
19 Reviews
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Must see cinema !!
8 May 2019
I love giraffes. I love Anne Innis Dagg. I love her story except the part where the stupid men deny her jobs based on her sex. But back to the many of us in 1956 at age 23, would have thought to travel off to Africa to study giraffe. Anne did, and with a whole lot of creative thinking , she managed to locate a farmer who would let her board, while she would go out into the countryside each day and observe the giraffes. Eventually returning to Canada , she wrote and published copious amounts of materials based on her observations, and was deemed to be the worlds expert on giraffes. Anne's personal story is fascinating. The giraffe are fascinating. One can't help but come away from this film feeling more empathetic to the giraffes' endangered existence !!
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Faces Places (2017)
Faces Places
22 November 2017
Two extremely outside the box creative people, Agnes Varda, filmmaker/photographer and JR, photographer and owner of a photo van I want !! As they travel throughout France adding visual impact with the over-sized photos of everyday people, one can't help but be taken in by their enthusiasm for capturing their subjects. I went on their journey with them, and was thrilled when I saw the eyes on the side of the storage tanks. I remember passing them last year, and wondered who had done I know !! Great film !!
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Wonderstruck (2017)
15 November 2017
So now I am going to read the book....the film, I felt was slow moving in a few places, and yet the two story lines, and their eventual meeting were very well done. I don't think current North American audiences are used to having two main characters like the two in this film. I liked how the film was done....the music, the quiet, the connecting threads. I've never been a fan of going back and forth between times, and yet this had to happen in this film. I recommend seeing it.
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Breathe (I) (2017)
Love can conquer all
15 November 2017
Saw this film last night without reading any previously written reviews, and I thought it absolutely outstanding. The devotion that Robin and Diana had for each other, encountering such a life altering event only one year into a marriage would likely destroy most marriages. Addressing the ignorance and lack of empathy from the medical community must have been a real slog, and it is to their credit that such amazing inroads were made to better the lives of polio victims and other disabled persons. While the world has become a better place for those "outside the norm", there is still so much yet to be done. The cast and Jonathan Cavendish should win all the BAFTAs and Oscars possible. This film gave me hope that we can all be better than we are.
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Outstanding documentary
28 July 2017
Bill Morrison, the director and writer of Dawson City Frozen Time, is my new hero. Through an odd set of circumstances he landed at the National Archives in Canada and learned about the stash of silent films discovered as part of a landfill site in the Yukon. Early films were made on highly flammable celluloid, and in a new industry (the first film was in 1895 in France) creating an archive was definitely not considered. So, discovering over 500 "lost" silent films from the early 1900's was like discovering gold all over again. (A gold rush was how the city of Dawson initially came into being !!) Mr. Morrison has woven together the story of silent film, the Klondike gold rush and the creation of a city. If you have the opportunity to see this film, please do so. I expect it is going to win a few awards !!
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Politics - everybody has an opinion !!!
11 October 2015
One day a young Haitian writes letters to all the Canadian Members of Parliament hoping to find someone who will take him on as an intern. His only response comes from Monsieur Guibord, sitting as an Independent, and representing a large remote area of the province of Quebec. The situation turns to chaos and hilarity quickly, when the Prime Minister calls for a vote on an important issue, and Monsieur Guibord's vote is going to make or break the decision. Guibord decides to look to the citizens in his riding to gauge their opinions - and everybody has one !! This being an election year in Canada, this film couldn't have been released at a better time. It takes a serious look at the business of politics, and yet never becomes heavy-handed. If you get the opportunity to see this film, please do so. It is excellent value for the ticket price.
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Pan (2015)
A Hollywood invention of J. M. Barrie's beloved story Peter Pan
10 October 2015
J.M. Barrie must be rolling in his grave. I expected to see something with a more child-friendly story to it, rather than this over the top mish-mash of gritty action, dark characters, and not really much in the way of anything suitable for a child to watch. Apparently this film cost $150 million to make, and frankly, the money would have been better spent not only going to the Great Ormond Hospital, but to any number of other children's hospitals around the world. Garrett Hedlund, made me think I was watching a very bad impression of Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones. The story line was disjointed and disappointing. Save your money and rent it if you must.
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Hyena Road (2015)
An outstanding portrayal about the war in Afghanistan
10 October 2015
Paul Gross has written an amazing story, using Canada's involvement in the Afghanistan wars, as the vehicle. As a Canadian I couldn't help but be drawn into the events that occurred in the film. I have no doubt that, while the story and characters are fictional, the feelings and actions are real. Gross' ability to intertwine the politics of the Afghanistan people, the requirements of our military contingent, and the costs of war were exceedingly well done. I want to acknowledge the military presence of all the European countries and the United States who were there as well, and I can imagine that similar situations occurred. Paul Gross is Canadian and this film is definitely a Canadian perspective. You have to see this film.
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This is a coming of age film, however the characters are actually "men of a certain age", which only goes to show that one is never too old to learn !
22 September 2015
Several decades ago, I added "walk the Appalachian Trail" to my personal bucket list. I even went so far as to research quite diligently how much time and effort it would take to accomplish this feat. Then about three years ago I was on my way to Harper's Ferry in West Virginia and crossed a section of the trail that came out of the Smokey Mountains. I knew at that moment I would be crossing it off my bucket list - and I don't mean by walking the Trail but rather by drawing a firm line through such a crazy idea. So, it was with great anticipation I went to see the movie, and to enjoy vicariously the scenery. The relationship between Nolte and Redford as two old colleagues looking for one last adventure was pleasant, and a bit pedantic, but entertaining none the less. The pace of the film was slow, but then again so is walking through the woods. It's one of those easy on the eyes and senses movies - definitely go to see it.
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Black Mass (2015)
Biopic of one of Boston's most notorious criminals
18 September 2015
Loved this movie. I was concerned that "Hollywood" might have over- dramatized the events and the people involved, but they did not. After a bit of background checking on my part, I would have to say that if anything, Hollywood likely did not include all the gory details of Jimmy Bulger's life and crime spree !! This is also no "glorification" of any of the events that occurred, just a straight forward detailing of crime and corruption in Boston in the 70's and 80's. Johnny Depp is almost unrecognizable - so I suspect Oscar will be looking for him !! Benedict Cumberbatch does a great turn as a Senator and politico. If there is one character in the story I would feel sorry for, it is John Connolly, the FBI agent who uses his old school connections with the Bulgers to feather his own nest !! He should have known that crime doesn't pay, and the bad guys always get caught - maybe not right away - but they always get caught !!
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Scatter My Ashes In Manhattan
13 July 2013
Summertime - when all sorts of small films get to be seen - and so it is with Scatter My Ashes At Bergdorfs, a delightful film that could be seen as an infomercial for one of Manhattan's many department stores. It was fun to listen to the interviews of celebrities and near celebrities. The historical background was sparse, and must have left all the juicy bits out. A sly comparison between Anna Wintour and Dawn Mello made me feel as if I was now in on some clever insider joke or amusement. Most enchanting was the part of the film dealing with the annual creation of the fantastic Christmas windows. Oh to be a craftsman/woman employed to make fantasy pieces of art !! Many folks might look upon this film subject as too lightweight, and not worthy of their attention - and they would be wrong. We all need fantasy, and it can be found at Bergdorf's on 5th Avenue in Manhattan.
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Argo (2012)
History without the dryness
18 December 2012
As a Canadian with strong American ties, and being around when Ambassador Ken Taylor took in the American embassy staff who escaped the over-running of their embassy in Iran, I found the movie Argo to be very interesting when told from an American perspective ! As a movie, it is worthy of Oscar nods, and any other nominations it receives. Ben Affleck did a great job making this movie. Even though I knew the 6 American would get out safely, the process was a nail biter. Definitely one to go see. It seems to me that Ken Taylor wrote about the incident, and I am going to have to read his account. I wasn't aware of the Mendes book, so shall likely read it as well.I'm sure both accounts will be like the story about the 6 blind men who were asked to describe the elephant....each perspective is different and unique!!
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Go See It
3 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Somewhere everyday a family member dies, and secrets aren't secret anymore. Funerals are often referred to as celebrations and starting points for new directions in life. Chris Pine is a smooth talking salesman right up until he has to go to his father's funeral. His relationships with his job,his girlfriend, his family are nothing compared to what he now has to look at in regards to his feelings for his father. Tension that has been on the screen since the opening scene intensifies, and never lessens until the final scene. What initially appears to be a simple legacy,becomes the catalyst for so much more !! Wonderful drama!!
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Go see it
3 July 2012
I'm not a Fantasy or Horror movie goer, but the idea of Abraham Lincoln fighting vampires was too interesting a juxtaposition to resist. I am so glad I went - loved all the actors in their roles, found myself laughing at the machinations of the vampires. Steampunkers should enjoy some of the gadgets. Seriously though, the opening scene rolling back from modern Washington to the city of the 1800's set a wonderful tone for the remainder of the story. This being the sesquicentennial of the American Civil War - being able to present a history lesson in such an entertaining fashion - kudos to Seth Grahame-Smith for doing such a clever job. Absolutely good fun !!!
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W.E. (2011)
Lovely job by Madonna
26 February 2012
This film interested me because it, in part, tells the story of Wallis Simpson and Edward, Prince of Wales who gave up his place as King of England to be with the woman he loved. It is one of those modern day fairy tales, we love...there are so few !! The juxtaposition of a parallel love story adds a new element to the Wallis/Edward story. I wouldn't call it a chick flick, but definitely a date movie. Wallis, our heroine, named after Wallis Simpson uses that connection to help her explore the Wallis/Edward story and answer questions she has about her own life and marriage. I think Madonna has done a credible job writing this film. I recommend you see this film, and enjoy the fairy tale.
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possible spoiler?
18 December 2011
Michelle Williams should not only be nominated for an Oscar this year for this role, but if she doesn't win, I'll be very surprised. Of all the portrayals of Marilyn Monroe since her death in 1962, this one tops them !! I think Michelle became Marilyn right to her soul. The external similarities are easy to copy, but Michelle made me believe she had the soul of Marilyn. The rest of the acting ensemble were also wonderful to watch, but they were all moons to the sunshine of Marilyn's personality !! As for Colin Clarke's diaries, he must have kept some very interesting notes for that one week he spent with Marilyn Monroe. One can only imagine how starstruck he must have been.
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Hugo (2011)
Possible spoiler alert
18 December 2011
The trailer for Hugo was intriguing, and I expected to see an engaging adventure between 2 children and the automaton. That did indeed occur - but even better was the factor of the silent films. Earlier this year I began studying the history of film making, and that means the silent film era. When Hugo took Isabel to the silent film, my level of interest picked up. Then as the story of George came into play, I fell in love. Suddenly the story went from something nice to something so wonderful. The setting in the Paris train station,and the characters were also wonderful, and I think it must have made for some tricky editing decisions as to how much of those stories to portray. I recommend this film for anyone who delights in being whisked into a world of enchantment.
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The Artist (I) (2011)
Brilliant movie making
20 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I have read that in 1895 the art of movie making began, allbeit in black and white and silent. It would be another 25-30 years until the second half of the 1920's before the innovations of Technicolour and sound would change how movies were made! Many of the actors in Hollywood were new immigrants, and dialogue coaches had not been invented yet, so when silents became talkies, many previously successful film careers were over. The European accents didn't translate so well. The Artist asks the question - how does one make that transition from silent to talkie? And then proceeds to answer using the silent/black and white techniques of those first pictures...absolutely brilliantly !! This afternoon I drove 2 1/2 hours (each way) to see The Artist at the Montreal World Film Festival. Being a fan of the silent film genre, I was watching for nods to those first stars of the silver screen. Some were obvious and some were more subtle.I want to talk about the picture so much, but don't want to give anything away. LOVED THE FILM - I may have to make it to the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) in September to see The Artist again !!It's worth the trip !!!
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Paris - city of love
20 June 2011
I have never been a fan of Woody Allen or his films, BUT Midnight in Paris was so amazing!! Paris is wonderful, the characters are wonderful, the lessons learned are wonderful probably because of their simplicity, and their in your face common sense. The 1920's in Paris was a highlight of that city's history, although Allen presents history in the most delightful way possible. The only point I found jarring was seeing French women wearing blue jeans in public. That was a new one for me, as all the French women I have ever seen, even the ones working in small shops, dress. The blue jeans had to have been some sort of attempt to make the film palatable to Americans. I am going to go see the film a 2nd time.
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