
11 Reviews
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The Last Kingdom (2015–2022)
Believable historical drama series.
27 December 2018
I loved the series as it stays close to historical facts and a realistic depiction of 9th century pre-England England. Not that I've been to the 9th century recently but the production company makes sure the costumes, make-up and sets look legit and I certainly appreciate it. The only thing that kind of disappointed me was the choice of actor for the main character of Uhtred. Sure he's a good looking guy but I often felt he lacked the charisma his role demanded. All other actors were great as is the series as a whole. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
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Chosen (2018–2019)
Preposterous plot saved by good acting
5 October 2018
Kudos to the film-makers and actors here who did a great job in their respective roles despite the preposterous premise.
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Bright (I) (2017)
Different but still Hollywood..
19 February 2018
5 stars for the effort put in by film-makers and actors because the script and dialogue were lame.
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Good production, albeit spoilt by dumb Hollywoodian values
31 July 2017
I gave it 7 due to the quality look and fx. And only 7 because of the poor script and dialogue worthy of a run-of-the-mill Hollywood sci-fi. Being an Australian production I assume it had a relatively low budget and I thought they did a pretty good job at making us believe the place and story, though obviously made for the American market - with American accents, moronic script and (over)acting. I find the latter to be the downfall for many a scifi production and it baffles me why spend zillions on a movie and write a poor script to accompany it.. Its as if it was written specifically for a dumbed-down audience which can't digest anything remotely intelligent. Anyway, could've been better but it is what it is.. I hope they read my review and put a bit more effort into writing a more intelligent script and dialogue for the next project. Well done as far as the overall production is concerned. Cheers.
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The Expanse (2015–2022)
Long awaited quality scifi
26 September 2016
Hi folks. Im writing this review mostly out of excitement fresh off viewing season I.. This series was a fresh surprise. I tried watching Dark Matter - which came relatively highly recommended only to be disappointed by the same old shortcomings most shows are plagued with these days namely moronic script/dialogue and cartoonish characters. All due respect to the people involved in these productions but I have a feeling there's just too much coke snorting and brown-nosing going on in those Hollywood boardrooms.. I loved The Expanse though, as it paints a very plausible future. Is it XXIIIrd century?. I cant remember.. Anyway, humans have colonized The Moon and Mars - and other smaller astral bodies out to the asteroid belt. Over the course of a few generations, specific cultures have formed, such as the Earthers, The Martians and the Belters. The Earthers rule by way of UN Council but troubles are brewing in the Belt. The story unfolds like a chess game and it doesn't give away any gratuitous information. The characters are believable and we get to know them better with each episode. The plot can get a bit complex and details such as low-gravity-related health issues give the show credibility. There are no warp drives and teleporters here. Aliens? Possibly.. Over all a great effort from Alcon and Sean Daniel Production houses. Looking forward to Series II. Cheers
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One of the best Dracula movies ever made.
29 June 2016
I was pleasantly surprised by this movie. Sumptuous production with good looking actors and plenty of cgi, fairly restrained acting by a large cast of characters sharing the screen pretty homogeneously. What I liked about it was a sense of balance between style and substance. Some critics gave it low score due to historical inaccuracies and I agree to an extent, but how many Dracula movies are historical really? And since when would Hollywood let the truth get in the way of a 'good story'?..:) This film at least has a go at the historical Dracula without trying to give a history lesson to an audience who in large part doesn't really care. What it does, it might trigger curiosity in the viewer as to who was this Dracula character which they hitherto thought was merely a fictional character invented by Bram Stoker. I'm not sure that enough is known of the historical Vlad (the impaler) to write up an accurate account of his life, least to say he was not a vampire.. :) if there ever was one.. But that's just my opinion.. :)
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Turbo Kid (2015)
B-grade post-apocalyptic slash n gore
3 April 2016
All due respect to the film makers for the effort but this film is no more than a B-grade - if not C.. - Mad Max clone but laughably bad at times and predictable throughout that made me wanna turn it off a few times, it was cringe-worthy.. The actors did a good job and played their roles with heart but the screenplay and dialogue were pretty bad.. All-in-all not a movie worth watching unless it's past midnight and you can't sleep and you come across this - oddly relatively high-scored on IMDb - piece of trash and half-way through it you realize what a waste of time that was.. Anyway, as I said, all due respect to the people involved in the production as I now it's not easy to make a film..
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Gravity (2013)
Hugely overrated...
23 March 2014
Gawd, can I write 10 lines of text about this silly movie?.. I sure wanted to set the record straight, but 10 lines?.. I don't quite understand all the praise dedicated to this movie.. Sure it has fantastic cgi - which is why i gave it 5 stars - but that's about it.. The script and dialogue are crap and a huge let-down.. Is that how astronauts talk and behave like? Highly unlikely. And the never-ending progression of debris hailing upon our poor protagonists and triggering an impossibly increasing domino effect of, again, never-ending mayhem and destruction.. It should have been called Un-gravity, since the lack of gravity is the main protagonist here and taken to hollywoodian extremes. Cant these people write a good, believable script anymore? Or is the American public so brainwashed that only bullshit scripts work? Seems to be the case with most Hollywood productions these days. Disappointing. Enough dribble
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Gratuitous child nudity????...
22 December 2013
I've watched this film a couple of times and when you think about it, it would be very hard to make such a film and I congratulate the film makers for this effort. But to give it 1 star because it contains "gratuitous child nudity"? is sick. I am referring to a review further up here who talks about child nudity and sick people who "enjoy" that sort of thing.. You know, since you're pointing all these things out maybe you are one of those people, in denial.. One of those that also have issues with women breast-feeding in public.. I didn't even notice "child nudity".. What i saw is a film about little human beings in a boarding school. It was filmed through the eyes of a little child where everything is natural, including nakedness and bodily functions. I was like that back in Eastern Europe, slightly older, but in a similar situation and it kind of brings back some funny memories. It is this kind of righteous moralistic polemic that stirs me right up.. It is you who is troubled by this "child nudity" so stop projecting your perversity on others PLEASE! This is a great 'little' film.
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Red Dog (2011)
A film for children up to 10 y.o.
22 April 2013
I looked forward to watching this film.. but I was disappointed by it on so many levels.. I just couldn't get into it.. The anamorphic screen looked good for the landscapes but not for the close up shots; the music and the sweeping pans were too glorious at the expense of the subject matter. The bloody constant crane sweeps.. It looked like an interminable beer ad - as another reviewer rightly put it. Except for some scenes, the acting was unbelievable.. literally. And the whole cat vs dog battles.. ridiculous.. I wanted to like this film but I just couldn't. It should have been marketed as a children's movie. Strictly for children up to 10 years old. For that reason I give it 5 out of 10. Since I have to write a minimum of 10 lines here, I will keep ranting about other Australian movies worth mentioning here as an alternative viewing to this one. Kenny is a great Aussie comedy which pushes all the right buttons. Quirky and original, funny without trying too hard. Ten canoes is another beautiful film (Dir. Rolf De Heer) which is made up of a story within a story, which happened long before white settlement of Australia and has an entirely indigenous cast. "The making of Ten canoes" - which comes as an extra DVD in the package - makes equally interesting viewing. Other good Aussie film are Walkabout, Malcolm, Bad boy Bubby, Two hands, Proof, Romper Stomper, The year my voice broke, Radiance, The dish, Chopper and Bootmen, the latter being a great dance movie. I haven't seen enough movies made in New Zealand but a few worth mentioning here are Meet the feebles, An angel at my table, The world's fastest Indian and Whale rider. Happy viewing.
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Like sequels tend to be...
28 December 2011
I was a bit disappointed with B13 Ultimatum, and I'm judging it against the first installment of B 13. I expected it to be on par if not better than the original but I found it slower, flatter and far less dynamic. Somewhat similar to Matrix and Matrix Reloaded, the 1st being fresh and dynamic and the 2nd being more polished and elaborate, though I thought the latter was still very good. B13 Ultimatum is plagued by some bad scripting and cartoonish and ridiculous characters - like the face-tattooed Tao - and lost credibility as the film progresses, becoming a mediocre Hollywood action flick. One detail that I found amusing and ridiculous was the amount of gun-less cops that were mowed over by the two protagonists, yet when they did use guns, the shower of bullets seemed useless against the seemingly bullet-proof little Citroen or Renault get-away car.. Hollywood, eat your heart out.
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