
21 Reviews
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Truly Delivers
31 May 2024
I'm a relatively new Haikyu fan (the kind that watched BECAUSE it was about volleyball), but I was hooked from the first episode. The anime already did character development, comedy and tonal shifts very well and always put on a darn good show of volleyball. Part of me was worried that somehow with a movie, the pacing or storytelling would feel off -- let me tell you all doubt dissipated as soon as the movie started. The soundtrack drove the mood the entire time, building anticipation for the game, pulling at your heartstrings, reviving sentiment for the characters. Everything we loved about the anime was present here and taken to another level. There were so many callbacks to season 1, rewarding loyal fans and using those moments and some new flashback scenes to fill in the gaps of the push-and-pull between the main characters of Nekoma vs. Karasuno over the course of the Dumpster Battle.

I had always wondered how they could show us volleyball differently or still give characters new things to work on, but the creator manages to do so readily. Now I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for more Haikyu content!
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Past Lives (2023)
Cute But Forgettable
23 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was a cute movie about two childhood sweethearts who reunite at different points in their lives, but for me, it lacked substance. The laconic dialogue left a lot to be desired, and I found myself twiddling my thumbs half the time. While the scenery of New York and Korea were nice to look at, the on-screen chemistry was almost nonexistent-I think I shipped the two kids much more than any of the adults-and the movie barely scratched the surface of some themes, such as Nora's reluctance to go back to her home country.

Past Lives doesn't deserve the acclaim it's been getting. A friend warned me this was a tearjerker, but I didn't release a single tear (and I'm a big crier!) I can see how sentimental this is, and how it calls upon on those other "what-if" moments, but this has been done better by many other movies and series.
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Chef (2014)
6 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
With such high ratings on Rotten Tomatoes (both critics and audience) and on IMDb, Chef seemed like a perfect comedy to enjoy on a Friday night.

I appreciate Jon Favreau's talent on The Avengers and the Star Wars franchises. That's what made Chef a letdown. The conversations between Chef Casper (Jon Favreau) and his son were dominated by fast-talking quips. If you're not paying attention, you'll miss what they're saying. Favreau also says those lines with no expression whatsoever on his face; to me, I don't see the purpose of that type of delivery. And who even talks like that?

Onto the humor...there were some moments that were kind of funny, I'll admit. I love to see John Leguizamo and Robert Downey Jr. However, the bulk of the comedy is 1. Overuse of swear words 2. Sex/genital-related jokes.

Plus, does no one else find it strange that a white man starts a Cuban food truck by leveraging his Latina ex-wife's connections and the help of his Latino ex-employee? It feels even more like cultural appropriation, because the relationships and dialogue between the characters don't feel natural to the point where I believe that he's truly passionate about Cuban culture and cuisine.

The main reasons I'm not giving this a one star rating are that I liked the message of rediscovering your love for something and taking an unconventional path. Casper also gains some empathy vis a vis his son, which was one plot point that was believable.
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Hi, Mom (2021)
Sweet Movie Based on a True Story
6 March 2021
Many can relate to this story of a mother who's sacrificed everything or lived a hard life her whole life and a daughter who feels like she hasn't lived up to her mother's expectations or hasn't done enough to lift her family up. What if you could meet your mother before you were even born?

Knowing the background of this movie due to my mother who made me watch this movie with her, I think this movie would've been weaker without that information on the two lead actresses. They both struggled to break into the big screen, but toiled together for several years until their big break came in the form of this movie. At times, the plot of Hi, Mom was a bit predictable (you see similar tropes when characters travel back in time), but once you accept that it's less plot-driven so much as driven by the main characters' interactions with each other, you can appreciate that Ling Jia directed, wrote and acted in this movie dedicated to her mother. I definitely shed some tears at the end and would recommend this to anyone who doesn't mind a bit of a sentimental movie.
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Not a Major Improvement From The First 2 Movies
15 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
As a young fan and first-time Star Wars movie watcher, I was drawn in through The Mandalorian and my friend who is a major Star Wars geek and raved about the Star Wars lore. He suggested the chronological order: I, II, Clone Wars movie + TV series, III, etc. From what he's told me, there are some canon comics and non-canon TV show that were released before Revenge of the Sith and that this movie was more of a fan service.

However, judging from my standpoint where I'm coming from the TV series, the prequel trilogy pales in comparison and has disappointed quite a bit in terms of acting and direction. I'm imagining the trilogy without the existence of The Clone Wars (2008) series, and it's clear this movie leaves many gaps and explanation for some things, such as the Jedi Council's suspicion of the Chancellor and Anakin's distrust of the Council. Order 66 was also thrown in there but not even explained. The good thing about watching animated series is that it adds more depth to all the major characters and provides much needed context. Otherwise, the end of Episode II where the Clone Wars began to Episode III where the Clone Wars is ending feels like a huge jump.

Additionally, Anakin in the show appears more complex and has more reasons for why he may want to leave the Jedi Order and why he distrusts the Council--reasons that are less self-serving and ego-based.

Lastly, the goodness. One would've thought that Hayden would've improved since The Phantom Menace. Almost everything he says seems unnatural and stiff. Mind you, even if Jedi are supposed to be kind of unemotional/serious, there's a way to make it believable. His switch to the Dark Side felt too sudden, and while some plot developments are spelled out too matter-of-fact through dialogue, this one would've benefitted from more clarity. It's still hard for me to figure out how Anakin had spent so many years fighting for the Republic and the Jedi Order then easily caved to Darth Sidious and all his orders.

Aside from Anakin, Palpatine and Padme appeared more melodramatic than expected too. They don't talk and react like how I'd expect them to from the show. Natalie Portman spends half her lines wailing and Palpatine was no longer the evil genius mastermind from the animated series. For example, Palpatine yelling "unlimited power!!" was so cringe and assigning those ultimate orders to Anakin, as opposed to also utilizing some Separatist armies, felt too much like "Palpatine x Ani vs. the world."

The fighting scenes have definitely improved since Episode I, and there were some epic moments, ex. with Obi-Wan Kenobi, that actually drew me into the story more. I still enjoyed the movie, but I think it would've benefited from the same team that crafted The Clone Wars series.
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The Legend of Korra (2012–2014)
Watch Till The End! It's Worth It
19 December 2020
People, including me, have closely compared this show to its predecessor for too long. When I first watched this in 2012-2014, I was only 13 years old. I missed the quirkiness of the characters, the memorable songs, the growth we see in each major character, and the undeniable world building prowess.

Having rewatched it just now at the age 22, I finally see how good of a show The Legend of Korra is. When you first start it, you keep thinking back to the old characters and world, wondering what happened to the old gang and reminiscing over the previous show. Give LoK a chance to stand on its own two feet and grow into itself. Korra is very different from Aang--older, more hot-tempered, impulsive and, admittedly, less funny. I struggled to watch her the first two seasons, even though I was still attached to bending and the Avatar Universe. Bolin maybe tries too hard to be funny, but his heart of gold shines through and even plays an important part in the story. It also be that his sense of humor is supposed to appeal to a younger audience. I think one problem LoK has is that it has too many characters, too few time. It's not really the creators' fault. I just wish we could see more of some characters, and I think ATLA did a better job of centering the show around a core group and featuring new characters/bringing back old characters in each episode.

However, season 3 and season 4 are definitely the best ones for me. It's not only that the villains are better, with complex motives and cooler bending styles. Korra faces a different type of battle with each one (without spoiling too much), and I was moved by the mature subjects this show touched upon: PTSD, feelings of incompetence, loss, change. Korra grows in more ways than one by the end of show; you will truly experience heart pain and swell right alongside the characters. LoK still has dynamic and well-animated fighting scenes, and I ended up finding this new futuristic side of the Avatar Universe absolutely fascinating. Just think about the Industrial Revolution in the US and how much innovation was happening at the time!

This show and its predecessor will always be very, very dear to my heart. Do not sleep on The Legend of Korra! And some SERIOUS kudos to Michael and Bryan for churning out amazing content even while Nickelodeon had half a mind to cancel this show at every season and wouldn't give them more episodic freedom.
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True Detective (2014– )
Season 1 is also slow
1 December 2020
I have seen many reviews saying S1 and 2 were masterpieces, and S3 is the bad one, being terribly slow and depressing.

Well, that's how I felt about the very very first episode. Of course, Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey are phenomenal actors, and the episode is well-shot, but wow is it slow. My mom missed half the episode, and I could tell her in 2 sentences what happened. There were some interesting tidbits, from Rust's (McConaughey's character) analysis of the crime and his personality issues, but wow, I just kept waiting for the plot to pick up.

I typically have quite some patience for shows where many others complained were slow, having sat through and enjoyed Agents of SHIELD Season 1 and Handmaid's Tale Season 1 for example. But True Detective, it'll take me a while to get around to finishing your first season.
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The Handmaid's Tale (2017–2025)
Does Not Deserve This High Rating
30 August 2020
I liked the premise, and I thought Season 1 was done well in setting up the conflicts and the characters' motivations, building up the world, and drawing a picture of the history before what is now the dystopian society known as Gilead.

Season 2, as many other reviewers note, absolutely drags things out. Season 1 had its slow moments too, but overall there were enough pivotal moments and interesting parts. In Season 2, you see some flashbacks that add barely anything to the story. Why, as an audience member, should I care? There's too much panning and watching Elizabeth Moss walk around aimlessly. I find my mind wandering pretty quickly.

I'm only going to probably stick with this, because I have a friend who still enjoys it and because I am quite curious as to how it ends. I would love to see certain despicable characters face their demise :)
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Top Gun (1986)
It's an eh for me
16 August 2020
Let's get this clear: the flight sequences are amazing to watch. My whole family was ooh-ing and ah-ing during every single one, and we genuinely sensed the danger (and excitement) the fighter pilots were in. Soundtrack, loved it. Muscular, toned guys, check.

Story-wise though, there were a few moments-not going to spoil anything-that are supposedly important to Pete Mitchell, but it's not worked in sensitively and deeply such that the audience can also empathize with. In fact, this movie perplexed my parents (aged 49-54 years old) at times; if they didn't catch a single line about something, they wouldn't understand a character's motivation.

Okay, you might say, chill out it ain't that deep. But there was also a scene that lacked explanation (one character's only piece of dialogue near the end of movie). In addition to that, the movie felt kind of predictable. The main plot developments in the movie were nothing exciting and new. Honestly, it felt like checking off boxes.

I watched this movie, because the rest of my family had only seen Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible movies (known to us as mostly action, less varied acting), but I did enjoy Risky Business, so I had hoped to see another dimension of Tom Cruise here.

This quote from critic Roger Egert sums it up best: "Movies like Top Gun are hard to review because the good parts are so good and the bad parts are so relentless. The dogfights are absolutely the best since Clint Eastwood's electrifying aerial scenes in Firefox. But look out for the scenes where the people talk to one another."
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Not...Good Despite Positive Ratings
8 August 2020
The high rating and reviews made me think this would be a good movie. 15 minutes in, my parents were disappointed by the typical Stephen Chow film, and we had to switch. I thought it was a parody of the Hong Kong fighting movies where people exhibit exaggerated expressions and float in the air/fly, but we soon realized that it IS one of those movies. Half the actors do not deliver quality acting, adding onto the disaster that the movie is already.

Edit: I'm not going to justify my sense of humor, but I think it's pretty mainstream given that I laugh during Marvel movies and I like the popular comedy TV shows too. This type of movie is the kind that throws you some slapstick stuff and tries to use "weirdness" to underpin their "comedy." With a near nonexistent plot, the scenes don't drive the movie forward. I chuckled a couple of times at certain things (because I've seen them in memes a long time ago), but other than that, I was literally thinking, "what is going on in this movie???"

Comparing this to good martial arts films is aN absolute disgrace. I saw one reviewer said the fight scenes are great, especially the first one. Stylistically speaking, this movie is above the rest of those cheesy fighting films, but it is not really fighting if it's one-sided and the "action" ends as quickly as it started. If you've seen Daredevil, the first few seasons of Arrow, or even the Ip Man film series, then you'll actually know what decent good fighting scenes are.

Edit: This is DEFINITELY a cult film, because negative reviews like mine, which would've helped me a lot in the first place, have an excessive # of downvotes, and all the reviews with high ratings have a majority of helpful votes.

I hope my review sees the light of day and can prevent poor souls from watching this movie.
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Feel Good Family Movie
1 August 2020
After seeing way too many comedy films with the same rehashed humor and jokes, this one doesn't bring anything new to the table in that respect. Mark Wahlberg has also played this type of role before, though it's a bit new for me seeing Rose Byrne playing the role of a mother. That being said, if you haven't watched any Sean Anders films (Daddy's Home, We're the Millers, etc.), then you might still enjoy the dialogue in this movie.

Regardless, I liked the premise of a pair of inexperienced parents adopting siblings from the foster care system; while kids not getting along with new parents / new family members is a trope, I haven't seen foster children, much less LatinX main characters portrayed in such a way. The movie also actually depicts some of the classes and lessons the parents are equipped with, making Instant Family more realistic than a film that attempted to contain only the "meaty" parts of the story. Pete and Ellie, the main characters, are not perfect people. They experience several hiccups throughout the parenting process, but you know that they're really trying.

My rating: 6.5/10
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013–2020)
Crazily Underrated Show
24 July 2020
I'm here; I'm currently halfway through season 7, and I will tell you that Agents of SHIELD is amazing and deserves a watch.

I know some reviews found the first season slow, but I personally didn't. I liked that coming off the heels of the Avengers Universe hot, this show needed its own world and context building. Hydra is reintroduced and set up perfectly. Slowly, you get introduced deeper and deeper into the conflict between Hydra and SHIELD. Humans with superhuman abilities. Internal conflict within SHIELD. New worlds. New timelines.

Sure, maybe some of the stories are a bit out there, but if you let your mind run wild with the wildest science fiction fantasies, you'll love the consistent action, suspense and amazing technology this show has to offer. This show has built some of the deepest relationships between partners, between friends, between teams I have watched in all the shows I've watched. Do give it a try; this show is worth wayyy higher than the current rating. Ludicrous that shows like Arrow and Flash have higher ratings than this one.
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The Irishman (2019)
Good, But Not a Favorite
19 July 2020
(Just a little background.) I am someone who hasn't watched a ton of Martin Scorsese movies, nor movies with De Niro or Pesci. To the extent of being familiar with the genre of mafia, I've watched The Godfather and many TV shows involving crime syndicates.

On the whole, I liked The Irishman. The way the movie was filmed felt very classic. Nothing too fancy, no frequent cuts to close-up shots, no quick successions/sudden jumps. The shots were clean and well-framed. I'm not sure why, but I liked the lighting of many of the scenes too.

Cinematography aside, the movie was long, because it traced Frank Sheeran's life from how he joined the mob to pretty much the end of his life. The first third (not too sure-time becomes hard to tell once you're watching the movie) dragged. I kept wishing more would happen. The middle with Jimmy Hoffa, played by Al Pacino, was more exciting. Not only is Pacino a fantastic actor with some funny moments, but the dynamic and scenes between him and De Niro was realistic. You really get a feel for the friendship, but also the tension with regards to their loyalties to different sides. Joe Pesci's intimidating yet calm demeanor is a quality I live for in movies and TV shows; not every actor can pull it off, but the ones who can do it beautifully. The casting of Frank Sheeran's daughters wasn't the best; they barely looked anything like the younger versions of themselves, leaving me a bit confused at first on who they were when the second flashback caught up to the first. The last half hour of the movie became slow again too. I suppose the purpose was really to highlight how Sheeran's job impacted his life and led to his lonely ending.

There were too many characters. I started getting confused with all the white males and each person's role and place in the hierarchy. I don't want to spoil the ending, but part of it felt sudden and confusing too.

Nevertheless, I did enjoy it. It is definitely a mafia movie that harkens to an earlier time when movies of this kind were highly popular. The Irishman doesn't really bring anything new, but it's nice to see these legends all in one movie. Hey, if you have 3.5 hours to kill, this isn't a bad choice to go with.
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Sense8 (2015–2018)
Revised Thoughts - Not a 10
11 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
When I first watched the show, I rated it a 10. I found it unique, beautifully filmed, and so...human. You witness all these different people learning about each other and aiding in each other's struggles using their individual strengths. The sense of empathy amidst the topical struggles they faced was inspiring. Even into Season 2, which took a long time to come out, I deeply cared about these characters.

Why dock 2 stars?

1. It was confusing, honestly. Sometimes sci-fi shows can do that; they introduce complex issues and throw on layers and flashbacks to make the story more "realistic" and "interesting," I'm guessing. I didn't quite process everything until Season 2, meaning most of Season 1 left me wondering what exactly was going on.

2. I get the point of the sex scenes. Sex is part of being human. The sensates experience extra pleasure during sex due to their connection. However, it did become a little much.

3. After reading the reviews here, I suddenly recalled that yes, each character arc was permeated with stereotypes. I won't repeat what the other reviews said, but essentially, the show fronts as being novel and groundbreaking while falling on certain tropes. That stuff did feel overextended in Season 2. I will concede that putting them all together in a single show is still distinctive, and I personally haven't watched many movies or shows with trans women, Indian women, gay Mexicans, or Asian women battling a patriarchal society.

Because the show tells the story of 8 people, I sometimes wish there was more dialogue and further exploration of the cultural significance and societal pressures for some of the characters. Regardless, my rating is mostly based on how I felt watching the show, and the verdict is that I felt that many groups were represented, I liked the concept and overall story, and I came away feeling fulfilled.
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The Witcher (2019– )
I Don't Want to Continue Watching
7 June 2020
I haven't played the video game nor read the books, so I'm just coming from a standpoint of someone who was recommended this show by a friend (whom I usually trust for good show recommendations). Sad to say, I don't want to waste my time on this show when there are so many much better ones out there.

Henry Cavill is fine as Geralt, but to echo many other negative reviews, the other characters have zero impact, AND I can barely remember their names, as unfamiliar "Medieval" names are just thrown around constantly.

The fight scenes with Cavill were not bad, but they and the other fight scenes were a bit too bloody. I can handle Tarantino movies, and I've watched shows like Daredevil and The Punisher. Here the squish sound effects and dramatic stabbing just feel unnecessary? Like there wasn't enough buildup to make the fighting scenes interesting.

The casting director also needs a check in the head. Again, Cavill good, but the queen and the king? They don't look like they belong at all. And they really don't look related to the princess in any way, shape, or form, besides being white, I guess. Also, I'm for diversity and empowerment, but it has to be natural and make sense for the context of the show. There are some characters that are literally there for the sake of diversity. It's jarringly obvious.

Lastly, the story hasn't come together yet. Not to spoil anything, but Geralt's storyline doesn't make much sense. The royal family one does, though there's no effort to show how the two plots are related yet.
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Narcos: Mexico (2018–2021)
Falling Short of the Original
3 April 2020
Different drug, mostly different characters, new setting, but slower paced. Now, I realize this pace might be intentional, perhaps reflecting the attitude of the government and the DEA, but it results in a more frustrating and, at times, boring experience watching the show. Michael Pena fits his role well as Kiki and carries the show alongside Diego Luna as Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo. Other than these two, the characters are hard to keep track of. There's the people in DFS, people in the other plazas, people in the different police levels, people in the government, people within Felix's group. In some scenes, I'm just trying to remember the connection between certain characters and their role in the show. I'm still going to continue watching (currently at S1 E6), out of interest of how it turns out and as an ode to the first show, but just keep your expectations measured.

Update: Same drug now. I am halfway through Season 2, and I can decidedly say that Felix is not an interesting of a drug lord as Escobar and the Cali cartel were. While the action has picked up, the new DEA agent isn't as memorable as Kiki was and of course not as cool as Murphy and Javier were in Narcos Colombia.
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Criminal Minds (2005– )
Undeserved 8 Star Rating
17 December 2019
I randomly started watching this show literally for two reasons: 1. many of my friends watched it and 2. I enjoy the occasional crime drama. What I learned is not to give into hype. I'm almost done with season 1, and I don't think it's worth my time anymore, what with so many better shows out here.

I thought uncovering the crimes would be interesting, but there's an entirely different crime and setting from episode to episode, and there's no overarching plot line to keep me invested in the show. The dots connected at the end of each episode by the FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit sometimes feel pulled out of their a**es and only impress me half the time.

What another reviewer said about how the characters are cliche is on-the-dot, yet there's something still enjoyable about the way they interact, and I genuinely like Dr. Reed. I'm also giving the show the benefit of the doubt, because it started in 2005, so it isn't wholly fair for me to compare to other things I've consumed up until today (end of 2019). I'm also giving this a few extra stars, because the first several episodes were pretty interesting. I was reminded of Quantico, and I was trying to figure out the explanations for the crimes alongside the characters.
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Hilarious Show (apparently underrated based on reviews here)
10 August 2019
I had to write a review for The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, because I am appalled by the number of negative reviews here.

Colbert is one of the very few late night show hosts whose monologues I click immediately. He is hilarious, but not offensive, and his interactions with guests are natural and funny as well, unlike some other hosts. In response to other reviewers that say he talks about Trump too much, the thing is, Colbert still makes it interesting to listen to and not rehashed. And can you really blame him--Trump gives way too much ridiculous content--plus he most definitely makes fun of Democrats too. Quite possible that some of the naysayers don't actually watch a majority of his videos...
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Black Mirror: Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too (2019)
Season 5, Episode 3
Seriously, not that bad (7.5/10)
17 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
After reading some critic and user reviews that land on either spectrum of hating and enjoying the episode, I think some viewers have come to have the expectation that Black Mirror should have a dark, deep message about technology and human behavior. However, I am one of the people who like that sometimes the story portrayed in a neutral or positive tone (for example, I really liked Hang the DJ). I liked the blend of comedy, drama, and mystery/thriller.

I will concede, though, that it erred on the predictable and perfectly timed end of things. I laughed to myself, remarking how this episode was that of a "typical TV show" and less of a Black Mirror episode where I'm either confused or on the edge of my seat wondering where the episode is going.

For myself, I think it would have been more interesting if the show had more subtle meanings that went deeper than what most of us surmise about Hollywood and the effect of TV shows like Disney on their actors. Say, if Ashley killed her aunt or turned out to be an awful person, maybe it would raise the question of whether it is, in fact, better to keep her in the sanitized, peppy image as opposed to who she "really is."
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Arrow (2012–2020)
I quit in halfway through season 5
6 June 2019
The first two season I binged through and loved. It was suspenseful, Oliver's bow-and-arrow skills wowed me, and I was invested in him and the universe. When season 4 came around, I was annoyed by half the characters. The constant arguing and drama over the same things, the love tangles, nothing unique in the fighting scenes. When season 5 came around with the new vigilantes, I almost chucked my computer out the window. When the midseason finale ended, I never returned to the show since, and I've been better for it. Much better superhero shows out there (go watch Daredevil and The Punisher!!).
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Not as great as expected
16 February 2013
Seeing as this is the number 1 Chinese film currently, I had high hopes for what this movie could bring. I also heard it was a comedic film, but most of the time, the thought that often crossed my mind was, "Why am I still here watching this?" The two main characters, Xu Lang and Baobao, have an interesting relationship, but every time they argue, it's something quite expected.

For me, there wasn't much to the storyline of the movie. It was one argument, then the easy making up, and continuation of Baobao's Thailand checklist. Baobao is not a very intelligent character, yet he's kind and helpful. He's frustrating because he constantly messes up Xu Lang's plans, but he's very apologetic.

Also, the resolution of the movie, although happy, was cliché and somewhat boring.

In conclusion, take heed when you watch this movie. I suggest not going to the theaters to watch this, but if you really want to, wait till it comes out for rental.
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