
2 Reviews
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Out for a Kill (2003 Video)
What a total disaster!
20 August 2003
Where, oh, where do you begin talking about the plethora of problems with a film like this? This film is technically and artistically inept from beginning to end. It plays as if it were literally assembled out of scenes from other films and slapped together as this mess. Most of Seagal's dialogue was added in post-production because he's always speaking when he's out of frame -- an obvious sign that this thing - story and all - was basically created in the cutting room. The director uses odd transitions and focus pulls for no reason. Boring slow motion scenes are an obvious attempt to push the movie out to a full 90 minutes. Transitions are abrupt and make no sense -- all of a sudden Seagal is in the middle of a car chase that goes nowhere. Characters appear from nowhere, and lesser characters suddenly have voice-over inner monologues that make no sense. Every rule of common sense filmmaking and storytelling are completely broken. The plot makes no sense. Everytime we see the bad guys they are in the same room, at the same table, wearing the same clothes -- again, obviously shot in one day to piece this tub O' crap together in post production. The editing is choppy, the action clumsy, and the climax is a total joke. To be avoided at all costs. Surely one of the worst films made in recent memory. Seriously -- what were they thinking? Garbage.
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20 August 2003
Boring!! This movie is total garbage -- anyway you slice it. We can only pray that the bad acting by the two leads and the abysmal plot mean we won't be seeing Cradle 2 the Grave part 2 anytime soon. I promise that the action is nothing special at all, and you'll be p***ed off you spent money to watch this garbage. When is Hollywood going to wake up and make action movies directed by people that understand how to film action and tell a story at the same time -- coupled with real movie stars in the leads, not second rate hacks and rap stars?
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