
44 Reviews
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Humans (2015–2018)
Watch the original swedish show instead!
13 May 2024
The biggest problems with this show are two major thingss:

1. They have "Jen" from "IT crowd". She basically acts the same, talks the same and is the same person.

It turns into comedy when she gets sad, screams or frustrated. And her weird whispering / mumbling voice of speaking is a mix of annoyance and funny.

Every time she is on set I think of "Jen". This woman is made for pure comedy and not a serious drama like this.

2. There are waaayyyy to many characters in this show! Many that have different storylines that goes nowhere.

Some just get cut abrupt and it just it just felt pointless.

Like an example of a man's wife who fell in love / had sex with a synth. There is an episode where her synth went crazy, and he hits him on the head and we never see her again in the show.

In the swedish show this was a key and major plot and they dwelled very deep into this and it was very interesting and entertaining.

But this show just keeps adding new characters and new storylines that again gets cut abrupt; either they die or the show just stops focus on them.

So it all feels pointless and starts to get boring. It's like they just repeat the formula and get nowhere.

Also season 2 is extremely boring where very little happens.

And due to all these characters and storylines the show progresses very slow.

Acting is okay. Some good actors and some very bad. Like the family's young son is a terrible actor. He just keeps smiling weirdly and doesn't have a clue about anything almost.
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Smile (V) (2022)
98 % of horror movies today totally suck. This is no exception
1 April 2024
It's very sad, because the main actor is good. She is just given a horrible script that is a rippoff between "The Ring" and "It Follows." The thing about this movie is the creepy smile on people before they commit suicide. I know it's supposed to look creepy but I couldn't burst out laughing how silly it looked. If they had hired some better actors for the "smile" part maybe theyc ould have pulled of a smile that was actually creepy, and not just look plain stupid making me laugh all the time.

Also be prepared for a lot stupid jumpscares just for the sake of jumpscaring that has nothing to do with the plot.

As an example one jump scare of her friend breaking her neck is just in her mind. After that jumpscare it's not mentioned again and her friend is okay.

A message to modern directors: CUT the jumpscares please! It's just annoying and does not make your movie scary. A child could go "boo!" and scary anyone. It doesn't take talent or good writing to create a jumpscare.
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P2 (2007)
15 jumpscares. Still got bored
29 March 2024
I can deal with a horror movie having 1 or 2 really good jumpscares. But 15? That is 13 too many.

Also the jumpscares were so predictable you could practically count then down to the second they appear.

So why did I count jumpscares for this one? Well during the first 6 minutes we already got two jumpscares!

Just silly one like meeting a guy around a corner in the office.

The movie drags on for way too long and is highly unrealistic. The place is full of cameras everywhere and this crazy security guard goes on a rampage killing a guy by basically splattering him all over the wall and chasing her all around.

At least the acting is good, at least on her side. Him was a bit too stale and cliché.

Watch if you have nothing better to do and turn your brain off.
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Funny Games (1997)
Highly overrated, but still good
2 March 2024
I don't mind slow burning movies, but this movie really testes your patience.

The beginning it's good, because it builds up this creepy atmosphere. But slow burning keeps going through every scene: Way too much dialogue and even some scenes I thought the movie had frozen since it really showed a still scene for minutes without anything moving. Yes I know they tried to make the viewer take in the schocking scene, but 2 - 3 minutes of watching nothing gets boring.

I had to skip several minutes to progress since it annoyed the hell out of me.

Very good acting, though one of the evil guys talk waaayyyy too much with a way to monotome tone.

Would recommend to watch if you are tired of hollywood and have nothing else to do one evening.

Would never bother to watch again.
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26 February 2024
A movie should never be boring. If you are not engaged after 10 minutes, just turn it off. Actually a movie should have you engaged from the first 20 seconds. It's a feeling it give you, either it be the music, characters, the atmosphere, it should have you sucked in and never let go.

This movie never did that. I did the mistake of "giving it a chance" which you never should.

It's like being on a first date. If you are not attracted to the girl or like her the first time, you never will.

Hence why there are so many broken marriages I guess.

Anyway, tid I tell you this movie is boring? It's so boring I almost forgot what it was about. Because it is about nothing really. Also a lot of things that happens in the movie is very unrealistic. And the ending tries to give you tears, but fails.

Now the movie made me so tired since it was a bore I need to get some sleep.
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Dagon (2001)
A 1 1/2 hour movie that feels like 3 hours.
8 February 2024
A movie that lasts 1 1/2 hour feels like it lasts 3 hours. Do I need to say more?

In computer games I hate backgracking. I didn't realise I would hate it in a movie too, but Dagon manages to do a lot of backtracking from the very beginning = goes away from the boat, goes back. Goes away from hotel, go back. Wander around. Go back. The whole movie feels like it's going nowhere. It's like an on / off switch between being "normal" and being overboard crazy. Also a lot of bad acting here. It feels like a b movie but with a bigger budget.

It's boring and I didn't really care what happened to the main character.

It's a movie you can see many times but still don't remember anything than happeend since it's so damn boring.
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V/H/S/2 (2013)
Ruined the "found footage" genre
5 February 2024
The first VHS was not that bad. Some of the episodes were down right creepy, original and had good actors. Though one episode with ghosts / demons was pretty stupid and over the top.

But it was entertaining and fairly good. So I give it a 8 / 10 rating.

Now this VHS 2 is a downright waste of time: Bad acting, super predictable plot, not original and just downright boring and not scary at all.

They also use way too much zombies in this one. Zombies that runs to the camera and saying "UUuaaaAaargghAA".... veeery scary -_-

It also falls into one of found footage biggest problem: Why would you film this? Or why would you even carry a camera at this point?

Also it uses multiple camera angels which makes no sense, so they could have basically just shot it like a normal movie.

But then they couldn't mask up their horrible camera work, effects and bad acting.

Speaking of effects = Super annoying "broken" camera effects and scratchy metallic sounds constantly used to cut to other scenes or mask horrible acting and effects.

Worst crap I ever saw. Avoid at all cost.
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Wiseguy (1987–1990)
First 10 episodes is golden
26 January 2024
The first 10 episodes is so good, it's like a long good movie you have to see through it's end. But once he leave the mafia family, the series sort of loses itself and becomes a bit too absurd.

But still interesting with new plots, twists and excellent actors and characters.

My only gripe is that the main character is a bit too perfect and kind of turns into a Mary Sue: Does all the right things, says the right things, morally higher than everyone and every woman falls in love with him.

A bit hard to relate to a guy like that for the majority of viewers and sort of takes away the realism.

7 / 10 score.
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Final Prayer (2013)
Annoying jumpscares and silly ending
28 November 2023
First, this movie dragged on for too long with not much happening. It's only one likeable character in this movie too, as the rest are too goofy and also acting bad.

The jumpscares was unnecessary and just annoying. One time I flipped my finger at the screen since it just made annoyed. Jumpscares are just a cheap way of getting the viewer to jump. Anyone can do it and it has nothing to do with horror or fear.

The ending was so stupid and silly it had me laughing. I won't spoil anything but it made no sense and felt like a cheap way to end the movie.

Sadly its hard to find a really good found footage movie these days. Waiting for Creep 3.
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When's it gonna start?
23 September 2023
While watching this I was constantly wondering when is it going to start? By that I mean like a real plot with characers you care about. The pasing and action is like a constant on / off switch. It's either full on , or completely off. And the worst part = not sure if this is supposed to be comedy or actually try to scare people.

It's like that scene from the new IT movie = the naked woman comes screaming towards the camera with her tits dangling. I just laughed out loud because of how goofy it looked.

Also the budget seems very low for this. They are crammed inside the same place and it goes on / off / on off.
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Villain (1971)
Boring, didn't care
28 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
When a movie is boring and I don't care about the characters I must give it a 1 rating.

Also the story and characters are so confusing, you have no clue what they are planning or are about. You get some vague insight of what they pland but the viewer just sits there clueless.

Also there is way too much dialogue, boring talking that isn't even funny or interesting dragging things out.

Also when his mom is dead in bed, you can clearly see her breathing (chest moving up and down). This is extremely lazy and I've seen cheap tv show do this better.

Don't waste your time with this gangster movie. There are plenty of others that are heaps better.
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The Office (2005–2013)
Funny and charming
25 August 2020
Really funny satire show. It's all about cringy and ackward moments. The boss is a selfish, stupid and self acclaimed comedian who thinks everyone loves him. When sadly it's the opposite. During the seasons you get to know each character and grow fond of them. Characters you might despice in the beginning you start to get to know really well and eventually start loving them. As the show goes on you sort of become a like a fly on the wall and understand all the internal jokes. It's sad when it ended. I felt like I lost a family hehe.
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Black Mirror: Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too (2019)
Season 5, Episode 3
Worst episode of Black MIrror
15 August 2020
Just avoid. Horrible acting by MIley Cyrus. Stupid plot that makes no sense
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The 100 (2014–2020)
Big face palm!
9 August 2020
So, they want these young prisoner kids to set foot on ground for the first time in 100 years, so they can start rehabitating the planet.... ...without any water, food or supplies? This show is clearly ment for kids who can't think. Also the actors are way too good looking it's distracting and annoying. Super models, stranded on earth! Ammagad"
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The Expanse (2015–2022)
Can't believe I watched 4 episodes of this
23 July 2020
I don't know where to start.

This TV series is like a clusterfuc** of a mess mushed together. It's n ot funny, it's not exciting, the characters are shallow and bland like some cartoon card board characters.

The acting is stiff or makes no sense: Over drama when not needed and under drama when needed. I didn't give one flying F what happened to the characters. Neither you get to know them. You have no clue what they stand for or what makes them tick.

Also the show is so much wannabe-Battlestar Galactica that it gets annoying.

Bottomline: The whole thing is a confusing mess, and I lost track of why they are there and what they are fighting.

Avoid at all costs. It's better to re-watch Battlestar Galactica if you need your sci-fi fix
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Horrible remake!
20 July 2020
If you seen the original, don't watch this! It's a waste of time. Bad acting, non-likeable characters, horrible writing, lazy directing and cutting. And ton of non-logical actions by the characters. It's also very boring at times. Avoid at all cost!
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Thelma (2017)
Slow, boring and pretentious
30 June 2020
It's okay if a movie wants to be different and try something else. But this just feels like a mix of everything I have seen before, only trying to mask it as something unique.

The pacing of the movie is also incredibly slow. Having countrless meaningless scenes with characters that we don't see againt or have nothing to do with the plot. Every time something interesting or exciting starts to happend, it's abruptly cut and back to the boring and mundaine.

This movie could easily been cut down to 60 minutes if they had removed all the long tedious scenes.

At the end of the movie it at least starts to pick up the pace. But it's too late.
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
Don't believe the score or good reviews!
26 March 2020
It starts out good. You wonder what is really happening. Then in the middle part it drags out, and becomes really boring. And at the end, sadly like most horror movies these days, it goes overboard with action and just ends up silly and almost comical at times. What really baffles me is the use of CGI animations when people fall. It looks cartoony and just made me laugh.
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Armageddon (1998)
Pompus, tiresome and hero worshipping
24 February 2020
When the movie was finish I was really tired. Why? Constant camera panning, explosions, flashing lights, zooming, slow motion and that the movie is just too long. The actors also talk too much. When they are in the middle of danger they look in to the camera and say these cheesy one liners. I will never see this movie again. I hope.
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The X-Files (1993–2018)
Watch season 1
22 January 2020
Season one is the best. Every episode is so strange and interesting and usually with a twist at the end. The chemistry between Scully and Mulder is amazing. She is the rational one who has to ground him, but he also opens her mind.

Sadly the series decline after season 1 and starts to be more about boring government experiments, abduction and aliens.

I watched every season. There are some ups and downs but a steady decline sadly. In season 11 everything is just mediocre and boring and you really don't care much what is happening.
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Joker (I) (2019)
Good movie, but doesn't belong in the Batman universe
19 January 2020
I felt they used the title "Joker" just to get more people to the cinema. It's like a click bait thumbnail on Youtube, only that once you clicked it, you will still watch the entire thing because it's very interesting and good.

The whole thing feels like a realistic, almost documentary style of dwelling in the mind of a madman and how he reaches breaking point.

All this is happening in Gotham city, but it feels just like any normal city. So when they put some of the Batman story lines in there it just felt out of place and sort of ruined the realism of it all. It would have been better if they left it out.

But don't get me wrong. It's a great movie. Go watch it. Joaquin Phoenix is amazing. He better get an Oscar for this.
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The Red Baron (2008)
Flawed both in historical accuracy and acting
19 January 2020
First off, they got Richthofen's personality all wrong. In the movie they portray him as a guy who only wants to shoot down the plane and not at the pilot. In reality Richthofen aimed at the pilot. He even stated himself that if you kill the pilot you don't have to deal with him later in the air. And you get to flies with one stone: his plane as well.

The acting is also pretty bad. Some actors are good but the majority can't act at all. Making it cringy and painful to watch.

Also there are very little aerial battle. Most drama happens on the ground.

And they don't even show off Richthofen's last aerial battle before he died? What the... you just see him sitting in a plane before take off... then it fades to black and later we see his mistress visit his grave.

Don't bother watching this. You gain nothing and you learn nothing about the man himself.
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Aces High (1976)
Why I give this a 10 / 10
26 November 2019
Firstly, the movie is never boring. Every scene something interesting happening, either there be aerial combat or interesting drama. You really feel you are there with the pilots. And you get to know them. It also has very good character development. You see how war changes people. And for the young recruit, he quickly become a man in a couple of weeks and learn the harsh reality of life, both in women and how dirty and cruel war really is. That is why I give this a 10 / 10. It doesn't try to glorify anything, but rather show how horrible war is and what it does to people. Also the same reason I gave Paths of Glory a 10 / 10.

Go see it!
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Season 1 is okay, but then...
11 November 2019
...after that it goes downhill: Bad actors and pretty predictable and boring stories. Most ends up dealing with ghosts or the person is dead without knowing it. It also feels very low budget compared to Twilight Zone and Outer Limits.
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So boring I had to leave the cinema
16 September 2019
I've seen the other "Once upon a time" films. The "West" was good. The "America" I found too long and boring. Every scene dragged out way to the point of annoyance.

Same with this "Hollywood" version now directed by Quentin Tarantino; It seems the entire movie is a documentary of details and recreation of how it looked back in those days. That is fine, but don't forget you are filming a movie. Not adapting a book that has to describe how everything looks, how a person walks, and how the methodically smoke their cigarette. That is boring to watch and is not driving the story.

So after 1 1/2 hour and the movie still doesn't make me care for the characters or what the point of the movie is, making me sit in my chair yawning and still wondering what the plot is, me and my date also agree to go as I saw she was bored as hell. Several other people in the cinema had left before us too.

So I am wondering what all the praise for this bore fest is? I might watch it again later on other means just to see the ending. A day I am bored and have nothing else to do.
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