, race is clearly an important theme here. The white people on this show are usually weird in some way. With the exception of Juoquin, the others just seem a bit off. Then you have Leroy who has a personality where he Just Doesn't Quite Get It. His jokes are funny at times but his character is always loud, obnoxious, and foolish (like Curtis Payne). But then you have the two surgeons (Will & Sasha). A scenario that kinda reminds me of The Cosby Show. These two are very bold, wise, goal-oriented, and successful. Not only that but they could qualify for models. In other words, they're perfect. It's just hard for me to decipher this show as realistic.

The acting isn't exactly on point. There are times where it seems like they're not trying hard enough but then there's times where it seems like they're trying too hard.

The comedy of this show isn't always funny. I would actually admit to laughing about once every 10-15 times they play that little fake audience laughter.

I really want to like this show. I'll catch it every good once in awhile (mainly because Sasha so fine) and watch but I'm not too sure how anyone can really enjoy it 100%. I DO feel that it has potential but they have to change a lot of stuff.
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