
11 Reviews
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Sean Connery Strikes Again
25 August 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted to see this movie. My expectations were that it would be horrible. Quite horrible. I saw the movie about two months after its theatrical debut. I cannot express how much I wanted this movie to be good. Great comic series, great premise, perhaps the worst execution of anything since Ishtar.

This film was so poorly done that no one in the theater had any qualms about loudly making fun of the film. There was no level that this movie was enjoyable on. It was so horrible that it even defied mockery! I think there were only three instances where I laughed. This is definitely one of the worst movies of all time. It's almost as silly as Speed 2: Cruise Control. Many might say to give it a chance, and that it's not supposed to be realistic. Well I not only gave it a chance, I went in knowing it was pure fantasy, the historical inaccuracies are only a mild annoyance, its just the overall poorness that gets really annoying.


Here is a list of things the movie did well:

1. Dorian Gray is a pretty cool character. 2. Sean Connery has a cool accent. 3. The setting and scenes are really well done aside from the submarine. 4. The roadster is pretty cool.

Here is why this movie is so poor. This entirely excludes historical inaccuracies as this movie is an attempt at fantasy.

1. Submarine changes sizes and magically fits into a Venetian canal!! 2. Submarine is solar powered! 3. Submarine's internal design ignores basic rules of physics. Come on, the submarine has cavernous rooms that are lavishly decorated. There is even a scene where the sub gets wrecked and to fix it the men merely righted the tables. Submarines need to be structurally sound!! They're under immense pressure all the time. 4. The CGI of the submarine is laughable. LAUGHABLE! But not as laughable as Matrix: Reloaded. 5. The scenes were directed in the campiest of fashions. Not a good quality campy either. The actors were all trying to be serious and most of them didn't have enough charm to pull off the camp. Dorian Gray did a great job though and the invisible man was alright. 6. Sean Connery is amazing; but he's too old to beat people up the way he does in this film. There are a few scenes which actually make him look really good; but there are so many where it's just far too implausible. None of his fight scenes are as cool as the bar seen from The Presidio. 7. The villain is so weak. Good superhero movies depend on the villain quality. Superman/Lex Luthor, Superman/Three Kryptonians, Spiderman/Green Goblin, Bond/Goldfinger, Indiana Jones/Nazis etc. The villain in LXG is a cross between the Phantom of the Opera and GI Joe's Destro! He is an arm s dealer with a metal mask who thinks he's some sort of operatic character. There is even a part where he could easily have eluded Connery; but returned for his foolish looking mask!!! He is the most pathetic villain I've ever seen. I basically felt sorry for the actor the entire time.

8. The action was ridiculous. Superhero movies are generally cool because the director builds up to the action. This movie was action non-stop. Instead of having useless fight scenes it would have been a lot smarter for them to develop the characters a little. It was quite funny because the director expects us to know the characters from nineteenth century literature; BUT changes their personalities and timelines such that we don't really know them. Dorian Gray was so cool though. 9. The ending scene where `Africa won't let Quartermain die' is perhaps the worst scene in cinematic history!!!!

The list goes on and on seemingly to infinity. I was so bored during this movie I almost cried. This movie made me feel depressed for the next six hours it was so bad. It was horrible.

Please unless your IQ is less than seventy for the love of yourself do not see this movie. Trust me on this one.

I would recommend this movie to children under twelve and people with IQs under seventy.

I would not recommend this movie to anyone I remotely cared about.
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Painful Experience For A Star Wars Fan
25 August 2003
I am a Star Wars fanatic. I have the toys; I've read and re-read all the books. I worship at the altars of Han Solo and Boba Fett. It hurts me so much that this film Attack of The Clones was released. I feel like George Lucas took a bowie knife and gutted me. Don't get me wrong the overly long abomination has some merit to it upon the first watching. However subsequent viewings yield such a taste of dissatisfaction that the movie actually makes the rest of the series appear lesser. To retain my sanity I now have to pretend that the new movies are an unrelated series by a different man.

We'll start with the good stuff:

1. Very interesting and cool action. 2. Interesting storyline. 3. Insight into the birth of the empire. 4. Insight into the birth of Lord Darth Vader. 5. Natalie Portman is quite attractive.

Well that's it. Those are the redeeming qualities. The dialog is horrible. The romance scenes? Needless to say that there are more realistically acted romance scenes in the seediest most amateur pornographic film! There are also more conservative fashions! Having read the script I can say that while the dialog is bad, it's not as bad as it actually is in the movie. Why is this? Because George Lucas cannot direct. I can't even talk about how little respect I have for this once revered man now.

This movie is an abomination against all that is good in this world. George Lucas is the face of evil. Please do not see it, do not rent it, do not buy action figures. Please do not in ANY way contribute anymore money to this madman. What he has done is the equivalent of Rembrandt making stick figure paintings to conclude unfinished statements in his earlier art.

I recommend this movie to no one.

I recommend it be boycotted on every level. The fact that Lucas is making the third makes me want to weep more.
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Low Key Humor To The Maximum
11 August 2003
The fact that this movie was made pleases me to no end. This movie is definitely not for everyone. Many viewers have a hard time realizing that it is in fact a comedy; but its chalk full of great low key humor.

The characters are outlandish, eccentric and quirky and all played quite phenomenally. The writing is spot on and it's just terrific.

I would recommend this movie to people who have a sense of humor not related to phallic flatulence jokes and to people who appreciate subtlety and performances by real comic genius.

I would not recommend this movie to people with an IQ less than 110, people who's humor is limited to phallic flatulence and people who don't know the meaning of those words.
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Pumping Iron (1977)
This movie will get you in the gym
11 August 2003
Pumping Iron is one of the best movies I have seen in recent memory. This movie is a documentary about body building in the nineteen seventies, when Arnold Schwarzenegger was just beginning to carve out a name for himself. I just typed his name and spelt it wrong, and sure enough my spell check has Schwarzenegger in it, how's that for fame?

This movie first covers the top amateur body builders at the time through the Mr. Universe contest. The documentary then covers the professional body builders competing for the Mr. Olympia title. The movie is great because not only is it thoroughly entertaining if you pay attention to the details; but it also makes you want to exercise. Perhaps not to the extend of Arnold; but exercise none the less, and physical fitness is good.

In addition to Mr. Schwarzenegger being in the movie, Incredible Hulk star Lou Ferrigno challenging Arnold for the crown. Lou's father is perhaps one of the most incredible characters in the movie and contributes to many humorous moments. One scene in particular stood out in my mind. Lou and his father were at the gym training and Lou was doing some front presses. Prominently in the background was an overweight dope looking man. Lou (a giant at 6'5 275lbs) was doing his exercises and screaming with exertion. Yet the poor dopey man kept on going with the funniest look on his face.

The movie is too good. I highly recommend anyone who enjoys a good mockumentary to watch it. If you enjoy films like Waiting for Guffman and Best in Show, Pumping Iron is for you, only real!
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Decent end to a decent series
6 August 2003
I really wanted to see this movie because I crave conclusion. Going into the theater I was filled with negative thoughts; but that gripping need for conclusion had me pinned. When the second film came out I was not nearly as concerned over its quality since all the original cast had agreed to return. This time however I was worried. When the Universal logo appeared I began to panic a bit, I genuinely believed I was in for a horrible experience. Stifler who was of course my favorite character from the first two movies was a bit over done at first. However as things got rolling I began to laugh and laugh.

All in all the movie had its low points, probably more low points than the first two; but it was definitely a positive experience over all. The biggest negative factor of this movie though is its lack of replay value. I find many of the mainstream American comedies that have been released since Something About Mary have had this lacking and I cannot see watching American Wedding again and laughing as much. However for my movie ticket's price I definitely think it was worth it.

Its also really interesting how many of Eugene Levy's Waiting For Guffman mockumentary friends appeared. I have to wonder if he had some behind the scenes responsibility for this movie actually being good. This film is definitely truer to the first American Pie than the second and its very interesting to see how they one up the same old jokes. Unlike the third Austin Powers movie, American Wedding actually one ups its jokes at a level that makes them relatively new.

All in all I recommend this movie to anyone that liked the previous American Pie films.
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Perfect Character Analysis
6 August 2003
I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and found it to be a great character analysis of different individuals. I think Sandler's character is a great archetype of a lot of people these days. Exaggerated of course for the films purposes his character seems very real and many of his traits are quite familiar.

I would recommend this movie to anyone that likes character movies.

However this movie is definitely not for everyone, it requires a more mature palette to enjoy and a little patience....
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An Iconoclastic Film that gets better with each viewing
6 August 2003
I have to say this is one of the best movies I have ever seen. The first time I saw it I chuckled a little bit. The second time I guffawed and chortled. The third time really began to let loose with the laughing. Every subsequent viewing has had me laughing harder and harder. This movie has the most replay ability I've ever seen in my entire life.

The dialog is awesome, John Goodman's character reminds me very much of one of my friends. Jeffery Lebowski is one of the greatest characters the screen will ever see. I really don't enjoy Jeff Bridges most of the time; but it this movie he's so amazing. He's like another person! Buscemi is spot on as always, and the plot is amazing.

The problems with this movie lie not in the work itself; but in its audience. A lot of people will not like this movie simply because the first view only yields chuckles and chortles here and there and there are dream sequences. The sound track is phenomenal though featuring loads of vintage music.

I would recommend this movie to anyone who has patience, and anyone that likes character films.

However if you're all about plot and action and don't understand character movies, don't see this one.
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Clerks (1994)
Formed the best sub genre of comedy in recent memory
6 August 2003
When I first saw this movie, I watched it over and over and over again. I enjoyed every line and every last frame. However I must say the movie did not age well although I still enjoy it as it brings me back to my youth.

First things first the writing is phenomenal. Kevin Smith truly excels in this department. However the acting is some of the worst you'll ever see in a movie so famous. This is not really a bad thing though, bear in mind this movie was made by maxing out credit cards and going for broke. The movie really deserves a lot of respect for opening up a sub genre in comedy that excels far and beyond traditional phallic flatulent humor.

The downside to the movie though is its aging. Perhaps it's because I got older; but the characters now seem annoying and pathetic when at first they seemed like legends. It really doesn't matter though as this movie is just too good. The dialog is amazing if you get past the acting.

I recommend this movie to any intelligent person under the age of seventeen, and any average person under the age of twenty five. I also recommend it to anyone who is still living in 1994.
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Real Genius (1985)
The worst mediocrity can offer
6 August 2003
I must say I thoroughly enjoy poor movies. I love being able to mock them to no end, and ultimately I enjoy myself. Real Genius however is perhaps the most mediocre movie I have ever seen. Not good enough to be decent; yet not bad enough to be funny. Real Genius sits in the middle and sits poorly at that. I'm a devout fan of teen style movies, especially vintage eighties ones; but Real Genius just drops the ball all around.

I cannot recommend this movie to a living entity on the planet. Please go see Ishtar instead.
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Nobody Goes Down Heavier Than Zep!
6 August 2003
Basically this movie goes two ways:

1. You don't care about Led Zeppelin and you dislike the film.

2. You're a zeppeleptic fan and you love it. Its so good. The new DVD's are better; but this was all we had for a while and I still cherish it.
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The Graduate (1967)
An Interesting Tale of Youth
6 August 2003
The first time I saw this movie I enjoyed it more than you can possibly imagine. Subsequent viewings have also been pleasant. I find though that the older I get the less I seem to appreciate this movie, so I recommend watching it while you're young. The movie has a brilliant sound track written by Simon and Garfunkel and features some great scenes with the Alfa Romeo Spider. The acting is spot on and Katharine Ross is absolutely beautiful.

Definitely a must see if you're young and `want things to be different'

I would not recommend this movie to most people over the age of fifty regardless of weather or not they've seen it. Benjamin Braddock's antics probably won't sit well with many established middle plus agers.
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