
15 Reviews
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Byzantium (2012)
what a gem
20 August 2013
in all honesty the reason i know about this film is because am sort of fascinated with saoirse ronan and i follow all of her news, but unfortunately this beautiful film hasn't got the fame it deserves in contrast to all the other vampire movies, it's not like any other vampire movie I've ever seen maybe due to the impeccable performances by the leads and also the direction is leaning towards dark and drama rather than teenage fantasies, i mean those vampires share a few traits with the Hollywood sexy monsters, they feed on blood and they live forever and that's it, they don't have super powers and they're not super rich and they don't sparkle or burn in the sun, actually most of the time i kept forgetting that am watching a vampire flick and just got immersed in there stories and mysteries, what also drew me completely into the film is the atmospheric nature and style the director adopted and merged with the angelic music and the grim rainy cloudy weather which helped deepen the edgy feeling of the story. this is definitely a superior piece of art than interview with a vampire just watch it and you'll get the feeling
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Ice Castles (2010)
looks and feels magical
3 August 2013
i didn't see the original and am glad for that because this remake although little known with no big names is all i need in a movie, it's now on my top favorite movies list though I've never heard of it before and i just watched it on TV, it's a small low budget indie with a big heart, it took me back to the time of innocence and purity with no worries in mind but having fun and appreciating love and life, it touched my heart in a way no other movie ever did before and i watch a lot of movies, this film has an ethereal vibe to it and i don't know why, is it because of the setting, the music-which is beautiful- , the arc of the story, or the actors? i know one thing for sure, it reminded me to go out and enjoy the wonders of life and nature and do everything with love, such a beautiful movie with great messages and reminders, and i also felt it wasn't made for certain reasons like money or fame, it was a labor of love for life and innocence and purity. i also enjoyed the lead actress' performance Tyler firth such an incredible young actress so convincing and so pure. the movie is visually stunning and the music*i know I've said it before*but it really is amazing and brilliantly used to fit every scene and it's a crucial part of the story it doesn't feel forced. that sunset is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen but her line is more enchanting

PS. am not a winter person, in fact i hate winter but this movie made me miss it, the smells, the sounds, the views, everything about winter looks breathtaking in this film
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left my spirit
30 June 2013
it's been a long time since I've watched a comedy with a message, i wouldn't call this a comedy though it's filled with crazy funny moments because there were also dramatic moments which were very touching and brought me closer to the characters as they were not characters that i laugh at but people with stories and lives worthy of exploring, the film is full of lessons about family, love, what's important in life, and how to be true to yourself. the performances were excellent especially of the main character our queen of weirdness olesya rulin who was completely capable of fixating our eyes on her and waiting anxiously for what she's going to do next but there was also a gem shining all over the movie the personification of talent and awesomeness joey king an amazing brilliant actress who will blow your minds and make you fall in love with every crazy thing she does. the movie left me with a big smile on my face
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Caramel (2007)
21 May 2013
from the trailer you'll know you'r in for a treat, hell from the title itself, it's titled caramel and it's the most delicious piece of Arabic caramel iv'e ever tasted, it's so unique compared to the main stream Arabic productions in the way it deals with women feelings and issues especially the socially forbidden ones, like relationships with a married man, relationship outside of marriage, lesbianism, these and other important women issues tackled with grace, respect and understanding. also the way Nadine converts a subject from total sadness and depression and finds the bright side or the silver lining, she's also honest in picturing the Lebanese society which is globally known as free but she's showing us the other side of the coin, the anger, the religion, the constrictions on old single women among other things, after all it's another place full of humans so it'll never be perfect but even though she's in love with her work, family, friends and she finally gets the good guy. what i also admire is the sense of humor some of the characters have and the music is superb and the color gives such a warm fuzzy feeling. perfect picture from a woman to all women
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my kind of lullaby
16 May 2013
such a heart-warming,soothing, sweet and humane story held by 2 wonderful dedicated, honest and gracious actors. in fact I've never liked Tim robins and i haven't seen many of his films but his performance completely swept me off my feet and made me dream of him as the perfect man, a man who feels and understands the pain of others and quietly delves in and take it away, the actress playing Hannah is always great in dramatic roles but her she was beautiful in every scene and when she smiled in spite of her suffering she melted my heart and the ending was more than satisfying. i forgot to mention the minor characters who were absolutely amazing and fitting especially the cook
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Ed Wood (1994)
Burton's masterpiece
16 May 2013
i watched every Burton film so i think i know what i'm talking about when i say this gem is his finest work because unlike his other films there are no exaggerated over the top makeup and costumes and the characters although so weird feel so real and close to the audience, the cast is perfect portraying characters different from what they're used to especially the old brilliant actor playing bella lagusi, and johny Depp once again proves he's a winning horse, he held such an iconic, heavy, crazy but normal character and he convinced me he's Mr wood coming back to life, the depiction of Hollywood life and L.A at that time is perfectly done but the only draw back for me which didn't take away from the film is the white and black color i know it was important for the movie and maybe helped convince us but i didn't like it that much. finally i think this film really proves what a great authentic and smart director Tim Burton is
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Detention (2011)
27 April 2013
i saw the trailer of this movie and didn't understand anything but i love josh hutcherson and i watched all of his movies so i thought i'll give it a go, thank you josh for introducing me to one of the craziest movies ever. this flick you either absolutely love or hate, it's not one move it's a bunch of movies mashed up together like the director took a dozen films put them in a blunder and came up with the weirdest most addictive cocktail ever, what's more cool about it is that it doesn't take itself or other movies too seriously, it's direct and honest to audiences, it tells you from the start , we're here to have fun but that doesn't mean it's empty, oh boy it's full to the brim with crazy ideas and outrageous twists it's a popcorn movie that makes you think and ask after watching because while watching you'r too busy catching up with it's fast pace and different stories which all connect at the end. the cast are pretty good especially that girl who plays Riley and the popular girl ione and of course josh"Clapton Davis" with his cool shades.this is one of few movies i watch repeatedly because it's fun and interesting
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an infinite movie
25 December 2012
well, I've been hearing about this movie since it was out and i saw the trailer and thought it was OK, nice cast(Logan lerman and Emma Watson)but i wasn't that fascinated and one day i was checking the best 20 movies of 2012 and it was in there so i said what the hick am going to see it so i did and thank god in heavens for that because this indie weird flick is one of my favorite 10 movies of all times and right close to the top, it's deep, honest, sweetly romantic, surprising( the story and performances) crazy, fun, hopeful, mind opening , and the list will never end. maybe you'll say am being too emotional and you'r right because it touched me on a personal level because i know how it feels to be trapped in a dark past and how we try to break free by looking for some place or someone to belong to i cried at the end because i remembered how i got here, but for anyone else this movie is going to mesmerize you for many reasons: 1) Logan and Emma's chemistry is breath-taking, Ezra miller is such a complicated funny honest deep character, and Logan lerman is so matured and darn sexy, if you hated Emma in harry potter like i did you'l completely forget that she's even British or that you'v seen her before she's mind blowing, also the colors of the movie are very warm and they just make you feel comfortable
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well made horror
17 December 2012
this film is one the the best horror films for it's originality and boldness in breaking out from the norm of the genre, at the beginning you think" OK another movie where a bunch of stupid guys get killed by a supernatural being" but as the story progresses and as the scenes move between the woods and the control room we start to pick the vibe that something surprising is going to happen and oh boy it does big time when they go inside that grave. and when they get to the final room we say this is it the end as any other movie thy will find away to save themselves or just die trying but boom the first time in an American movie the good guys don't get to save the die and this conclusion is understood, fair and deserved for both sides( human and gods)* you'll understand what i mean when you see it* see it i guarantee you'll be satisfied
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Pitch Perfect (2012)
fat movie
8 December 2012
if you'r totally depressed just watch this movie , it's fun , joyful, funny, smart, and completely different and fat Amy is one of the best things in this flick she's so confident it'll blow your mind , Anna Kendrick delivers a carefree, smart , mysterious and sexy performance her best yet and all the girl power is incredible. this flick has a fat heart and allot of juices that will make you want more*part 2 perhaps*.on the downside there is the lack of explanation about some of the key characters like Becca and fat Amy because you can't help but feel there is some thing more to them the movie is not telling and on certain occasions you expect them to act in a different way but the don't and that's disappointing and you keep waiting but it never happens maybe there is a message behind that. all in all a great musical and a brilliant chick flick
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I've been waiting for this
2 June 2012
A Jordanian movie? that's the first thing that popped in my head when I first heard about this at the Sundance film festival which as everyone knows is a very prestigious indie festival, because I've seen all kinds of Arabic films:Algerian, Lebanese, Palestinian but never heard of an international Jordanian movie and that's basically what made me interested and asking and searching for it,and thank god I did because I discovered an Arabic master piece of humanity ,beauty,love,perseverance, sacrifice, devotion and hope all in one man who has one goal an life: to see people happy and living their dreams although he didn't and wasn't disappointed about that he was a saint and he preferred to die than to be contaminated with the vices of society, he only saw goodness in people and made up excuses for bad people. maybe some would say he was living in an imaginary unreal world but he chose it rather than living in despair after his child and wife's death, he refused to take the easy way because real saints can't be turned into demons and taking that easy road would have made him one. abu raed is the symbol of true love and hope. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS BRILLIANT WORK
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30 May 2012
i know it's a great movie because it made me cry and i don't cry while watching any movie, of course some would say it's not a good enough movie i would say just watch it and full in love with Toni Colette and Australia as she made it the warmest place on earth. you would think it's a comedy movie or a drama but it's more than that it's a call for life and seeking freedom and real love and friends it will make you recheck your list of friends to see who are the true ones, it will make you recheck your life to make sure you'r living it right and for the right reasons and Toni oh boy she's a miracle. just watch the damn movie and you won't regret it, IT'S A MASTER PIECE
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27 May 2012
I know every one agrees that Ryan gosling is one of the best actors in Hollywood who never chooses wrong and this film proves this thought right because I've never seen anything like this film, it makes u think and interpret every line since every line and every gesture has a profound and an important meaning and part in explaining what's happening. I've seen many Ryan films but this one stuck with me not just because of him but also all the other actors are as weird and eccentric as he is especially his sister in law and that girl with whom he ends up. the concept this film carries is so heartbreaking but like a wake up call because many of us are just like Lars but instead of a sex doll we give our love to animals as we are afraid that humans won't appreciate us and might cheat or leave us and our only way out of this is for others to notice our pain and help without saying that we need help. I cried when every one in town started going along with his delusions just because they love him and want him back, and the end was just super brilliant. don't miss an amazing heart-warming film
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27 May 2012
I remember watching this film when I was a kid not just once but multiple times and being enthused and affected every time, I was so hooked by Joe and his dreamy eyes and Charlize made me love the jungle but what still fascinates me is how I still remember every detail and how I felt while watching it, and when someone asks me about Charlize this is the first film that jumps to my mind, I guess this is the kind of movie that sticks in your head with its simplicity and purity, such a joyful movie. I guarantee it'll make you laugh, cry, be angry and be very excited when the villain gets what he deserves. the most important message i got from it was to love nature and protect it with my own life because nature reserves our humanity
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a heart-warming surprise
17 May 2012
when i first heard of the movie i didn't give it much attention first because i thought it's a Zac Efron movie and second bc i didn't know what the hick it's about but tonight when i was scrolling down the channels i noticed a movie about the 30s which am crazily fond of and boom her is zac who i thought was the least talented actor in America but i had nothing to do so i gave it a shot and thank god i did because this film is one of the best films I've ever seen and zac really surprised me with his acting which was serious and impressive and he also made me laugh with some of his well delivered lines.on the other hand, who really impressed me in this was the actor playing orson welles i don't know his name and I've never seen him in a movie before but he made me feel like he's the most famous actor in the world. of course the other cast members are astonishing even the small roles are noticeable which proves what a great director linklater must be.the music, the costumes, the color of the movie, the dialogue, all in all the movie made my day and it deserved more credit. i promise you won't full a sleep watching it
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