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Barry Lyndon (1975)
Ryan O'Neal almosts ruins this film
13 April 2018
This movie is lavish and all the acting is first-rate except for one role.... the lead, Redmond Barry, played by Ryan O'Neal, who has all the talent of a rotted-out wooden log.

Try to get past O'Neal's one expression throughout the film and savor the fine acting performances of the entire rest of the cast as well as the fine sets and costumes.
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Dick Simmons is perfect as Sgt. Preston
26 March 2018
Richard 'Dick' Simmons was the perfect choice to play the Yukon constable.

Simmons was tall, handsome, and a great actor. He had a masculine voice and he exuded not only bravery, but compassion and understanding to the people who visited the northwest territory. With his trusty dog (King) and dependable horse (Rex), Sergeant Preston defended law and order as a stalwart representative of the Northwest Mounted Police.

This series was excellent thanks to fine actor Richard 'Dick' Simmons.
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Star Trek: Spock's Brain (1968)
Season 3, Episode 1
Funniest Star Trek episode ever
15 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know why people hate this episode. There's science, cute chicks, and great comedy.

A hot babe infiltrates Spock's noggin and appropriates his gray matter. The crew goes after it. The pretty girls don't really know what the hell's going on anymore than Kirk and company do. Eventually, they find Spock's disembodied part and try to put it back where it belongs. It's so funny watching Spock's 'brainless' body being 'mechanically directed' to walk. We all know it's Leonard Nimoy pretending not to have a brain.

Good fun. Even the title is funny..... "SPOCK'S BRAIN" ..... lol !
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Star Trek Continues (2013–2017)
Exciting idea, but with one grave error
6 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
To the producers of this show: THERE IS ONLY ONE CAPTAIN KIRK (William Shatner). We don't want to see some ugly effeminate dude with a high-pitched voice trying to stand in for the great Bill Shatner.

THERE IS ONLY ONE MR. SPOCK (Leonard Nimoy). We don't want to see some guy with a goofy haircut and the wrong complexion who looks like he's 11-years old doing a bad job of trying to be Spock.

Same notation for all the other characters. And therein lies the problem: the producers should have used all new characters (example: Captain Smith, Science Officer Jones, etc.), and they should be on a different ship (example: U.S.S. Independence).

The idea to 'continue' the series with a Starfleet ship, the same sets, the same ship sounds, the same uniforms (especially the chicks in those mini-skirts), this was an exciting idea. But to get other actors to play such beloved characters from the original series was a death sentence for the show.

An example of my theory is the new character of Elise McKenna (Michele Specht). She is believable and beautiful. This was a promising show idea, but when the producers came to the question of either making the crew the same characters from the original series - or - making the crew a different one, they made the wrong choice.

Opportunity missed. Too bad.
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Galactically stupid
8 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Let me get started by saying there's no story even resembling reality here. Navy lawyer Kaffee (Tom Snooze) is a little pee-on, yet he decides all on his own to take a sensitive case to court, a maneuver which would have found him stone-walled as soon as the higher echelon discovered he was filing to try the case.

Of course, we wouldn't have a movie without writer Aaron 'Copy-n-Paste' Sorkin's silly plot. We also wouldn't get to see Jack Nicholson's fine performance as Colonel Jessup. After all, he makes this his show while concomitantly dwarfing the poor excuses for actors on hand (Tom Snooze, Dummy Moore, and Kevin Haddock). Therefore, let the carnage begin.

We are introduced to Kaffee when he is LATE for a meeting showing up without a PEN (he's a lawyer - with a briefcase and everything - but he forgot his pen). Naturally, his commander is understanding. This is where the smart-alek chutzpah begins as Kaffee is proved to be a selfish fool, but all his contemporaries mysteriously still admire him.

The next ignorant screw-up by Kaffee happens as he arrives at a superior's office where Kaffee plops down in a chair while munching on an apple. As he sucks the dripping juices off his wrist, the silliness is snapped back to the old 'understanding commander' gag, rather than the more believable (and preferable) event of the superior barbecuing Kaffee for being such an arrogantly clueless putz.

As the film drones on, Kaffee has not realized that he should probably go to the nearest five-n-dime store and purchase a package of pens (this running joke was meant to be funny..... it was not). Kaffee's stupidity and total lack of military bearing was more than just Sorkin's failed attempt at comedy. It was also very annoying which resulted in a dislike of Kaffee. What a jerk.

When the BIG SCENE materializes (where, in the court room, Kaffee gets Jessup to 'admit' to ordering a forbidden 'Code Red'), we are supposed to believe that Jessup's career is over. This is a half-witted plot point by Sorkin as Jessup could easily appeal and just say that he was angered by the arrogant Kaffee (who truly is an obnoxious little fart). Following Jessup's demise, we see Kaffee stand proud to serve in the Navy, something he's balked at for the preceding 2 hours-plus.

As previously stated, this is Nicholson's movie. But added to that, there is no story here, at least if one strives for reality in a film, which is what all involved in movies strive for. When Kaffee (who was specifically chosen by the Navy to plea-bargain this case) decides all by his lonesome to try the soon-to-be-general Jessup in a court of law, the Navy would have escorted Kaffee back to his little cubical and shoved a stale donut in his mouth to shut him up, all of this while they begin to process his foolish butt out of the Navy.

Rent, watch, enjoy, but don't forget..... there's no realistic story here.
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Apollo 13 (I) (1995)
Formula 13
10 November 2017
Ron 'Opie' Howard wings it again with his patented clumsy direction.

Authenticity is thrown out the space window. Examples: having NASA dudes talking politics two feet away from the tonnage-heavy 'wheel tracks' of the 'crawler' (the vehicle which transports the rocket to the launch pad at 1 mile an hour); making astronauts Haise and Swigert argue and point fingers at one another concerning the accident in the spacecraft; mission commander Lovell (Tom Hanks with his squirrelly voice in tow) losing his temper and yelling in a NASA space center meeting; flight director Kranz finding a little corner to sit in so he can sulk; the predictable changing of original verbal transmissions; much more fictional silliness.

Like most contemporary Hollywood movies, every actor looks like he's 'acting', including veteran Ed Harris who should know better, though Kathleen Quinlan is adequate as Lovell's wife, Marilyn.

Film plays like a TV-movie or a cheap direct-to-video flick. As usual, the trajectory of blame should land right on top of Opie whom has yet to establish himself as a major film director.
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Denzel in a wig and goofy glasses.... and that's all
24 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Denzel Washington, whom has yet to prove himself to be a high-caliber actor, continues to choose 'wrong' roles that just aren't very interesting.

One of the problems here is the overly-familiar 'defense-lawyer-who-rises-from-the-ashes' story-line. We've seen it, it's been done. Yet here it is again, regurgitated like digging in the trash for the scraps of a meal you ate last week.

As an actor, Washington must focus on portraying a character who is credulous and likable rather than just trying to show the audience how great his acting range is (which isn't very great), this time using 'shock value' by donning an afro and some over-sized funky glasses which mostly makes Denzel look like he's fishing for an Academy Award (which he won't get).

A film which is not particularly well directed with Denzel offering his same old acting schtick. Court is dissolved. Next case.
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12 October 2017
Who wouldn't like this movie? It has chicks dancing around and shaking their boobies, 90 minutes of it!

Bless these women for making men happy. Yes, we're pigs, we're inconsiderate, we're idiots, but we love women! More boobs! That would be the title if I had named this picture.... "Boobs". Then the sequel would be called "Boobs 2: More Boobs".

Written by Edward Wood (the same), adapted from his novel.... his 'novel'? There was a novel? Maybe they meant 'navel'. The script does resemble belly-button lint.
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Marooned (1969)
Watch the MST3K episode
30 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie stinks unless you watch the MST3k episode which is very funny.

Gene Hackman, Dick Crenna, and Jimbo Franciscus play uptight American astronauts who get 'stranded' in earth orbit. Gregory Peck, Scott Brady, and a plethora of other actors are in mission control trying to talk these idiots down. The film drones on and on trying to inject some life somewhere - anywhere. At one point, the wives of the space dudes show up to offer their men moral support just about the time the viewer is throwing a noose over the rafters.

John Sturges directed (believe it or not).
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The Wrath of Grapes
26 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Pretty good film, but awfully slow-moving at times. Honestly simple as a bowl of grapes, but even that can become wretchedly mundane.

Tom Joad (Hank Fonda) is ultimately a general pain in the butt. He just can't avoid mischief earning him the right to be arrested and thrown in the clink just to get him out of everybody's hair -- and I wished that would have happened. As it was, he continued to screw up despite the constant pleas of his Mom to stay out of trouble.

John Carradine (my all-time favorite actor) delivers a fine performance as an ex-preacher. The film is basically well directed by John Ford, but once the Joads arrive at the 'sanitary unit' camp, the movie is, for all intents and purposes, by that time, over. There just aren't any surprises left. Fonda's final "I'll be there" speech is over-rated.

Worth tuning in for Ford's direction and Carradine's acting.
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Jaws 2 (1978)
Rehash 1
9 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This first of several un-needed sequels is just a re-working of the original shark flick.

Brody tries to save a group of rotten teenagers after almost two hours of filler wherein somebody gets devoured by the mad fish every time an imposed-upon good samaritan throws them a line in an attempt to save their sorry butts.

Most of this film is a mirror of scenes in Jaws 1 leading up to when Brody has an ace up his sleeve as the shark swims towards him for the final blow; this time it's not an oxygen tank, but an underwater electric cable that contributes to the angry mammal's demise.

2 stars only.... one each for pretty Ann Dusenberry and Donna Wilkes. See Donna in 'Fyre' (1979). What a nice small set of boobs as she goes topless. Ann also shows her young rack in 'Basic Training' (1985).

I bet Mom and Dad were real proud of these two little fame-n-fortune hunters who would both do ANYTHING to be a 'star'! Like when Donna shows her breasts, snorts cocaine, and makes out with another chick in 'Fyre'. And where are they both now? Pffft.
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Gog (1954)
3 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Scientists hang around the lab talking scientific stuff while they wait for the next science disaster to occur.

After awhile, it becomes evident that Constance Dowling is probably not going to dance naked on top of a table. The talking and the walking from one lab to the next continues, constantly interjected with an over-abundance of shots of scientific equipment.

The film is only about 80 minutes long, but it seems to go on for close to two hours. There is no explosive ending, only a weak scene of two old farts expounding on the promise of science in the future, followed by stock footage of a V-2 rocket arrogantly blasting off into oblivion.

Though I gagged on this mundane film, it was preferable to finding out what it would be like to 'gog' on it.
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The Jim Bakker Show (2003– )
Bakker's dark past always looms in the air
12 August 2017
Jim Bakker's checkered former days haunt this little show. And it's not cool at all that he and his cronies say the word "dollars" a lot more than they speak the name of God.

Jim, with new wife Lori (a cute and seemingly nice lady), has taken to selling 'food buckets'. This would not be suspect, except that Jim pitches how 'Doomsday' is drawing near, and THAT is why you NEED to order these survival buckets -- and Jimbo is not shy about asking for prices like $2,000 to $4,000 for 20 to 40 buckets or so, buckets which you are supposed to store in your basement or somewhere. Apparently, he hasn't been selling many because he's down-sized the offers time and again (he now has a 'starter kit' bucket.... a month's worth of food for $75). He measures the amount of food you receive by "servings", but who eats in 'servings'? By the way, Jim owes about $6 million dollars in liens to the IRS. No doubt he wants to pay that off fast, but one is inclined to doubt that he ever will.

Some good guest-speakers on the show, like Perry Stone and Frank Amedia. It's actually an attractive program if you can get past the remembrance of Jim's shady shenanigans during his involvement with his old PTL Club/Heritage USA ministry where he diverted $4 million dollars of his congregation's offerings into his own personal bank account, as well as cheating on his then-wife, Tammy Fay, and then tapped the ministry's treasury again to take $800,000 so he could pay off the 'other woman' (Jessica Hahn) to buy her silence.

All I can say is... the rubes who allow this unscrupulous crook to take their money deserve to be taken.
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Swashbuckler (1976)
Quint on the Seven Seas
22 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Robert Shaw does his 'Quint' imitation (from 'Jaws') in this goofy pirate adventure.

During the playing of the clumsy musical score, 'Ned Lynch' (Shaw) runs around in his best red pirate blouse unbuttoned all the way down to his navel (you know, the way all gay pirates do). While 'Major Folly', portrayed by the typically over-acting Beau Bridges (Lloyd's load), conducts an execution of James Earl Jones, Lynch rescues the Black Man with the help of perfectly placed ropes for him to swing to shore on, and then back to his ship, which is conveniently displacing deep water a foot from the beach, all while the townspeople jump for joy for no apparent reason, complete with cartwheels and the triumphant yawping of a banana salesman (from whom Lynch later steals the dude's banana supply). Does Quint-- I mean, Lynch, know these people? Do they get some form of remuneration for their loyalty? Does anyone give a rat's butt?

Lynch continues to bounce around, smiling like an idiot, with his trusted crew which includes everybody's favorite effeminate giant, Geoffrey Holder, and pudgy Avery Schreiber (who wears a 'half-shirt'.... yuck!) with his cheesy mustache in tow. Finally, Lynch meets the token damsel-in-distress (Genevieve Bujold) who is trying to retrieve her necklace from one of the crew sluts. The resident villain is Peter Boyle (I bet he does a kill Brando impersonation).

Smash-cut to the plot.... Genevieve must conscript Lynch to her service in order to free associate political prisoners who await execution. The rest is more blarney interspersed with every pirate movie cliché in the archives. For note, one of Lynch's men speaks 'monkey', Lynch's ship is equipped in the script with a 'character name', and there's a rooster on-board for laughs, of which there are few. Horrendously directed by James Goldstone who must have run out of film (or money) judging by the way the movie cuts off abruptly without the luxury of a satisfying final scene.

From the vault of Goldstone's private stock crock. Tune in if you must. My rating: 2 stars for Genevieve Bujold's boobs.... one for each boob.
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Bonanza (1959–1973)
Cow-pie Theater
13 July 2017
This should have been called 'The Lorne Greene Western Hour' because Lorne is the only good actor on the show.

The dudes who play the three sons are all short miscast bad actors who look like they belong on a loading dock somewhere, not starring on a TV show.

Hoss was the big guy with the giant hat, Adam was always dressed in black, and Little Shmo-- I mean Joe, was the little runt who liked to swagger around the town bar trying to impress the women if he could get one of them to give him the time of day.

Lame show; 'Gunsmoke' was so much better than this.
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Genuinely interesting and entertaining
4 June 2017
Director Edward D. Wood, Jr. makes an earnest attempt at a sci-fi story, though this movie is famous for being labeled as the 'worst film ever'.

Aliens arrive on earth in the form of toy flying saucers filled with beings who sport fancy hairdos and shiny blouses. Earthlings must join together to thwart the extra-terrestrials while concomitantly trying to discover why the visitors are here.

Greg Walcott gives a good performance in the role of an airline pilot as does Lyle Talbot as an army general. Also starring wrestler Tor Johnson as a police chief, horror film legend Bela Lugosi as a widower, beautiful vampiress Vampira, and psychic Criswell on hand to deliver an introductory narrative.

Followed by Ed Wood's sequel 'Revenge of the Dead' (1960), later renamed 'Night of the Ghouls' by a videographer whom had nothing to do with either film at the time of their release.
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Sergeant Preston of the Yukon: Relief Train (1956)
Season 1, Episode 22
Yukon Dumbbells Need A Mountie -- And Fast!
2 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Criminals hoodwink a town of fools into trading every one of their guns for a minuscule package of grub the size of a baseball.

Once the halfwits in greater township realize they've been taken to the cleaners, they sit around and wait for Sergeant Preston to show up to save their sorry butts, not that they deserve it. Preston (Dick Simmons) bails them out and puts the bad guys behind bars.

These folks renamed their city 'King City' after the dog. I like King, but what the hell did he do in this episode? How about renaming the town Preston City, or how about Idiot Village after the many village idiots who live there.

Dick Simmons is perfect in the role of 'Sgt. Preston'. I love Dick.
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Out on a Limb (1987)
Better than expected and Shirley is hot
29 May 2017
Not bad docudrama of a very pretty Shirley MacLaine describing her path of awareness.

Some strained romantic interludes - which most women will no doubt find alluring - are included in the movie, but the film is literally interesting once Shirley embarks on her 'journey' to find the meaning of life and all that. I still could never detach myself from the possibility that Shirley is just some bored rich chick who needed something to do, thus she began her little self-discovery thing. Having said that, the flick is okay, save the frustration of her character (herself) tolerating that spooky married British guy (Charlie Dance) when she had a more promising prospect in the enlightened beach bum (John Heard). Anne Jackson tags along as an over-bearing matza ball.

Check it out. There are some clips of Shirley performing on Broadway.
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Travelogue: Come to Alaska! The Last Frontier! And see a flying saucer!.... maybe
10 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Mikel (spelling looks Russian) Conrad 'stars' in this little sci/fi thing as a "two-fisted playboy" who is sent to Alaska with a cute chick (Pat Garrison) to investigate the recently reported 'sightings' of flying saucers circling intermittently overhead.

The film ultimately amounts to nothing more than a visual brochure detailing the beauty of the Alaskan tundra, sprinkled with Conrad smoking every two minutes followed by the inevitable littering of his cigarette butts, the curious prospect that Garrison only brought one change of clothes for the trip, and an occasional glimpse of what appears to be a flying saucer.

Non-stop mellifluous background music melds the proceedings together seamlessly, but as previously stated, at least the scenery is pretty. Frank Darien as 'Matt' delivers a realistic dying scene 48 minutes into the movie. Credit also goes to Conrad here for keeping the camera on Darien's face in close-up.

No doubt Conrad wanted to attain a hopefully stellar film career as a leading man. Somehow, he was able to produce, direct, and write the movie. He even closed his tale with a kissing scene on a rocky slope, remembering to carefully position himself just a bit higher than Garrison so he would appear taller than she was (which he was not).

Of interest to film historians and genre aficionados will be Conrad's innovative advertising stunt to coax potential movie-goers into theaters by falsely relating that the story is derived from "classified government files".
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"Mo-beel 1 and Mo-beel 7, from Mo-beel Center, ..... roger, wilco, and out!"
27 March 2017
They don't make them like this anymore.

Fun 1953 sci-fi/horror from director W. Lee Wilder. This one involves an alien whom has landed on earth, apparently inadvertently. As the frightened natives of this weird little planet run around in circles for awhile, the space visitor remains elusive until he feels the time is right to attempt contact. His efforts are not well-received, at which point he must continue his time on the lam. He is pursued by a diligent cop, a federal officer, a boring military man, a dusty scientist, a nosy reporter, a cute chick, and her goofy husband.

Fun for aficionados of classic black-n-white 50's B-movies.
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Mass Appeal (1984)
MESS Appeal
28 January 2017
There's a bit of a mess at the local town seminary.

A young seminarian (a man studying to be a priest) thinks its OK for other male seminarians to have sexual relations with one another in their dorm rooms under the holy roof of the seminary. The same young, immature, and emotionally uncontrollable seminarian feels it's cool to burst into the Monsignor's office unannounced to spout his arrogant cultural and political viewpoints. Upon leaving, he makes the determination that it is also acceptable to physically knock over a priest in the Monsignor's outer office.

If I were the Monsignor, all of these things would prompt me to immediately pack this young man's bags and boot him in the butt as I send him out the door. Of course, there wouldn't be a movie if we saw that, so we get to watch this boy (who eventually admits he has a homosexual past) throw tantrums and attend church services in which he publicly uses language like "hookers" and refers to the congregation as a "coughing lot" and "over-dressed scavengers".

Jack Lemmon is wonderful as a personable priest named 'Father Farley', though the inhibited young actor portraying the seminarian is much less effective. Charles Durning is fine as 'Monsignor Burke', Louise Latham delivers a good performance as Farley's housekeeper, while Talia Balsam is pretty in the role as the seminarian's sister.

An interesting plot, though somewhat incredulous written this way; the best thing about the film is that it shows the audience that the career of a priest is like any other career.... the priest has an office, telephones, file cabinets, an a full appointment book. And it is not a negative trait for the priest to enjoy a glass of wine, drive a Mercedes, or play golf, though the writer (Bill Davis) intended these things to be construed as 'faults'.

Davis appears to have a problem with Catholics as he depicts most of them as emotionally distressed and devoid of scruples while he concomitantly interjects Jewish neologisms into his script.

See this for Lemmon's performance and his hard-working character's life as one of the best priests in the diocese. Recommended
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Max Rose (2013)
24 December 2016
Just another Jerry Lewis Filmed Fiasco that sat unreleased.... until now, unfortunately. No doubt to prove that he's still relevant in some way, Lewis has allowed humanity to be 'graced' with this ridiculously sappy movie about the widower life of an old fart (Lewis, type-casted).

Lewis putters around bumping into things, the camera incessantly zooming in for the close-up so we can see just how 'loveable' and 'cuddly' he really is -- yes, this is a science-fiction flick, folks. But at least Jerry doesn't try to sing!.... there IS a God! Jerry's fake pomposity is in tow once again.

Pass on this matza ball of a film.
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The Last Days of Patton (1986 TV Movie)
George C. Scott STINKS...... AGAIN !!!
24 December 2016
Stupid regurgitation of Patton's life, once again featuring G.C. Scott as the ludicrous American general.

Romantic interludes, silly digressions (like Patton singing a song to an audience at his b-day party), and tons of other padding stretch this dud to nearly 2 1/2 hours. Scott does his schtick as the stern rough-voiced commander (incidentally, Patton had a squeaky high-pitched voice) and the result is a replay of the posing puke in the first movie.

A waste of time, and as for Patton dying in a low-speed car accident, it served him right for putting himself above the Army by trying to be 'colorful' with his fancy pistol and juvenile behavior.
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Thin humor; a failed 'inspection'
15 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I love Danny Kaye, but this film is somewhat strained with few genuinely funny moments to sustain one's true interest for 102 minutes... quite a long running time for a 1949 comedy.

Kaye's goofy singing grows tiresome really fast, though he does sing a love song ('Wish on the Moon') with that beautiful voice of his. Tune in just to hear that. Barbara Bates plays the girl he loves and she's cute, but Walter Slezak's 'Yakov' character ruins the fun because he's such a scumbag, and in the end, he doesn't even get kicked out of the picture, in fact, he gets to hang around and enjoy the show.

Movie is too long without enough laughs, but it's Danny Kaye and if you're a Danny Kaye fan like me, you'll want to see it.
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'Glengarry Glen Dumbbells' -- and a short list of its obvious flaws
9 December 2016
Pretty cool movie written by one of my favorite writers, David Mamet.

A group of untalented salesmen are pressured by their company to hike their production numbers or else lose their jobs. Somewhat unbelievable script, but solid acting all around.

Here are some of the film's inconsistencies:

1. 'Blake' (Alic Baldin) asks if all those required to be at the meeting are present. Office manager Williamson (Kevin Spacy) says one guy, Roma (Al Pastinko), is absent, but Roma is the top salesman and he does not need to be there. Still, Blake says "Well, I'm starting with the meeting anyway". Later, Moss (Ed Haris) questions Williamson, "Roma doesn't have to be here because he's the top man on the board?", to which Williamson answers, "That's correct!").

2. 'Blake' boasts of being a great salesman, but the 'leads' (prospective clients) which he speaks highly of, are, in fact, worthless, as Williamson states later ("Those clients are insane.... would you like to see the memo from the main office?").

3. Roma goes to the barfly's private home to meet the loser's wife. It makes sense that Roma would get the inebriated loser in the bar to sign a contract to buy unseen land, but the loser's wife is the smart one, as she sends the barfly to see Roma the next day to cancel the contract, therefore, why would the barfly's wife sign the contract, too?

4. Roma accuses Williamson of losing him his bonus Cadillac for being 'Number 1' in sales for the month, and of ruining a deal Roma was working on which cost him his 10% cut from the deal, which is true... Roma would have lost that, but the bonus Cadillac Roma would get for being the top salesman in the office would still be his.

5. How could the competition (developer Jerry Graff who works "across the street"), be so stupid as to risk his business reputation and personal welfare by purchasing the stolen 'Glengarry Leads'?

Also featured is the competent Jack Lemon and Alan Arken portraying a down-trodden soul. If Al Pastinko had any balls, he would have wanted to play the part of the loser, Levine (Lemon's character), instead of the 'top salesman', Roma, who is 'respected' while he walks around with a wad of money in his pocket. And of course, Roma doesn't have to be around for Blake's caustic verbal tirade, which is part of the reason Pastinko opted to play Roma).

One question over-rides the entire proceedings: Why would these idiots stay with this terrible excuse for a job in the first place?
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