
5 Reviews
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Equilibrium (2002)
This was as good as 1994, clockwork orange, Fahrenheit 951, or others of the genre
26 May 2009
I loved this movie. I'd never even heard of it till a friend stumbled upon a clip on you tube. Christian Bale is a great actor and from the looks of this movie he either has a great deal of martial arts background or they did such a fantastic job of inserting the stunt double you never even notice it isn't him doing the amazing martial arts exhibitions in this movie. Personally I think he did a lot of his own stunt work in this and it's a good primer for why he was chosen for the role of the black knight in the new batman movies. No, I don't think this movie is far-fetched at all, it would probably be a stretch to believe that so many of society would willingly take their drugs but the threat of incarceration or worse might certainly swing the doubters in the desired direction. This was one of those great stories designed to tell the story of how only one man can swing the balance....... Great movie, I don't even remember this hitting the's a deep movie, don't judge it at the first watch it deserves some deep thought and the action is enough to keep most interested.
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Yellowbeard (1983)
This is a funny, funny movie
8 June 2005
I love the pythons, with a couple of exceptions their movies are great. Since these dudes are all history professors when they take a stab at a costume drama they usually do a good job of getting it right. The movie captures the attitudes and ambiance of the period very well, the costuming was what I'd call excellent.

I really don't think many could have done a better job of casting the parts in this movie. The blind guy with the super hearing was a riot as was yellowbeard himself, right down to the slow matches in his beard--a very period touch since everyone was mostly still running around with swords and matchlock blackpowder weapons. The Chong brothers were also well cast in their parts. This movie was pure python, most of the jokes will sail over the heads of the younger crowd but the adults will be laughing themselves silly in many parts of the movie. I'm really disappointed that they haven't got this out in DVD yet, when it does come out it will go in my collection next to the Holy Grail and Eric the Viking (which also isn't released in region 1 yet).
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C.H.O.M.P.S. (1979)
This movie is totally cute and classic Disney
19 August 2004
I've seen this movie several times, when it comes out on DVD it'll be added to my collection.

The story is great, there's no bad language and there's just enough comic relief to keep it all light--like a good Disney movie should be. The acting is typical Disney and you see a lot of the same faces as in other Disney movies. The plot revolves around an inventor that develops a robotic dog "security system" who looks just like his real small dog. A lot of the comedy comes from watching this tiny little dog beat up the bad guys, bust through brick walls and otherwise perform amazing stunts--really well done. This is a movie for the whole family although the kids will probably cry just like I did in the one really sad part of the movie (and no, I won't blow it for you). This is another Disney classic along the lines of "The computer that wore tennis shoes" and "Flight of the Navigator." For it's time, this movie was way ahead and is also just plain good sci fi. Loved it.
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An enjoyable tour of the viking legends
28 December 2003
This movie was a brainchild of the venerable Pythons (Monty python's flying circus, Yellowbeard, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Life of Brian) and while only a couple of them are in it, it has their usual stamp of silliness and political incorrectness. The python troup has several history professors among it and thus their historical flicks, while silly, also usually manage to work some real history into the mix. Anyone familiar with the viking belief system and legends will really enjoy this movie for its correctness and attention to detail in that regard. While there are many amusing parts of the movie, I found the Christian priest that accompanyied them and couldn't see any of the viking gods (because that was not his belief system), perhaps the most amusing part of the whole movie.
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Roleplayers will love this movie
29 October 2003
I went to see this movie with an open mind, I knew that most of the critics hated it. They usually hate good science fiction because they don't understand it so I wasn't too worried.

I loved this movie, for anyone used to GURPS, Space 1889, White Wolf or any of the other decently fleshed out roleplaying games out there, this movie will be wonderful.

I for one put this movie in the same genre with The Mummy and the The Mummy Returns, the story was bit better for the Mummy movies but this one certainly has nothing to feel bad about. The first part of the movie are a few side adventures assembling all the members of the team, the second part involves stopping the bad guy from blowing up the UN-like meeting of world representatives in Venice and the third is about narrowly avoiding disaster and tracking down the bad guy. The effects were great, I loved the characters, my only wish is that they'd fleshed the story out a tad more--otherwise this was a great movie with just enough humor thrown in to keep it all interesting.

I loved this movie and when it comes out on dvd I will be adding it to my collection.
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