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Not bad but went way too easy on Nichol
4 February 2024
Chris is a total disgusting monster, but if you really look into this case you know Nichol was in on it for sure and this movie made her out to be another victim, no way.

She lied dozens of times and changed her story several times No alibi Phone pinged near his house at time of the murders Deleted tons of evidence off her phone Told Chris to delete stuff off his phone and pawn her wedding ring Helped plan the attempted miscarriage w/ oxy Knew about the entire Watts family before Chris even met her, and before she even started working for Chris's company.

Lied about not knowing he was married or that she was pregnant.

Had tons of very damning google searches from what they did recover from her phone.

Those are just a few things, I highly encourage people to look into her. This movie disgraces the victims by making her seem like a saint.

RIP Shanann, Bella, Celeste, and Nico.
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The Little Mermaid (I) (2023)
An insult to the orignal
1 June 2023
This movie just wasn't good... They added something like 50 minutes but it didn't improve the movie one it, it only made it drag on.

The CGI is poorly done and the tone of the film is dark and gloomy, not bright and colorful as it should be.

The animal characters look terrible. The changes to the songs are ridiculous, the original lyrics weren't problematic in the slightest.

Scuttle's voice is really jarring and the added song is just bad.

The changes made to the ending make the story worse, not better. They didn't need to make Eric weaker to build up Ariel.

The best thing about the movie was Ursula. At least they didn't ruin her.
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Beast (I) (2022)
Must see for genre fans
29 August 2022
If you are into animal attack movies, this is a must see IMO. It is extremely well made for what it is. The effects are great and the animal behavior is believable enough and doesn't get too over the top. I can actually imagine this happening for the most part if a lion got a chip on its shoulder or a taste for man. In fact, there have been single lions take out over a dozen people on more than one occasion in recorded history so that's not unbelievable at all.

Pretty good and realistic use of guns in the movie which is always a nice touch vs a bunch of Hollywood types that have never touched a gun making them totally unrealistic (like most action movies). The characters in the movie aren't rich and aren't soldiers so they are working with pretty limited weaponry. The poachers have a realistic hodgepodge of guns ranging from 100 year old bolt action 303 Enfields to SKS and AK rifles in good old 7.62x39. That's dead-on with real life as to the types of weapons the financially struggling people who become poachers in Africa are able to get their hands on. The rangers who are trying to prevent poachers aren't packing major heat every time either.

The acting is great when you consider the genre and budget, setting is beautiful. Camera work is good. The movie never lets up on the action and tension once it gets going, which it wastes no time in doing. The character development is actually nice for a under the radar creature feature type of movie. Idris does a nice job as usual.... I always enjoy him in whatever he does. In this, he does a nice job as he plays a desperate father completely out of his element doing everything possible to protect his two teen daughters who are hurting from losing their mom. People are saying all his choices are idiotic.... I would love to hear their amazing plan for what they would have done, I am sure it would be perfectly ridiculous.

I see a lot of people giving this 1 to 3 stars saying how unrealistic this is.... I'm guessing most have never touched a real firearm in their life and think every truck in Africa has a couple AK47s and several magazines of ammo in it, and that they could easily hit one of the most athletic, quick, brutal, and graceful animals on the planet coming at them at full speed with a perfect headshot every time. Call of Duty isn't real-life. Most people, highly trained or not, will miss a large predator at full charge in a short distance. Even with multiple shots from a modern semi auto, let alone a bolt action or 70 year old rusty AK they don't practice with because they can't spare the ammo. No...this is pretty much how it would go in real life.

There have been big cats go on rampages like this so that can't be called unrealistic either. They also probably think they would just whip out their newest edition of the iPhone and call a chopper to zoom right in and scoop them up with a fresh Starbucks latte (heavy on the soy) and some vegan organic gluten-free glacial water in a recycled biodegradable container ready to go.

If you are looking to be entertained by a well-made creature feature and not for a pretentious Oscar candidate full of 2022 identity politics, see this movie. Otherwise go hit up HuffPo movie suggestions and see what they suggest you program yourself with this week.
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Fortune teller
15 December 2021
This movie predicted Zuckerberg before anyone had ever heard of him. You all ready for META?

This movie is really bad. The first wasn't great by any means but was at least entertaining.
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V/H/S/94 (2021)
Even worse than the 3rd installment.
7 October 2021
The first two movies were great. The 3rd and 4th got progressively worse.

The acting is worse than a lot of shorts made by amateurs on YT. The effects for the most part are total trash. There is one segment that is slightly entertaining and had potential. The rest lack in every way.

I was looking forward to this but it was worse than I could have even imagined. This honestly feels like it was made by a high school drama club who paid a couple computer enthusiasts to do the effects. Most commercials have better production value.
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Pretty awful
27 April 2021
I really liked Sam and Bucky from the Avengers movies, and they are played by fine actors. But for this show they chose political garbage over substance and totally ruined it. No way it deserves over a 7/10 rating on here and RT, that blows my mind.

I guess people may never wake up from being fed propaganda as entertainment.
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10/10 for Kaiju fans/Godzilla and Kong fans
4 April 2021
Ok so it seems that a lot of people that aren't major Kaiju fans go into a movie like this expecting Shawshank Redemption level writing, plot, and characters.

People who are fans of previous Godzilla/Kong and other Kaiju movies know what to expect and this movie delivers.

It's a 10/10 Kaiju movie. If you don't like Kaiju movies, you probably won't care much for this. If you love Godzilla and Kong, I honestly don't see how you could possibly not be grinning the entire time.

This is a perfect 4th entry in the great Monsterverse, movies I have been dreaming for since I was 5 years old watching Godzilla 1985 when it came out. To see these monsters in amazing special effects/high budget quality.
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The Marksman (2021)
About what you would expect, nothing more.
5 February 2021
This movie was entertaining but not great. It's worth a watch if you're into the standard Neeson movie.

But once again we have the actor who thinks no citizen should have the right to protect themselves and is very vocal about it, making money time after time playing a citizen who protects themselves and others with firearms....a scary M14 clone no less which they definitely think nobody should be able to own, license or not.

Quit making money off of "glorifying firearms" if you're so serious about it Mr. Neeson.
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Not bad if you like similar movies of the era
19 July 2020
I love all the old Sinbad movies and stuff like Clash of the Titans so I did enjoy this movie. But, you really have to overlook some majorly poor special effects, costumes, some bad acting, and cheap/poor art direction.

It seriously looks like the little boy Peter was also in charge of making all the monsters and costumes. I know they didn't have much of a budget but they could have done more with what they had. There are times when you can see they didn't even bother to paint actors faces black under their masks so their flesh shows through the eye and mouth holes. The giants and other monsters look like a kid made them in art class. One of the witches is in a fuzzy bunny costume. Some of the composite work looks like it was done under a huge rush where things shift in and out of the frame and in their position on the screen.

But, it does have some charm and isn't a bad movie.

I guess you have to have a love for these old movies to be able to overlook quite a bit on this one.

Judi Meredith (RIP) is really beautiful. Thorin Thatcher did a decent job as Pendragon and Kerwin Mathews was basically playing as Sinbad. In fact, this movie could easily be called a rip-off of 7th Voyage of Sinbad. You have a magical person in a bottle saving the day many times, a horned giant, a dragon, a evil wizard, a princess under the spell of the wizard, the same dude playing the hero as a very similar character.

So, if you don't have a deep love for similar movies of the era, you probably won't enjoy this movie. Otherwise, give it a go if you need something to watch.
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Archive (2020)
Great SciFi
13 July 2020
Wow, seeing this has a 6/10 rating just furthers my loss of faith in humanity.

No, really...everyone has different tastes I know. I am a major sci fi fan and I loved this movie. I was able to connect with the robots in the movie and how they were conscious and had real emotions. I think if you can do that, you will really enjoy it and it will hit you emotionally as well.

The movie is beautiful. The camera work, the setting, the special effects, the music and sound. It's just great to watch and listen to, plus it's a cool story and a great ending.

This should have a much higher rating IMO.
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Hashtag who needs DoomGuy
12 April 2020
Yeah, how did that work out for you guys?

Awful movie, and spitting on the franchise and all the fans with your political junk isn't the best move if you actually want your movie to make money.

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An awful mess
20 December 2019
This movie was slapped together after several reshoots trying to undo the horrible direction RJ took in TLJ. Without a clear direction through the 3 movies there was no way this was going to end well, and it didn't.

The movie looked and sounded good, but the story was bad. The Palpatine angle was stupid, the attempted arc for Rey and Kylo didn't work.

I hope Disney learns from this experience as they see how quickly those who loved TLJ are now turning on them for going "less woke" with ROS.

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Swamp Thing (2019)
Great pilot
2 June 2019
I really enjoyed this, the acting and story were great. The practical effects were great and brought back memories of The Thing. The CGI used was well done.

I cant wait to see the rest. This is some of the best DC material I've seen lately.
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What the real fans wanted
31 May 2019
Again we see just how ridiculously out of touch the film critics are, as audiences are enjoying this movie while they give it the equivalent of an "F" grade...let that sink in. An F??? Really?

I've never been in a movie with so much cheering and positive audience reactions. People loved it.

But why are critics hating it? Are they paid shills? Are they mad that their environmental extremism is painted in a negative light, as the villains in the movie adopt the "world will end in 12 years" fanaticism. They decide to awaken all the Titans so they can kill off billions of humans in order to send us back to the stone age and "save the earth". I think that might have ruffled some feathers.

The effects are amazing. The monster action is amazing and has just the right amount. The acting is fine, the plot is fine.

Anyone saying they are a long time fan of Godzilla but they hate this movie really makes me honest, the plots and acting in the old movies was ridiculous but we watched them for the cool monster action and came to love the campy acting and plot as well. This isn't campy, it's just right for a modern telling of a classic Godzilla story with the four main monsters from the O.G. series. And they did the characters right, they didn't pull any RJ "subverting expectations". They listened to the criticism of the hardcore fans towards the 2014 movie and made the right adjustments. This will easily be my favorite Godzilla movie along side the original movie that started it all.

The plot and acting in this movie is A+ compared to the old Godzilla movies, and I love them all.

Let's hope the critics joining hands in trying to tank this movie doesn't work. If this had been made by Disney and was an exact remake of an old Godzilla movie, they would be calling it brilliant.

Thankfully Godzilla vs Kong is already in post production, so even if their efforts succeed in making this a financial failure, we will still get that movie at least...

Rodan was amazing. Mothra was awesome. I could have used more of both.

Godzilla and Ghidorah were perfect.

If you're a monster movie fan, you'll love this. Plain and simple. People like Stuckman claiming to be a Godzilla fan, yet giving this a poor review are liars. The out of touch critics can't objectively look at this movie and see that it does exactly what it sets out to do. What kind of scale are they using here? They praise Last Jedi while they tank this alienated a large portion of the long-time fan base, the other gave real fans exactly what they wanted. That deserves a good rating on its own.
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Great movie
27 May 2019
This was a great movie and a proper end to the series.

Besides some convoluted continuity issues, it was very well done.

And the best part of all, minimal screen time for the newest and most widely hated Avenger of the bunch, CM.
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Us (II) (2019)
Not bad
23 May 2019
This movie is pretty freaky, and the acting is really well done.

I have a hard time getting scared at these types of movies, as someone who takes steps to protect my family and not have to wait on cops or use blunt objects and empty threats, it just seems silly that a parent would be so careless about what they have available to protect loved ones if bad people come knocking. This story would be over quick at my house....
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Not good, not terrible
12 March 2019
I thought this was going to be much worse, but it was mildly entertaining. I just think Brie was miscast, she seemed out of place for the character to me. The rest of the cast was good.

I think she needed more challenge and a better villain in the movie and it would have been better.

This could have been great, but stands as the worst MCU movie so far IMO. Hopefully Brie settles in to the character and does a better job in Endgame, I love seeing a strong female character but this one needs some work I'm afraid.

IMDB deleted my other review and so did RT, maybe this one will stay up.
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Not great
10 March 2019
This movie could have been awesome. I just think Brie was miscast. She can act, that's not the problem. I just don't think this part was right for her.

The plot was OK, but CM needed more vulnerability, it would make her feats more exciting. She also needed a much better villain.
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Better than I expected
8 March 2019
I am happy to say that I enjoyed this more than I expected to.

After a certain cast member's racist and sexist comments leading up to this, I was afraid the MCU would let politics seep into the movie.

I was pleasantly surprised that I didn't get that feeling at all.

I love movies about strong female characters when they are well done without pushing politics. See wonder woman for the perfect example of how to properly do that... This movie was no wonder woman, but it tried and I never felt like I was being fed any kind of identity politics, which many of us were afraid of due to the lead-up to this movie. You don't need that, just show a well-written female character overcoming hardship, kicking butt, and people will get behind them. It's simple, but some movies just can't resist getting political these days. Luckily this one didn't.

Brie wasn't took the first half of the movie to "get used to her" is the best way I can explain it. I don't let her actions IRL impact how I feel about the movie or character, or I wouldn't have paid to see it. But I just don't think she was a good casting choice for this character. But, she tried... It wasn't terrible, it just didn't fit for some reason. I have really enjoyed her in other movies so I know she can act. The mix of seriousness and humor with her character just felt off, or forced at times.

I enjoyed the second half and was on board to root for her all the way by the finale. There were zero stakes for her in the movie though, except for a few refugees she was fighting for. She's so overpowered and takes nearly zero damage, you never felt like she was in real danger. I don't mind her being OP like crazy, but they should have balanced it a little better with a better villain. She needed more of a challenge IMO. Not a huge deal, just something I noticed.

The rest of the cast was good. The de-aging was well done. I liked the 90's member berries they fed us. Some good tunes, too... I didn't have any issue with the CGI as some others said...maybe once or twice it was a little rough.

This could have been amazing and it could have been a real "woke" mess. It was neither.

I was entertained and don't regret spending the money to see it. 6/10
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Amazing flick
22 February 2019
I really enjoyed this. My only complaint was that it felt a little long, but that's probably my back problems speaking and not a issue with the movie.

The story and characters felt fresh, acting was spot on. The effects were absolutely amazing. The story was touching and I noticed ZERO political junk in the movie, so refreshing.

If you are a Sci-Fi fan, this is a must-see IMO

9/10 Can't wait to watch it again at home once it hits BluRay
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Well done
8 February 2019
Whether you are pro life or pro choice, this man was a monster.

More people need to see this and rethink whether they agree with certain recent law changes and comments by politicians about there being any kind of termination option post-birth.

The movie was well done by any standards and especially considering that it was crowd funded. When enough people care about the lives lost, the truth can come out even if Hollywood wouldn't touch the topic since it might flow against their identity politics.

If you are pro-choice this movie does not try to preach to you, this was a case about horrible treatment and conditions and killing live-birth babies, NOT abortion. So, don't avoid it if you think it's some kind of right wing propaganda piece. I am pro choice, but certainly believe that there must be humane limits to it, and Gosnell was not humane.
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2 January 2019
Hey Hollywierd, a horror movie with the victims making the dumbest choice at every step of the way is NOT scary or entertaining. If you're too lazy to come up with GOOD bad guys and a good story, don't make the movie.

Make your bad guys BETTER not your victims WEAKER.

This movie will frustrate you so bad, you'll be feeling nothing but anger over the idiotic actions of the victims at every step of the way. All the usuals are here...grabbing a gun but not all the ammo, not looking behind you, not even bothering to try to defend yourself, not checking on the bad guy when you think he's dead, hiding in idiotic places, falling for idiotic traps, suddenly not being able to hear a super loud truck 10 feet away from you, not grabbing easy to reach weapons nearby that would give you a huge advantage, not shooting when you have the chance, leaving phones behind, sending the women off by themselves when there are murderers around, etc etc.

They didn't even try with this movie. Any semblance of horror or suspense will be over ridden by your constant frustration over the moronic choices of the cast.

You have to respect and care about the victims in a horror/suspense for it to be any good. When they act like helpless morons the whole time, it is not entertaining.
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Attraction (2017)
Great movie
20 December 2018
I can't believe this has a 5.5 rating. I rounded up to 8 but my real rating would be a 7.5/10

The story is really good, has minor things in common with something like The Day The Earth Stood Still, but in no way a copy or clone. The acting is good, some of the effects are amazing, especially with the ship.

I am not sure what people expect these days, but this is better than a lot of the SciFi that comes out of Hollywood these days and gets way better ratings.

If you like SciFi, you should definitely check this out. Unless you just hate foreign movies for some reason...
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Aquaman (2018)
Great job DC!
18 December 2018
It's not easy to write a story with a character like Aquaman and be able to make it look good, not be a silly mess, and to be serious enough to engage people.

DC really came back and did a great job with this movie. They didn't inject any political junk, it was well-paced and acted, the story was good, the effects were great.

I'm a MARVEL fan mostly, but I love the DC characters as well and it made me happy to see DC put out something so entertaining. I really hope they can keep it up because they have so many awesome characters that need movies that do them justice.

Amber Heard did great, even she would have been a better choice for Captain Marvel IMO.

I give this a solid 7.5/10 with no real complaints.
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Bird Box (2018)
Good movie!
16 December 2018
If you are impatient and looking for a movie with big scary CGI monsters and jump scares, watch something else.

If you can pay attention and enjoy a good story about people coming together during an interesting crisis, with a good pace, good characters, and suspense that will keep you watching: This is a pretty decent movie. Much better than most of the theatrical horror/suspense movies that come out these days.

It has some similarities to The Happening, but very minor and those reviews are people who went in wanting a popcorn monster movie. There are some similarities to A Quiet Place, but just that it's a family trying to survive and hiding from something.

So, if you actually have an attention span, you might want to check this out. Otherwise, there's always movies like The Nun for mindless jump scares.
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