
53 Reviews
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Titans (I) (2018–2023)
Moving fast and slow at the same time
27 June 2023
Like all things DC, I love the characters. But also like DC, I don't love the storylines.

They went too mystical too quickly with this. It should have spent some time on street level crime, at least a season or two and then gradually built up into the fantastical fantasy, maybe an underlying story line whilst combating more 'realistic' crime/villains. Now we're left with only two characters (Raven and Star) who could actually serve any purpose, and because of this, their powers seem either confused or neutered and the various Robins a little bit out of their league, although Nightwing does come across as a great leader. Connor is the only one who seems to be well balanced.

For me it just seems all over the place trying to balance realism and fantasy, and yes, i say realism with a very loose tongue!

It's a shame, DC will always be my favourite of the two big comic hitters, but it's just not hitting the mark for me!
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Whiplash (2014)
Up there with the greatest!
23 October 2022
I honestly can't believe it's taken me until now (23/10/2022) to watch this absolute masterpiece! I'd heard it was good, but a story about an angry music teacher just didn't tickle the Spidey senses!

It is honestly one of the best films I have ever seen. Simmons and Teller were incredible from the first minute and it had me feeling every single emotion - happy, sad, angry, energised and uplifted. Not to mention how much I laughed at the dialogue.

It's genuinely made me want to start playing the drums, albeit with a different teacher 😅

Even the final deception with only about 15 minutes left of the film, I just thought 'oh, how are they ending the movie from here?'

And my god do they end it. Absolutely spectacular scenes in the last act! And will be a go to movie for me for a very long time to come!
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Resident Evil (2022)
For whom?
30 July 2022
I think the issue with Hollywood these days, is that they're trying so hard to appeal to everyone, that they actually don't appeal to anyone!

They can't make generic entertainment anymore, and by that, I don't mean boring, run of the mill, I mean entertainment that appeals to the masses. Everything seems so specific, yet they seem to miss their 'target' audience.

It's a totally bizarre method. I don't know what the end game is or where it will end. All I do know is, I will, for the time being, enjoy anything made before 2019 more than I do now, this 'RE' series included!
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Where are you indeed, D.B?
17 July 2022
It took exactly 11 minutes before it went off the subject of D. B Cooper, and started talking about feminism!

Yet another Netflix series I just had to turn off. These freaks are obsessed to the point of being mentally ill. Just tell the damn story!
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Morbius (2022)
Not as bad as you're told!
21 May 2022
I held off watching this until I was really bored due to the ratings... I actually enjoyed it and it's nowhere near as bad as it's made out to be, the only criticism I'd agree with is that it needed to be R rated (18 here in the U. K)
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Quite the surprise
17 March 2022
This film was more fun than it had any right to be!

I won't go into all the details, you have a synopsis for that.

It's a proper nostalgia baiter though, tapping into the likes of Star Wars and Back to the Future etc.. The effects were brilliant, it was a great little time travel story that didn't get too deep and up its own a$$. Reynolds was, of course, his typical self with some cracking one liners. Young Adam wasn't an annoying brat!

Yeah, I really, really liked it and will give it a second watch with my son.

Switch your brain off fun, no obvious preachy political agenda, just a well made, well paced action/sci-fi/comedy that doesn't need over analysing!
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Goriest thing was the script
20 February 2022
I honestly don't think I have ever seen a dumber movie! 🤣

I've just watched it on a hangover and having read the reviews, basically wanted to see a bit of gore and if it was really a stupid as people were saying. I got the gore, but man, it's a comedy, surely?

It has all your usually woke themes, but surprisingly I didn't find it lecturing, plus they mainly get massacred, which was nice.

It's odd, because I wouldn't even say I'd wasted my time watching it, it was so bad it was entertaining!
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Taron was missed
15 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I had feared that the concept wouldn't work, and I was right.

It seriously missed what made the other movies half decent, and that was the 'chav' come good. Taron Edgerton was clearly the best part of the other two films and his absence is felt. It isn't funny and it's fairly boring. Rasputin was nothing more than a supporting (and very odd) character, killed off halfway through the movie.

There were a few half decent action scenes, but unfortunately they didn't save it and I found it far too easy to pick my phone up whilst watching!
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Peacemaker (2022– )
Made for Twitter?
20 January 2022
Okay, so where to start!

It's funny (in parts) but the jokes don't always land and sometimes seem infantile, even if you set your mind to it being as whacky as Suicide Squad.

I love swearing in my movies/TV shows and they use it to good effect here, but dare I say maybe too much!

It's well produced and the effects are brilliant, but these instances have been few and far between thus far. You can tell the budget is far superior to the CW shows.

But then it pretty much ends there as far as positives go. Firstly, the elephant in the room. Wokeness. It's really, really bad, like probably the worst I've ever seen and why the hell they felt the need to do this in a show like Peacemaker is beyond me, but man they have really gone for it.

Short of giving Robert Patrick the script from Blazing Saddles, they have made him look as bigoted as possible and went pretty far with Cena too!

The positive of this is that they have gone so heavy handed with it that it actually becomes funny and makes it difficult to tell if laughing at it was the goal!

They have turned Cena into an absolute plum. He's somehow now a dumb pu55y and acts like a 15 year old boy.

There is A LOT of oddly placed dancing and twirking throughout and you will almost certainly want to skip the opening credits after watching them once and wondering what the hell is going on!

Overall it's tonally very weird. I'll stick with it and look past all these things because DC is my absolute favourite franchise. If it was any other franchise I would have stopped after the first 15 minutes and never thought about it again, which is a shame. The Twitter mobs basically rule Hollywood now and are slowly destroying it. Why? Don't know! It clearly doesn't make money which is why they don't make specific cinema pandering to their needs, it doesn't sell, so it gets shoehorned into absolutely everything that does sell.
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6 November 2021
Visually it looks nice, especially in 4k.

But man, I think you've had your day as a writer/director when your go to is to just make people a stupid as humanly possible, and I'm not talking about regular Joe Bloggs here, I'm talking about scientists and astronauts - people selected specifically for the mission!

Lazy, lazy writing. Very annoying characters that just scream at each other and panic at the slightest bit of trouble and the decision making could be written as a 'what not to do' 10,000 page self help book.

Honestly, you'll face palm so much that you'll risk concussion!
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Michael, they don't deserve to live.
25 October 2021
Do you know those horror movies where the people are so dumb you want them to die? This is one of them!

I was rooting for Michael to wipe them all out.

The typical stopping mid kill even though you know he is almost invincible. Stopping to pull a blade out of a dead guy, knowing the killer is in the house.

My 5 stars are for Michael and the gore.
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Wrong Turn (2021)
Frustrating and dumb
4 September 2021
Turned it off after the blonde girl cared more about the death of a psycho than she did her friend. Her morals were incredibly frustrating!

I'm guessing she survived, but I hope she didn't!

Horror films are still written dumb, it's why I stopped watching them years ago!
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A confused mess
23 May 2021
The film can't make up its mind whether it wants to be a horror, a comedy or a family drama and as a viewer I found it disconcerting.

The pacing was terrible, I don't mind a long movie, but this manages to seem rushed whilst taking forever, again, disconcerting... Which seems to be the theme.

Visually it looks good, as you would expect from a ZS movie and there are a few decent 'holy moly' moments, but for the most part the action just didn't bind. Also, the Dolby vision didn't really seem up to scratch.

There seems to be a lot of music randomly placed throughout, which again didn't land, like nearly ALL of the comedy moments.

I liked the fact that they tried to do something different with the zombies eg intelligence and communication skills, but parkour took it a bit too far and there were far too many emotions, Zombies in love? This was the same for the human characters, to soppy in places. It's not that I don't like a movie that fleshes out emotion, but I never got to care about any of the characters so the slow emotional scenes just seemed boring.

The mishmash of androgynous characters didn't work either, I know it's trendy these days but none of them had any chemistry, it had a real Suicide Squad feel to it.

I'm a huge fan of ZS and amongst the minority that Loved BvS and thought Man of Steel was an absolute masterpiece, and of course his Dawn of the Dead remake. Other films such as Watchmen and Sucker Punch admittedly took a second viewing before I realised their class and beauty. But honestly, I don't think I could sit through this again, and that's a real shame because I was really, really looking forward to it.
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Line of Duty: Episode #6.7 (2021)
Season 6, Episode 7
It's the BBC, what did you expect?
2 May 2021
I bet early doors with my lot that the ending would either be very poor or not make sense and that the 'villain' would be a dumb, straight, white guy! Of course they all thought I was mad.... of course I was absolutely right. If you didn't see this coming, take a minute to reflect on why and maybe reanalyse what you're constantly being told! 😂 #cancelyourtvlicence.
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No surprises here, it's Disney, you can fill in the blanks.
24 April 2021
You won't be surprised to learn that the story is about race... But man, they really go for it in this, it completely takes you out of the story. I don't know how it's got to the point where an issue so serious can actually make you cringe when mentioned! It's sad a losing all meaning! It's like they want us to forget about the colour of skin, whilst obsessing and permanently talking about the colour of skin - I'm a little bit lost and genuinely saddened by the state of TV these days. I appreciate the need to get certain messages out there, so damn, make a show about it, but stop shoving it into everything and cheapening both the writing and the message, give us some escape, give us a story without agenda!

Positives. It's well produced, looks pretty and has a good cast. Knock-off Cap played his role really well!
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WandaVision (2021)
Guilty of hastily rating...
6 March 2021
Yes, I was one of the idiots who rated the show after just 2 episodes! Out of context, those 2 episodes weren't that great, a fault on behalf of Disney for the release schedule I feel. Alas, the show goes from strength to strength and ends brilliantly. Great FX and great story, and kudos for trying something different which, in context (you should binge) is brilliant! One other thing, watch the after credit clips (yes, like in the movies and yes, the credits are far too long)

Can't wait for Falcon/WS and Loki now!
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WandaVision (2021)
An enigma
15 January 2021
The first two episodes were intriguing and crap in equal measure... I want to know where it's heading but it needs to get there a bit quicker, it either needed to be released all on one hit or had the 1950's slapstick mixed with a bit more modern day stuff. And those credits! Is there really any need for nearly 10 minutes worth?
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The Ripper (2020)
Netflix nearly tricked me
30 December 2020
What the hell did this 'series' turn in to? I felt at the beginning that there were odd whiffs of things being added into this 'true crime' series that just didn't belong there. By the last episode it doesn't try and hide the fact that it's nothing more than a feminist propaganda mouthpiece. Needless to say I didn't finish the series and solidified my decision to cancel Netflix last month - which I did after the Challenger 'documentary' which did the same as this! Total face palm! Why do they insist on doing this? My partner, a woman, was even bored and let down by what it became!
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Yep. It's 2020
13 December 2020
This is what you get when you put diversity and agenda first and storyline second. The first one was so good, it instantly became one of our favourite Christmas movies. This one? Can we not even have a 'Santa' village anymore? Too toxic? Very, very sad state of affairs when even Santa isn't safe!
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Noelle (2019)
Charming, flawed, predictable, iPad!
29 November 2020
It's reasonably charming if you can see past the social engineering and advertisements. The sets look and feel really Christmassy, something you can well imagine Disney doing well. They got two half decent leads in for a camp and cheesy Christmas movie and it certainly has its charms, the little reindeer is incredibly cute (yes the cgi isn't top notch, but this isn't Infinity War) but of course, like most movies these days nothing is sacred and it does unfortunately fall to the predictable pandering that most movies have done over the past 4-5 years, which is a shame as this could have been a Christmas classic, instead, for me at least, one watch was enough. It wasn't terrible but the messaging spoils what could have been a real charming experience.
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Cars 3 (2017)
2 stars for visuals and sound
26 September 2020
The movie is just like every other PC snooze fest that Disney are pushing out. The Mexican female becomes the star of the show. LM basically becomes irrelevant. It's a little bit like writing superman out of a superman movie.
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Away (2020)
Weirdo mouths!
4 September 2020
I'll keep it short, decent special fx but I found it slow and boring and gave up halfway through!

Also, what's wrongs with everyone's mouths, it looks lip synced or poorly dubbed, I noticed a lot of times sound coming out but the mouths weren't moving, very odd indeed!
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Stargirl (2020–2022)
Demographic? 13-16?
27 August 2020
It wasn't terrible, but not great either. It's very well made with great effects for a tv show. The one thing I struggled with was figuring out who it was made for. It's too adult for children, yet too childish for anyone over 16, it's like it can't make its mind up and in the end was a bit too 'wishy washy teen drama' for this 38 year old child and I feel other shows do a better job of balancing the tone for a larger demographic... But at least it's not Batwoman! 😆
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Scoob! (2020)
Really? We're going for kids now?
9 August 2020
Who puts the line 'toxic masculinity' in a kid's movie? Absolute sick weirdos, that's who! Brainwashed, sick people!
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
Dumb, stupid, dumb!
3 April 2020
There really isn't an explanation for how dumb this movie is. Everyone is just so slow and stupid with everything they do, and don't even get me started on the guards/cops in that hospital scene! Jesus Christ, inept or what?. It's actually very frustrating to watch.
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