
52 Reviews
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Nightstalker (2002)
"Do you love Satan?"
17 December 2004
This film , I had never heard of this film until just last night actually - when a friend gave it to me to watch...I didn't even read the description of it , so I had absolutely NO IDEA what I was to expect with it. All I looked at on the video case itself was the front cover and the movies' title....So , I pretty much was figuring that this was a HORROR film and I was also assuming this would not be a good contributor to that genre... Well , as it turns out , after watching , Oh - I'd say about the first 10 minutes of the film , which is actually the beginning of the film with the credits still rolling in , I did realize that this film was about Richard Ramirez , who was the night stalker /killer in various brutal and satanic murders. The only reason I clued in on that was because I was prior familiar with the dirtbag in general. I had seen a A&E TV special about his trial and how some fruitloop of a women had married him in prison while awaiting his death sentence for the crimes he had committed. I found this movie , well - not too disturbing - although I will not say it is not. The guy was a major drug fiend and obviously had HUGE mental issues. Basically blaming his crimes on Satan , "Satan made me do it" - type stuff. What a FREAK! And this film sure does a GREAT job at showing it's viewer just THAT. I didn't LOVE this film , but I will give it a big credit. Well done. Also , one last thing - this is not a horror film , this is a documentation film....Yep , yep , yep

And with all of that , I'm out... PEACE
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Sleepwalkers (1992)
kind of reminds me of Cats Eye
4 November 2004
This film is one of my favorites. I pretty much enjoy all of S king's films. The incest part here throws me off a bit , and is unlike any other S King film in that sense. But I still like this film for everything else it brings to horror table. The effects are also fairly decent considering these creatures that the mother and son morph into look more like aliens then they do vamps. Watching the star cat in this film , I almost think it's the same cat from S King's Cats Eye. It could be and then again , maybe not. Then again , that may even be Stephen King's pet! Got me. All and all , fairly good film - It's Stephen King! PEACE :)
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The Evil Dead (1981)
some of the best female zombies EVER!
31 October 2004
I viewed this film for the first time ever this past week. I really had no idea what to expect - except that I had seen some great effect-clips on TV and that right there made me have to view this. I have seen the sequel to this. I wasn't that impressed with it , although it was not bad at all. But this first film right here , this one has the right stuff... Also this is an original idea to me - as it's the first time I've ever seen a movie based on 3 women being killed and then ultimately turning into quite gruesome zombies... This movie made me jump when I already knew something was about to happen. I really enjoy this film a lot. Very spooky - Very Halloween-esque. Brilliant.... :O HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!
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Child's Play (1988)
"Can I have a GoodGuy Doll? Please!!!?Please???!"
24 October 2004
Nice stuff here... ;) When I first seen this film , I loved it. I went on to watch all the Child's Plays after it. Unfortunately , the others did not do the same thing this did. Although Bride Of Chucky is fairly good , but it does start to show that the filmmakers here are just trying to come up with something else the oh-so-talented possessed Good Guy doll can pull off...In the same sense , hence the soon to be released 'Seed Of Chucky'--- ahh , let me guess on that one , Chucky is gunna reproduce now , how marvelous for him....But just how marvelous for us???? Only time will tell there... Lastly , I've watched this film just recently , although it did not have the same effect on me as it did the first time around - it is an original idea and it has a lot of kool shock value , so I still like it a lot....Will continue to be a favorite. PEACE
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Summer of Fear (1978 TV Movie)
Julia... AKA Sarah
24 October 2004
I really REALLY like this film. I first seen this on , what do you know , public TV around Halloween time. Although I did not see it in its original release - I still found this enjoyable and spooky and the fact that Linda Blair is in this made it so much more enjoyable to watch. I seen it was on last year , around Halloween time on public TV - and I hope they decide to play it again this year.... Good Halloween fun. Not so scary but a bit creepy. Also , the ending is the best part. These days it also seems a bit funny at times. But I see it also as believable. PEACE & Happy Halloween to you and yours :)
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Phenomena (1985)
the bug girl
24 October 2004
Rock On Dario! This is a great film. Not exactly as spooky as some of Dario's others - but then again this does have some wild shock value... And for that I love this! The music here - makes this film a lot more eerie - and it's decent to hear some Iron Maiden in a horror film. The beginning to this film , I love the beginning - On the beginning alone is what I will base the fact that I love this film on.With the rest of the stuff here being very pleasant fillers. This is edgy , atmospheric , eerie and just plain out morbid. LOVE IT! You go , Dario! PEACE
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What a stupid movie - Ooh , I'm SO SCARED!!!! NOT...
24 October 2004
I have this movie. I haven't seen the first one , but man do I HOPE it is better than this!!! This movie is stupid. It wasted a lot of my time , because like many supposed-to-be scary horror movies , I watched this - giving it the benefit of the doubt - that eventually , somewhere - at some time - this would scare me. This movie failed at scaring me. This movie also wasted my time. I never watch this movie. I only watched this film once since I bought it - and it sits on the shelf , with an aura around it that screams - "IM LAME and there is NOTHING to see here!" I laugh at its cover , telling myself - "this cover does not remotely cover this film." Wasn't even funny.... Sad waste of DVD space....And it wasn't even on sale!!!
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Death Valley (1982)
That Babysitter DESERVED IT!
24 October 2004
Yep - I like this film. I am also happy to finally see a promotional photo for this film , thank you a lot IMDb! I have a copy of this film. I find this film a one-of-a-kind. I like it cause it's early 80s. And I LOVE what happens to the eat-too-much babysitter! LOL I never see this for rental at the video store - I had actually seen it on TV.... Not that this is a marvelous film , but I have definitely sat through more boring , supposed-to-scare-me films. Not exactly gore , not exactly a slasher - Hard to pinpoint this one exactly , but I'll call this a thriller - with a touch of mystery....with a completely 80s-style view. PEACE
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Way Scarier Than The Original - WAY!!!
24 October 2004
I think this film so scary...One of the most scariest movies I have ever seen. I really like the first film , although it is not exactly scary. This - has that possession scene in it - and that , to me - is what makes this a total scare fest. I believe no one knows the actual truth behind the first one in detail. So its hard to say that this is not following the true pattern of the first one - because the first one is not actually based on a true story....Its based on word of mouth , which to me could have some loop holes in it. Although , like every truth based movie - they all have some loop hole somewhere. You haven't seen this - and you wanna be scared - check it out! You have seen the first one , and you liked it = watch this! PEACE

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Secret Window (2004)
22 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Ahhh Yes , Stephen King - this , for me is traditionally Stephen King stuff. I had heard this was a good film , although I cannot remember where I heard that.I also didn't realize this was a Stephen King film until I picked it up at the video store and decided to rent it. After watching this , I was happy I did. I didn't know what to expect of it - But I will tell you , this reminded me of 2 Stephen King film's.... (I'll tell you which 2 in a minute) I'm sitting here , watching this , I'm thinking 'this is a mystery , yes , but I don't really understand where it is taking me....Until it came close to the end...and the story unraveled. To my delight , this reminded me of THE DARK HALF and THE SHINING - but I cant say why that is - so , if you're familiar with S KING films and enjoy them , you'll just have to view this and figure that out for yourself (See , I cannot say I enjoy SPOILERS all too much) I liked this film. IMDb's trivia line on this film , about the quote Depp makes that is taken out of the Talking Heads song ....I knew that , as soon as I heard Depp say it. It's an early 80s song. But thats me... Anyhoo - Depp is SUPA FLY in this - I really liked seeing him in a KING film (ROCK ON!) This film is to me a pleasantly enjoyable new KING film ,on that note.... STEPHEN KING ROCKX! PEACE
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Dolls (1986)
"Teddy will get you for that...."
22 October 2004
I really like this film. Good stuff and at times , funny. Some scenes are very gory. I , for one , are not scared of the things in this film that this film intends to scare me with. Not to say that this isn't worth checking out though. I mean if you like late-80s horror , or just have nothing else to watch.... This is a pretty decent view. Also , there are like 2 - 3 known stars here - its definitely a low-budget make - but it has some one-of-a-kind situations that make this really memorable for me. PEACE
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The Ring (2002)
"She will NEVER stop"
22 October 2004
I've never seen the ORIGINAL of this film. I never even knew it was a REMAKE. People I know that have seen this rendition of this film kept telling me how good and quite scary this is.... So , I rented it and was very enthralled in it. I wanted to know what all the fuss was about. I'll say it is fairly good , decently interesting and much different than anything I have ever seen. The only thing that I did not care for in this was the ending , I was quite disappointed in that. But this has some spooky parts and for that - and the story itself , I liked this. I mean , just think of this film as a realistic happening - in that aspect - this is quite scary... But you know - there is a lot more SCIFI here than spook.

I like HORROR better than SCIFI - but I still enjoyed this. Pretty kool.... :) PEACE
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28 Days Later (2002)
"And you're going to be next..."
21 October 2004
last week , i visited a good friend of mine - he had told me he bought this film on DVD - told me about the story(saying that he wasn't SO impressed with this , because what the heck IS RAGE???...it is an emotion not a virus!!) - But he told me to take it home and check it out for myself. So , last night I decided 'Hey , what do I have to lose?...Time to watch this film finally.' OK firstly , this DVD has TONS of extra stuff - thats pretty kool. I'm sitting here - thinking - "ok , show me what you've got." LOL , To be completely honest , this film had my undivided attention after the first half hour. I'm going to say I seen this wholly as a SCIFI film , in the event that , like I've already quoted my friend as saying , "RAGE is an emotion , not a virus"....But in this film , RAGE becomes a virus and it turns into an epidemic as far as it can take itself. So , the storyline here is way unique. I think this movie is excellent. Well thought out , well made - not scary but the idea here is a bit scary.... I almost bought this on DVD myself , but when reading the back of it - i noticed there is no storyline to get your attention....It just states that this is one of the scariest films since THE EXORCIST. This is no where as scary as THE EXORCIST , for realistic reasons. THE EXORCIST is HORROR. This is SCIFI. That's the difference. OMGosh!!! Great stuff here.... If you are into SCIFI or a kool twist in your horror film viewing , check this out!!!! PEACE


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Ahhhh , oh no - I should have known... ;)
21 October 2004
OK , I put so much of my hope on this film. I liked the first one so much , I set myself up bigtime. I felt like , 'How can this lose when the first one was SO GREAT!!!??' I guess , as with a lot sequels - this was bound to happen. I seen this as a bit over the top , trying too hard to be as good , or at the least better than the first. Just not possible. I seen this as a bit more morbid than the first one - but it really had a hard time keeping my attentions. I almost feel bad for this film....It could have been so good.... Too bad , not horribly bad - just not as good... PEACE
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"Don't pick him up!!! He's WEIRD looking!"
21 October 2004
I seen this film , AFTER I seen part 2. I loved part 2 SO MUCH , that I went and rented this. I really like this one also. Although , I like part 2 better - only because I liked everything about part 2 , where as I only liked the beginning of part one. I love when they are all in the van....thats just a classic situation , LOVE IT!!! I feel that this film , when it starts getting violent , it starts to get hard to see! It's very dark and I feel like I'm missing a lot of the action - while I look into the darkness , trying hard to see the action. But overall , I can dig this - one of the best horror films ever. Good stuff PEACE
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Beware Of The Wicker Man!! EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! :P
7 October 2004
OK - I really , really , REALLY wanted to enjoy this film. I gave it so much of my undivided attention. The first thing that threw me off was the RIDICULOUS folk music , which the movie opens into. So unneeded - and ...even still , I gave it the benefit of the doubt. I was thinking that first catch was just the fact that this movie was born in 1973. The story - is not horror. The story is a mystery. And this film is an underground independent. Furthermore - I cannot say this was anywhere close to a masterpiece. It was a very different story than any other - but it was LAME! So what religion is the Wicker Man of? I never did get that.... Is it a made up religion that actually spells C-U-L-T??? Hmmmmm , I am very VERY disappointed in this film....Only because it faked me into believing it was scary. This is just ugly and eerie in a bad way!
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"Picnics are so much fun"
18 September 2004
I remember seeing this movie , when HBO was a new cable station and I adored the film. Such a sweet film , I was mesmerized with Bridgette Anderson , as I too was a little girl at the time - but she was an actress! Unfortunately - I have only had the pleasure of seeing her in just this film - out of all that she has ever done. On that same unfortunate note - I was very upset and saddened to find out that we have lost this shiny star in May of 1997. She was only 21. Great movie for your collection of goods. :)
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Carrie (1976)
Carrie For Prom Queen!
18 September 2004
Extremely interesting , unlike any other... Great , great movie. Love horror - love Stephen King - love the story. A lot of stars here also. One of Stephen's finest...and actually captures some truth on the horrors of outcasts of sorts in high school.A very real feeling ensues from this. The beginning and the end get my attention every time. Keeps you on the edge of your seat waiting for the extremes. I know this movie by heart I've watched it so many times.

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The Exorcist (1973)
Eek!!!Scariest Stuff I'VE Ever Seen!!!
17 September 2004
OK - I ADORE this film...The original 1973 release has always fascinated me(I was born that year)I will credit this movie - alone - for making me such a die-hard horror fanatic. I could never watch this movie alone.I've also heard many many stories of the effect it had in it's original release at the theaters , on its viewers.Incredible masterpiece.... Horrible , psychological stuff scares the pants off me. Then , this movie was remastered with some new things and ....Oh bless their hearts - put back into the theaters for a Halloween release , which I HAD to go and see. I still loved it. I thought the extra parts of the film were decent and interesting. This movie is SO scary - this is the scariest movie I have ever seen in my life! What I just found out last month when i seen the real story behind this film - that really amazed me - was the fact that , - that really creepy voice poor little Regan has when she is possessed is actually , a voice of a woman!!! WHOA! Not that what happens in the film and the idea of the film are not scary enough , but what always got me - was that creepy voice. Best horror film EVER. Nothing can ever be this scary again. Halloween viewing at its evilist. PEACE
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The Punisher (2004)
16 September 2004
I seen this at the theater. Whoa - I knew it was based on the marvel comic... And I realize it's rated R...which I find a little odd. But - I sat through - what seemed like a very long time before I seen any action - and the action I did see was like - 'BAM! Oh Yah...You want action???...' Then I was in shock almost from all the in-my-face action. Matter-of-factly , that was some violent action! I was like "whoa..." That also seemed to last for a , while. After that - it toned itself down, once again - and kind of stayed there....Til the end. Not bad. Without all that in-my-face stuff , maybe it could have been rated differently - and directed at a different audience. Not a total waste of money , if you like that sort of thing.Although I have to admit - The Punisher does ROCK!;)
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Troll (1986)
Many Little Creatures...
16 September 2004
This movie is good.;) Yeah... - different , interesting Sarcastic , dark comedy...And... I like how the little girl always has this really evil smirk on her face.But she faked me out a bit when she was eating....(huh, ew) The parts with Sonny Bono - those are so silly. All the little earth wandering trolls keep coming out of the woodwork... And they look hilariously silly putty - ish. Freaky , funny stuff. Oh - '86...
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The Prey (1983)
Another great watch at 3A.M.
16 September 2004
Alright - I like this because , #1. It was an all-night movie .... #2. It's supposed-to-be 80's horror and #3. It is really quirky. Not like this movie was really good or anything - but it was...different. Kinda boring at times , but even more so when u realize that anything sort-of interesting is really not going to come until the end. No stars , and - on that note - id really like to see a promotional poster of this film - cant find one anywhere! It had to at least played at the drive-in!?? Rare stuff...
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Piece Of KISS
3 September 2003
Yes - This movie did not do too much for the band KISS but it definately did not hurt them at all. Their fans still loved them and they could have been in a cartoon movie for all their fans care. I think this movie is a collectable for ANY KISS fan. Even if it is sort of silly. I like it because KISS is in it , not necessarily because it is a great movie. I think die-hard KISS fans may agree.
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Hanky Panky (1982)
Comedy - Mystery
2 September 2003
I like this movie - based on the 2 stars in it - Gene Wilder & Gilda Radner. They make this flick watchable. They are a sweet and funny comedic duo. I know this movie is billed as a comedy and I feel that the reason for that is - basically because Gene and Gilda are / were COMEDIANS... It's a little funny - It's more like a mystery. Which actually makes for the reason this film is so misunderstood. To put two well-known comedians , head - to - head , in a mystery - wanna - B - comedy ... Well , it speaks for itself. But I like it. It's cute and Gene and Gilda are cute in it. It's not as good as the other films they are in together , but then again - the movie wasn't writtenfor them - and the other movies the two appear in together ARE , most definately COMEDIES.
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The Funhouse (1981)
I Wanna Stay In the Funhouse!
2 September 2003
Excellent!!! BRAVO! BRAVO!! I love this film , totally LOVE it to death! Tobe Hooper rocks my world! After his 1978 made for TV hit thriller Summer Of Fear , Tobe could only get better - and that - he sure did! This movie is ultimate 80s horror at it's very finest. The players - though not quite stars except for Sylvia Miles (love her) - do a superb job as rotten rebellious teens. This is believeable horror that makes the viewer feel for the players and the situations that they acceptingly put themselves in to. The monster - he's believable too and that's a lot because how many horror flicks are there with a creature character that the viewer actually sees as a creature? A summer Drive - In , worth every penny freakshow that loves for you to be scared of it's freaky characters. Love it!!! My rating 10 / 10
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