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4.5 out of 5 star rating from Horror-Web
1 April 2007
I've been waiting awhile and looking forward to what director Robert Harari had in store for us with this movie. Having seen previous films he had worked on one way or the other, I knew he was a true fan of the genre and wouldn't let us down, and I was right!

The Murder Game gives horror fans what they need; a mystery to solve and plenty of gore! Any film that makes me yell "rock on" after a death scene scores double points in my book!

The story was straightforward, the acting, while every so often slightly cheesy, didn't have me running away from the screen pulling out my hair. Extra kudos to the F/X department for some amazing effects and the use of plenty of blood. And the ending, my kind of ending indeed (I won't say anymore on that topic)

Jekyll gives this one a 4.5 star rating. Check it out when it finds it's release date
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Just another zombie movie folks.
26 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
What can I say? This is just another zombie movie.

I have a feeling if Mr. Romero had not been at the helm, horror fans wouldn't be getting their panties in a wad over this movie.

The style of the movie just felt like another remake of a zombie movie. We've had enough of those, right?

The pace of the movie was very rushed. Didn't feel like you were able to get a firm grip on the story, just some more folks killing zombies and trying to stay alive.

The acting wasn't horrendous (thank goodness). Hopper made you feel yucky, Leguizamo had you crossing your fingers, wishing for him to die and well, OK - maybe Asia Argento should think about a couple of acting classes because Bid Daddy did better with his zombies screams then she did on the screen.

The F/X team did an amazing job here and that is where the movie earns back some bonus points. Who would have thought a nearly headless zombie could cause such problems and I guess school spirit is a bit low given the leader has half her face removed. The only major issue I have is the way Big Daddy looked (similar a la Bub) Both of these zombies don't really look "that bad". Cut off half their face and then let's see how the audience reacts to them. i doubt you will be getting much support.

So to sum things up - Yes, I am happy that Mr. Romero is working again, he is a very kind man. But if people are gonna make such a big deal about it then give us a Romero film and not just something anyone could put on the screen. This one gets 3.5 stars from Jekyll.
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Death 4 Told (2004)
4 Tales to get spooked by
11 May 2005
Stories/Plots : Each story written and directed by Bo Buckley and presented with a different level of spookiness. I have to admit the first installment THE DOLL'S HOUSE started off a bit slow but the other stories moved smoothly and made up for it. My favorite of the four would have to be WORLD'S MOST HAUNTED - any "reality" haunted show should end up like this one. So in one movie you get a haunted house, some werewolves, a haunted sanitarium and a tarot card reader. It spans a good variety of the horror genre.

F/X : I was impressed with the effects. They didn't come across too cheesy and and felt pretty high quality. Always a bonus in Indie films. Two thumbs up to the F/X crew. Only problem I ran into was soundtrack music overrunning the dialog at times.

Cast/Characters : Good scripting allowed for good follow through on the actors part. Everyone did their parts to tee - the ditsy girl does get killed and the annoying guy will get killed, that is what we like to see.

Jekyll's Final Thoughts :I was very happy to hear about this movie through a friend and glad I had the chance to watch and review it. I will recommend it to my fellow horror fans and look forward to seeing what else Mr. Buckley has in store for us. This one, appropriately, gets a 4 star rating from me (out of 5)
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Run away, now!
2 December 2004
I really don't even know what to say about this movie. I apologize for not following my usual format, but this is a warning to everyone who happens to stop by and read this :


I cannot stress this enough. Acting was terrible, horrendous, I have found "acting" in adults movies better than this film. The music? Think late night Cinemax. Exactly. Clowns? Where are the evil clowns? Oh my, this would be the ONLY time in my life I can utter the words " I KNOW I could make a better film than this one.

Rating? NOTHING! It gets a big, fat, nothing. A bomb, a turkey, call it what you want. If you have been a bad little boy or girl this year than you may just find this movie in your stocking, although coal has more value than this movie!
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Malevolence (2003)
Just want we needed in this genre...
23 September 2004
Upon viewing the movie I kept feeling like I was somewhere else, back in my younger days of watching horror movies. A definite homage to old school horror, it's spooky but doesn't throw a bucket of blood in your face every five minutes. Even the sound effects remind me of HALLOWEEN.

I have to be honest, I thought the movie was a bit slow at times. I blame this to it being a midnight screening and most folks know Jekyll is in bed by 10pm! After interviewing Mena the following day, things started to fall into place and the "oh yea, now THAT makes sense" was the constant babble in my head. Knowing now it is only a 1/3 of the story leaves me more satisfied.

Props to Anchor Bay for picking this one up and I hope for it's nationwide release soon. I also give this film a 4 star rating!
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Don't close your eyes or you will miss a good film!
23 September 2004
Synopsis :While helping a detective with her smoking problem, a hypno therapist accidental unlocks images of a young girl. The detective then requests the doctors help in getting the young girl to talk after a horrifying kidnapping experience. What is unlocked is the key to a serial killer and his obsession with immortality.

Story/Plot :I was very impressed with this simple story. It's similar to other films but stands alone with the depth the film goes to. Smooth story, no choppy moments and climatic ending. All a good formula

Cast/Characters :A BBC production may mean lesser known faces in the states but I knew the actors and what they could portray, and selection for each part was very well done. A more mature Shirley Henderson as a detective in this film, throwing aside her school gown from HARRY POTTER (Moaning Myrtle). A once again beautiful Miranda Otto (Eowen of LOTR fame) striving for an American accent and doing well and the hunky Goran Visnjic as the lead character (most remembered by me as Jimmy Angelov in PRACTICAL MAGIC.

F/X : Little gore but moments of pure yuckiness (fair warning, if you have issues with EYES like I do, you may need to close yours in a few scenes) Always a tummy turn for me.

Jekyll's Final Thoughts :Lesser known films always strike my fancy. Was glad my video store had this one stocked. Have recommended it already to a few folks who enjoyed it as much as I did. This one gets a 4 star rating from me.
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23 July 2004
Synopsis : A transsexual murders one of his psychiatrist's patients, and now he's after the prostitute who witnessed it.

Story/Plot : I enjoyed the film but felt it to be just another, typical DePalma film. Am I allowed to say typical and DePalma in the same sentence?

Cast/Characters : I thought everyone did a good job, Denis Franz gave me a laugh and it was good to see Michael Caine not attempting to pull off yet another disastrous American accent. F/X : Nothing extreme, it wasn't needed. I enjoyed the use of the camera in the film. Long shots through a room. Having 7 people in a frame when only 2 were speaking and central to the storyline and the lovely split screen in recalling a memory.

Jekyll's Final Thoughts : I am not the biggest fan of DePalma but did enjoy this. A sure winner for those that are fans though. Storyline a bit obvious at times but stays true to being a bit of a mystery movie. 4 star rating from me
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Salem's Lot (1979)
My thoughts....
23 July 2004
Synopsis : from back of box : Sinister events bring together a writer fascinated with an old hilltop house, a suave antiques dealer whose expertise goes beyond bric-a-brac and the dealer's mysterious, pal-skinned "partner".

Story/Plot : I caught glimpses of this movie back in the day but never knew the whole story. Definitely a somewhat dated mini-series but enjoyable to say the least. I have heard from other sources the book was much better, which is usually the case but this version keeps you in eerie suspense through the entire movie.

F/X : Nosferatu style vamp is what haunts you in this version. Always an image to give you a bit of the willies and holds nothing to the modern day romantic vampire found in Rice novels. Give me the fangs, long nails and glowing eyes any day! It's what spooked me as a kid and can still spook me to this day.

Cast/Characters : Only coincidence that I picked this David Soul lead cast movie to watch today (remake of Starsky & Hutch was released for rental today...subliminal? Possibly) I personally feel he has always had good stage presence and we are also graced with the beautiful Bonnie Bedelia.

Jekyll's Final Thoughts : Even though you may think this one is dated I recommend checking it out. Personally I wanted to watch it before watching the 2004 remake so that I can compare the two. That review to follow soon. This one got 3 stars from me.
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Frogs (1972)
My Thoughts....
23 July 2004
Synopsis : From back cover - Jason Crockett is an aging, physically disabled millionaire who invited his family to his island estate for his birthday party. The old man in more than crot-chety.....he's crazy! Hating nature, Crockett poisons anything that crawls on his property. But on the night of his shindig, it's nature's payback time, as thousands of frogs whip up every bug and slimy thing into a toxic frenzy until the entire environment goes environ-MENTAL!

Story/Plot :It's a free for all animal (or rather reptile & amphibian) invasion! What cheese, what fun! And summertime is but a perfect time to watch this film! It's funny the frogs are made out to be the bad guys when it is the rest of the animals revolting on the humans. Makes for an interesting pollution story as well, don't mess with nature or it just might mess back!

Cast/Characters :A young, hunky Sam Elliot leads this cast (not that he STILL isn't hunky in my opinion) along with Ray Milland playing Old Man Crockett. You are just wishing the whole time he is next in line to get killed!

F/X :Ok, so I was expecting really cheesy puppet frogs all around as big as your head but when in reality all scenes with animals were live footage of them. Some fun facts from the back of the DVD box Many of the 500 Florida frogs and 100 giant South American toads purchased to use in the film escaped during the production That's enough of a horror movie in it's own!

Jekyll's Final Thoughts :Overall a fun time. Don't expect too much from the campy masterpiece, all seriousness must be left at the door. I give this one 3 stars!
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Near Dark (1987)
Daylight, dark...it's all the same
28 May 2004
Tagline : Pray for Daylight.

Synopsis : From back cover : In this chilling tale about a gang of bloodthirsty drifters, sexuality and the supernatural combine to create a most powerful film. It starts when Caleb, a spirited but naive young man, catches his first glimpse of Mae. Her dangerous sensuality lures him into a secret clan of savage vampires who prowl the night seeking victims. It is in this setting - the dark and desolate highways of the American heartland - that Caleb's worst nightmares unfold.

Story/Plot : I enjoyed this movie but not sure on my final thoughts of it. I think I waited to long to see this film and had I watched it years back I would have finished it and said 'WOW! THAT ROCKED!". It definitely didn't stick with normal standards of vampire movies, slow burning in the sunlight (no immediate combustion) and I am sorry, a blood transfusion can turn you back to human? Maybe I need to locate a special edition extended version so I can understand this more.

Cast/Characters : A young, annoying Bill Paxton, veteran Lance Henriksen and pretty boy Adrian Pasdar. Good selection on actors and each played their role to a tee.

F/X : They never say the word vampire in this film so therefore we see no fangs or vamp face. The slow burning flesh when they entered the sunlight was impressive and once they got around to wanting to show us, blood was minimal but got the point across.

Jekyll's Final Thoughts : A cult classic that needs to be viewed, especially by those who like the vampire films. You may come out of it wanting questions answered but who said every movie is supposed to make sense? I give this one a 3 star rating
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The Bunker (2001)
Very impressed!
13 May 2004
Synopsis : (from back cover) Set during the waning days of WWII, a platoon of German soldiers seek refuge in an underground bunker system. As night closes in, a series of increasingly bizarre and horrifying events begin, leading ultimately to a deadly cat-and-mouse game of psychological warfare in a maze of tunnels.

Story/Plot : I am not a fan of war stories unless they have a horror theme setting. This movie was very well done, leaving most of the spookiness to your own imagination. Only brief images of what "could be" out there flash on the screen. Is the team going mad or is the bunker really filled with ghosts?

Cast/Characters : I had to chuckle for a moment at the beginning of the movie ; if Hollywood can cast a line-up of hot-shot actors to play Germans with no accents, then so can a British production company. A crew of German soldiers with British and Irish accents works well, don't you think? But after awhile you overlook this and get into the story and how each character is feeling.

F/X : Like I mentioned above not a lot was shown on the screen, most of the spookiness was left to the viewer's imagination. But a room filled with skeletons will leave anyone uneasy and I thought the design for that was amazing.

Jekyll's Final Thoughts : I was overall impressed with this film and happy to see a few familiar faces. I think the war/horror genre has much potential and hope that others along this same storyline will be as good. This movie gets a 4 star rating from me. Comes out on video in June. Thank you to MTI for sending this one along to me.
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Godsend (2004)
Oh no...there is no god.....
11 May 2004
Tagline :Adam Duncan. Born: December 11, 1987. Died: December 12, 1995. Born September 23, 1996.

Synopsis :After losing their son in a car accident, a couple decides to have him cloned and start anew. After he passes the age he originally died, weird things start to happen and they wonder if the child is really theirs.

Cast/Characters : Even this all star cast could not save this film. Stamos and Kinnear seemed very lacking in their portrayal of grieving parents, like the atmosphere around them was dry and dull ; it showed in their acting. Even the great De Niro seemed to be plugging through his lines, maybe they all realized this movie was a stinker.

Story/Plot : I feel the movie had potential but fell short of any miracle of making sense. Even with the PG-13 rating I feel that it could have been more spooky, been more horrifying and the rating would not be jeopardized.

F/X : What F/X? Plenty of chances for some weird stuff to happen, we get nothing. Okay, maybe Stamos' wig...now THAT was bad AND scary!

Jekyll's Final Thoughts : As I stated above, please don't think the cast will help this movie be enjoyable in any way. I recommend waiting for an edited television version to watch, it would probably make just as much sense and scare you as much as forking over the $8.00 to see it at the theater. I give this one a 2 star rating
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I Downloaded a Ghost (2002 TV Movie)
Whole lot of download fun :)
11 May 2004
Tagline : Looking for a ghost?

Synopsis : While Stella is browsing on a Halloween site, she somehow transfers a ghost into real life. They work together on making sure the ghost gets his final wish and that Stella has the perfect haunted house this Halloween.

Story/Plot : This was a very well made family movie and I was pleasantly surprised. It had your typical story line with the outcast kid 9Stella) trying to fit in as much as possible while the popular gang stops her at every turn. The parents that don't understand, the bad guys who find out she knows what they are up to and the best friend that sticks by her until the very end.

Cast/Characters : No familiar faces to me but a job well done by all in the cast.

F/X : Not much call for the special effects but what we do see gets a thumbs up from me. Nothing to cheesy or hokey, enough to keep the adults entertained if watching this one with the kids.

Jekyll's Final Thoughts : I am not much of a watcher of family movies but I think this one was well done and it kept me entertained and laughing. it was a good change of pace and a neat way to bring "horror" to the kids. I recommend checking this one out for family movie night. This one gets a 3 star rating from me.
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Taking Lives (2004)
This one drained the life right out of me.....
23 March 2004
Synopsis : After uncovering a body at a construction site, French police request the services of FBI profiler Illeana Scott to locate the killer. Evidence arises that indicates a serial killer and Illeana must dig deep to figure out who he is.

Overview : This is going to be short and sweet (well maybe not sweet) From the opening credits/sequence this movie was a total SE7EN rip off. Similar images, flashbacks, music. I felt like yelling to the screen within the first 2 minutes "get a new idea please". I take a deep breath and realize I wasted money at the theater on this one and a couple of hours I will never get back. Acting was bland, I expected as much from Ms. Jolie. Plot was obvious, I figured out who the bad guy was and the ending about 20 minutes into the film. The F/X that were used were decent, I give them that much credit. I feel that maybe a lot of last minute editing happened on this film and that made the story suffer. TAKING LIVES sucked the life right out of me, this one gets a 2 star rating
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The Dead Do Rise, Again!
19 March 2004
Synopsis : After an outbreak hits that turns the dead into raging zombies, a group of survivors take refuge at the local mall to wait out the disaster. But can they out live one another?

Story/Plot : They hit the nail on the head with this one - pretty close to the original movie. Of course liberties were taken but nothing that took away from the story or turned it into a mind numbing experience.

Pace : This version moved much more smoothly and in my opinion had no moments of dullness. The beginning sequence of the movie made me feel that if something like this happened, this would be how the world would react.

F/X : I was very impressed with the gore in this film. Yes, they had the token shots of zombies getting shot in the head and blood spewing in all directions. I also enjoyed that the zombies were the fast paced, rage looking zombies like in 28 DAYS LATER. I am sure this will end up being one of the largest arguments with this film. Fast moving zombies to me seem more scary and not easy to deal with. If it ever happens I can pray for the slow moving ones!

Cast/Characters : I liked the set up with the cast, a nice variety - the nice folks, the annoying ones, the ones you wish would get eaten by a zombie. Thumbs up for the casting crew on this one.

Jekyll's Final Thoughts : I had fun, I enjoyed the movie....I even sat through the very end of the credits! (I recommend you do this as well) This one easily gets a 5 star rating from me.......much improvement from the original, sorry Mr. Romero.
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Secret Window (2004)
Open the windows and let in the good....
12 March 2004
Overview : As always Depp does a wonderful job with his work. He becomes the character, we feel his pain, we are right there with him all the way through to the end of the story.

Story/Plot : This wasn't your typical Stephen King storyline. I almost felt it was more like a mystery that needed to be solved and only until the end were we presented with typical King flavors.

Pace & Characters : The story did move well with no dull or dry moments. Depp kept us engaged with his portrayal of Rainey and Turturro does remarkably well as a bad guy (having only seen him in comedies I expected little in this department)

F/X : Not much done in this area as any gruesome activities took place off camera which lends to the PG-13 rating of this movie. But spooky just the same with the limited amount of blood we do get to see. My only big question of the movie is the symbolism of the window - I don't see how it correlates with the entire story.

Jekyll's Final Thoughts : I think that maybe some die hard King fans may be slightly disappointed in the film but if you go it to see it without thinking of the background of the story you will end up leaving the movie being pleased. I give this film a 4 out of 5 star rating and look forward to when I can watch the extras on the DVD version
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London Voodoo (2004)
I love the voodoo that you do do....
2 March 2004
Tagline : True love is only possible with sacrifice.

Synopsis : When a young man relocates his family from New York to London his wife discovers a new power that threatens to tear the family apart. As his wife's behavior becomes more violent and erratic, our hero accepts that to save the woman he married he must take a leap of faith.

Plot/Story : From the beginning you get the vibe of a "Rosemary's Baby" type of film. A simple couple moving to a new town but mysterious things are lurking about. This one was more in your face on showing you the bad things that were happening, no mystery on what was in the cellar and what it held.

Pace : No dull moments, no choppy story line. It grabs you from the beginning taking you for a ride and doesn't let up until the very end.

Cast/Characters : Performances well done by all, was impressed with the acting skills of main characters involved. They gave variety to their parts to make each character stand alone.

F/X : I have to say even though the film was well done I was a bit disappointed in the effects in the movie, or rather, just the lack thereof. I was expecting more of a demonic transformation of the possessed woman, hoping for a little bit more gore thrown in. Yes, I know it can be better to leave things to your imagination but on occasion you just need the blood thrown in your face.

Jekyll's Final Thoughts : An enjoyable movie that will make you think twice before moving into a new home. I look forward to whatever Robert Pratten has in store for us down the line. This movie gets a 4 star rating from me.
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I'll Be There (2003)
A Nice Surprize
29 January 2004
I had heard nothing of this film until I saw it arrive at the video store. It was a cute movie and the casting was great. I enjoy all of Craig Ferguson's work and he did a wonderful job once again. I don't think acting will be Church's forte nor singing anything other than her main lineup of music (I realized while watching this how different singing styles vary and if they can be pulled off by one person) Catch this film if you enjoy a nice, pleasing film and a good soundtrack.
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Only a little bit lethal...
26 January 2004
Synopsis : A group of animal rights activists have a rescue mission go wrong and one team member gets trapped at the location. A year later the team receives an encoded message from the friend and they join together to break him out of the facility he is trapped in. To their dismay, they locate an abandoned laboratory that seems to have a mind of its own, and the team starts disappearing one by one.

Plot : The story was a very interesting concept but I feel it lost something in the translation from paper to screen. The film had a decent budget but at times it didn't seem like the budget was used to it's full capacity. Definitely more of a science fiction feeling type of movie but it also had it's horror moments. It can be enjoyed by parties that enjoy either genre.

Cast/Characters : Not a Blockbuster line-up but some familiar faces on the screen with decent acting skills. Some of the scripting though made a few on the screen less talented than what they normally would be. All personality types were covered with the team, almost too formulaic.....nothing tossed in to liven up the story.

F/X : Nothing too cheesy, which is good. Just enough gore to keep ya going and no moments when you are sitting there saying "I see the guy behind the curtain". Of course, there could have been more gore to give it more of a horror feeling but working with what they gave me made it a-okay.

Pace : They spent a little too much time at the beginning of the movie setting up each character and creating a story that really had nothing to do with the result of the film. I feel they should have just skipped to the 2nd act and started the movie there, explained some things better that they skipped and it would have been perfect.

Jekyll's Final Thoughts : It was a good experience to see this film at the Nevermore Film Festival, especially with it being a British made film ; no usual dribble with American casting, etc. If you have the chance to see this movie, try and catch it. I give it a 3 star rating.
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Cold Boring Movie
26 January 2004
Synopsis : After dealing with the daily hassles of a busy life in New York City, The Tilson family decides to move to a recently repossessed mansion in the "sticks" of New York State. After settling in they realize that their new life is being watched by a careful eye in the community and their house isn't all it is cracked up to be.

Plot : A story with potential but everything was "given away" within the first part of the movie. No thrills, no chills and actually, this really wasn't even a horror movie. There could have been a possibility for some horror overtones but this movie should just be billed as a Thriller.

Cast/Characters : I am beginning to believe that Dennis Quaid's career has hit rock bottom. His acting skills were limited in the film, of course the supporting cast didn't help out much. Stephen Dourff did pull off the redneck bad boy well - I hope he doesn't end up getting typecasts.

Pace : A slow start, a slow middle and abrupt ending. I became distracted while watching this movie, walking about the room, even doing dishes. Bad sign.

Jekyll's Final Thoughts : Unfortunately, I can't think of anything positive to say about this film. Huge disappointment, glad I didn't watch it at the theater or spend any money on it. This gets a 2 star rating More along the lines of waiting for it on tv, don't bother renting it.
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Dead in my chair....
26 January 2004
Synopsis :A band of college students go to a rave on a mysterious island and get more than they bargained for when they find themselves stalked by killer zombies and terrifying creatures intent on feasting on the flesh of the living. With only a few weapons and time running out, they take shelter in an ancient house, inside which they will uncover the secrets of the "House of the Dead."

Overview : Sitting through this movie made me feel REALLY old and I can say no other movie has ever made me feel this way!

*Atmosphere We get the typical gloomy looking surroundings for this film, fog laden woods, moonlight seeping through the trees and the knowledge of what goes bump in the night.

*Pace Very poor speed on this film. I actually looked at my watch 4 TIMES asking myself "Is this over with yet?" Most know that I am not a huge fan of action packed films but I went into this movie with an open mind, since I had played the games and really enjoyed them. But this movie could not end quick enough.

*Cast/Characters Let's figure out the formula here : the brainy girl, the ditzy girl, the med student, the male model, the soulful guy, the hero, the true partier, the mysterious old man. We see a few familar faces on the screen but they unfortunately don't save this film from impending doom!

*F/X I will admit the effects on this film were done very well, minus the scenes where each character had AT LEAST 2 Matrix style "money shots". it was just too repetative, especially within a 15 minute time frame. The zombies were cool though and lots 'o blood! If you are a gore fan, you should enjoy this!

Jekyll's Rating : I should have listened to my gut instinct and waited for this to come out on video so I could bring it home for free!! I am gonna have to give this one 2 stars . The least amount of $$ spent on this movie, the better you will feel afterwards and not ticked off that this films turns YOU into a zombie.
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What an amazing effect....
26 January 2004
Synopsis : Having experienced black out session when he was a child, Evan Treborn (Kutcher) tries to relive incidents of his childhood to bring back his memories. Using the journals he kept as a child brings the moment back to play, more realistic than a dream.

Plot : Please note first and foremost, this movie was billed as a Horror/Drama but it falls into the Sci-fi/Drama category to me. I classify anything dealing with some form of time travel to be considered science fiction. Now, on with the show......This was an amazing movie filled with all forms of emotions; sincerity, disgust, betrayal, hopefulness and the neverending question - should one person play "god" over everyone else's lives?

Cast/Characters : I know what you are thinking, oh my, Jekyll actually sat through an Ashton Kutcher movie. Trust me, I amaze even myself. But in all honesty, he does a fantastic job in a dramatic role. You don't even realize who the actor is you are swept up in the moment. Powerful performance also by Amy Smart as we get to see her in different stages and "lives" - how she can be beautiful and glamourous in one scene and a totally wasted out drug addict in the next.

Pace : The beginning of the movie was a bit slow, but did well in building up the story of each character and allowing us to get into their heads for a moment. Once the main character was grown and in college, the rest of the movie went pretty fast, jumping from "life" to "life" smoothly. Overall smooth sailing to the end of the movie.

F/X : Not really a special effects type of movie, other than the sequences of Evan going from present time to past time. I WAS impressed with the use of sound and colors though in the movie. Depending on which person he would meet up with would determine the colors used to surround that person, wether they were happy or sad. In one scene we have a very happy, well adjusted girl surrounded by pinks and yellows and a very sunshine-sort-of-day and then within the same scene a very depressed, hurt and angry boy with just minimal colors of grey, white and black surrounding him. Truly an amazing sequence to me.

Jekyll's Final Thoughts : This was definitely a surprize movie for me. Low expectations for me entering the film in having to sit through 2 hours of Ashton turned out to be 2 hours of an emotional roller coaster of a movie. I plan to watch this one again just to grasp on some moments that left me wondering. This is a must see movie - 5 stars! Just remember that it isn't a horror movie...I can't be refunding everyone's money!!!
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Bubba Ho-Tep (2002)
Don't mess with those in Texas...
26 January 2004
Synopsis : Opening in a rest home in Texas, we come to learn the "true" story of what happened to Elvis Presley. During his stay he also meets up with John F. Kennedy and they join forces to battle an evil Egyptian Soul Sucker named Bubba Ho Tep who preys on the souls of the other residents of Mud Creek Rest Home.

Plot : An absolutely hilarious and well thought out story. America's obsession on whether Elvis is dead, this movie should be shown everywhere!!! Great storytelling, well acted and just an overall good time with this movie!

Cast/Characters : How can you go wrong with Bruce Campbell? You can't!!! He brings his style of humor to the screen once again and we get to see other familiar faces like Ozzie Davis and Reggie Banister. Campbell's presentation of Elvis was hilarious, this was definitely a role he was meant to play!

F/X : Effects were mainly limited to just the presentation of "The Mummy" and it was a job well done. If this creature had appeared in a more haunting type horror movie it would definitely be spooky-goodness! F/X team did a wonderful job.

Jekyll's Final Thoughts : Hail to the King baby! What a truly amazing and fun movie. Humor was top notch and Campbell was in the zone! This is a must see for any fan of his and just a good ole campy type horror movie. Run, don't walk...find this movie to watch! You won't regret it. 5 star rating!!
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The Jekyll Speaks
4 November 2003
Synopsis : After a night filled with dancing, drugs and drinking, a group of British students decide to gather around a Ouija board to see what happens. After breaking the circle early, they summon DJINN, a fire demon and one by one they begin to disappear. What will they be able to do to stop the Djinn?

Overview : A pretty decent movie for being direct to video.

*Atmosphere : Definetly revolves around the club scene. I was starting to feel a bit old but paid no mind and waited for the killings! Big tip I got from this movie; don't mess with a Ouija board when you have been taking numerous drugs in one evening. *Pace : About average, not too slow, not too fast. Story progressed good.

*Cast/Characters : Fresh new faces from the London circuit, except for familiar face of Lucas Has. All grown up but still looks 12. Acting skills were good from everyone, I was shocked! *F/X : A bit campy for the movie (at least DURING the killing scenes) but the end result was definitely worth it. Gotta love a demon who kills with fire! *Story/Plot I am a sucker for a story that revolves around a Ouija board (because they freak me out) so I felt the story was really was done.

Jekyll's Thoughts : It was definitely a fun movie that ranks higher than most direct to video movies. It gets a decent 3 out of 5 star rating from me. If you see it at your video store, check it out.
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In My Skin (2002)
This one got under MY skin
3 November 2003
Synopsis :After falling and cutting her leg severely at a party, Esther becomes obsessed with the lack of pain she experienced. She begins inflicting wounds in the area where she was originally hurt and slowly becomes obsessed with the touch and taste of her own skin.

Overview : Not many movies have put me in a situation to where I NEEDED to turn them off just to regroup. For me, this is a GOOD sign!

*Atmosphere This movie isn't as dark as it sounds, if that makes sense. The surroundings for Esther are very bright - home, work, hanging out with friends. So when she starts going a bit mad, it's extra freaky. The music I felt added a big part to my overall feelings. *Cast/Characters I felt that Marina de Van did a marvelous job! Nothing was lost in the translation and even though you have to read the story, where to main visual effects come into play you didn't lose anything with words. I don't know if it was because the actress is also the writer and director and she was able to do her own vision but a job well done!

*F/X Not many opportunities for intense F/X but it's the subtle ones that really made my tummy turn. Whenever something looks very realistic (or basically looks like it COULD be something that happens to YOU) then that really gets....under my skin! *Pace Pretty smooth movie with only a few moments that just lingered a bit too long on Ester's "eating" habits! I quick push of the FWD button and I was safe again. My advice, don't eat pizza while watching this film!

Jekyll's Thoughts : An amazing movie that I am glad I had the opportunity to watch. I look forward to seeing what de Van has up her sleeve in the future. I give this one a 3 star rating If it makes it to your local vid store, make sure and check it out.
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