
136 Reviews
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Rare in every sense
3 June 2024
I am still touched by this heartwarming and yet sad movie. It is a very rare topic with art being such an marginalized thing in a world full of rules, full of self optimizing and the notion of growing not as human but materilistic. It is on of the rare chances where Gyllenhaal get's the chance of fully unfold her amazing acting skills. She has a warmth that seems so natural an unparalleded. Yet she can switch to sadness in an instant. It is an outstanding performance of a well written character. The boy is cast perfectly as well and together they make this film a rare diamond as rare as the boys talent.
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Interesting Character study lacking responsibility
26 May 2024
It is a interesting character study about two highly disfunctional people that have not the slightest idea of the problems they have with themself. And I have seem similar documentaries where basically every time you see people working in that industry have difficult and problematic back stories which makes sense of course.

What I find problematic is how that this movie deals with the abuse. There is never really a comment on how unacceptable this is and the minute the guy admits on camera that he abuses her the obligation of the filmmaker is to contact the authorities and stop filmimg which he didnt to and even get more air time out of them.
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Challengers (2024)
Dies in its aesthetics
17 May 2024
I was two thirds into this movie when I knew it won't win me over. So while I was toying around with what I would write in my review this movie within the last 20 minutes fell of every cliff there is and jumped every shark thats out there.

This is movie that is not about tennis. It is a love triange about three egostical self centred people that only care about what they want. But that is just the flesh wound. The death blow is the aesthetics.

Every emotional scene get's destroyed by the same techno beat. The last 20 minutes it is a music video. You will see nothing really happening while you will watch sweat drops falling on the camera, weird helmet camera shots drowened out by that techno beat while the three characters exchange looks all culminating in one of the most ricidiculous final scenes in movie history.
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Northern Lights (2023– )
Missed Opportunity
24 March 2024
This looked very promising. And right from the get go their is a certain tone of melancholy but in a good way. And the plot as contrived at it is seems interesting enough. But there are two things that are unfixable. One is to suffer through that dialogue. It has been a while since I heard that wooden, that unnatural, unfunny and blend dialogue.

Second thing, sorry to say is the lead Stephen Jones. I do not believe him. His acting feels very deliberate, very unnatural. You can basically see when he is going into "drama" mode. Overall it feels to me for an attempt do deliver emotions rather than having them.

To end on high note. The female lead seems very capeable but she can't fix the dialgoue and she needs a better counter part. Also props to the set design. This could have been something but sadly it is a missed oppourtiniy.
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The Iron Claw (2023)
Yes, but why?
1 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This should have been a homerun for me. I am wrestling fan as well as drama fan. But this movie never connected with for three simple reasons.

One, there are movies that take place in another time period that look like the time period did and there a movies where it feels like: oh threy dressed up to make it look like from that period. I don't know if the boys wear wigs but either way it looks ridiculous.

Secondly: Zac Efron. I wrote this when he was portraying a serial killer and I will say it again: He is not yet convinced me that he is more than eye candy to a movie. He afflecks the part. He has one facial impression the entire movie. Only difference is, he can add a tear to it. Maybe he is able to act but he hides it well.

And third, why does all his happen to the boys which should be the most central part here. Sure, her dad is very tough on them but you don't see enough of it to make you understand why they would kill themself. You get only a glimpse of the steriod abuse or the drug use or the pressure of performing night and night out no matter your physical condition. All this combined with the father pressuring them would have given you an explanaton of what really happened.
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Finestkind (2023)
From harmlessly boring to offendingly bad
18 December 2023
Quote: "There is life and death, but it is the in-between that counts". Cute line. Doesn' really make sense though. Since life is the in-between. It should be: you are born, you die and it is the in-between that counts. There is point to that. The quote doesn't make sense, the movie doesn't either.

The worst thing of this movie is that it doesn't service its good actors. This movie got Tommy Lee Jones who makes the most of his part. Ben Foster as plays Ben Foster but at that he is always great. Their father and son story was the only thing good buried in the crap around it. Jenna Ortega has just a presence that can't be denied. She tried hard to make her cliché character work.

They are all three fine in this movie but absolutely nobody can fix this mess. This movie has no idea what it wants to be. It tries to be a heist movie, a character drama, a comedy and a thriller. Add to that that the structure is completly off. Instead of the usual 20 Minutes it will take one hour and five minutes until we get introduced to the problem, the conflict, to what this movie is actually about.

Since it is two hours long the second act which should make two thirds of the movie is now crammed into the second hour.

Because of these two problems you can see this movie getting worse with every minute. Making the last 30 minutes feel like a montage or make them feel like they were cut by three differend editors. Movies need a strong start and a strong ending but it also the in-between that counts.
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The Killer (2023)
Diary of a Killer
12 November 2023
This is a movie without any characters, with a simple revenge plot and every killer cliché you have seen ever. It is John Wick without the action.

95% of the movie is Fassbender driving, flying and preparing killings and then do it all over again, accompanied by a redundant voice over by himself. This movie goes against almost all rules of filmmaking but it could never anger me. I never thought this is a bad movie because there is nothing bad in it. It literally feels like you are watching a robot and so you don't care enough to call it bad. He is a killing machine but thankfully people are not yet ready to spend two hours to watch a machine do stuff.
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Rocky IV (1985)
Didn't age well
9 March 2023
I use to love this movie when I was a child. Coming back to this years later after watching Creed 3 I gotta say this movie is ridicioulusly bad in every sense. It actually makes Creed 3 which I thought was very mediocre look like the godfather.

You know when the trainers scream at the boxer during brakes that they should breathe? That is what I was screaming at this movie. I have never every seen a movie that cramps so much plot in so little time. Major things happening but you will get no time to digest it because already the next major thing is happening.

The dialog is painfully bad and corny, the cuts are way to fast and to many the characters are just stereotypes and even the fight scenes I have seen better choreographed in other Rocky movies. I will give that movie exact one thing and that is the training montage in the snow. But it is no mystery why I loved this as a kid because it as simplistic as roadrunner cartoon.
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Aftersun (II) (2022)
Just outstanding
25 December 2022
I rarely watch movies anymore. In my livetime I have seen so many that only if something looks really intersteting to me I will sit down and watch it.

My god I am so thankful I picked this one.

This is one of these movies that can't be explained by the plot. A dad and hir daugther go on a vacation, they do some stuff, she befriends a few teenagers. Thats it. Or is it?

No its not. Everthing heere is in the subtext. It is in little moments, little interactons. You will get hints but you will have to fill in the blanks which is what makes that movie stand out. It has layers, it will make you think not just when you watch but afterwards as well.

Paul Mescal already prooved with "Normal People" what an amazing actor he is. How natural and real he feels is mind boggeling. Frankie Corio playing the kid is one of these "how can a child be such an amazing actress" moments. For me this is the movie of the year and at least a oscar nomination for script and both leads.
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Thankfully, I finally found it
25 December 2022
Had this one on my list for what it feels like eternity. This movie has 4 different titles!!! So to spare people time you will find it on youtube and that will be the only source you will find.

I am glad I could watch it now. It is a very sweet story about loss, parenthood, hopes and dreams. This movie will captivate you with two things.

One is the story that is just very well written and just when you think it get's a little dull and repepetive it will add another layer that gives it much more depth and it is no spoiler to say that a lot of things will come full circle at the end.

Second thing that is captivating is AnnaSophia Robb. Her performances in two more recent films where the reason I found this diamond in the first place. There are no superlatives to describe how incredible she is here back when she was 13 years old. She carries this movie with her performance. There is a wide range of emotions that she has to show her and she delivers every time. An incredbile talent.

Go watch this rare diamond of a movie and eventhough it is unlikely let's hope that somebody converts this to HD to have it on a bluray or on a streaming service.
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She Said (2022)
All tell, no show
10 December 2022
Filmmaking actually has so many rules. But without going into detail a simple one is: Show, don't tell. This movie is all tell and no show which makes it very very hard to watch, hard to get into the emotion and to be more invested.

The director said she left out the crimes intentionally and while I can totally see why you would not show every gruesome detail there is a middle way. "Bombshell" had such a scene where you could have heard a feather dropped in the movie theater and I still remember this scene to this day. Without even one scene we "only" have women telling the reporters what happened. So it is talking heads again and again which is really bad in the craft of film. If it weren't for the great actresses in this movie through and through it would die a slow death after 20 minutes.

This is such an important story but the argument can be made that the way this movie is done, it could have been a documentary. There is nothing added here by doing it as a movie. We could have also seen an actor playing harvey which woulld have given us the opportunity to project our anger on hin. I can see reasons for leaving him out but again it makes it harder to get invested.

At the end the movie finally gets to you a little but is always sad to see when a movie can not be what it should have been and what it needed to be.
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Playing God (2017)
Raises interesting questions
30 September 2022
I watched this after seeing a feature film "adaption" of that topic with Michael Keaton, Amy Ryan and Stanley Tucci which was pretty solid, also a reccomend.

You should watch this because it raises interesting questions. What is a life worth? How do you calculate that? Is one more worth than another (obviously not). It puts the people in a dileamma. Do I take the save but little money or do I sue and most likely get nothing. These dilemmas make one hour fourty fly by like nothing.

And interesteing documentation from a talented German director. Very odd because here in Germany this documentary isn't featured anywhere.
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Ansered my only question: Do they know?
12 September 2022
This a doc about the anti-democratic, racist, hate generating magazin (no not a real newspaper) BILD.

Nevertheless this could have been an interesting look into that medium and actually for the first three episodes it is. Because you see what you would expect. You see cocky, mysoginist argumentative Julian Reichelt and his peers creating stories basically because they can or because they don't like what either a politician or scientist has to say.

It answered my only question: Do they know? They don't! They actually believe that they do a job that would be considered good journalism. They really don't see the harm they do for individuals as much as for society.

After 3 or 4 episodes it becomes pure propaganda. In the first 3 episodes you had at least politicians criticizing aspects of what BILD does and at times there were even internal voices not in line with Reichelts regime. But then you get heroic music while BILD is patting themself on the back for several topics that you never actually see in the medium with the big letters. An interesting question would have been why politicians still tolerate this medium.
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What a suprise
25 May 2022
I thought this would be just another use of a big name title that never remembers why it was good in the first place. But here everything clicks for simple reasons.

1. You have simple plot and also a conflict between two characters that needs them to evolve.

2. the movie never tries to be more than it is a fun action-buddy movie.

3. Doesn't overstay its welcome: No three hour movie just to collect a higher ticket price 3. Nostalgia: Just the right amount, honoring the original 4. Here the original main character is not a grumpy out of touch annoyance like in Terminator or Star Wars 5. It adds something new: No CGI crap you can feel those flight scenes. They are amazing.

The only thing you can critisize is that it is the Tom Cruise show. But I didn't expect anything else and he carries that movie perfectly.
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How is this not a big screen release???
16 January 2022
I haven't written a review in a long time because honestly 2021 was such a poor movie year. And here comes this movie out of left field. I won't even bother to read what the trolls wrote because real critics already recognized this as truely special.

Evertyhing here works. You have an absolute all star cast where I won't praise one person in particular because they are all so great. The movie plays with genre clichés with race and gender stereotypes, is clever, funny shot beautifully and my god this soundtrack rocks so much. Go watch one of the rare blockbusters in recent history.
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American Rust (2021–2024)
They fixed it in season 2
17 November 2021
This is the first time I correct a review. The first season really lacked focus and was very mediocre but my god they fixed that in the second season. You can even see it on the ratings of the episodes compared to the prior season.

Now it is gripping, has great cliffhangers the characters are well developed as much as the plot. Jeff Daniels and Maura Tierney not just make for a great couple there are the best part of that show and they get much more time to shine. The supporting cast is better than in the first season which helps as well. I really hope they pick this up for a third season. Even though it felled like it could have concluded after season two.
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The Guilty (2021)
Don't compare eventhough it is hard
4 October 2021
So this one of these "oh it is totally not like the original" deals. Naturally, if you watched the original first it is very hard to not compare it. I have no solution for that. But I haven't seen the original....yet. So I can tell you that in a vacuum this is a very good movie, very gripping. I was mostly at the edge of my seat. Gyllenhaal gives it his all. It is just him sitting at a desk and he is so good at pulling you into his world, you feel what he feels. He is one of the best actors we have and he makes this a gripping thriller/drama.
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18 September 2021
I just suffered through this movie. It would be easy to burry talent free Jaden Smith or the childish simplicity of this movie. But let's go for every negative thing has something positive. Cara Delevingne desperately tries to rescue this awful attempt of a movie and all though it is beyond saving she creates some good moments. It is not her fault.
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Dune (2021)
The Nolan Approach
16 September 2021
Let me first say that I have an outsiders perspective. I have never watched a Dune movie before that and read none of the books. I am not even a SciFi guy. But boy did I love this movie. I knew that Denis Villeneuve was bound to do great things when I saw Sicario and Arrival.

Everything clicks here. Great acting by the stellar cast especially by Timothy Chalamet and Stellan Skarsgad. Great world building. You can feel what the "dune universe" is like. Great storytelling especially because there is a lot to explain and so it is exposition heavy but never feels like that.

And of course the visuals. This movie looks absulety amazing. The camera work, the costumes and the set design. Everyhting looks epic. And you never have that flat CGI look like in a marvel or Star Wars movie where you feel like you are watching a computer game or feel like actors talking to a fixed point on a green screen. And the Nolan apprach as I call it. You have main stream popcorn blockbuster topic but it also has different layers and themes. It is not just a bad guy having a MacGuffin to destroy the world.

A great movie that will leave you wanting more.
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Native Son (2019)
1 June 2021
I think this can only be seen as a metaphor because this "plot" can not be taken serious. For one hour the movie is alright even though is is poorly structured since usually within the first half hour you get what the story is about. Here you got no direction.

At one point our main character will do something unbelievable. I mean that in the literal sense. It is so ridiculously contrived to create drama that it is laughable. At this point it is as if you are watching a whole different movie. It becomes more of a montage and totally falls apart underlined by the unnecessary and pretentious voice over. Sad thing is there was very good acting in here.
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Hidden gem
30 May 2021
It seems like this one didn't get a big audience. Well they missed out. This a fine little drama. Rhys Ifans steals the show as the grumpy and eccentric has been rock star but it also has a strong supporting cast with Juno Temple, Jack Kilmer and Keir Gilchrist. It is a movie about parents and children. Particularly fathers and sons and how the parents screw up the ones their are suppose to love unconditionally. Good performances, nice set pieces and a good story make for heartfelt movie.
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Moxie (I) (2021)
Right messages, wrong form
26 May 2021
Let's get it out of the way first. The movie means well. Its message of female empowerment and equality are obviously important and we need movies to get this message out again and again. But we need movies to do it much better better than Moxie does. It is just poorly done. It is on the nose. Nothing is subtle. The movies tries way to hard. The actors are mediocre, nobody stands out in any way. It is plastered with pop songs in basically every second and most importantly there is no depth to it. This movie never dares to be anything more than a sanitized, homogenized pop culture version of what it should have been, shying away from really showing you the ugly side and the suffering that comes from patriarchy.
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Safelight (2015)
Cute little movie
25 May 2021
Don't be fooled by one of the most awe full movie posters I have ever seen. Safelight is a cute little story of two underdogs who find common ground. It is carried by Juno Temple and Evan Peters who rightfully so went on two do bigger things. Christine Lathi also gives a good performance. Only the character of Skid totally feels out of place and isn't really needed. You will get some nice scenery and two young actors that even back then showed a lot of promise.
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Great scenery, horrendous acting
27 April 2021
If you looking to do a road trip on the west coast and want to see how that could look this is the movie for your. Otherwise skip it.

The camerawork is great and from there it is all downhill. The acting of both lead characters is so bad that it is cringe worthy at times. The film always get's better when other characters, all women, are with these two men. All the women deliver good performances but unfortunately were are spending time with two main characters that have no chemistry at all and the script fails to give as any reason why these both are actually friends. We never get why we should root for them. Tommy Dewey also is just miscast. He always looks a little devious so he never fits into that character he is supposed to be.
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Christiane F. (1981)
Inferior to the TV Show
28 March 2021
I watched this one after watching the recently released TV adaption. A lot of people complained that the show wasn't like the film. I agree with them that the show is different in the way that the show does everything right that the movie does wrong.

This movie lacks everything. It has no characters. Christiane is the only person that I would say is maybe half a character. We get a tiny glimpse of back story that is it. We don't know who she is what the thinks why she likes the dude or where she comes from. Other people in this movie are basically bodys with names.

We get very little dialogue and when we get it it is painfully bad. It is never about anything. Since the director choose too pick non-actors for the roles except for Christiane F, for whatever reason we will never know, we get the poorly written dialogue badly delivered and if that wasn't enough it is badly dubbed as well even in his own language.

Since we get a a lot of non-actors we get bad performances. The actress who plays Christiane F. Ist alright at best but I don't blame her because nobody could make this character or dialogue work.

What we get is people taking drugs. And the reason the TV Show was so good is because we get actual reasons why they take drugs. We get motives, backstories and characters. In the movie we just get to see mopey people taking drugs. Why? We will never know.
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