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Excellent Advice - With Humor
21 August 2006
Gardening By The Yard is an informational program that does what I wish schools would do, educate with a light-hearted touch. Paul James will never be confused with the heart-throb movie star, but he does seem like the type of person you would like to sit back and share a drink or two with. His style is to educate the gardener and entertain as well. Some of his humor is corny, but that's okay. It suits him.

The best part of the show is he does educate. I have learned many things about plants, both outdoors and indoors. He teaches care and feeding of plants, along with which kinds go well together and which growing zones the plants do best in. He also gives lots of ideas on presentation.

In short - if you have any sort of desire to add plants to your indoor or outdoor spaces (mostly outdoors though), this program is well worth your while. And you may laugh once or twice as well. Can't beat that.
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Listen To The Orson Welles Radio Program - It Is Better
31 July 2006
This was another one of those special effects extravaganzas that decided the story was secondary. The acting was wooden and as in the case of Hollywood these days, the main character didn't know how to relate to people.

Consider this, 50% of all marriages end in divorce in this country. When you factor in that many people get married way more than once, that means a majority of people get married once and stay that way. Does Hollywood recognize that? Not in this movie. So why was it important to throw that in? Wasn't this supposed to have enough tension between the invaders and humans? In the book, was the main character a man who didn't know his children well and couldn't get along with his ex-wife? Hardly. So those who say this is close to the book, I somehow doubt it in this regard.

If you want a enjoyable rendition of the book, get Orson Welles' radio program. At least when he took a little artistic license, it was to make the material mesh a little better with the medium. That was suspenseful. Even Jeff Wayne's musical rendition, with narration by Richard Burton was better than this movie. The only thing this movie had going for it was superb special effects. I much prefer Spielberg when he is doing great work with stories, than when he does huge special effects extravaganzas. Miss this and listen to other versions. You'll feel the time is better spent and you will be better entertained.
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Rome (2005–2007)
Not Great, But Certainly Worthwhile
24 July 2006
This is another HBO epic. It is not quite on par with other HBO offerings such as Band of Brothers, but it is still very well done. Rome follows the exploits of two soldiers in the Roman legion, as well as two upper class families, and the goings on of various senators including Julius Caeser himself. Although this 12 part epic drags sometimes, as long epics tend to do, this really is well-acted. The characters seem to realize that they won't live forever and therefore their motto is "Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die". Did the Romans actually live like this? I don't know, but after viewing this, I believe it is possible this could be an accurate portrayal. The upper class go about their lives with their slaves in the background being ignored unless call on. And of course, there are all kinds of alliances made and broken. This is a interesting look at an old culture. The times it drags are forgivable, because the political intrigue picks right back up. Not the greatest HBO offering,but pretty darn good.
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The Apostle (1997)
Fascinating Character Study
30 July 2004
You can't help but being mesmerized by Robert Duvall in the title role. He must of seen a lot of southern preachers as he grew up, because he wrote this as well and the role suited him to a tee.

The supporting cast is fine, with Rick Dial and John Beasley getting kudos for their work, but the movie is first and foremost about The Apostle. If you like Robert Duvall as an actor, you will like this movie. His attention to detail in his roles is well known. He brings quirks and nuances to help flesh out his characters, and this role is no different.

The Apostle is a flawed man who can lift others up, but has trouble lifting himself up. And that contradiction is what gives this movie its flavor. All-in-all, a fine movie.
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TV Nation: Volume One (1997 Video)
Blinders are on
4 June 2004
The problem with TV Nation is the lack of information that doesn't concur with Mr. Moore's views. As in much of his work, Mr. Moore presents things that are supporting his view, while ignoring that which does not. Not only that, but innuendo will make it into his work if it supports his point of view.

What he has going for him is a tremendous sense of humor. The man is funny.

I just wish he had balance in his work. Having gone to the same school, played Little League and been in Boy Scouts with him, I am aware of his talent and humor. But I am also aware of his penchant for ignoring that which does not suit his purposes. This is okay for those who let you know they are on a mission. But it is not good for those who purport to tell the whole truth.
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10.5 (2004)
Kept Waiting For It To Get Better, It Didn't
4 May 2004
Ouch. This was painful to watch. I am fascinated with humans trying to overcome potential disasters, i.e. Armageddon, Deep Impact and Twister. However, this disaster movie was a disaster. The guy riding from the space needle and the train getting engulfed by the fissure were ridiculous. I kept hoping there would be a change in plot that would make this better, but it kept getting worse. So much was just not believable. To me it was like watching most people on American Idol. It was so bad, it was fascinating. The other funny thing was nobody had a good relationship at the start of the movie. All the main characters that had relationships were having a rough go of it. Doesn't ANYONE have a good relationship anymore?
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Just missed greatness
30 December 2003
This movie was absolutely fantastic - until it went on too long. The ending was seemingly eternal because it just wasn't that good. I have sat through longer movies and enjoyed them. It wasn't the length that bothered me, it was the content of the end. I was prepared to vote it a 10, but alas a 9 is what it gets. And I am sorry for that because the first three hours were pure magic.
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Just Plain Funny
10 December 2003
Nick Nolte never was better. He really does have a flair for comedy. Mac Davis was a riot, too bad he could never follow it up. Even though the movie was an expose of pro football, the "serious" moments flew by quickly and soon got back to what this movie did best, made me laugh. It is one of my all time favorites.
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Not the greatest, but still very good
19 November 2003
I thought this movie wove a good tale. Yes, parts of the movie were slow, but that was life on the high seas back then. People spent a lot of time trying not to become bored to death. One cannot remain faithful to the period without showing that. The action sequences were outstanding. It makes you wonder how humanity has survived, seeing what these sailors went through. My wife hated it, but she gets frustrated at war movies as she sees the young fight and die for the older politicians.
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Gladiator (2000)
An Epic
30 October 2003
I thought this movie a bit of a throwback to the days of the epic film. This had everything movies like Spartacus and Ben Hur had, plus a bit extra since special effects are so much more advanced. The storylines which were woven together I found compelling. The sets were majestic, especially looking at old Rome. This movie obviously had a lot of careful planning and hard work, and it paid off beautifully. It even does well on small screen. But it is much better on the large.
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Tuesdays with Morrie (1999 TV Movie)
Didn't insult us
3 October 2003
This is one of those rare television events that didn't dumb itself down in order to reach a wider audience. It stayed true to the book and the only complaint I could see were minor problems with pacing. All-in-all, I regard this work as what I hope television will become but am fearful these types of shows will remain the exception.
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Showgirls (1995)
3 October 2003
If we could rate movies below a one, this would deserve it. I can only imagine the people who rated it a 10 were into the nudity aspect. But even then, most of the bodies looked the same. As far as the acting, there really wasn't any coming from the lead character. She had two emotions, happy and angry. And I wasn't convinced with either. This is a resounding vote of no confidence. Stay away.
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The Fugitive (1993)
Great Escape
3 October 2003
This movie was just fun. Jones seemed to have a great time filming his role and Ford was believable as a shocked husband whose wife was murdered. While this film is no Citizen Kane, it does succeed in it's attempt to be a wonderful chase yarn. Just sit back and enjoy. It is allowed.
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Now, That's a Sequel
3 October 2003
This movie accomplishes what very few sequels ever do, it rivals its predecessor in quality. This film doesn't hit a wrong note at any point. All performances are excellent and there isn't any problem switching back and forth between the early 1900's and the mid 1900's. It flowed so well. I can't argue with the top 3 rating given by IMDb users.
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29 September 2003
Okay, okay I know - this movie is not of the same greatness as Schindler's List or Citizen Kane. But, it succeeds by never trying to be more than it is, a delightful comedy. It is fun to watch these two people make sense of their worlds and slowly recognize how they feel about each other. Is it great movie-making? Probably not. But it does exactly what it sets out to do - make you laugh (a lot) and just enjoy the time you spend.

By the way, this movie has two added values. One is when you watch it again, it is like visiting old friends. Two, if you are doing something else where your eyes and hands are busy (cooking, cleaning, sewing), it is a wonderful movie to listen to. I rated it a 10 because it succeeds in entertaining. And having fun once in a while is a good thing.
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Face/Off (1997)
Didn't buy the premise
28 September 2003
I couldn't get pulled into this movie as I didn't buy the premise. Action pictures set in the near future need some bit of believability or I feel I am wasting my time. The two protagonists switch skin so they look like the other and we are supposed to believe it? Maybe, just maybe I would have bought it had the two been of the same body type. Having failed on such a basic level, I thought the film a complete waste of time.
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Two Superb Performances
27 September 2003
Gum-cracking Steiger and confident Poitier square off in this excellent film. Watch this on a cold day and you will still be able to feel the heat of a hot southern night. This movie has no false moves and solid performances. It transports you to a place and time that are unforgettable. Feel the heat.
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A slice of television history
24 September 2003
As I was thinking about what to rate this movie, I tried to come up with flaws. I couldn't. This movie is a loving look at the golden age of television comedy. It shows the process of building a television show. But it is so much more than that. It is also a comedy that doesn't miss a beat. And it is a story of redemption. My advice is to see this film and when you do, just sit back and have some fun.
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As Bad as the first was Good
22 September 2003
Good grief! Why was this one made? The first Exorcist movie was sheer cinema magic. The second was a waste of money and talent. This movie is what gives sequels a bad name. It was not so much the acting that was below standard - I don't think anyone could have made such a muddled script look good. This looked like it was written by a committee of accountants. (Nothing personal against accountants, I am one. I also know I have no business writing a script.) Richard Burton was one of the best actors of his generation. If you based his career on this movie, you would have thought him a hack. He might have needed the cash and therefore just slept his way through this. I recommend avoiding this unless you have a thing for pain. Linda Blair went on to a career that seemingly matched the quality of this movie. Yes, this movie is scary, but not in a good way. It is scary they actually released this.
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Almost never misses
13 September 2003
This movie has only a couple of slow spots and the most hilarious chase scene I have ever seen. The slow spots are quickly forgiven as the laughter renews. This movie is what a comedy is supposed to be - just funny.
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Sequel lacked charm of the original
11 September 2003
I waited until reading book two before commenting on the movie. Unfortunately, I did not enjoy the second as well as the first in either the book or the movie. I guess I can't blame the director, based on the book with which he had to work. The Chamber of Secrets was a good movie, it just lacked the joy and delight of the first. I prefer fantasy movies to be fun. The characters were fleshed out quite a bit more, but that is to be expected when they are seen the second time around. There is no way the topic should be treated as anything but fun, it's young magicians after-all. I suspect the books and movies that follow will be darker and more serious, therefore less enjoyable to me.
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Delightful world of make believe
11 September 2003
This movie brought us into a world of fantasy, good, and evil. It remained true to the book in spirit and stayed pretty close in fact. The world created by Rowling and put to the screen by Columbus had secrets all over that we slowly discover with Harry. I rated this a 10 not because it is a perfect movie, but because it is better than 95% of all others I've seen. And it was nice to take a break from reality and realize that not even wizards have fun all the time. Though, I would love to try out the Nimbus 2000 just once.
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Best movie ever made
11 September 2003
I cannot imagine how anyone would not like this movie, unless it is for political reasons. The three main actors gave the performances of their careers, which is an amazing feat considering their body of work before and after. Liam Neeson as Schindler undergoes a transformation which was powerful. Ben Kingsley's performance was subtle. Had it been anything else, the movie would have been diminished. And Ralph Fiennes was wonderful as an evil man who became bored with evil, yet knew no other way to act. I am glad Spielberg never won an Oscar until Schindler, the lack of one may have spurred him on to this magnificent piece of history. Lest we forget.
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1941 (1979)
Hit and Miss - Mostly Hit
11 September 2003
This movie is not a great social statement or anything cerebral. It is a comedy and I laughed - a lot. There were a few times that things were slow, but I didn't care. It picked up again. The highlight for me was the U.S.O. dance.
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